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Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish, Aust_Nailo, Shrike7) GMed by ranger

Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

Ash's eyes fluttered open as a loud roar woke her from the nightmare she had only to find that she was in a far worse place than her dreams had been. Nearby the two demons from her nightmare shared a tender moment or what passes for tenderness between demons. Her stomach rolled and prayed the foul things would hold of their mating till she could grab her gear and get of this hell hole. Had her head not been pounding from what ever vile magics the she demon had used on her Ash would have heard and realized that she was in for far worse than watching two demons have sex. Not wanting to think too much about it Ash tried to move but her body was to exhausted and she only managed drag herself across the heated stone a few inches before she had to stop. Laying there spent she watched with dread as the female took her gear and headed for parts unknown. It was the worst turn of luck she had suffered thus far but she was slowly feeling her strength return. Soon she would be strong enough to leave this vile hell hole.

Ashraani grabbed the females gear and evaluated it. Simple cloths and armor with nothing to special about them likely massed produced from some factory in Bardia. The steel blade was rather bland as well as fairly basic in design but rather sturdy. The bow decorated with carvings of the hunt and other nature motifs wasn't bad for work done by human hands. This was clearly the woman's prized possession likely even made for her by her family. Still she would have to figure something out about what to do with the items but that was for another time. Securing the loot she quickly made her way back to Argaaz who was struggling with the woman a new.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

Moments before Ashraani took off, she noticed how the thief had begun to stir, and smirked. "Pacify her, Argaaz, I'll return soon.", and then took off. During the flight she'd look over the items a little, the clothes and armor looked cheap and useless, and the sword didn't look particularly valuable either. The bow however... Ashraani grinned slightly. That was something worth keeping, for more than one reason. She wouldn't spend any extra time looking the things over, and as soon as she had secured the items she'd soar back to where her companion and prey were, grinning with glee at the sight. Within moments of landing, she'd speak up, "A fierce spirit indeed, female, but I suggest saving your energy... Should you desire to continue your struggles, I will allow my companion, Argaaz, to bite you and inject his venom. I assure you, it is not a pleasant experience, and it will undoubtedly make things less pleasant for you... Cease your struggles, and I promise to make this as pleasant for you as I can. And I keep my words, something you would be wise to keep in mind.", Ashraani licked her lips, and descended upon the woman, to assist her companion in holding the human in place, especially so if she struggled and needed to be pacified by Argaaz venom. Ashraani knew very well the nature of Argaaz poison, how the toxin would feel like agonizing fire throughout the females veins, and how the pain would cripple her into inaction, from time to time or completely so, depending on how well it took root in her body.

(Action: Assist-Grapple Ash, let Argaaz bite the thief a few times until the paralyzing venom takes hold, but firmly remind him of biting softly for reduced/non-lethal damage, unless Ash stops struggling)

If the woman had struggled, and as a result been bitten and injected with Argaaz venom, Ashraani would first make sure the woman would be hampered by the venom, and then move a hand to the humans wound, weaving a healing spell, "Now hold still while I heal this wound of yours... Poor thing, why did you have to struggle, hmm?", there was more then enough juice in the spell to heal the female up to perfect health, Ashraani figured, how unfortunate that it wouldn't cleanse the venom in her system though.

(If Ash struggled and thus got bitten by Argaaz, Action: Ashraani casts Empowered Healing Touch, Least, for 8EP cost, healing Ash for... well over 100HP, apparently, that oughta be enough!)

Regardless of the outcome, whether the thief had struggled and gotten poisoned or not, Ashraani decided they might aswell get to business right then and there. "Argaaz, lay on your back, keep her to your chest, I refuse to wait any longer for our mating!", Ashraani closed her eyes, hissing aloud as her cracks shone more brightly, how a surging warmth centered slightly above her nethers. With a loud, pleasured, growl her anatomy changed abruptly; as a sizeable length of distinctly male proportions errupted with a wet sound. The shaft was glowing brightly, potently, and twitched excitedly a few times as the change settled in and Ashraani's cracks dimmed to their more normal luminosity. A wide, delightfully excited, sly smile crossing her lips as she looked to the woman. There was no need for words anymore, as Ashraani would descend upon both her wyvern lover, and their captive prey, aiding the male in keeping the woman in place while taking her position between the two, lining her damp nethers up with Argaaz shaft and her fresh, hotly pulsating, maleness with the humans womanhood. Ashraani's cracks was growing brighter again, this close to her desired prize... Her patience was running thin, interruption of the deed needing to be done would not be tolerated.

