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Prison Planet Escape. (the end)

Re: Prison Planet Escape.


(We should get to know our new party members /Eline's new girlfriend better and get them some gear of their own, they won't be able to carry much without their own item purses. Also webby and Maline will work well for taking down that guy in the trapped room, Maline is another kinetic user and Webby can web him in place and has awesome agility.)

D. Go the trapped place with all the traps and the dude we talked our way out of fighting last time. Let's go kick his ass and take his stuff.

Have 569 give Maline the other Wave pulsar the shield backpack and the laser blaster, Have Fe'da give Webby the shock cannon, Maline the night vision goggles, and Eline the trap map.

X. Have the tailor robot use the broken labcoat 569 has to make Webby something to wear.

Store the various unidentified and infected gear and gadgets.

Have Fe'da charge the shock cannon both shield generators and the laser blaster

Before the current party leaves have Eline give Fe'da a wink and tell her not to have to have too much fun with 569 while the party is gone.

Have Webby equip the shock cannon and Maline the laser blaster.

Re: Prison Planet Escape.

Webby Maline

"You know.. I think I should take you two new girls out on a little run. You two don't taking a break, 569 and Fe'da?"

"not at all!"

"Eh I guess not."

"Great! Let's do some gearing up and get to work on preparations!"

Eline, 569 and Fe'da started off by storing some of the useless and unidenfied stuff they had lying around on the storage area of the room.

569 figured to start the tailorbot and leave it as a permanent resident of the safe room for the time being.

"ready for service!"

569 took the broken labcoat and gave it to the tailor bot for a small shreddy reworks.
The tailor bot swiftly reworked the broken labcoat into small white shorts and a small bra.

"..I guess those work. Here, webby. hmph"

569 tossed the two new clothing pieces to webby.

The bra kept Webby's big bust pretty well in order. Though it was really tight.
The shorts fit pretty nicely though they made her egg sag move up a bit and hang bit akwardly upwards before she could slide them underneath bit better.

569 gave Maline her shield generator, extra wave pulsar and laser blaster.

"I won't be needing them for now, but I expect to get them back in one piece, okay?"

"Yes ma'am!"

Maline tried to figure how to weild these things.. She figured to use the blaster as the main weapon and put the pulsar on her side to hang a bit akwardly.

Maline seemed bit anoyed by the blaster's weight though.

"..ugh. I don't think I'll be able to shoot optimally with this"

Fe'da gave Maline the night vision goggles she had and she also gave Webby the shock cannon she had in store. Fe'da gave Eline the trap map aswell incase she needs it.

"I hope these will be useful!"

"..Ooh. Thiss isss a neat weapon. I feel pretty and powerfull!"

The girls were almost ready to go, however Eline made a little point out:

"I think we should reload all these weapons and gadgets.. Care to help out, Fe'da?"

"Yeah sure, gimme a moment."

Fe'da looked at the stuff they had and took a look at the generators first.

"..hmm.. Oh yeah. These shield things require plasma.. Well.. hey, 569, gimme a plasma ammo box will ya?"

"Okay, just don't use both of em."

569 gave Fe'da her ammo boxes for the time being.
Fe'da applied the plasma on the reactors... Due of the un even charges and some whizkidding she managed just fine with one box.

The shield generators went offline a bit and seemed to start humming.

"They're gona need a while. But I bet they should be back online when you'll get to action.. hopefully."

Eline charged the laser blaster and shock cannon with her power trick as Fe'da didn't really have anything for those.

"Well seems we're ready. Let's go girls!"

Eline, Webby and Maline got up and prepare to move a head. Sapphire, 569 and Fe'da wished them good luck.

Before going out the door, Eline turned backwards a bit:
"Don't have too much fun with 569, Fe'da." She winked at her.

Fe'da blushed a bit and looked away in a shy way.

"So.. Where are we heading then?"

"We're gonna go take down a little robot dude"

"...Sssomething tellsss me itsss probably not sssso little isss it?"

Eline just smirked a bit.

