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Prison Planet Escape. (the end)

Re: Prison Planet Escape.

sorry for the sudden break, have had some things heaving down on my shoulders lately making me have some busy busy times.


The slimes were sludging down.. The queen was in agony.. Everything was pretty woozy woozy around here. Quite a battle raging on about indeed.

The spin'gall commander was unsure on her current targeting abilities.
She kept her gun steady.. But instead of pointing it on Ce'ly, she suddenly switched her target!
"your turn!"
She pointed it at the slime girl servant, sapphire! And ZAP! The cannon fired and hit the servant making her shriek a bit! Servant's empowered stamina debleted. Luckily the shot didn't hit her so hard though.

569 kept her pyro acts up.
"Time to heat up! Mwhahaha!"
She revved up the flamethrower and made a slicing arc of flames! Her flames missed the queen but the unfortunant slime that had seperated before got caught in the way, ignited and popped like a bubble from boiled water!
1 exp to all.

"That's one slime down!"

Slime servant, sapphire was getting ready for action again! She turned her hand into a whip and.. Instead of going for the commander for a vengeance she instead turned towards the tentacles floating about. Two of the tentacles were close by to each other and WHAM!
The slimy tendril whipped across the air slicing the other tentacle in half!
The other one got out of the way though.
The pack was now one tentacle shorter.

2 exp to all.

Rest of the tentacles weren't so thrilled about this slime girls act.
They zipped and zapped towards her! Slime servant was bit worried and dodged with her body going all wibbly wobbly! The first tentacle zipped off missing her completely but suddenly she felt a bubbly wobbly feeling.

When the slime servant got back up, two of the tentacles had latched on her jiggly jelly like slime boobies, suckling on them!

Bit alarmed the slime servant begen to shake and twist herself! She managed to get them off and took a distance.
She covered her jelly tits with her arms and looked pretty insulted towards the two tentacles that were now howering next to each other still pointed towards her, even slime girls have a little decency!

Ce'ly coughed up and gathered her strength. She has been targeted by so many things lately and in her shape, it's quite unfair really. Her mind was aching for beating something up, something to release her tension on.
With the commander distracted by it's target change, Ce'ly focused and... BAM! She shot her mind blast as the commander suddenly shot her eye's wide open, her irises shrunk and she let out a half cough up sound.

The commander collapsed on the ground. Not dead but out cold for sure.
20 exp to all.

"...That felt good."

Eline digged up her purse a bit.. As she took something out she hasn't been using in a while.
"Heads up everyone, GRENADE!"
Eline rolled the grenade in a position on the floor for a maximun colletral damage
"Oh hell no!" 569 began to jump away, as did Eline and rest of the people who were near by.


The grenade exploded sending debris around the room!
One of the slimes was caught in the detonation and shivered up right there, leaving nothing but a puddle. ... However it seems rest of them were lucky enough to barely survive.

The debris smashed on Ce'ly and 569 and they felt bit of a smack from the little splinters.


The grenade really didn't do too much good in here it seems.
It was quite an action scene though!
"Damn it Eline!"


The slimequeen was just too agonized in the flames and the big boom going on about to act. You could tell it was peeking towards Eline though.

Well so was everything else here too though. That grenade was a nice attention seeker.

The spectre was slowly trying to approach Eline but Eline noticed him before it got near her.
"No you won't!"
Eline packed down and so did the spectre. Spectre sure is getting denied here a lot.

Something tried to grapple Eline suddenly though! That one slime got real close to her and tried to send it's tendrils on her! Luckily for Eline her shield gave it a zap and nothing got done here.

"Aw geez."

Rest of the slimes were on the move too!
That one slime that had been trying to get the servant before once more shot it's tendrils on her! It nearly got her, but the servant was faster and more agile at the art of dodging and got away from it.

Ce'ly was bit unlucky and found herself suddenly pinned by the tentacle's of the slime creature! The slime creature was slowly trying to mount on top of Ce'ly, making a slow trapping movement.

Ce'ly began to struggle and managed to kick herself out of the slime with some sweet hip movements.


As Ce'ly got back up her legs were pretty gooye though.

Radiation began to linger in the air again..

Eline was feeling bit of those cold chills down on her spine, bit of cold sweat.. similiar odd feeling to Ce'ly's.

569 suddenly began to act really odd.

"..ACK! ...ARGH..!"

She seemed to be in pain.
Her limbs were feeling really heavy.

"Ugh.. oh! 569! Hey! Are you okay?!"
Eline was bit worried as she turned towards 569.
"No! Something is causing malfunctions on me.. Owch. "
"Shit. This is a real bad timing."
"..Tell me about it. Ugh.."

569 was having bit trouble to move.

Maline had been looking from the side.. But she was suddenly feeling bit.. Horny.
She was looking at Fe'da on her side whom was slumbering all vulnerable next to her.. Big temptations but she was keeping herself together.
She was seemingly starting to seem like she could actually be waking up soon?

The spectre was suddenly acting weird, almost like it could start to panic from too sudden actions.

Quite a radiation round here.

A) Continue on the battle (whom does what)
B) Retreat!
C) Give in?
D) Other?

x. additional other on top?

The party:
Eline's stats:
Level 13.
Endurance 9 (+1 from item)
Stamina 9 - 1 from status
Agility 8 (-1 from status)
Strength 7
Willpower 10
Technic 11
Psychic 13

90/90 HP
65/65 psychic energy
78/130 exp.

Horny -20 struggle
slighty Shocked! -1 agility
Odd feeling.. -1 stamina.

Psychic abilities:
Shockwave. 15 energy. 8 - 30 damage. (causes concussion)
Light up. 10 energy. Provide light
Kinetic. 20 energy. Next attack is Autohit. Can be used to take items from afar.

Head - Nightvision Goggles
Top - Labcoat.
Legs - Striped Panties
Boots - JetBoots (24/30 fuel). (+1 agility)
Wrists - PDA (hacking key (2 charges)) Shield PDA (200/200 'HP').
Hands -
Waist - Item purse. Technic waist (+1 endurance, shield gadget (5 charges)) Psychic Amplifier (41/50)
Back - Power Shield Generator (125/200)

Weilding: Wave Pulser (3/12)(ammo modded)

Special gadget:
Power Trick. Transfer normal energy to power for Electric and Laser weapons and gadgets.
(3 uses a day) (2 left)

Purse(level 3):
Psychic charger. 3x Antidote. Wave Pulser (12/12)(ammo modded). 3x energy pills (hp). 2x Sludge vials.
1x damage increase tech mod. Shield Generator (7 charges(modded, charge increaser) 1x grenade. Gadget energy charger.
Teleport disc (8/10), 2x Canned food, Scanner(15/20), Odd rope. Breast increaser gadget (3 charges) 1x Super Energy pills (hp)
1x gas grenade (fatique) Mysterious Gadget. Tazer. Laser pistol (192/200) 1 birth control pill. 1x Hearth symboled vial
55 credits. 2x odd pills. Special Brew Antidote. Wonderful Meal. 3x Acid vial
Eline's Slimegirl Minion
147/150 HP
Status: Fine.
(Passive) Slippery. Passes all agility checks.
(Passive) Immune to Psychic and Poison

Grapple & Love. (variable damage, does not work against all enemy types)
Slime whip (5 - 25 slash dmg)
Slime toss (5 - 20 natural dmg)

XXX-569's stats:
Level 11.
Endurance 12
Stamina 12
Agility 6 (-6 by status)
Strength 16 (+3 from item)
Willpower 6
Technic 8
Psychic 1

106/110 HP
108/120 exp.