(Action: Assist-Grapple Ash and prepare for penetration with Argaaz and Ash)

If all things went along smoothly from here on, Ashraani would first line herself up with Argaaz, shivering in excitement moments prior to descending upon his shaft. Her hot, damp slit clenching snugly around his member, as her heat surrounded him, and his heat surged into her. She let out a lengthy, pleasured, hiss and allowed herself to savor the moment a little. But then it was time for her shaft to find a snug slit to push into. Ashraani's hands moved to take a firm grip of the womans hips, and grinned ear to ear as she shifted position slightly, making her hiss delightfully as her wyvern lovers manhood shifted inside her. "And now, little human, it is your turn... I'll take it nice and slow... I want you to enjoy it, after all.", there was honesty in her words, but it might be overshadowed by the clear excitement both her voice and eyes gave away. "Argaaz, push your tail up slightly, bring me closer to her... Or else I might have to slide off of you. We don't want that, do we?", as Ashraani purred those words out to her lover, she leaned forward. Either Argaaz would have to do as she said, or he'd end up sliding out of his mistress tight pussy. Either way, Ashraani would tentatively prod her member against the captives folds, every nudge sending a ripple of warmth throughout the females crotch.

And then Ashraani part pushed forward, and part pulled Ash towards her, as she slowly and surely pushed herself deeper and deeper into the womans depths, all while her cock throbbed hotly, filling the woman with a burning sensation of pleasure. Ashraani would take it nice and easy, slow and gentle, in order to give Ash plenty of time to accomodate to the sizable shaft penetrating her. Ashraani always kept her words, and as she had promised pleasure, she would make sure to not be too rough or abrupt with her newfound plaything.

(Action: Ashraani mounts Argaaz member, followed by penetrating Ash. Ashraani holds back, and only deals half pleasure damage to Ash what she would normally do. That is (2d8+32)/2)

Status: Fine
HP: 51/51
PP: 61/61
EP: 52/52, -8 if she had to cast Empowered Healing Touch, Least

v With Body Buff v
Speed: 21
Dodge: 64
Grapple: 46
Stealth: 9

Radiance(+20 Mind, No Upkeep)
Strength, Lesser(+26 Body, No Upkeep)

Status: Fine
HP: 32/32
PP: 23/23
EP: 25/25

Strength, Lesser(+26 Body, No Upkeep for Ashraani)
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Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

Ashraani pleasures Argaaz 40 pp he orgasams twice (poor guy) pregnancy rolls for Ashraani 4 (bonus roll for twins need a 8 on a d8) 8 xtra baby times
Ashraani pleasures Ash 22pp (reduced by own effort) ash gains 22 corruption putting her over 100 she gains a mutation and is set to 0
Argaaz pleasures Ashraani 31pp
Ash pleasures Ashraani 27pp (+5 for cherry)
Argaaz: 23/23 stunned
Ashranni: 3/61 pregnant (twins)
Ash: 16/38pp

Ash struggled as the one called Argaaz picked her up. During the brief confrontation the giant lizard subdued her once more. Holding her tight to his warm body caused Ash to sweat the perspiration giving her body a subtle sheen. "Do not struggle female or the Mistress will not be pleased." "I don't care if she's pleased or not let me go or you'll regret it." A soft thump on the ground announcing the arrival of Ashraani her face locked into a grin. "A fierce spirit indeed, female, but I suggest saving your energy... Should you desire to continue your struggles, I will allow my companion, Argaaz, to bite you and inject his venom. I assure you, it is not a pleasant experience, and it will undoubtedly make things less pleasant for you... Cease your struggles, and I promise to make this as pleasant for you as I can. And I keep my words, something you would be wise to keep in mind." The woman looked at Ashraani and then at Argaaz's bared fangs and ceased her struggles. After all she couldn't escape if paralyzed.

With the prey pacified for now at lest Ashraani got to work on the next part of the plan. Ash simply watched in horror and fascination as the demon woman grew her cock. "Wa wa what are you going to do with that?" It was a redundant question as knew exactly what the demon was going to do with it. Fear paralyzed the ranger as the thoughts of her flower being ravaged by the demon's pole flooded her mind. It was far to big it would tear her apart. She wanted to run escape but she couldn't move only watch as the demon woman slide down the snake-mans pole a look of pure bliss on her face. Before she knew it the woman had her hands on Ash's waist getting ready for the penetration. "And now, little human, it is your turn... I'll take it nice and slow... I want you to enjoy it, after all. Ash's heart sank she was going to be rapped by this thing and she could do nothing about it. The commands the female demon where giving where lost in the background as the woman could only focus on the giant cock about to enter her. "Its its to big.. you'll rip me apart.. Don't please I beg you don't." Ashraani wouldn't be denied as she teased the woman's sex. Feeling resistance to her prods meant only one thing the woman was a virgin. With a grin on her face Ashraani pulled and thrust slowly feeling the woman's hymen begin to rip then give way. Ash shuddered and cried as the painful sensation of her virginity being robbed reached her but soon all to soon the demon's thrusts turned into pleasure the extra warmth filling the girl and seeping into her being. Argaaz on the other hand exploded into Ashraani his long pent up need finally finding release into his fertile mistress.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