The girls went down the trap filled staircase like a bunch of ninjas.
To the halls and to the sofa room.
Past the zappy zappy with the disc and down the hallways to the laser door.


Eline took a breath and prepared the scanner.

"Prepare yourselves."

Maline and Webby took prepared stances.
The girlscarefully walked in to the seemingly empty room.
Webby and Maline both carefully followed Eline whom was pointing out the traps that the scanner was detecting across the room.

They were all back active it seems.


After a few scan rounds, she found the disturbance once again.
"...Here we go."
She focused on it.. And the tall, slender, black mean looking android/robot was once again starting to appear into sight.

"...I knew it."

"..Congratsula-- ... Oh it's you again. You do remember what I told you last time around do you not?"

"Oh yes I do. And this time around we're here to give you an ass whooping!"

"... Very well then, challengers. Prepare yourselves for combat. Starting in 10 seconds."

The black slithering "skin" of the android was intensifying its slithering movements, it's almost like it was starting to get ready to form something more form it... The droid took a bit more threatening posture as it was now staring down on Eline, Maline and Webby.

Eline was feeling pretty confident, Maline was bit confused, and Webby was bit unsure how to act here.

Regardless, it was combat time, that was sure.

Eline's shield generator was ready and charged, but Maline's seemed to still be humming..

A) Go forward and strike!. (What and What)
B) ..Uhh actually lets get back. (Retreat)
C) Other?

x. Additional other.

The party:
Eline's stats:
Level 14.

Endurance 9 (+1 from item)
Stamina 10
Agility 10
Strength 7
Willpower 10
Technic 11
Psychic 13

100/100 HP
65/65 psychic energy
28/140 exp.


Psychic abilities:
Shockwave. 15 energy. 8 - 30 damage. (causes concussion)
Light up. 10 energy. Provide light
Kinetic. 20 energy. Next attack is Autohit. Can be used to take items from afar.
Hower up. 15 energy. Fly away nooow

Head - Nightvision Goggles
Top - Labcoat.
Legs - Striped Panties
Boots - JetBoots (24/30 fuel). (+1 agility)
Wrists - PDA (hacking key (2 charges)) Shield PDA (200/200 'HP').
Hands -
Waist - Item purse. Technic waist (+1 endurance, shield gadget (5 charges)) Psychic Amplifier (41/50)
Back - Power Shield Generator (200/200)

Weilding: Wave Pulser (12/12)(ammo modded)

Special gadget:
Power Trick. Transfer normal energy to power for Electric and Laser weapons and gadgets.
(3 uses a day) (1 left)

Purse(level 3):
Psychic charger. 3x Antidote. Wave Pulser (12/12)(ammo modded). 3x energy pills (hp). 2x Sludge vials.
1x damage increase tech mod. Shield Generator (7 charges(modded, charge increaser) 1x grenade. Gadget energy charger.
Teleport disc (10/10), 2x Canned food, Scanner(15/20), Odd rope. Breast increaser gadget (3 charges) 1x Super Energy pills (hp)
1x gas grenade (fatique) Tazer. Laser pistol (192/200) 1 birth control pill.
25 credits. Wonderful Meal. 3x Acid vial. Memory Vial (Sapphire)
2x jupiter bar
2x coldest water
1x Coffee
Staircase trap map.

Maline's stats:
level 12

Endurance 12
Stamina 13
Agility 9
Willpower 8
Strength 5
Technic 8
Psychic 8

130/130 HP
40/40 PE
0/120 exp.

"This weapon is heavy.." - 15 to firing rolls.

Passive: Impreg resistance. +15
Lustify. 15 PE. Makes the target more horny..
Kinetic. 20 PE
Racial: Vitality charge. heal 50% health on use. (3 charges a day)

Head - Nightvision goggles
Top - Labcoat
Legs -
Boots -
Wrists -
Hands -
Waist - Wave pulsar (10/10)
Back - Power Shield Generator (200/200) (not ready)
Weilding: Laser Blaster. (40/40) (modded: Damage increase (+2), Scope mod (+10 accuracy))


Webby's stats:
level 12

Endurance 15
Stamina 10
Agility 15
Willpower 7
Strength 7
Technic 7
Psychic 1

100/100 HP
0/120 exp.


