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Prison Planet Escape. (the end)

Re: Prison Planet Escape.


Eline went to check the wiring. It seemed to be pretty easy, only a few lose wiring here and there, putting them back together was pretty easy.

The panel seemed operational, it shot out a holo screen. The holo screen began to run a fast scrolling text of a language she wasn't familiar with.

The text slowed down as there was some images of various personel. Most of them looked like Z'ril females, there were humans there too of both genders.. Most've been some sort of a identification log of the personel who used to work here.

The text began to go messy and faster again.. As the panel seemed to fry, and from the wall, from a small card hole, popped out an ID card.

ID Card get!

There was a small short circuit sound from the hallway further ahead towards the room. There seemed to be a small unnoticeable light sensor on the hallway, but it shut down.

Eline entered the first room.

It was a pretty big room.. There was some sort of broken data pad's here and there. Few computers embedded on the walls with broken screens.. Tossed over chairs and table's..

But no items worth of interest. Not to mention the room was spooky dead silent.

To the north there was a simple door similar to the one she came inside the facility to.

In the south there was a lot of rubble. There was something behind the rubble.. It looked like a door. But it was hidden beneath the rubble..

A) Go through the north door.
B) Try to move the rubble away with force and then go through the south door (strength check)
C) Try to move the rubble away with Kinetic(20 psychic energy) and then go through the south door. (psychic check)
D) Other?

Eline's headache wore off.

Eline's stats:
Level 10.

Endurance 8
Stamina 9
Agility 7 (-1 from status)
Strength 7
Willpower 7
Technic 11
Psychic 10

90/90 HP
50/50 psychic energy

Psychic abilities:
Shockwave. 15 energy. 5 - 20 damage.
Light up. 10 energy. Provide light
Kinetic. 20 energy. Next attack is Autohit. Can be used to take items from afar.

Head -
Top - Space full body suit.
Legs - (Space full body suit). Sleek panties.
Boots - Basic plastic suit.
Wrists -
Hands -
Waist - Item purse.
Back -


Special gadget:
Power Trick. Transfer normal energy to power for Electric and Laser weapons and gadgets.
(3 uses a day)

1x Energy Pills. Tazer. ID card.
50 credits.

Technic check(easy): 34 + 5 (39)
30+ needed.
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Re: Prison Planet Escape.

B. Let's try and save our MP if we can.
Re: Prison Planet Escape.

tie between B and A.
coinflip.. B!

Eline looked at the rubble and herself a bit.. She had doubts if she could move it or not..

Eline moved away some of the small stuff.. To find out there was quite a big chunk underneath, she'd have to get that moving for this to go anywhere.
Eline tried to move it with all her might..!
Pushing it harder and harder.. But it didn't nudge an inch.

She just ended up slipping on the rubble and falling on her face first!
(3 hp damage!)

"ow.. ow... ow..! Well that was useless"

She was able to reveal a sign from the door though.. It had a biological matter warning triangle.

"Must be some sort of a biolab..?"

Well Eline wasn't ready to try again just yet so she decided to move to the northern room instead.

she entered the north room which seemed to be smaller and.. about as empty as the one she came from with just trash here and there, specially on the floor. She saw a door to the east which seemed to have a red light blinking on it and a keycard slot next to the door.

She was going to check it closer.. But she then stepped on something.


A burst of lasers came from below her! She stepped on a laser mine!
She felt a slight burning pain on her legs and her body suit's leg parts broke from the laser burst, wasn't luckily too badly.

She survived with mostly a scare, infact it seemed like this mine was made to just try remove clothing rather than seriously hurt anyone..

"argh.. That was anoying.."

Eline was about to lean towards a wall.. But stopped as she saw something on the said wall.. A current of electricity.

"Whoa..! Okay! I highly doubt the safety of this room here.."

Eline was scared to move. She could go back to the room she was in no problem but then again that door is the only other direction she could get past.

A) Try go to the east door
B) Go back and try force the rubble again (strength check)
C) Go back and try to Kinetic the rubble (20 PE, psychic check)
D) Other?

Eline's stats:
Level 10.

Endurance 8
Stamina 9
Agility 7 (-1 from status)
Strength 7
Willpower 7
Technic 11
Psychic 10

75/90 HP
50/50 psychic energy


Psychic abilities:
Shockwave. 15 energy. 5 - 20 damage.
Light up. 10 energy. Provide light
Kinetic. 20 energy. Next attack is Autohit. Can be used to take items from afar.

Head -
Top - Space full body suit.
Legs - (Space full body suit(shred from the legs, now more like shorts)). Sleek panties.
Boots - Basic plastic suit.
Wrists -
Hands -
Waist - Item purse.
Back -


Special gadget:
Power Trick. Transfer normal energy to power for Electric and Laser weapons and gadgets.
(3 uses a day)

1x Energy Pills. Tazer. ID card.
50 credits.

Strength check (moderate, 45+ needed)
37, failed.

3 hp damage taken.

Eline perception.
9 vs 35

Laser mine!
12 damage

Eline perception.
65 vs 47
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Re: Prison Planet Escape.


Also really, picture updates? You deserve +Rep
Re: Prison Planet Escape.