Ashraani would quickly take note of the humans virginity, and hissed pleasedly at getting the chance of claiming it. She'd ease herself in nicely and slowly, and the heat she was filling the human with would numb Ash's senses slightly, diminishing whatever pain she might experience when her hymen was carefully pushed through and broken. "Ssss... Never mated before, little female? How fortunate we both are, that I am your first one...", she shuddered, hissing the words out with a delightfully pleased tone to her voice, only to moments afterwards feel Argaaz writhe and groan beneath the two females, his climax errupting in a torrent of burning hot, brightly glowing, semen that filled Ashraani's pussy with a wonderful warmth. Ashraani jerked slightly, accidentally pushing herself a little too fast and too deep into Ash' slit, but managed to recover fast enough to not pain the poor thing too much. The Draconians eyes glazed over slightly, such a wonderful sensation, to be filled so completely by her companion. Yet it frustrated her, she had forgotten entirely about her companions... unsatisfying... sexual stamina, she had been too focused on holding herself back when pleasuring the human, that she had failed to hold back, to not clench and squeeze her hot and wonderfully snug womanhood around Argaaz shaft.

Hopefully it would be just a minor setback, as Ashraani felt wonderfully satisfied, feeling the hot seed undoubtedly take root within her womb. She turned her hazy gaze down upon the woman, a delirious smile on the Draconians lips. "Can you feel it, female? My heat filling your body, your very being...? Isn't it a wonderful sensation?", her words had a quiet hiss to them, and her overall tone was seductive and sultry. There was no hostility to her words, only a yearning to share the pleasures her kind could bring, pleasures Ash was both experiencing right then and there, and also being offered more of. "This is but the beginning... I can feel it, just like Argaaz I am pent up with need... And much like him I will soon reach my peak, and fill a female with my wonderful seed...", she hissed the words out needily. Ashraani obviously yearned to fill Ash with her seed, to fill the woman with even more potent warmth that undoubtedly would light her body aflame in ecstacy and pleasure. Hopefully, her seductive words would be enough to keep Ash from trying to struggle, now that Argaaz was recovering from a climax, unable to properly hold their captive in place. Ashraani would certainly try to keep Ash down if it was needed, but she was far from as physically powerful as her wyvern lover.

(Action: If Ash struggles(1) to break free this close to recieving the Ember Broods gift(a wombful of glowspunk), Ashraani will try to finish the deal, counter-grappling in order to bring herself and Ash over the edge. If Ash doesn't struggle(2), and instead accepts the pleasure, Ashraani continues with the penetrative sex. In either case, Ashraani deals full PP damage to Ash, and heavily reduced PP to Argaaz. 2d8+32 to Ash, 1/4th of that to Argaaz.)

1) If Ash began to struggle now that she had a glimmer of hope of escaping the lusting demons, Ashraani's eyes would flare up with intense fury, and tried to roughly slam herself into the woman, to prevent her escape by paralyzing her with pleasure. "This is the gratitude you show, for the pleasures I offer you, human?!", she snarled the words out, completely gone was her gentleness and sultry demeanor. Should Ashraani manage to keep Ash in place to thrust into her captive, she'd do so with reckless abandon. Every thrust would be deep and rough, a punishment for the display of defiance Ash had shown. Ashraani's cock would flare up, filling the females body with an agonizing blend of pleasure and pain. "I will break you, female, I will make you regret defying me!", the Draconian spat the words out, continuing to piston in and out of Ash' body, trying to milk herself to a climax so she could release her seed into her captive, to properly claim her for the Ember Brood. If she managed to bring herself to a climax by raping Ash, she'd snarl out her peaking, releasing an enormous torrent of jism, flooding the humans pussy and womb with her virile, burning hot, seed. The sensation would undoubtedly be overpowering, the heat flaring through Ash' body and very soul, as if setting them aflame with a defiling, perverse, sense of ecstacy, no doubt shaking the womans very being.

2) However, if Ashraani's words and promises had managed to sway the woman, if the human did not struggle and instead showed herself accepting, perhaps even needy for, the pleasures Ashraani promised her... The Draconian wouldn't hold back, this close, hovering on the verge of climax, the hermaphrodite would lean down and lay herself atop of the human, embracing her like a lover. She would kiss Ash' lips, locking them in passion as she began to slowly and rythmicly thrust in and out of the humans pussy. This time, Ashraani would focus on pleasuring Ash as much as possible, while leaving Argaaz with only slightly ministration and teasing, enough to keep him erect and serviceable but no more. Her entire focus was in bringing Ash and herself to a body-shaking orgasm. And it would come all too soon for the poor Draconian, as she cried out her peak, pistoning herself franticly in and out of Ash' wonderfully tight snatch as her seed released; errupting like a burning hot torrent within the humans pussy, the heat surging throughout her body and filling her with a sensation unlike any other. It was as if the womans body, even soul, was wreathed and surrounded with flames of ecstacy. There was no pain, only an overwhelming blissful sensation that shook her very being.