Eggsack status: 8/20

Passive: Better Eyesight. +10 to hit with weapons.
Passive: Poison immunity. Immune to poison.
Passive: Go dooown. +25 to agility checks.
Poison bite! (5 - 10 natural damage on going) 100% full.
Web! Toss a web at foe to make them stay in place for easier hitting. 100% full.

Head -
Top - Small White Bra
Legs - White Shorts
Boots -
Wrists -
Hands -
Waist -
Back -
Weilding: Shock cannon (50/50)


Hidden Trapper lvl 18 (250/250 HP)

Speed order
Hidden Trapper
Re: Prison Planet Escape.

C. Webby tries to web up trapper, Eline uses Shockwave, Malibe stands back till shield kicks on; then uses laser blaster.
Re: Prison Planet Escape.

C. Eline uses shockwave, then Maline uses kinetic, then Webby uses web. Then when he's hopefully down and fucked make with the pew pew.
Re: Prison Planet Escape.

C. All of the immobility moves


Eline gave the girls determined looks and quickly gave them the orders:
"Maline! Webby! Prepare to slow down this sucka, you should know how."


Webby nodded nervously and Maline seemed to get herself to understand just what to do.


"Move out!"

As the girls spread around, the android lighted up its eye for a big glow and suddenly, at amazing speed it dashed right at Maline!


It took her quite far from the girls. Maline tried to struggle away from the androids grib but it was extremely tight.
The android spawned some sort of a blop with its other hand.. Tossed below Maline.. And suddenly several weird, slime like, bit silicone like tentacles spawned from it!

As the tentacles secured a grib on Maline the android released her and did a sweet backflip, turning back towards the girls.

"...Whoa. Now that is seriously fast." Eline was bit in awe and shock.
Webby took a bit more serious looking face now.

Maline was bit confused by the tentacles at first.. But it was no surprise what they were planning to do, as more of them crawled out of the orb.. positioning near her uncovered lower holes..

"..Oh dear."

The tentacles at first gave her a little rub rub.. took some distance and then..!

With a big push the medium sized tentacles penetrated both of her holes with low effort. The tentacles began to thrust in her, twist and vibrate..
Maline let out some moans as they were ravaging her private holes slowly but surely, building up slight pleaasure at excelerating rate.

faster.. Faster.. and then SPLUT! The tentacles seemed to have reached a climax and Maline also felt the coming!

"...OH!.. oooh.. hoo hoo.."

But this still seemed quite like the tentacles would be merely starting.
The tentacles only retreated for a short while.. But Maline could possibly have a chance to make for the break here.

During this time, the battle between the girls and the droid has had a nice turn though.

Webby with her agile and great sight had used her web reserves to shoot out sticky web net right where the droid was going at while it was on the move!

With the sticky net weighting it down and making it impossible to dodge, Eline took the chance to fire off a shockwave!

Using great excegerated posture as if she was from an anime show she blasted her shockwave! ...But it didn't hit the robo dude that well afterall.
It was no direct hit but she managed to damage and make the thing spazz out a bit.

"..Ah damn it. I can do better than that!"

"..It was an o-okay hit."

The web was shred from the trapper due of the shockwaves great force.

"... impressive. This is gonna be a glorious fight."

Even with the slight spazz out the trapper was easily back standing.
Guess it might've slowed it down atleast a little bit?

A) Continue attacking (what and what action)
--1 Have webby or eline help maline out
--2 Let maline struggle out by herself
B) Retreat!
C) Give up!
D) Other?

The party:
Eline's stats:
Level 14.

Endurance 9 (+1 from item)
Stamina 10
Agility 10
Strength 7
Willpower 10
Technic 11
Psychic 13

100/100 HP
54/65 psychic energy
28/140 exp.