Malfunction! Agility halved!

569's specials: Cannot be impregnated apart from egging. Resistant to sex attacks. (-5 damage).
Sensitivity and horniness always jumps to moderate or high if these statuses happen. Either she's turned on or off.

Passive ability: Head Trauma.

Head -
Top - Broken labcoat.
Legs -
Boots - Jetboots (27/30 fuel)
Wrists - Technic Bracers (+3 str)
Hands -
Waist - Item purse. Pickaxe
Back - Power Shield Generator (124/200)

Weilding: PlasmaFlamethrower (30/40)

Purse(level 3):
55 credits.
Vibrator (10 charges) 3x grenade. 3x healthkit. 1x Boltgun (20/20)
2x vials (???, muscular symbol), 2x canned food, Weight mod, 1x energy pill (hp)
2x Super Energy pills (hp) 4x horniness vials
Robot servant. 1x gas grenade (fatique) Vibrator (10 charges) Shield Generator (5 charges)
2x Flash Light. 2x Ammobox (Plasma). Liquid Canister (Sally's tank part). Pump (sally's tank part)
Heavy Plasma (43/50) 2x pills (Lightning symbol)
Wave pulsar (10/10) , Useless infected PDA. Roll of Rope.
Laser Blaster. (32/40) (modded: Damage increase (+2), Scope mod (+10 accuracy))

Robot Servant
50/50 HP.
Status: Packed up.
can modify and make clothing. Can remake clothing articles to other. Can fuse gadgets and clothing articles. Can fix clothing.
Inbuild tazer for self defence.
3 - 9 electric damage. Can cause flinch (50%)

Fe'da's stats:
level 11
Endurance 6
Stamina 9
Agility 11
Strength 7
Willpower 8
Technic 13
Psychic 6

90/90 HP
30/30 psychic energy
98/110 exp

Fucked crazy
Still lust filled?
Still extremely sensitive?
bit crazy, skills unavailable
Zzzzz... (asleep for ?? turns)
Affected by a gas vial?

Psychic abilities:
Mindblast. 20 energy. 10 - 20 damage. Only works on organic foes. Can cause flinch. (25%)
Shield. 15 energy. Blocks an attack.
Special: Poison bite. (100% full, 20% per bite, slowly refills.)
Head - Nightvision goggles
Top -
Legs -
Boots -
Wrists - PDA. Gadget: Hacking Key.(10 charges) PDA: Liquid identifier. 20 charges.
Hands -
Waist - Item purse. Laser Pistol. (198/200 ammo). Crowbar
Back - A coil of metal wire.
Weilding: Laser Blaster (28/40)

Purse items:
1 food ration. Flashlight. Gadget Energy charger. (5 charges) Weird Cube shaped Gadget.
Mystery gadget. Tazer. PDA (Shield 70/100) Data Pad. Old camera Phone. Staircase trap map.
170 credits. Fullbody spacesuit.


Passive +25 to door and vault technic checks.
Mod rebuilding; Turn two mods to a uncommon or better mod.

Ce'ly (Z'rill)
31/60 HP
54/90 PE
Status: Radiation Ill . Causes weird suggestions to people around her and makes her slowly weaker and weaker
Illness advance. -10 to all rolls.
very sensitive! (-30 to sex atk resist)
horny -20 to struggle.
Weird feeling. -1 stamina.

Upgraded Mind Blast 15 PE
Upgraded Kinetics 20 PE
Mind Squeeze 30 PE (3 CD)
Hive Mind 25 PE
Poison Bite (100%)

Locks onto one foe till its down.
refuses to use any other weapon than her Z'rill combat blade (10 - 25 slash/stab damage.)
7 endurance
7 stamina (currently: 6)
9 agility
6 strength
10 willpower
8 technic
18 psychic

HP: 80/130
Status: Bit horny..

-Knows all vault passwords in chemical labs.

Spin'gall commander vs Sapphire
61 + 10 - 20 (51) vs 21
12 dmg!

569 vs Slimequeen
17 vs 35 + 10 (45)
vs slime2
99 vs 69
15 * 2 (30) dmg
1 exp to all.
3 ammo used.

Sapphire Servant vs Pack (2&4)
79 vs 91
52 vs 15
21 dmg to tent4!
2exp to all.

Tentacle pack vs Sapphire servant!
2 vs 39
60 vs 51
56 vs 23

91 vs 89

Ce'ly vs Spin'gall commander (Mind blast!)
91 - 10 (81) vs 47 - 20 (27)
30 * 2 (60) dmg!
20 exp to all.


Vs Slime1
28 vs 31
vs Slime3
60 vs 40
30 dmg!
ded. +1exp
Vs slime4
18 vs 81
Vs Queen
68 vs 63 + 10 (73)
73 vs 52
vs Spectre!
61 vs 71
vs pack
25 vs 42
22 vs 30
27 vs 69
vs Ce'ly
15 vs 21 - 10 (11)
9 dmg
vs 569
76 vs 7
4 dmg

Slimequeen vs Eline!
3 + 10 (13)vs 64
3 dmg

Spectre vs Eline!
13 vs 14

Slime1 vs Eline
84 vs 42
Shield save!
3 dmg.

Slime3 vs Slimeservant
89 vs 89
Tie hero win.

Slime 4 vs Ce'ly
38 vs 31 - 10 (21)
91 - 20 - 10 (61) vs 54

Fe'da waky waky?
22 vs 68

Vs Eline
75 vs 40
Vs 569
100 vs 4 + 5 (9)
Vs Ce'ly
5 vs 44 - 10 (34)
Vs Maline
73 vs 59
Vs Spectre
61 vs 47

--Ce'ly gained 4 PE---


Spin'gall commander lvl 14 (KO'd)
tentacle pack lvl ?? tent1 (20/20) tent2 (15/20) tent3(20/20) tent4(DED) (seperated! (2&3 packed))
SlimeGirl Queen lvl 16 (39/220HP) (Plasma flame burned!)
Spectre lvl 9 (90/90 hp) Spazzing out! 50% of not attacking.
Slime1 (17/35)
Slime2 (DED)
Slime3 (DED)
Slime4 (35/35)

Speed order
Slimegirl servant (tie)
Tentacle pack
Slimegirl Queen
Maline (hiding)
Fe'da (asleep)
Re: Prison Planet Escape.

A. 569. Take a moment and get it together, (having her botch with a flamethrower would be bad.) Eline should Shockwave the specter then use the pulsar on the tentacles or slimes depending on which are more grouped up to make better use of the AoE. Saphire should take on the stragglers.
Re: Prison Planet Escape.

To change a bit:

A: rape them 'till they diieee!!!
Re: Prison Planet Escape.

A. 569. Take a moment and get it together, (having her botch with a flamethrower would be bad.) Eline should Shockwave the specter then use the pulsar on the tentacles or slimes depending on which are more grouped up to make better use of the AoE. Saphire should take on the stragglers.

Re: Prison Planet Escape.


If that special brew antidote would cure 569s status, I'd say a boss fight isn't a bad situation for it. If that, flamethrower the slime queen again. If Eline is allowed to attack this turn, have her use the wave pulsar. The grenade didn't end too poorly, but something sightly more directed might be a better idea. Ce'ly will do what Ce'ly does. Sapphire will continue thinning the herd of the tentacle pack.
Re: Prison Planet Escape.