Status: Fine
HP: 51/51
PP: 3/61
EP: 52/52

Status: Pregnant(Twins), 0/3 Days until ready to be laid for hatching, or 0/1 until ready to be laid in another female.

v With Body Buff v
Speed: 21
Dodge: 64
Grapple: 46
Stealth: 9

Radiance(+20 Mind, No Upkeep)
Strength, Lesser(+26 Body, No Upkeep)

Status: Fine
HP: 32/32
PP: 0/23, Stunned & Recovering
EP: 25/25

Strength, Lesser(+26 Body, No Upkeep for Ashraani)
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

Ashranni deals 42 pp damage to Ash causing her to orgasm and take 47 corruption Ash is stunned
Ashranni deals 4 resistance damage to Ash (reduced from non direct ingestion)
Ash deals 25 pp damage to Ashraani causing her to orgasm Ashraani is stunned, pregnant (1+1 potent =2 which impregnates due to fertile from Ashraani)
Ashranni deals 10pp damage to Argaaz (reduced)
Argaaz deals 26pp damage to Ashraani
Argaaz: 13/23pp
Ashranni: 61/61pp Stunned, pregnant (twins)
Ash: 38/38pp Stunned, pregnant 19/23 resistance till aroused
Ash felt stunned she had just been violated by the demon woman. She wanted to rage against her tormentor but found herself unable to muster any sort of defiance. Every time she opened her mouth a moan escaped every push turned into a pull. She couldn't help herself her body had betrayed her. She wanted the woman to stop wanted her to leave her alone but nothing. No defying remarks no devastating strikes to throw her attacker off just the rhythmic pounding and lewd squelches as the draconian cock thrust deeply into her. Unbearable heat was building in her fueled by the unnatural heat coming off the woman. It radiated from her pussy to her stomach and from her stomach it flooded into her system causing her toes to curl and her hands to grasp tightly to her rapist. Had Ash not been lost in her lust she would have seen her veins and arteries begin to glow as the taint of the ember-brood had started to take hold in her. No Ash couldn't see the changes happening to her body but the effects where not lost on her partner who seemed spurred on to further more needy thrusting. Feeling the cock swell inside her Ash could no longer contain herself as she reached her peak causing her body to spasm just as Ashraani squirted her first potent load into the woman which was quickly followed by another and another. Trapped with nowhere to go the potent glowing seed filled and inflated the woman's womb.
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Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

Ashraani shuddered and moaned softly in the aftermath of such a wonderfully potent and messy orgasm. Her seed undoubtedly taken root within the female beneath her, and her juices richly coating Argaaz crotch and seeping down the sides of his serpentine body. She coo'd quietly as she leant down, laying herself upon the Human, with her large breasts hanging down well within reach of the smaller females lips given their size difference. It would take a little while before she would recover, but as the female showed no sign of starting to struggle now she felt no need to worry. "Sss... Did it feel good, human? Do you feel the warmth of my kind spreading throughout your body? Isn't the heat a wonderful sensation?", she grinned slightly, licking her lips before lapping her tongue slowly across the females forehead, leaving a wet trail of glowing saliva as if to 'mark' Ash. "Do you yearn for more? We are so very willing to please you further, after all...", she half-moaned the words out, her eyes a little hazy with lust still. "It is your decision. Do we have more fun now, or shall we save it for later, hmm?"

(Action: Stunned, so monologue, and allowing Ash to decide whether she's had enough or wishes to continue)

If the Human expressed a desire to continue, Ashraani would do so happily, and wouldn't hold back in the slightest anymore; time and time again she'd bring the mutated human to new heights of pleasure, making sure to give it her all to ensure the females enjoyment. She would offer Ash a chance to drink some of her warm, filling, milk. And offer her some fun with Argaaz aswell, something the Draconian naturally would oversee to make sure Argaaz didn't bring their new playmate pain or too much discomfort. As long as the human desired pleasure, Ashraani would keep deliver, and Argaaz wouldn't be left out either of course. Ashraani still yearned for more of his seed, after all.

If the Human expressed no such desire for continued indulgement, Ashraani would pout a little, but nod. She would withdraw from Ash' pussy and allow her shaft to regress and vanish without a trait, whimpering in pleasure as her body returned to its natural, all female, state. She would keep Ash right where the human was however, while riding Argaaz cock until recieving a second filling of his seed, and then merely lay down ontop of her companions, idly cuddling them in the aftermath of their mating.