Psychic abilities:
Shockwave. 15 energy. 8 - 30 damage. (causes concussion)
Light up. 10 energy. Provide light
Kinetic. 20 energy. Next attack is Autohit. Can be used to take items from afar.
Hower up. 15 energy. Fly away nooow

Head - Nightvision Goggles
Top - Labcoat.
Legs - Striped Panties
Boots - JetBoots (24/30 fuel). (+1 agility)
Wrists - PDA (hacking key (2 charges)) Shield PDA (200/200 'HP').
Hands -
Waist - Item purse. Technic waist (+1 endurance, shield gadget (5 charges)) Psychic Amplifier (40/50)
Back - Power Shield Generator (200/200)

Weilding: Wave Pulser (12/12)(ammo modded)

Special gadget:
Power Trick. Transfer normal energy to power for Electric and Laser weapons and gadgets.
(3 uses a day) (1 left)

Purse(level 3):
Psychic charger. 3x Antidote. Wave Pulser (12/12)(ammo modded). 3x energy pills (hp). 2x Sludge vials.
1x damage increase tech mod. Shield Generator (7 charges(modded, charge increaser) 1x grenade. Gadget energy charger.
Teleport disc (10/10), 2x Canned food, Scanner(15/20), Odd rope. Breast increaser gadget (3 charges) 1x Super Energy pills (hp)
1x gas grenade (fatique) Tazer. Laser pistol (192/200) 1 birth control pill.
25 credits. Wonderful Meal. 3x Acid vial. Memory Vial (Sapphire)
2x jupiter bar
2x coldest water
1x Coffee
Staircase trap map.

Maline's stats:
level 12

Endurance 12
Stamina 13
Agility 9
Willpower 8
Strength 5
Technic 8
Psychic 8

116/130 HP
40/40 PE
0/120 exp.

"This weapon is heavy.." - 15 to firing rolls.
wet n slightly horny. -10 to struggle resist.

Passive: Impreg resistance. +15
Lustify. 15 PE. Makes the target more horny..
Kinetic. 20 PE
Racial: Vitality charge. heal 50% health on use. (3 charges a day)

Head - Nightvision goggles
Top - Labcoat
Legs -
Boots -
Wrists -
Hands -
Waist - Wave pulsar (10/10)
Back - Power Shield Generator (200/200) (not ready)
Weilding: Laser Blaster. (40/40) (modded: Damage increase (+2), Scope mod (+10 accuracy))


Webby's stats:
level 12

Endurance 15
Stamina 10
Agility 15
Willpower 7
Strength 7
Technic 7
Psychic 1

100/100 HP
0/120 exp.


Eggsack status: 8/20

Passive: Better Eyesight. +10 to hit with weapons.
Passive: Poison immunity. Immune to poison.
Passive: Go dooown. +25 to agility checks.
Poison bite! (5 - 10 natural damage on going) 100% full.
Web! Toss a web at foe to make them stay in place for easier hitting. 80% full.

Head -
Top - Small White Bra
Legs - White Shorts
Boots -
Wrists -
Hands -
Waist -
Back -
Weilding: Shock cannon (50/50)

Trapper vs Maline
75 + 15 vs 74
33 vs 49!
47 (success)
Heavy sex attack!
69 vs 34
14 dmg!

Webby vs Trapper! (web)
87 + 20 (107) vs 48 + 15 (63)
entangled in web!
Eline vs Trapper! (Shockwave)
30 + 10 (40) vs 83 - 50 (33)
17 dmg!
Trapper released.
-------new turn 4 PE to Eline-----


Hidden Trapper lvl 18 (233/250 HP) (-10 to dodge and atk)

Speed order
Hidden Trapper (Dropped below webby due of slowdown of concussion)
Re: Prison Planet Escape.

A2. Whatever hits the hardest.
Re: Prison Planet Escape.

It seems that I should check the speed order before I think out my posts.

A1. Webby: web dat droids legs. Eline: use kinetic to hold the robot so, Maline has an easier time escaping.

Maline: Escape. If possible use kinetic to stop the robot from grabbing you again.

Next initiative round.

Webby: If Maline is free and the robot hasn't grabbed anyone else use that BFG your new friends gave you. (Bonus points if the robot is a sitting duck due to being kinetic'd.) Otherwise web its legs up some more.