Also really, picture updates?
Only some times, usually if there's clothing article related things happening. =P
Re: Prison Planet Escape.

4x B in a row.

Eline carefully went back to the big empty room.
She made her way to the rubble and stretched her arms a bit.

"Round 2."

She once more tried to push, pull, nudge it.. But the large chunk just didn't budge an inch.

"Why won't you move you..!"

Out frustration she kicked the thing too but only hurt her foot.
-3 hp
"Ow ow ow ow ow..!"

After a comedic jumping around on one foot she sat down on the floor for a while.

"Shees.. I really should've taken those gym passes.."

A) Rest for a bit to recover and try to force it again, third times the charm (strength check)
B) Kinetic the rubble away (psychic check, -20 PE)
C) Go to the north room and then try reach the east door there.
D) Other?

Eline's stats:
Level 10.

Endurance 8
Stamina 9
Agility 7 (-1 from status)
Strength 7
Willpower 7
Technic 11
Psychic 10

72/90 HP
50/50 psychic energy


Psychic abilities:
Shockwave. 15 energy. 5 - 20 damage.
Light up. 10 energy. Provide light
Kinetic. 20 energy. Next attack is Autohit. Can be used to take items from afar.

Head -
Top - Space full body suit.
Legs - (Space full body suit(shred from the legs, now more like shorts)). Sleek panties.
Boots - Basic plastic suit.
Wrists -
Hands -
Waist - Item purse.
Back -


Special gadget:
Power Trick. Transfer normal energy to power for Electric and Laser weapons and gadgets.
(3 uses a day)

1x Energy Pills. Tazer. ID card.
50 credits.

Strength check (moderate, 45+ needed)
10 failed.
3 damage

unlucky little fellow
Re: Prison Planet Escape.

B. we tried our muscles twice time to use our brain meats.
Re: Prison Planet Escape.

B. Currently the B is the best vote all around cheerio!

(Silliness-addition to B vote)

As Eline uses her brain 'meats' to lift the rubble up and away, closing her eyes to concentrate, her clothing begins to pull itself apart, as if two great hands were grabbing at them.. Eline's kinetic powers while lifting the rubble also tear up patches of her clothing, leaving of her nipples completely bare and a teasing hints of her thighs while Eline feels its a bit more drafty by her pussy.
Re: Prison Planet Escape.

Eh i thought B was mental powahs last update. o_O

Looking back i realize my derp as it was actually C; which I meant to vote for instead.

This time B is actually what I want to do, B use those psychic muscles! lol
Re: Prison Planet Escape.


Eline got back up.
"Alright.. Time to use brain over brawl.."

Eline focused her mind on the obstacle.. She recalled her training a bit and used Kinetic on it on hopes to hurl it in the air.
The big rubble chunk was stuck on the ground pretty tightly.

It was starting to look like it wouldn't move no matter how much she focused.. Just before she was going to give up, the chunk finally gave up.

Eline was able to launch the chunk away from the door with Kinetic.

Cling clong, the chunk rolled landed on the floor quite middle to the room.

"Sweet!" Eline felt quite good about herself.

-20 Psychic Energy.

+5 exp from passing a moderate check.

Eline was able to pass by the door now!

The door lead to a quite long hallway.. It was a bit dark, but still bearable.
She was lucky there was no traps on this hallway, this could've really been perfect for them, she'd have never seen them coming.

The Hall way lead to two ends:

North end seems to have a door to a new room.
and a elevator at west end that had more of those bio matter warnings and read "bio labs" with multiple languages.

There was a small locker near the elevator.
In the locker there seemed to be something in it..

There seemed to be a Pickaxe of some sort in it. It was pretty nice full metallic and everything. The pick ends were sharp and swung nicely.

5 - 20 Stab/Crush damage.

Eline let it hang next to her item purse on her waist.

There seemed to be some sort of a gadget in there aswell..
Eline was able to regonize it as it leaked of psychic energy!

Psychic charger.
Charges psychic energy. (5 charges, depletes after use)

She stashed that in her purse.

But now it seemed that she had opened some more options in here..

A) Check whats inside the north room
B) Visit down to biolabs
C) Go back and try get past the trapped room
D) Other?

Eline's stats:
Level 10.

Endurance 8
Stamina 9
Agility 8
Strength 7
Willpower 7
Technic 11
Psychic 10

72/90 HP
30/50 psychic energy
5/100 exp.


Psychic abilities:
Shockwave. 15 energy. 5 - 20 damage.
Light up. 10 energy. Provide light
Kinetic. 20 energy. Next attack is Autohit. Can be used to take items from afar.

Head -
Top - Space full body suit.
Legs - (Space full body suit(shred from the legs, now more like shorts)). Sleek panties.
Boots - Basic plastic suit.
Wrists -
Hands -
Waist - Item purse. Pickaxe.
Back -


Special gadget:
Power Trick. Transfer normal energy to power for Electric and Laser weapons and gadgets.
(3 uses a day)

1x Energy Pills. Tazer. ID card. Psychic charger.
50 credits.

Psychic check (moderate, 40+ needed)
31 + 10 (41)
Pass barely.

+ 5 exp.