(Action: If Ash wants more sex, just do the rolls and timeskip until she's had enough. If Ash wants no more sex, Ashraani deals full penetrative pleasure to Argaaz until he cums. After either thing, she just cuddles the two of them for a while until either something happens, or one of them grows restless/starts talking)

Status: Fine
HP: 51/51
PP: 3/61
EP: 52/52

Status: Pregnant(Twins), 0/3 Days until ready to be laid for hatching, or 0/1 until ready to be laid in another female.

v With Body Buff v
Speed: 21
Dodge: 64
Grapple: 46
Stealth: 9

Radiance(+20 Mind, No Upkeep)
Strength, Lesser(+26 Body, No Upkeep)

Status: Fine
HP: 32/32
PP: 0/23, Stunned & Recovering
EP: 25/25

Strength, Lesser(+26 Body, No Upkeep for Ashraani)
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Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

Ashraani marked the human as hers and asked the poor thing if it wanted to continue. However no response came from the human female looking down Ashraani saw why. Ash lay limp as a noodle her eyes rolled back in her head and tongue lolling out of her mouth, rent unconscious by the sensual bliss brought on by her. Pulling her cock free of the unconscious woman produced a satisfying pop as even unconscious her folds held Ashraani's shaft wanting more.

Free of the cock Ash's body began to rid itself of the excess glow spunk some being absorbed into her body granting her fluids the same glow as the ember-brood. Most however seeped out in a slow cascade of glowing spunk until Ash's belly was once again taunt and firm.

Slightly disappointed Ashraani wasted little time in bringing Argaaz to another shattering orgasm. Her passions alight as he emptied into her once more. Spent Argaaz drifted into a fitful sleep stuck under the human female and his mistress. It had been an eventful day and maybe if he was good his mistress would let him have a go mating with her again. After all she was the only one worthy of his seed.

The trio would lay like this for some till the human woman started to stir. Trying to asses her condition however brought on some panicked and incoherent mumblings. "What what happened to me?" Ash gazed down at her belly a slight bulge of pregnancy starting form on her formerly athletic body. While this was distressing enough she knew that this was a hazard for female adventurers. What brought the panic to her voice however was her glowing veins now visible through her pale skin. Much to her credit Ash soon calmed herself down and began to act. At first she tried to free herself from the tangle of bodies. This proved pointless however as Argaaz still had her wrapped tight in his coils and Ashraani's larger heavier frame held her down. This of course did not happen without Ashraani noticing and it was up to her when the game should end. After all the female was her's by right of conquest and not to mention she carried a member of the ember-brood in her belly.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

Ashraani would huff a little at the response she recieved, what with the Human falling unconscious like that. All the same, she found some enjoyment in watching the glowspunk ooze out of her playthings spasming snatch. All the same, Ashraani had never been one to waste an opportunity, and would crie out in delight once she managed to coax another wonderfully warming load of seed out of Argaaz. As even the Wyvern began to descend into slumber, Ashraani let out a resigned sigh. A small nap likely wouldn't hurt.

Ashraani would barely manage to close her eyes and relax from the blissful high before the Human started to stir, she frowned slightly, but remained still as she remained laying ontop of Ash, by then she had the woman in a close embrace, their breasts squeezed together. The moment Ash decided to try struggling however, Ashraani would shift her grip, hugging her arms tightly around the Human in an attempt to keep her in place, and rose her head enough so that she could stare down into Ash' eyes.

"You weren't thinking about leaving, were you?", she hissed the words out, her voice carried a warning tone. "I hope not... You're undoubtedly carrying a child, perhaps more, of mine...", her eyes glowed dangerously. "I do not find the idea of you running away with my young either entertaining, or acceptable, in the least.", she hissed again, her eyes dimming to their more regular glow, as she then laid back down, rubbing her warm body against Ash' own. The lack of clothes, even in a volcano, while likely not 'cold' would likely still be 'drafty', especially considering how close they still were to the entrance.

"No... You'll be staying with us...", she paused briefly, smiling oh-so-sweetly with a predatory gleam in her eyes, "It felt good, didn't it? My shaft within your body... The heat filling you, warming your entire being?", while Ashraani at first spoke in a hushed, matter-of-factly tone that Ash would have no choice in the matter of her stay, but after the brief pause Ashraani's words had a more sultry, seductive tone to them. "I can already see the fires of our kind flowing within your veins... But it isn't enough... Still so much of our flame, our passion, that you lack.", Ashraani's voice remained sultry until the end, where it almost sounded like she was pitying the woman. "But you need not fear, I will take care of you, make sure you turn out right...", she coo'd the words out, smiling with anticipation at the prospect of molding and shaping Ash to suit the Draconians desires.