Eline: Hopefully the robot is now fucked up due to lightening, if so hit it with a shockwave. (That'll teach it to get grabby with your new girlfriend.) If not use kinetic again.

Maline: The robot has either just been hit with lightening, and a shockwave, or is webbed up and held still with psychic power, shoot dat bitch with the laser.
Re: Prison Planet Escape.

It seems that I should check the speed order before I think out my posts.

A1. Webby: web dat droids legs. Eline: use kinetic to hold the robot so, Maline has an easier time escaping.

Maline: Escape. If possible use kinetic to stop the robot from grabbing you again.

Next initiative round.

Webby: If Maline is free and the robot hasn't grabbed anyone else use that BFG your new friends gave you. (Bonus points if the robot is a sitting duck due to being kinetic'd.) Otherwise web its legs up some more.

Eline: Hopefully the robot is now fucked up due to lightening, if so hit it with a shockwave. (That'll teach it to get grabby with your new girlfriend.) If not use kinetic again.

Maline: The robot has either just been hit with lightening, and a shockwave, or is webbed up and held still with psychic power, shoot dat bitch with the laser.

Seconded here, also what usables effect the trapper (if any)?
Re: Prison Planet Escape.

, also what usables effect the trapper (if any)?

- Sludge Vial can slow
- Normal Grenade can damage


Maline was a bit worried on how the tentacles were positioning again..
She looked towards Eline and let out a little yell.

"Oh damn, hold on, Maline!"

"..I'll continue what I was doing"

Webby made up yet another sticky web net and blam!
The sticky net got the trapper right off guard!


Eline ran towards Maline and used her psychics to stop the tentacles from the orb right off the bat as they were about to penetrate her!
Maline had already prepared herself for another pounding but now that they were just frozen still she had very easy time pushing them aside and getting out of their tangle..

Maline fixed herself and took a grip of her blaster and turned towards the orb.
She pointed the gun towards the orb but she didn't pull the trigger as she noticed something.. Something was seriously off about the orb.. She prodded and then slammed the orb with her gun! It shattered to thousand pieces and vanished to thin air!
Seems these tentacle minion thingies can't take any hits at all after their prey is released.

"You alright, Maline?"

"Yeah, I'm alright now! .. Just could've helped me a tiny bit earlier"

"..uhh was bit occupied, hehe.."

The trapper was still hold in place but it didnt seem too.. impressed.
Webby noticed that the trapper was pointing at her with its hand..
With a fast reaction Webby dodged immidiatly as the trapper seemed to shot a real nasty looking laser from its hand!

"Target missed."


Webby got on her knees from her roll and immidiatly fired her new shock cannon at the trapper!


The shock blast seemed to hit the trapper pretty nasty! The electrict crackled around its body as it fell on its knees for a short while..
But now that it was released from the web due of the shots power, it didn't stay down for too long.


The trappers eye glowed as it suddenly fired a dash at Webby!
But once more, too slow! Webby rolled out of the way just in time.
As the trappers dash stopped, it was glowing with a purple outline and began lifting in the air.

Eline had took the chance and lifted the bastard up with kinetics!

"Now Maline!"


Maline fired her blaster and hit the android dood in the.. foot. Dealing really minor damage.

"...aw damn it."

Released once more the trapper fell on its feet and got back up.

"Getting real tired of this immobilizing shit here."

The girls had the trapper surrounded pretty well it seems.
But can they keep it up like this?

A) Keep up the attacking.
B) Run away!
C) Other?

The party:
Eline's stats:
Level 14.

Endurance 9 (+1 from item)
Stamina 10
Agility 10
Strength 7
Willpower 10
Technic 11
Psychic 13

100/100 HP
23/65 psychic energy
28/140 exp.