If that special brew antidote would cure 569s status, I'd say a boss fight isn't a bad situation for it. If that, flamethrower the slime queen again. If Eline is allowed to attack this turn, have her use the wave pulsar. The grenade didn't end too poorly, but something sightly more directed might be a better idea. Ce'ly will do what Ce'ly does. Sapphire will continue thinning the herd of the tentacle pack.

Yes, and the grenade goes deep into the slime queen and sends her shattered pieces everywhere (walls, girls, enemies, ceiling...).
Re: Prison Planet Escape.


"Shees, we're gonna have to get ourselves together here."
"..Agreed. Urgh."

Eline was trying to think for a bit what to with 569's situation here, 569 is going to have to get herself together here.

Slime servant was back at swatting the tentacle pack, they seemed to be pretty close cornered together so she tried to whip em up.
But no luck, her whip strike missed barely.

The tentacle pack took another target.. with 569 being down and looking ripe for the picking, they darted off towards her!
Two of the tentacles seemed to be about to latch on to her but then ZAP! Ping! And they flinged off from 569's power shield's activation!

The tentacles seemed to be quite insulted by such denial tactics and regrouped themselves above the girls.


Ce'ly was back up with her legs still all icky and slimy.. She was holding her head a bit again.. And then she took a look at her sides. The outlines of the ugly ol spectre were on the move. Ce'ly was settled on her next target, spectre is about to get some psychics on them.

Ce'ly took her look towards the spectre and began to try lift it off from the ground with kinetics! The spectre was about to levitate but.. Ce'ly lost her focus and the spectre was released.

Ce'ly was disapointed by her own act. What a failure.

Eline wanted to blast the spectre aswell with the shockwave but she had her own idea to help 569 with and the time was quite limited here.

"569! Here, try this..!"
Eline took the special antidote brew from her purse.
"I was hoping to save it but this big boss here is a worthwhile use I presume."

569 drunk the special antidote and she suddenly felt like new! Her malfunction stopped entirely!
"..THANKS! I feel like new!"

569 jumped back up, she was sure to be ready to act soon again.

The slime queen was on the act. She was looking pretty weak and.. Lusty. Looking at the girls in the room, the slime queen suddenly seemed to make a licking motion as she noticed Ce'ly bit beoynd 569 and Eline.
The slimequeen formed some tendrils and fired them towards Ce'ly!
Ce'ly was caught completely out of surprise as the tendrils began to tie themselves around her legs, arms and waist.
Ce'ly began to struggle with all her remaining strength as the slime queen tried to pull her up in the air!

And luck was on Ce'ly side, she managed to barely release the grip of the tendrils! The tendrils redacted back to the burning, disapointed slime queen.
"..Too close!"

The spectre was gathering itself together.. Looking carefully at the girls it was unsure whenever to act or not. But it did finally decide to act! The spectre began to slowly sneak towards Eline..! And got denied when Eline noticed and jumped to back off making the spectre mimic her by jumping back away too.

The slimes that were left now were splashing around and looking at the slime girl servant. The first slime was trying to approach her but the servant jumped away!
..And then the other slime took it chances and it's tendrils mixed on Sapphire's lovely slimy jelly body!
She attempted to struggle but this slime was determined. Her struggles were invain as the slime pushed her down and mixed on her, wrapping around her, making sure her naughty areas were pinned and ready for some loving.

The slime began to emerge some phallical shapes and pushed it's tendrils on Sapphire. One tendril went on her facial, down her mouth area, some tendrils took tight grip on her jelly tits and others positioned themselves to penetrate the areas where the rest of the naughties would be on normal girls. Sapphire was quite stimulated by this act and mixing of slimes here.
If she were to speak she surely would've moaned here!
Few splishes and splashes of pushing and slime loving between the two later, it seems the Sapphire had an orgasm and felt bit drained by the act!

She was still in the entangle of slime mixing here..

Radiation lingering was getting all shaky again. Eline was having cold sweat and shivers going on again. Ce'ly seemed to have gone bit worse.. Maline was feeling even more.. tempted.

"oh she's so cute.. Should I just have a little..? No I don't think thats right.. "
Maline was really tempted to take some feels on the sleeping Fe'da next to her.. She was almost reaching to her but noticed that Fe'da seemed to move a bit and make some faces.
But she didn't wake up just yet. It probably won't take much for her to wake up though.

Maline kept her hands to herself though. But she just hopes these feeling won't be growing more, she might have trouble getting back to control if that happens.

Sapphire kept her struggle on! She wanted to get this slime off of her but it just kept going and going!
She was feeling desperate here as it just wasn't releasing the grip.

569 stepped forwards again.
She took the flamethrower.. FOOSHW!
The plasmatic flames punched through the slime queen! The queen was in agony and had reached it's boiling point! Gas began to form and.. BANG!
The queen vaporized instantly!


The smaller slimes lost their movement ability and Sapphire was released.

The big explosion made the spectre run off like a chicken and made it hide somewhere.. The tentacle pack tentacles slammed to the roof and fell off dead to the ground.


It was over.



All the girls ained 80exp in total and leveled up!
Whoa nelly.

"mmhhm.. What's the racket in here.. "

Seems Fe'da was too waking up from the big plosion.
She didn't yet notice Maline and was just slowly walking towards Eline and 569 with her eyes half shut.


Fe'da was bit scared of Sapphire's presence. She bumped to Maline whom was looking at her with a blush.
"Oh calm down. Calm down. they're friendly. Just calm down."

"...I'm feeling so uneasy."

"Maybe you'll feel better if you wear what we left in your purse during your sleep."

"...Huh? ...OH! Oh my."

Fe'da noticed the fullbody space suit and took it out. She began to immidiatly put it on.

Eline noticed something on the slimequeens remains area.. A vial that glowed in a eerie glow. She picked it up.. As the slimegirl servant followed Eline and got near the vial, it glowed even brighter.

Sapphire touched the vial.. And she seemed to be.. More lax. It seems she was now feeling bit more, free of sort? A lot more warmer and all.
Infact she gave Eline a hug and seemed to be smiling a lot.


"Thank you! Glup!"

Memory Vial.

Binds your slimegirl servant to you making them grow stronger as the owner levels up and should the slimegirl be vanquished, allows resummon them like they were before the vanquish as themselves.

"How sweet."

Maline was helping out Ce'ly that was looking like crap to be completely honest. Ce'ly was slightly annoyed by the fact that the spectre had ran off somewhere out of the sight, probably invisible again too making it impossible for her to go finish the thing off.

569 went to loot up the items around the place and signalled Fe'da to come help her out.

569 and Fe'da first went to the Spin'gall commanders KO'd self.
"..Uhhh.. What's her deal? She seems quite.. Well armed."
"she was a hostile, loot her up. Though I'm taking that tank top"

Fe'da took the purse first and it fused with her current one giving her purse more space. There seemed to be some pills inside the spin'galls purse.

2x status heal pill.
1x super HP pill
3x pink looking pills with hearth symbols.

Fe'da took the shock cannon and the PDA looking thing from the spin'galls wrist while 569 undressed her and took the tank top, putting it on rather than the shredded labcoat.

Fe'da took a looksie at these new items.

10 - 30 Electric damage. Can cause flinch (30%)

Stealth clock.
Allows temporary invisibility for the wearer. Drains according to time used.
this is a rare item.

Fe'da took the other items around too.
an unidentified gadget and a plasma pistol, a PDA, tazer and a z'rill combat blade.

Plasma Pistol
7 - 18 Plasma damage. Good fire rate
80 ammo per clip. Plasma damage
‘more oomph than laser’

Fe'da took a look at the gadget.. It was a tech mod! ..But it seems this tech mod was infected or something. She surely would not put this on a weapon.
"Well atleast I can use this for rebuilding."