"Because, surely, you've felt unsatisfied with your body in some kind of way, hmm? Or if not unsatisfied... At least something you've thought you wanted changed a few times?", Ashraani leant in, pressing her cheek against the Womans own, whispering in her ears. "Perhaps you'd like wings of your own, that one day will be strong enough to let you soar in the skies, free as a bird? Eyes that lets you see in the dark, allowing you to track down any prey... You are a hunter, correct? Perhaps you'd like... fuller, larger, wonderful breasts?", Ashraani coo'd the offers out, a hand shifting to playfully tease and rub along the side of one of Ash' breasts, not enough to cause any stimuli or pleasure, but perhaps enough to get the point across: She were in the hands of a demon that were capable of warping her body in a myriad of manners, at her own desire. All she'd have to do, would be to ask, and state her desires.
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Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

Ash held her tongue after all she was in the hands of a powerful demon. To refuse such "gifts" would likely end up only causing her pain. Still Ash had to admit to herself that being able to fly and see in the dark would be wonderful boons to her but she doubted they would be worth the cost of her soul. Looking into the glowing eyes of Ashraani Ash couldn't help but notice how pretty her face was but quickly pushed the thought from her head. "One of yours...... I'm carrying your child?" This was distressing news but other questions presented itself. "You did this to me? Why?" It was a good question and probably one that wouldn't get her in trouble at lest she hopped.
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Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

Ashraani waited to be answered, but instead she found herself questioned. As one of her hands lightly pushed her body up a little, the other would make its way to her 'guests' belly, slowly stroking over bare skin with her warm palm. "It would surprise me if you weren't, female...", a sly smile crossed her lips, "And if you aren't, I'll mate you again and again until you are for sure.", she hissed softly as she slowly descended upon the human again, pressing her form against that of the woman's own. "Why? Is that not clear?", Ashraani gave the female an odd look, murmuring quietly, mere whispers barely audible for the human. "I guess it is not."

With a soft sigh, Ashraani moved her arms, to snake them under her guests back to embrace her fully, and would start over on answering Ash' question, "Why I am doing this to you, female? Because my kind, the Ember Brood, have suffered. Surely you know of the strange beings that one day descended upon the world? The aliens? They came out of nowhere, and attacked my kin...", Ashraani's eyes glowed with part anger, part frustration, and part sorrow. "Many were slain, many were wounded, and ontop of it all, my father, Ashrigaaz, lost his mates... My mothers.", Ashraani sighed softly, and held onto the female firmly, as if both seeking comfort, and as if protecting something precious. "My father's heart was taken with grief, and the sole comfort he had was that of his children, be they the simple, beast-like Drakes, or the more intelligent Wyverns, like Argaaz beneath you... And of my own sort; the Draconians, the most powerful and majestic among the Brood."

Ashraani hissed quietly, as if annoyed by mentioning her 'sibling' Draconians. "They were the ones to leave first, yearning to explore the world, to see the wonders of it, to learn about it, and find their own lairs... I was the last Draconian to leave my fathers side, after having nursed my kind back to health as good as I could manage.", Ashraani was silent for a bit, as if realizing she had begun to ramble. And then she smiled to Ash, a hopeful little smile. "This will be my lair, this is where I shall bring my kind back from the smoldering ashes, to rekindle our spirits, and expand our numbers, until we are once more burning flames.", Ashraani smiled slyly now, staring into the womans eyes longingly. "And that, dear female, is why I did this to you; because I need you, because I want you to join us, because I want to share this passionate warmth with you."

The Draconian would wait for the womans answer, a warm and friendly look playing in the demoness eyes and on her lips, along with an overall curious look, as if wondering how the human would react to all this.
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Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

Ash lay pressed between two bodies their heat causing her to sweat. Ash had no doubt that Ashraani was right about her being pregnant after all she could feel the change in her body. Already her breasts had swollen slightly readying to feed the creature growing in her. Still it seems Ashraani would answer her question fully and she might as well listen. Not to mention where could she go?

It didn't take long for Ashraani to explain why she took Ash captive and indeed she felt a twinge of sympathy when she spoke of the invaders. Ash herself had barely escaped from Celesis during the invasion. However that was where her empathy with Ashraani split. She had her own goals and they where not to become a breeder for a group of demons. "I'm not a demon or a dragon I cannot help you. Please you can have the child just let me go."

It was clear that the female wasn't convinced yet but she didn't sound as hostil as before maybe she just needed more convincing. It was of course Ashraani's choice she could break the female or convince her over time to accept the brood and become a part of it in her own way.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

The Draconian appeared to appreciate Ash' willingness to listen without interruption, and during the long story she would gently caress and massage the woman a little to show her gratitude, along with making Ash' as comfortable as possible in her sandwhiched position. The Draconian did notice that her captive had some sympathy for the Broods plight, but wasn't entirely convinced yet, especially so in regards to her own fate. This made Ashraani smile at first. "Regardless of what you think you are, female, you can help me and my kind more than you seem to realize...", she then frowned a little. "But to hear you're so willing to cast your firstborn away, just to leave this place, saddens me... I know you did not ask for this, but still...", Ashraani looked into Ash' eyes, her own amber ones dim with disappointment. Ashraani was first and foremost, while not literally so, a mother for her kind, and as such her maternal feelings had a hard time to accept the humans willingness to throw her young away so readily.