Psychic abilities:
Shockwave. 15 energy. 8 - 30 damage. (causes concussion)
Light up. 10 energy. Provide light
Kinetic. 20 energy. Next attack is Autohit. Can be used to take items from afar.
Hower up. 15 energy. Fly away nooow

Head - Nightvision Goggles
Top - Labcoat.
Legs - Striped Panties
Boots - JetBoots (24/30 fuel). (+1 agility)
Wrists - PDA (hacking key (2 charges)) Shield PDA (200/200 'HP').
Hands -
Waist - Item purse. Technic waist (+1 endurance, shield gadget (5 charges)) Psychic Amplifier (38/50)
Back - Power Shield Generator (200/200)

Weilding: Wave Pulser (12/12)(ammo modded)

Special gadget:
Power Trick. Transfer normal energy to power for Electric and Laser weapons and gadgets.
(3 uses a day) (1 left)

Purse(level 3):
Psychic charger. 3x Antidote. Wave Pulser (12/12)(ammo modded). 3x energy pills (hp). 2x Sludge vials.
1x damage increase tech mod. Shield Generator (7 charges(modded, charge increaser) 1x grenade. Gadget energy charger.
Teleport disc (10/10), 2x Canned food, Scanner(15/20), Odd rope. Breast increaser gadget (3 charges) 1x Super Energy pills (hp)
1x gas grenade (fatique) Tazer. Laser pistol (192/200) 1 birth control pill.
25 credits. Wonderful Meal. 3x Acid vial. Memory Vial (Sapphire)
2x jupiter bar
2x coldest water
1x Coffee
Staircase trap map.

Maline's stats:
level 12

Endurance 12
Stamina 13
Agility 9
Willpower 8
Strength 5
Technic 8
Psychic 8

116/130 HP
40/40 PE
0/120 exp.

"This weapon is heavy.." - 15 to firing rolls.
wet n slightly horny. -10 to struggle resist.

Passive: Impreg resistance. +15
Lustify. 15 PE. Makes the target more horny..
Kinetic. 20 PE
Racial: Vitality charge. heal 50% health on use. (3 charges a day)

Head - Nightvision goggles
Top - Labcoat
Legs -
Boots -
Wrists -
Hands -
Waist - Wave pulsar (10/10)
Back - Power Shield Generator (200/200) (not ready)
Weilding: Laser Blaster. (39/40) (modded: Damage increase (+2), Scope mod (+10 accuracy))


Webby's stats:
level 12

Endurance 15
Stamina 10
Agility 15
Willpower 7
Strength 7
Technic 7
Psychic 1

100/100 HP
0/120 exp.


Eggsack status: 8/20

Passive: Better Eyesight. +10 to hit with weapons.
Passive: Poison immunity. Immune to poison.
Passive: Go dooown. +25 to agility checks.
Poison bite! (5 - 10 natural damage on going) 100% full.
Web! Toss a web at foe to make them stay in place for easier hitting. 60% full.

Head -
Top - Small White Bra
Legs - White Shorts
Boots -
Wrists -
Hands -
Waist -
Back -
Weilding: Shock cannon (50/50)
Webby vs Trapper (Web!)
19 + 20 (39) vs 13 + 5 (18)
Entangled in web!

Eline helps out Maline! (Kinetic!)
82 + 10 (92) vs 35 - 30 (5)

Maline managed to destroy the minion!

Trapper vs Webby!
68 + 5 (73) vs 85 + 20 (105)
Sick dodging skills!

Eline gains 4PE.

Webby vs Trapper!
96 + 20 (114) vs 61 - 50 (11)
13 + 14 * 2 = (58) dmg!
No flinch

Trapper vs Webby
67 + 5 (72) vs 65 + 20 (85)

Eline vs trapper (kinetic!)
92 + 10 (102) vs 15 + 5 (20)

Maline vs Trapper (autohit)

---Eline gained 5 pe---


Hidden Trapper lvl 18 (169/250 HP) (-10 to dodge and atk)

Speed order
Hidden Trapper
Re: Prison Planet Escape.

A. Webby webs, Eline tosses grenade, Maline blasts with Laser.
Re: Prison Planet Escape.


Round 1: Webby webs, Eline uses shockwave, Maline uses kinetic.
Round 2: webby fires her lighteninng cannon, Eline uses kinetic, and Maline fires the laser.
Re: Prison Planet Escape.