She also took a look at the PDA.. It was also infected and only showed viagra adverts.


569 wore her new tank top. This surely was pretty well fit and kept her big jigglies at bay. More coverage and lot more comfortable than that broken labcoat she had before. She put the labcoat to her nearly full purse for the time being.

"Ah finally. Something good to wear."

The room was pretty much clear now.

The girls were now taking it easy for the time being.
Ce'ly kept her guard up but still rested, she couldn't really help but to feel annoyed by the spectre being somewhere around. Though the spectre really isn't stupid enough to try attack specially if its still in the coward mode.

Fe'da was slowly getting used to the new girls and was trying to catch up on what exactly has been going on here.


"So you've gotten two parts already and fought that many things? Wow, I've missed quite a lot.."
"Yeah, you have. You slept like a rock. "
"and sure felt like one to carry too."

"uhhh.. Okay. So what I've caught up to now is that there's one more part to go right? ..I think I could be able to fix the tank with these and some of the stuff we've picked up on the way. Plenty of tech and junk could make for phaseshift little parts with a little tech work."

"Well I guess so. Sally suggested that before when we found the first part, but then again I don't know do we want to sacrifice some of our loot or not. "

"I guess.."

The girls kept still easy going and pondered a bit about the KO'd spin'gall commander while they were at it and the one that was stuck on the wall.

They should probably move soon though.

Option's the electrict boogaloo ahoy

Where to?

A) Go east north wing and take on the locked door there (tech check)
B) Go east south wing and enter southest room (tech check)
C) Go east south wing and enter the west door there.
D) Return to Sally's place and try to fix the tanks there.
E) Other location? (specify)

Do something with the Spin'galls?
Yes Specify what. (take them as prisoners, kill em or something etc)
No. Just leave em be.
note: exp was already earned before.

X. Additional actions on top such as item use/exchange/gear changes


Eline has gained a level.
+2 stat points to use!
Abilities available:

Hower up. Kinetic control yourself to fly a little bit for a while. 15 PE Costs 1 stat point.
Gun tweaking. 1 extra shot to multi shot weapons. costs 1 stat point.

569 has gained a level
2+ stat points to use!

Abilities available:
Pummel. take down doors with meelee weapons crush damage + str bonus as a chance to succeed. costs 1 stat point.

Fe'da gained a level!
+3 stat points to use!

Abilities available:

Gun tweaking. 1 extra shot to multi shot weapons. costs 1 stat point.


The party:
Eline's stats:
Level 14.
+2 stat points to use!
Endurance 9 (+1 from item)
Stamina 10
Agility 9
Strength 7
Willpower 10
Technic 11
Psychic 13

100/100 HP
65/65 psychic energy
28/140 exp.


Psychic abilities:
Shockwave. 15 energy. 8 - 30 damage. (causes concussion)
Light up. 10 energy. Provide light
Kinetic. 20 energy. Next attack is Autohit. Can be used to take items from afar.

Head - Nightvision Goggles
Top - Labcoat.
Legs - Striped Panties
Boots - JetBoots (24/30 fuel). (+1 agility)
Wrists - PDA (hacking key (2 charges)) Shield PDA (200/200 'HP').
Hands -
Waist - Item purse. Technic waist (+1 endurance, shield gadget (5 charges)) Psychic Amplifier (41/50)
Back - Power Shield Generator (125/200)

Weilding: Wave Pulser (3/12)(ammo modded)

Special gadget:
Power Trick. Transfer normal energy to power for Electric and Laser weapons and gadgets.
(3 uses a day) (2 left)

Purse(level 3):
Psychic charger. 3x Antidote. Wave Pulser (12/12)(ammo modded). 3x energy pills (hp). 2x Sludge vials.
1x damage increase tech mod. Shield Generator (7 charges(modded, charge increaser) 1x grenade. Gadget energy charger.
Teleport disc (8/10), 2x Canned food, Scanner(15/20), Odd rope. Breast increaser gadget (3 charges) 1x Super Energy pills (hp)
1x gas grenade (fatique) Mysterious Gadget. Tazer. Laser pistol (192/200) 1 birth control pill. 1x Hearth symboled vial
55 credits. 2x odd pills. Wonderful Meal. 3x Acid vial. Memory Vial (Sapphire)
Eline's Slimegirl Minion (Sapphire)
125/150 HP
Status: Fine.
(Passive) Slippery. Passes all agility checks.
(Passive) Immune to Psychic and Poison

Grapple & Love. (variable damage, does not work against all enemy types)
Slime whip (7 - 28 slash dmg)
Slime toss (7 - 23 natural dmg)

XXX-569's stats:
Level 13.
+ 2 stat points to use!
Endurance 12
Stamina 12
Agility 12
Strength 16 (+3 from item)
Willpower 6
Technic 8
Psychic 1

110/110 HP
68/120 exp.


569's specials: Cannot be impregnated apart from egging. Resistant to sex attacks. (-5 damage).
Sensitivity and horniness always jumps to moderate or high if these statuses happen. Either she's turned on or off.

Passive ability: Head Trauma.

Head -
Top - Big Tank Top.
Legs -
Boots - Jetboots (27/30 fuel)
Wrists - Technic Bracers (+3 str)
Hands -
Waist - Item purse. Pickaxe
Back - Power Shield Generator (74/200)

Weilding: PlasmaFlamethrower (26/40)

Purse(level 3):
55 credits.
Vibrator (10 charges) 3x grenade. 3x healthkit. 1x Boltgun (20/20)
2x vials (???, muscular symbol), 2x canned food, Weight mod, 1x energy pill (hp)
2x Super Energy pills (hp) 4x horniness vials
Robot servant. 1x gas grenade (fatique) Vibrator (10 charges) Shield Generator (5 charges)
2x Flash Light. 2x Ammobox (Plasma). Liquid Canister (Sally's tank part). Pump (sally's tank part)
Heavy Plasma (43/50) 2x pills (Lightning symbol)
Wave pulsar (10/10) , Useless infected PDA. Roll of Rope.
Laser Blaster. (32/40) (modded: Damage increase (+2), Scope mod (+10 accuracy)) Broken labcoat.

Robot Servant
50/50 HP.
Status: Packed up.
can modify and make clothing. Can remake clothing articles to other. Can fuse gadgets and clothing articles. Can fix clothing.
Inbuild tazer for self defence.
3 - 9 electric damage. Can cause flinch (50%)

Fe'da's stats:
level 12
+ 3 stat points to use
Endurance 6
Stamina 9
Agility 11
Strength 7
Willpower 8
Technic 13
Psychic 6

90/90 HP
30/30 psychic energy
58/120 exp


Psychic abilities:
Mindblast. 20 energy. 10 - 20 damage. Only works on organic foes. Can cause flinch. (25%)
Shield. 15 energy. Blocks an attack.
Special: Poison bite. (100% full, 20% per bite, slowly refills.)
Head - Nightvision goggles
Top - Fullbody spacesuit.
Legs - Fullbody spacesuit.
Boots -
Wrists - PDA. Gadget: Hacking Key.(10 charges) PDA: Liquid identifier. 20 charges.
Hands -
Waist - Item purse(lvl2). Laser Pistol. (198/200 ammo). Crowbar
Back - A coil of metal wire.
Weilding: Laser Blaster (28/40)

Purse items:
1 food ration. Flashlight. Gadget Energy charger. (5 charges) Weird Cube shaped Gadget.
Mystery gadget. 2x Tazer. PDA (Shield 70/100) Data Pad. Old camera Phone. Staircase trap map.
2x status heal pill. 1x super HP pill. 3x pink pills (hearth symbol). Shock cannon (32/50). Stealth clock (11/20)
Plasma pistol (78/80). Techmod (infected). Z'rill combat blade. Infected PDA.
170 credits.