"I cannot promise your release, female, it is too early for me to make such promises; but know that I keep my words if I give them... And that I do not give them lightly.", Ashraani was very keen on this point; the Draconian was one to keep her words to the best of her abilities, even at her own detriment, and as such was not keen on making promises at every turn. There was, however, still a chance for Ash that she'd be allowed to leave at some point, without having to fight her way through. "However, a word that I can give you, as you have been a very tolerant and understanding guest... Is that for as long as you carry my children, I will do everything I can to ensure your safety.", Ashraani smiled softly, while hissing quietly and thoughtfully.

And then another smile crept up on her lips, and she slowly pushed herself up from Ash, smiling down at the smaller human. "Then again... I've done an awful lot of talking about me and my kind, haven't I? Why don't you tell me something of yourself and yours in return? A fair trade, don't you think?", Ashraani stretched her wings out, flexing them in their full glory, part to get her blood flowing a little as she started to grow restless, but also to show Ash what one day could be hers... After all, Ashraani's offer to modify the womans body, any way Ash might wish for it, was still without an answer from the human.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

Ash began to blush as Ashraani started to gently massage the woman. She couldn't help it with all this heat and tender touches why did it feel so good. "I would not abandon my child lightly just .... as you said yourself it will be like you... my people would never accept her nor could I care for her." Ash tried to ignore the touches of the woman but she found herself holding Ashraani and even feeling slightly disappointed when ever the dragon woman shifted her position away from her.

Ash seemed to sag a little when Ashraani mentioned that she could make no promises about her freedom. Her mood didn't seem to improve much at the promise of protection either. Still there was a chance and that seemed to put a slight spark back in the hunters eyes.

The woman looked rather surprised at the sudden questions about her and her family and it took a moment for her to muster a response. "Well my people have always been talented warriors and spirit users and for hundreds of years we held our small nation together from invading empires and rampaging demons. We thought we could fight anything win any battle until" Ash seemed to choke on her words a little a bright yellow tear forming at her left eye and rolled down her cheek. "Until they came the invaders. In one fell swoop our grandest city became a ghost town everyone I ever knew or loved killed or taken by the invaders. I was lucky I was on patrol when it happened and helped those few who managed to escape the city. And I've lived like this ever since." Another glowing tear ran down the woman's face. She was an orphan along with out family.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

Ashraani scowled slightly as Ash mentioned being unable to care for her own child, but let it slide, and would then listen as the woman spoke of her own past. As soon as the bright tear rolled down Ash' cheek however, Ashraani leant forward, her arms reaching down and around the human followed by gently easing her up to a sitting position, but showed no hint of wanting to interrupt the story despite of this. If anything she seemed to encourage it all, both the story, and Ash' letting the tears flow freely, as the Draconian embraced her captive closely, caressing her back with warm, soothing palms.

"I know of your loss, Human. I know the pain you have known. It would appear we are more similiar than one could tell from but a glance...", Ashraani's voice was soft and gentle, and she continued to hold Ash close, in a protective, motherly embrace, as if trying to soothe a small child. And she would allow the embrace to last for a while, until either Ash, or Argaaz beneath them, interrupted it.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

The embrace lasted a good while as Ash cried into Ashraani's chest. Soon however the crying stopped and the woman held the embrace almost lovingly. It seemed like Ash wouldn't let go until she grunted in pain and looked down at her growing belly. Bringing a hand down the woman felt her growing belly. Suddenly Ash's eyes went wide. Quickly grabbing Ashraani's hand she moved it over her belly. Confused at first Ashraani soon felt a strong thump under her hand. Ash smiled at Ashraani "Did you feel that? That's our baby!" Ash could barely hold her excitement in though soon her smile went away. Even if Ashraani was being kind to her she was still here against her will though honestly she felt far safer than she had in her entire life. Still she was a prisoner carrying the spawn of her captor. Ashraani sensed the change in Ash's mood almost instantly as the human grew distant from her once more. After a moment or two Ash spoke refusing to look Ashraani in the eyes. "I need some water please I'm getting a little thirsty." It was an excuse really what she really wanted was some time away from her captor though her growing mass made escape impossible.
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Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

Ashraani hissed softly, happily, once Ash settled down and stopped crying. The tender moment was only ruined by the sudden pained grunt, but as soon as Ashraani felt her hand being moved, she smiled joyously, realizing what it was that had caused her captive discomfort. The Draconian's warm palm tenderly caressed the humans already bulging belly, and hissed warmly. "Oh, I definitely felt it. Our little child, growing so fast...", she smiled, she had thought the female incapable of appreciating her own firstborn. But then Ash' smile faded, and it left Ashraani puzzled at first, but then she worked things out in her head. A disappointed little frown showed on the Draconian's lips, and she slowly shook her head. "Thirsty, hmm? If you say so, female. I'm sure the rain have left plenty of water outside. Argaaz and I should go hunting anyways."