Round 1: Webby webs, Eline uses shockwave, Maline uses kinetic.
Round 2: webby fires her lighteninng cannon, Eline uses kinetic, and Maline fires the laser.

This but focusing on the trappers motors so it gets imobilized to the point where we can get it to surrender if not then aim for it's main power lines (if any)

Oh ya and trying to stay on the move since the trapper seems to be unveiling it's trump card.
Re: Prison Planet Escape.


The girls were keeping up their caution as the trapper was getting pretty angry.
Webby attempted to web the thing once more but this time her aim was off!
The trapper jumped up as webby tossed her web and managed to avoid it.

"Aw damn it."

While the trapper was in the air, it made a fast spin motion tossing.. things around the area that were invisible to the naked eye.
most likely more traps.

However as the trapper landed, it came to notice that Eline had tossed it a little gift..

A grenade.

"Aw hell."


The grenade detonated with brute force right below the trapper which absorded the blow taking some major damage!

With that, it was easy for Maline to kinetic up the trapper, and voila, it was once more being held still.
With the trapper being held still, Webby gave it a little taste of the shock cannon!

Zippity zappity zoo! The trapper was crackling with electricity as it once more fell down from the wild ride it was on.


It looked pretty beat.. But it was glowing red for a bit.. and parts of the trappers body that were damaged before began to repair themselves.

"Oh no you wont!"

Eline took the trapper once more for another ride with her kinetics!
With the trapper in the air, Maline was able to get herself ready for a unmissable shot with the laser blaster!

"...I'll get you now!"

Maline took aim.. charged up the shot and..


Perfect critical hit to the head.
The shot rammed in through the top of the trappers head and inside its body!
One big bang later and the trapper turned to smithereens.

All the traps in the room made crackling sounds and seemed to overheat, breaking up.

(80 exp to all)


"..Who whoa. We did it?"

"..I think we did?"


Eline excitly jump hugged Maline!


Maline was bit taken by surprise.
Eline released hold and stepped back.

"..Oh sorry. Hehe. Lost self control."

"Nothing to be sorry about, I was gonna do that too"




"..yeah okay."

"..Wasss I ssssuppousssed to do that too?"


And then awkwardness was in the air as the girls decided to rest a bit.
Eline checked up the vault the girls failed to open last time they were here..

She seemed to anticipate something..



and there it was.

Eline entered the code and took a peek for the loot inside.

2 item purses.

"Oh my! Hey girls, good news!"

"Ooh what is it?"

"You two can now too carry stuff!"

Eline gave webby and maline both an item purse
and there was much rejoicing!
Not to mention the shield device and maline was now also working correctly.

with that and bit of rest the girls now looked at the place they were in and where they could go..

A) Get across the gab in the room to the otherside. (Eline can use her boots or hower up, Maline and webby will have to agility check unless eline gives her boots to one of them)
B) Go to another location in this floor
--1. The southest room at the south east wing.
--2. The western room at the south east wing.
--3. take the normal door at the north east wing.
--4. take a peek at the ruins
C) Go back to the floor above and..
--1. Go through the laser door to the east in the room below
--2. Go down to "tentacle heaven" and take southest door
--3. Go down to "tentacle heaven" and take south east door
--4. Go down to "tentacle heaven" and take north east door
--5. Go down to "tentacle heaven" and take west door
--6. Go two rooms west where the rubble hidden path was and take the west door
--7. Go two rooms west where the rubble hidden path was and take the north door
D). Go to other location all together?

The party:
Eline's stats:
Level 14.

Endurance 9 (+1 from item)
Stamina 10
Agility 10
Strength 7
Willpower 10
Technic 11
Psychic 13

100/100 HP
65/65 psychic energy
108/140 exp.