Passive +25 to door and vault technic checks.
Mod rebuilding; Turn two mods to a uncommon or better mod.

Ce'ly (Z'rill)
50/60 HP
90/90 PE
Status: Radiation Ill . Causes weird suggestions to people around her and makes her slowly weaker and weaker
Illness advance. -15 to all rolls.
very sensitive! (-30 to sex atk resist)
horny -20 to struggle.
Weird feeling. -1 stamina.

Upgraded Mind Blast 15 PE
Upgraded Kinetics 20 PE
Mind Squeeze 30 PE (2 CD)
Hive Mind 25 PE
Poison Bite (100%)

Locks onto one foe till its down.
refuses to use any other weapon than her Z'rill combat blade (10 - 25 slash/stab damage.)
7 endurance
7 stamina (currently: 6)
9 agility
6 strength
10 willpower
8 technic
18 psychic

HP: 130/130
Status: Horny..

-Knows all vault passwords in chemical labs.

Sapphire vs tentacle pack (2&3)
49 vs 59
44 vs 76

Tentacle pack vs 569!
43 vs 19 - 10 (9)
41 vs 93 - 10 (83)
51 vs 21 - 10 (11)

Shield save!
5 dmg to 1 & 3

Ce'ly vs Spectre (Kinetic!)
88 - 10 (78) vs 83

Eline vs Spectre (Shockwave!)
46 + 10 (56) vs 78
No dice.

569 Brew heal
15 HP.
Status restored.

Slimequeen vs ce'ly
47 + 10 (57) vs 21 - 10 (11)
78 - 10 - 20 (48) vs 34 + 10 (44)
DoT damage!
9 dmg!

Spectre act? 50+
(61) yes

Spectre vs Eline
37 vs 43

Slime1 vs Slimegirl servant
4 vs 29

Slime4 vs Slimegirl servant
70 vs 26
44 vs 99!
Heavy sex attack!
43 vs 40
22 dmg!

Fe'da waky waky.
38 + 10 (48) vs 86
not yet..

vs Eline
10 vs 1
569 shielded by antidote this turn
vs Ce'ly
40 vs 25 - 10 (15)
vs Maline
92 vs 72
vs Spectre
8 vs 26

---Ce'ly gailed 5 PE---

Slimegirl servant struggle!
74 vs 78
Nope :c

569 vs Slimequeen!
87 vs 67 + 10 (77)
16 * 2 (32) dmg!
4 ammo.
80 exp to all!
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Re: Prison Planet Escape.


Stats and abilities:

Eline: +1 to Agility, Hover Up
569: +1 to Willpower, Pummel
Feda: +1 Endurance, +1 Willpower; Gun Tweaking.

Try to hack the door first and if we fail the technic have 569 bash it down.
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Re: Prison Planet Escape.

A. We don't know How long it will be until we can get Ce'ly and the other girls off planet or otherwise rescued. As such we should try to get the proper parts since jury rigged stuff probably won't last as long.


X. Recharge the wave pulsar with the eline's energy gadget, have 569 switch back to the laser blaster and have Fe'da swap out her laser pistol for the plasma pistol she just picked up.

Eline: +1 Agility and Hover up
569: +1 stamina and pummel
Fe'da: +1 technic +1 willpower and gun-tweaking

You say that abilities cost skill points, don't you mean they cost stat points?
Re: Prison Planet Escape.

You say that abilities cost skill points, don't you mean they cost stat points?

Yes, a bit of brain fart there
Re: Prison Planet Escape.


Eline: 1agility, hover up
569: +1 will power, pummel
Fe'da: +1 technic, +1 willpower, gun tweaking

Eline charged up her wave pulsar and the girls did some other preperations once more. 569 put her flamer aside and took back the blaster, Fe'da changed to plasma pistol.

Looking at the Spin'galls, the girls figured to just leave em be.
The commander is pretty much outcold and stripped of weapons and the other spin'gall seems to be occupied on the ground anyway.

With that the big ol crew put themselves together and walked out the big ol intimidating doors that Eline earlier had 'fixed' the first time they entered this room.

Back at the zappy doors, Eline took the disc and told everyone to touch her shoulders or something in the degree.
Nice fling and poof! Back at the safe looking room.

Ce'ly was looking at the couch again and wanted to rest.. But no time for that!


Towards the northdoor to the weird tent room!
This room seemed pretty calm.. Nothing had happened here after the last encounters. ...Just quiet and empty.


Well enough of that.
Fe'da went to work on the door.
It was an automatic pass for such skilled technician and haxer as Fe'da.
(+5 exp to Fe'da)

Fe'da is now able to automaticly pass Moderate technic checks unless her technic drops due of status.

"Easy piecy~"

The room that followed was pretty.. eerie.
There was a hollow cracked entrace that had ruined walls surrounding it, something that seemed like a broken gate of a sort.

"uh oh. Seems the security for the ruins entrace has been broken somehow."

"That's not a good thing"

..There was also another entrace at the more easter side of the room, seems like it was hidden behind a shelve judging from the slide marks.

At the west there was a another normal looking door.. Bit above that a vault and at the west north corner there was some vending machines and a curious looking blue creature that was bright, shiny..

"Celestaline?! What are you doing here?"

"...Huh? Oh! It's you the non primitive girls! ..And you seem to have found more non primitive friends I see!"

"..Celestaline? "

"A friendly local shopkeeper, a pretty nice girl."

"I didn't really think I'd see you all the way here"

"I could say the same to you. I'm just here to refill my food supplies from these wonderful boxes of magic. You know, remember when I told you about these things? Truly wonderful things indeed"

"...Yeah vending machines. But how did you get all the way here? I'd have imagine to have seen you during out travels."

"Oh I have a short cut right there."

Celestaline pointed at the eastern opening that had the shelve slided aside

"Takes directly to my shop. You're welcome to drop by if you want to. I'm always happy to do business with potential customers."

"..Well thanks for the offer, I'll think about it."

"..Wow she is so pretty and shiny."

Celestaline kept looking at the new girls she had not met before a bit before she went back to toying with the vending machines.
She was really buying all sort of stuff, bags of chips and sodas and candy bars, buggy snacks, little candy gas bubbles, venus dust salt sticks, etc..
All the little things of snack food.

"Hmm.. I wouldn't mind a soda either."
"I don't take owner ship of the magic boxes, you can use em too if you want."

Vending machine content:

-Happy pop soda. - 10credits. 'temporary boosts willpower by +1'
-420 natural substance lemonade. - 15 credits. 'Banned in Human Colonies due of missuse'
-GalacticBucks Coffee. - 15 credits. 'Temporary energy boost and regen, do not drink too much'
-Bag of Air, the chips. - 10 credits. '50% air, 50% chips. Really tasty'
-Little candy gas bubbles. -10 credits 'Makes you lightweight, +1 to agility temporary, not suitable for androids'
-Venus dust salt sticks.- 15 credits 'So delicious but so salty it makes you feel dry. +2 to willpower temporary'
-Gummy bugs - 5 credits. 'Tasty!'
-Jupiter chocolate bar. - 5 credits 'Tasty!'
-Energy wheeler dust. - 10 credits. 'Engineers choice. +1 to technic temporary'
-Coldest Water around. - 10 credits. 'really, really refreshing. removes one debuff'
- Juicy as thad. - 10 credits. 'Healthy and tasty. heals 20 HP'
- Crunch Gogzilla. - 10 credits. 'Chips of the strong man. temporary +1 to str'

Eline went to look at the vault..
"hmm.. ... wait for it."