Still frowning slightly, Ashraani gently scooped up Ash, cradling the human with utmost care as she rose off of her companion, Argaaz, and turned to look down at him while using her tail to lightly whip against his serpentine lower body. "Argaaz, awaken! We have hunting to do!", Ashraani turned her gaze to Ash again, still looking a little disappointed. "I assume you will be wise enough to return here, as soon as you've quenched your thirst? Muddy ground oughta leave easy tracks to follow, and a soon-to-be-mother like you shouldn't exert herself.", unless Ash protested and wanted to be let down on the ground, it looked like Ashraani would be carrying the human to the caves entrance, as soon as Argaaz woke up that is.

Status: Fine
HP: 51/51
PP: 0/61
EP: 52/52

Status: Pregnant(Twins), 0/3 Days until ready to be laid for hatching, or 0/1 until ready to be laid in another female.

v With Body Buff v
Speed: 21
Dodge: 64
Grapple: 46
Stealth: 9

Radiance(+20 Mind, No Upkeep)
Strength, Lesser(+26 Body, No Upkeep)

Status: Fine
HP: 32/32
PP: 0/23
EP: 25/25

Strength, Lesser(+26 Body, No Upkeep for Ashraani)
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

Yes mistress” Argaaz slowly got up feeling satisfied from pleasing his mistress. Stretching his long serpentine body, he extended his wings. Getting close to his mistress, he watched the human slowly climb down the cliff face to where a small waterfall of water was pouring off the cliff into the hot lava below. “What shall we hunt Mistress?

Ash had no complaints as she was carried to the edge of the cave. Even if she wanted to escape she had no idea where she was and at the rate of growth, she would become immobilized before she could get far anyway.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

Ashraani smiled as Argaaz so readily got up, he was a loyal one, and she was fond of him for it. Once outside, Ashraani would set Ash down, and give the Humans forehead a soft smooch. "Be careful, female, the last thing I want is to see you hurt.", and then the Draconian spread her wings, growing them to proper size for flight, and sprung into the air, beckoning Argaaz to follow. She'd answer the Wyvern first when the two were out of hearing from the Human. "We will need more females, Argaaz, me and the one we already have is not enough. The group that you scattered are likely long gone, so we must look for new prey."

And thus Ashraani set out with Argaaz to hunt for another female, and should the hunt go poorly at first, she would expel the spell enhancing her own physical prowess, in favor for one that enhanced Argaaz sense of smell, sight and hearing, like she had done before in order to find Ash.

[Ashraani will Dispel Strength, Lesser(Body) from herself if the First and/or Second attempts to find a suitable prey fails, and instead cast Strength, Lesser(Perception) on Argaaz for the following Attempts. Ashraani is looking for a Female; Human, Night Elf, Demon or Naga preferably]

Status: Fine
HP: 51/51
PP: 0/61
EP: 52/52

Status: Pregnant(Twins), 0/3 Days until ready to be laid for hatching, or 0/1 until ready to be laid in another female.

v With Body Buff v
Speed: 21
Dodge: 64
Grapple: 46
Stealth: 9

Radiance(+20 Mind, No Upkeep)
Strength, Lesser(+26 Body, No Upkeep)

Status: Fine
HP: 32/32
PP: 0/23
EP: 25/25

Strength, Lesser(+26 Body, No Upkeep for Ashraani)
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Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

Ashranni perception 34 vs 27 and 17 success vs both
Argaaz perception 21 vs 27 and 17 success vs 1

Ashraani and Argaaz flew over the jungle scouring for prey occasionally stopping to rest on an outcropping of rock. Their search had been fruitless so far, and the day was quickly fading into evening the red sun blazing to the west. Argaaz did his best of course. but the young inexperienced wyvern had no luck finding any trails or the like. He was a good protector but a terrible scout. That of course would be overcome eventually as he grew and became more experienced but for now, Ashranni could see the frustration in his eyes.

Going up one more time Ashraani and Argaaz cruised over the jungle looking, smelling, and hearing. Finally, they hit pay dirt or rather pay person. As they cruised over the destroyed camp one more time Ashranni spotted the shine of metal in the fading light as well as two voices arguing. Argaaz noted the shiny metal but dismissed it as part of the ruined camp and began to fly in a different direction.
Re: Heart of the Mountain (Smokefish) GMed by ranger

Ashraani shared Argaaz frustration. She had never been much of a huntress, a tracker, or even a warrior. She was a mother and a healer. Argaaz was still young, and she had every intention to temper him into something powerful as time passed. But for now, she had her sights on a more immediate goal... that of procuring another breeder or two for her lair.

It was first when the sun was setting that she chanced upon something, oddly enough in the ruined camp once more. "Argaaz, stay here.", she spoke just loud enough for him to hopefully hear her, and then slowly she flied in circles around the camp, descending at a leisurable pace, her gleaming eyes fixating on what she had seen. She wanted to get a look of her prey before deciding what to do. Rushing in headfirst, spells ablazing, wasn't her prefered method. She knew just how fragile she were compared to actual warriors.