Psychic abilities:
Shockwave. 15 energy. 8 - 30 damage. (causes concussion)
Light up. 10 energy. Provide light
Kinetic. 20 energy. Next attack is Autohit. Can be used to take items from afar.
Hower up. 15 energy. Fly away nooow

Head - Nightvision Goggles
Top - Labcoat.
Legs - Striped Panties
Boots - JetBoots (24/30 fuel). (+1 agility)
Wrists - PDA (hacking key (2 charges)) Shield PDA (200/200 'HP').
Hands -
Waist - Item purse. Technic waist (+1 endurance, shield gadget (5 charges)) Psychic Amplifier (37/50)
Back - Power Shield Generator (200/200)

Weilding: Wave Pulser (12/12)(ammo modded)

Special gadget:
Power Trick. Transfer normal energy to power for Electric and Laser weapons and gadgets.
(3 uses a day) (1 left)

Purse(level 3):
Psychic charger. 3x Antidote. Wave Pulser (12/12)(ammo modded). 3x energy pills (hp). 2x Sludge vials.
1x damage increase tech mod. Shield Generator (7 charges(modded, charge increaser). Gadget energy charger.
Teleport disc (10/10), 2x Canned food, Scanner(15/20), Odd rope. Breast increaser gadget (3 charges) 1x Super Energy pills (hp)
1x gas grenade (fatique) Tazer. Laser pistol (192/200) 1 birth control pill.
25 credits. Wonderful Meal. 3x Acid vial. Memory Vial (Sapphire)
2x jupiter bar
2x coldest water
1x Coffee
Staircase trap map.

Maline's stats:
level 12

Endurance 12
Stamina 13
Agility 9
Willpower 8
Strength 5
Technic 8
Psychic 8

121/130 HP
24/40 PE
80/120 exp.

"This weapon is heavy.." - 15 to firing rolls.

Passive: Impreg resistance. +15
Lustify. 15 PE. Makes the target more horny..
Kinetic. 20 PE
Racial: Vitality charge. heal 50% health on use. (3 charges a day)

Head - Nightvision goggles
Top - Labcoat
Legs -
Boots -
Wrists -
Hands -
Waist - Wave pulsar (10/10). Item purse
Back - Power Shield Generator (200/200)
Weilding: Laser Blaster. (38/40) (modded: Damage increase (+2), Scope mod (+10 accuracy))



Webby's stats:
level 12

Endurance 15
Stamina 10
Agility 15
Willpower 7
Strength 7
Technic 7
Psychic 1

100/100 HP
80/120 exp.


Eggsack status: 9/20

Passive: Better Eyesight. +10 to hit with weapons.
Passive: Poison immunity. Immune to poison.
Passive: Go dooown. +25 to agility checks.
Poison bite! (5 - 10 natural damage on going) 100% full.
Web! Toss a web at foe to make them stay in place for easier hitting. 50% full.

Head -
Top - Small White Bra
Legs - White Shorts
Boots -
Wrists -
Hands -
Waist - Item purse
Back -
Weilding: Shock cannon (49/50)


Webby vs Trapper (web)
13 + 20 (33) vs 93 + 5 (98)

Trapper sends out traps!

Eline vs Trapper (grenade)
46 vs 20 + 5 (25)
44 dmg!

Maline vs trapper (kinetic!)
47 vs 22 + 5 (27)

---4 PE to both--

Webby shock cannon vs Trapper!
20 * 2 (40) dmg!
No flinch.

Trapper self heal!
17 hp.

Eline kinetics vs trapper!
75 + 10 (85) vs 23 + 5 (28)


Maline vs trapper
42 * 3 (CRIT!)
126 dmg!


80 exp to all.
Re: Prison Planet Escape.

A. Eline solo
Re: Prison Planet Escape.

I'm pretty sure we already explored across the gap, so lets go south.

Re: Prison Planet Escape.

B4 it's the basics, there's always something at the ruins
Edit: it seems I already voted...sorry, don't count this vote
Last edited:
Re: Prison Planet Escape.

you know i am actually thinking of rebooting this thing
while as this was quite fun and all.. It ended up a bit too.. Robotic? Repetitive? .. A bit clustery?

well I don't know but the interest level certainly is low.
So idk, I still kind of like this CYOA and how I put effort on it and all but still

so uhh

Should I try make some sort of a wrap up here and reboot this thing or..?