"You're welcome."

Eline opened the vault.
"Oooh, So that wasn't a wall decoration."

..And inside the vault there was the little bits and pieces and a toolbox on top of it.

"Well I guess that's the final part."

So the girls had no found the final piece of the tank fixing shenigans.

"About time."

There was still a room connected to the said room here though.. Some ruins entrace and Celestaline's shop was very close by due of the shortcut.

...And some snack potential.

A) Return to Sally's place, fix dem tanks.
B) Go to Celestaline's shop for a quick shopping spree
C) Let's check the room to the east
D) We could take a peak at the ruins.
E) Other location?

Buy something from the vending machines?
Yes. (Specify what. 569 and Eline have 55 credits each, Fe'da has 170)

X, Additional actions on top?

The party:
Eline's stats:
Level 14.

Endurance 9 (+1 from item)
Stamina 10
Agility 10
Strength 7
Willpower 10
Technic 11
Psychic 13

100/100 HP
65/65 psychic energy
28/140 exp.


Psychic abilities:
Shockwave. 15 energy. 8 - 30 damage. (causes concussion)
Light up. 10 energy. Provide light
Kinetic. 20 energy. Next attack is Autohit. Can be used to take items from afar.
Hower up. 15 energy. Fly away nooow

Head - Nightvision Goggles
Top - Labcoat.
Legs - Striped Panties
Boots - JetBoots (24/30 fuel). (+1 agility)
Wrists - PDA (hacking key (2 charges)) Shield PDA (200/200 'HP').
Hands -
Waist - Item purse. Technic waist (+1 endurance, shield gadget (5 charges)) Psychic Amplifier (41/50)
Back - Power Shield Generator (125/200)

Weilding: Wave Pulser (12/12)(ammo modded)

Special gadget:
Power Trick. Transfer normal energy to power for Electric and Laser weapons and gadgets.
(3 uses a day) (1 left)

Purse(level 3):
Psychic charger. 3x Antidote. Wave Pulser (12/12)(ammo modded). 3x energy pills (hp). 2x Sludge vials.
1x damage increase tech mod. Shield Generator (7 charges(modded, charge increaser) 1x grenade. Gadget energy charger.
Teleport disc (7/10), 2x Canned food, Scanner(15/20), Odd rope. Breast increaser gadget (3 charges) 1x Super Energy pills (hp)
1x gas grenade (fatique) Mysterious Gadget. Tazer. Laser pistol (192/200) 1 birth control pill. 1x Hearth symboled vial
55 credits. 2x odd pills. Wonderful Meal. 3x Acid vial. Memory Vial (Sapphire) Toolbox & Small parts (Sally's tank part)
Eline's Slimegirl Minion (Sapphire)
125/150 HP
Status: Fine.
(Passive) Slippery. Passes all agility checks.
(Passive) Immune to Psychic and Poison

Grapple & Love. (variable damage, does not work against all enemy types)
Slime whip (7 - 28 slash dmg)
Slime toss (7 - 23 natural dmg)

XXX-569's stats:
Level 13.
Endurance 12
Stamina 12
Agility 12
Strength 16 (+3 from item)
Willpower 7
Technic 8
Psychic 1

120/120 HP
68/120 exp.


569's specials: Cannot be impregnated apart from egging. Resistant to sex attacks. (-5 damage).
Sensitivity and horniness always jumps to moderate or high if these statuses happen. Either she's turned on or off.

Passive ability: Head Trauma.
Other: Pummel.

Head -
Top - Big Tank Top.
Legs -
Boots - Jetboots (27/30 fuel)
Wrists - Technic Bracers (+3 str)
Hands -
Waist - Item purse. Pickaxe
Back - Power Shield Generator (74/200)

Weilding: Laser Blaster. (32/40)

Purse(level 3):
55 credits.
Vibrator (10 charges) 3x grenade. 3x healthkit. 1x Boltgun (20/20)
2x vials (???, muscular symbol), 2x canned food, Weight mod, 1x energy pill (hp)
2x Super Energy pills (hp) 4x horniness vials
Robot servant. 1x gas grenade (fatique) Vibrator (10 charges) Shield Generator (5 charges)
2x Flash Light. 2x Ammobox (Plasma). Liquid Canister (Sally's tank part). Pump (sally's tank part)
Heavy Plasma (43/50) 2x pills (Lightning symbol)
Wave pulsar (10/10) , Useless infected PDA. Roll of Rope.
(modded: Damage increase (+2), Scope mod (+10 accuracy)) Broken labcoat. PlasmaFlamethrower (26/40)

Robot Servant
50/50 HP.
Status: Packed up.
can modify and make clothing. Can remake clothing articles to other. Can fuse gadgets and clothing articles. Can fix clothing.
Inbuild tazer for self defence.
3 - 9 electric damage. Can cause flinch (50%)

Fe'da's stats:
level 12

Endurance 6
Stamina 9
Agility 11
Strength 7
Willpower 9
Technic 14
Psychic 6

90/90 HP
30/30 psychic energy
63/120 exp


Psychic abilities:
Mindblast. 20 energy. 10 - 20 damage. Only works on organic foes. Can cause flinch. (25%)
Shield. 15 energy. Blocks an attack.
Special: Poison bite. (100% full, 20% per bite, slowly refills.)
Other: Gun tweaking.
Head - Nightvision goggles
Top - Fullbody spacesuit.
Legs - Fullbody spacesuit.
Boots -
Wrists - PDA. Gadget: Hacking Key.(10 charges) PDA: Liquid identifier. 20 charges.
Hands -
Waist - Item purse(lvl2).. Crowbar
Back - A coil of metal wire.
Weilding: Plasma pistol (78/80)

Purse items:
1 food ration. Flashlight. Gadget Energy charger. (5 charges) Weird Cube shaped Gadget.
Mystery gadget. 2x Tazer. PDA (Shield 70/100) Data Pad. Old camera Phone. Staircase trap map.
2x status heal pill. 1x super HP pill. 3x pink pills (hearth symbol). Shock cannon (32/50). Stealth clock (11/20)
. Techmod (infected). Z'rill combat blade. Infected PDA. Laser Pistol. (198/200 ammo) Laser Blaster (28/40)
170 credits.


Passive +25 to door and vault technic checks.
Mod rebuilding; Turn two mods to a uncommon or better mod.

Ce'ly (Z'rill)
50/60 HP
90/90 PE
Status: Radiation Ill . Causes weird suggestions to people around her and makes her slowly weaker and weaker
Illness advance. -15 to all rolls.
very sensitive! (-30 to sex atk resist)
horny -20 to struggle.
Weird feeling. -1 stamina.

Upgraded Mind Blast 15 PE
Upgraded Kinetics 20 PE
Mind Squeeze 30 PE (2 CD)
Hive Mind 25 PE
Poison Bite (100%)

Locks onto one foe till its down.
refuses to use any other weapon than her Z'rill combat blade (10 - 25 slash/stab damage.)
7 endurance
7 stamina (currently: 6)
9 agility
6 strength
10 willpower
8 technic
18 psychic

HP: 130/130
Status: Horny..

-Knows all vault passwords in chemical labs.
Re: Prison Planet Escape.


Yes. 569 Will take her happy soda, Eline, will buy two Jupiter chocolate bars one for herself and one for Maline (also ask Sapphire if she wants anything) . Fe'da Will grab some gummy bugs and ask Ce'ly if she would like a coffee to keep her going until they get back to the lab.
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Re: Prison Planet Escape.


X. Buy some coldest waters, like 6, two for each main party member. Use equal money from everyone, 20 a piece. Use Fe'das money and buy 3 coffees, two for Eline, one for herself.
Re: Prison Planet Escape.


Yes. 569 Will take her happy soda, Eline, will buy two Jupiter chocolate bars one for herself and one for Maline (also ask Sapphire if she wants anything) . Fe'da Will grab some gummy bugs and ask Ce'ly if she would like a coffee to keep her going until they get back to the lab.

This^. Just so I don't have to figure out what to buy.
Re: Prison Planet Escape.


The girls went to the vending machines and looked into the stuff that was for offer there..

Eline pondered a bit and bought a few of those jupiter bars, and two coldest water.
569 bought herself a soda and two of those coldest waters.

Fe'da went into bit more.. buyability mood, she bought four coffees, some gummy bugs, and two of those waters aswell.

Fe'da gave one coffee to Ce'ly and two to Eline.

"... I don't know. You two look like you could do with some of these. Specially you Ce'ly."

"Well thanks.. I think I'll save em for now though."

"I'll drink this one probably right now.. I could do with some energy"

569 had started on her soda.
"..So whats the plan now?"

"Hmmm.. Maybe we should go put these ill girls back to sleep. We can do other stuff later."

"Sounds like a plan."

The girls decided to get a move on. Eline waved for Celestaline whom was also on her way through her little secret passage.

The girls went past the big ol room.. Went past the halls.. Ninja'd the spiral staircase.. And they were back on the first floor right before the tank room!

569 noticed something though.
"huh, seems the Spin'gall has gone missing here.."
"Maybe someone picked her up or something?"


The girls didn't stay around pondering about that for long though. They moved a head to the tank room where Sally was waiting for them.

Eline happily stepped into the room: "Good news Sally, we found all the parts! We can start getting back to the ice in no time!"


Seems Sally had company here though. Sally was appereantly playing cards with someone.. That same Spin'gall the girls accidently knocked out cold for that map to begin with.
Sally jumped up from the floor and was pretty excited!
"Oh! Wonderful news! *cough*. ..Oh hey, did I already introduce this new friend of mine I found wondering by, say hi to..-"


569 shouted all angry like. The Spin'gall seemed to be pretty frigthened by her reaction.
She covered her head and seemed to go in a ball like shape, geniouly scared.

"Whoa, whoa. Calm down!"
"What is this?! Why is this black mailing bitch here?"

"... d-don't hurt mee."

"... Okay seriously calm down you all. I don't even know what all of you are on about. All I know is that she doesn't remember anything about who she was or where she's from "

"...Were I a bad lady?"

"Yes an utter bitch"

"Okay. Cut that out now. Give her some slack."

Sally kept calming the situation down here. 569 wasn't really keen on her, Fe'da was bit scared, Eline was bit so-so.. Sally managed to calm everyone down though to let them all hear her out.

".. Okay so look. She doesn't know who she is, where she is from, why she is here.. She only seems to know what she can do, a degree about her own specie and a bit what some things are. Her personality, her ownself is completely reset. She doesn't know what she has done in the past, she doesn't even know who you all are apart from what I've told her.

So please giver her some slack, okay?"


The Spin'gall slowly stood back up and tried to greet Eline carefully.

"... sss-sssally named me Webby. n-n-nice to meet you.. missssss E-eline, I-i presssssume?."

Eline hesitated a bit but shook her hand regardless.

"..Well nice to meet you Webby. I don't know you but if you keep yourself in a nice side, I think you'll have no trouble with us."

"As long as she doesn't want to egg me I'm okay with this."

"..I-i'll be nice. If being bad makesss people ssso upsssset I d-don't want that to happen again. it'ssss sssso sssscary..."

Ce'ly was just looking with her head tilted on this situation.

"Cool. I didn't know I could reset people like that."

Maline and Sapphire were both in different. they didn't know what was going on and didn't really care.
But after the situation had more calmed down, Eline and the crew introduced them to Sally aswell.

After the all greetings and chit chats were done, it was time to get to work.

Ce'ly was pretty restless already, and the girls started off by putting her back to her tank.

Ce'ly had left the party.

It was then time to fix up Sally's tank.
With good overall technics and all the parts being found, there was no trouble getting the tank ready.

The tank was being charged as Sally then took the girls for some more small talk.


"So.. Now that we're about to part our ways for the time being.. I think I'll give out some last favours.
This room? Consider it your sanctuary. I have set the computer in this room to make sure only approved people can enter and people whom are with you, Eline, will be automaticly added to the list.

I think it might be smart for you to take some time and rebuild your party, use this place as a storage and safe room for your adventures in this crazy place.
While as big crew can have lot of power, it will certainly drag a lot of attention and cause hectic moments.

Besides I wouldn't mind if there was a few people keeping eye on our tanks incase something goes wrong."

"Wise words. I think this place could be a pretty good safe room. The location ain't half so bad now that we have a short cut at the chemical lab and some new friends around aswell."

"We'll be sure to be ready to help if anything ever breaks. I'm pretty sure you'll tank will hold out for atleast a decade if needed to."

"Good. Good. Well I hope I'll be able to see you guys again some day, hopefully in a better place than this crazy planet."

Sally was positioned in her tank as the tank shut itself and refilled the liquids.
She was now back to her place, waiting for the help to arrive.


So with that, Eline, 569, Fe'da, Sapphire, Maline and Webby were now left here in the new safe zone.

Eline had placed the teledisc destination to this here room for safe returns.
Taking another look, seems Sally had cleaned this place up pretty well.
It really was neat, you really could call this room a sanctuary.

It was really easy to rest at, the lights were working at the big computer was now operational.


Eline turned to Maline and Webby.

"..So. I'm thinking whom to leave here to guard and whom to take with me on these trips. Care to tell about yourselves and your abilities a bit, Maline and Webby?"

"Sure. I'll be more honest this time around."

"W-well okay."

Maline's stats:
level 12

Endurance 12
Stamina 13
Agility 9
Willpower 8
Strength 5
Technic 8
Psychic 8

130/130 HP
40/40 PE
0/120 exp.


Passive: Impreg resistance. +15
Lustify. 15 PE. Makes the target more horny..
Kinetic. 20 PE
Racial: Vitality charge. heal 50% health on use. (3 charges a day)

Head -
Top - Labcoat
Legs -
Boots -
Wrists -
Hands -
Waist -
Back -


Webby's stats:
level 12

Endurance 15
Stamina 10
Agility 15
Willpower 7
Strength 7
Technic 7
Psychic 1

100/100 HP
0/120 exp.


Eggsack status: 8/20

Passive: Better Eyesight. +10 to hit with weapons.
Passive: Poison immunity. Immune to poison.
Passive: Go dooown. +25 to agility checks.
Poison bite! (5 - 10 natural damage on going) 100% full.
Web! Toss a web at foe to make them stay in place for easier hitting. 100% full.

Head -
Top -
Legs -
Boots -
Wrists -
Hands -
Waist -
Back -

"Hmm.. I see."

Party changes!
Eline is always on the party.

Some rules:

4 is maximun party size.
If there are 4 People on the party, additional monsters can appear on encounters.
If there are 3 People on the party, no additional monsters will appear.



So yeah vote for new party. and possible item changes if you wish to like giving stuff to someone else from someone else.
You may also now leave items in storage in the room too etc.
You may choose any of the girls you want to. Hell Eline can go alone too or with only someone too!


Movement choices:
A) Back to Chemical Labs and then..
--1. The southest room at the south east wing.
--2. The western room at the south east wing.
--3. take the normal door at the north east wing.
--4. take a peek at the ruins
B) Go to Celestaline's store for shopping.
C) Stay on this floor and then..
--1. Go through the laser door to the east in the room below
--2. Go down to "tentacle heaven" and take southest door
--3. Go down to "tentacle heaven" and take south east door
--4. Go down to "tentacle heaven" and take north east door
--5. Go down to "tentacle heaven" and take west door
--6. Go two rooms west where the rubble hidden path was and take the west door
--7. Go two rooms west where the rubble hidden path was and take the north door
D). Go to other location all together?

Eline's stats:
Level 14.

Endurance 9 (+1 from item)
Stamina 10
Agility 10
Strength 7
Willpower 10
Technic 11
Psychic 13

100/100 HP
65/65 psychic energy
28/140 exp.


Psychic abilities:
Shockwave. 15 energy. 8 - 30 damage. (causes concussion)
Light up. 10 energy. Provide light
Kinetic. 20 energy. Next attack is Autohit. Can be used to take items from afar.
Hower up. 15 energy. Fly away nooow

Head - Nightvision Goggles
Top - Labcoat.
Legs - Striped Panties
Boots - JetBoots (24/30 fuel). (+1 agility)
Wrists - PDA (hacking key (2 charges)) Shield PDA (200/200 'HP').
Hands -
Waist - Item purse. Technic waist (+1 endurance, shield gadget (5 charges)) Psychic Amplifier (41/50)
Back - Power Shield Generator (125/200)

Weilding: Wave Pulser (12/12)(ammo modded)

Special gadget:
Power Trick. Transfer normal energy to power for Electric and Laser weapons and gadgets.
(3 uses a day) (3 left)

Purse(level 3):
Psychic charger. 3x Antidote. Wave Pulser (12/12)(ammo modded). 3x energy pills (hp). 2x Sludge vials.
1x damage increase tech mod. Shield Generator (7 charges(modded, charge increaser) 1x grenade. Gadget energy charger.
Teleport disc (10/10), 2x Canned food, Scanner(15/20), Odd rope. Breast increaser gadget (3 charges) 1x Super Energy pills (hp)
1x gas grenade (fatique) Mysterious Gadget. Tazer. Laser pistol (192/200) 1 birth control pill. 1x Hearth symboled vial
25 credits. 2x odd pills. Wonderful Meal. 3x Acid vial. Memory Vial (Sapphire)
2x jupiter bar
2x coldest water
1x Coffee

Sapphire (bound to Eline)
125/150 HP
Status: Fine.
(Passive) Slippery. Passes all agility checks.
(Passive) Immune to Psychic and Poison

Grapple & Love. (variable damage, does not work against all enemy types)
Slime whip (7 - 28 slash dmg)
Slime toss (7 - 23 natural dmg)

XXX-569's stats:
Level 13.
Endurance 12
Stamina 12
Agility 12
Strength 16 (+3 from item)
Willpower 8 + 1 from status
Technic 8
Psychic 1

120/120 HP
68/120 exp.

Feeling good. +1 willpower.

569's specials: Cannot be impregnated apart from egging. Resistant to sex attacks. (-5 damage).
Sensitivity and horniness always jumps to moderate or high if these statuses happen. Either she's turned on or off.

Passive ability: Head Trauma.
Other: Pummel.

Head -
Top - Big Tank Top.
Legs -
Boots - Jetboots (27/30 fuel)
Wrists - Technic Bracers (+3 str)
Hands -
Waist - Item purse. Pickaxe
Back - Power Shield Generator (74/200)

Weilding: Laser Blaster. (32/40) (modded: Damage increase (+2), Scope mod (+10 accuracy))

Purse(level 3):
25 credits.
Vibrator (10 charges) 3x grenade. 3x healthkit. 1x Boltgun (20/20)
2x vials (???, muscular symbol), 2x canned food, Weight mod, 1x energy pill (hp)
2x Super Energy pills (hp) 4x horniness vials
Robot servant. 1x gas grenade (fatique) Vibrator (10 charges) Shield Generator (5 charges)
2x Flash Light. 2x Ammobox (Plasma).
Heavy Plasma (43/50) 2x pills (Lightning symbol)
Wave pulsar (10/10) , Useless infected PDA. Roll of Rope.
Broken labcoat. PlasmaFlamethrower (26/40)
2x coldest water

Robot Servant
50/50 HP.
Status: Packed up.
can modify and make clothing. Can remake clothing articles to other. Can fuse gadgets and clothing articles. Can fix clothing.
Inbuild tazer for self defence.
3 - 9 electric damage. Can cause flinch (50%)

Fe'da's stats:
level 12

Endurance 6
Stamina 9
Agility 11
Strength 7
Willpower 9
Technic 14
Psychic 6

90/90 HP
30/30 psychic energy
63/120 exp


Psychic abilities:
Mindblast. 20 energy. 10 - 20 damage. Only works on organic foes. Can cause flinch. (25%)
Shield. 15 energy. Blocks an attack.
Special: Poison bite. (100% full, 20% per bite, slowly refills.)
Other: Gun tweaking.
Head - Nightvision goggles
Top - Fullbody spacesuit.
Legs - Fullbody spacesuit.
Boots -
Wrists - PDA. Gadget: Hacking Key.(10 charges) PDA: Liquid identifier. 20 charges.
Hands -
Waist - Item purse(lvl2).. Crowbar
Back - A coil of metal wire.
Weilding: Plasma pistol (78/80)

Purse items:
1 food ration. Flashlight. Gadget Energy charger. (5 charges) Weird Cube shaped Gadget.
Mystery gadget. 2x Tazer. PDA (Shield 70/100) Data Pad. Staircase trap map.
2x status heal pill. 1x super HP pill. 3x pink pills (hearth symbol). Shock cannon (32/50). Stealth clock (11/20)
Techmod (infected). Z'rill combat blade. Infected PDA. Laser Pistol. (198/200 ammo) Laser Blaster (28/40)
1x Coffee. 1x gummy bugs.
85 credits.


Passive +25 to door and vault technic checks.
Mod rebuilding; Turn two mods to a uncommon or better mod.
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Re: Prison Planet Escape.


change of a mind- Sapphire (because she can rape our enemies)
Webby (she's cool:p something like a spider-man, but a woman)
and still C5
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Re: Prison Planet Escape.


(We should get to know our new party members /Eline's new girlfriend better and get them some gear of their own, they won't be able to carry much without their own item purses. Also webby and Maline will work well for taking down that guy in the trapped room, Maline is another kinetic user and Webby can web him in place and has awesome agility.)

D. Go the trapped place with all the traps and the dude we talked our way out of fighting last time. Let's go kick his ass and take his stuff.

Have 569 give Maline the other Wave pulsar the shield backpack and the laser blaster, Have Fe'da give Webby the shock cannon, Maline the night vision goggles, and Eline the trap map.

X. Have the tailor robot use the broken labcoat 569 has to make Webby something to wear.

Store the various unidentified and infected gear and gadgets.

Have Fe'da charge the shock cannon both shield generators and the laser blaster

Before the current party leaves have Eline give Fe'da a wink and tell her not to have to have too much fun with 569 while the party is gone.

Have Webby equip the shock cannon and Maline the laser blaster.
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