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Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Rei might know she occasionally hires people to explore the various ruins about the area. She is the one that told me of the tower in the first place so..... that would be your best bet." With that Jolynn left leaving Sera to her own devices. Getting up and cleaning up Sera head back to her room to find Ivy in the midest of plowing Crissa from behind. "Oh hi Sera I tried not to but she was jut too cute!" Ivy convulsed as Crissa screamed out. "Did you know that seal on her chest makes sex double pleasurable for her? No wonder all the slaves around here look so happy." June was still missing however but Sera had this situation to deal with before she could resolve that.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"I shall, Rei did seem quite knowledgeable to me, and... hmhm, she's really good at sucking to say the least," Sera giggled before Jolynn went on out.


Coming in on Ivy having sex with Crissa was startling actually Sera thought to herself. Her eyes wide at the sight, Sera shut the door behind her and came over to the bed where Ivy spoke up upon seeing her. "Ivy... did you not read my note? Gods above... stop that and let me finish you off, I didn't intend on doing anything like that with her until she was at least calmed down a bit, because I didn't want to take advantage of her," Sera told Ivy, gesturing for her to get off of Crissa and sit down on the side of the bed, where she'd pulled her robes back off and smush Ivy's dick between her breasts and stroke her meat until she popped.

Once that was done with, Sera would look over at Crissa with an apologetic look on her face. "I'm so sorry about that Crissa, please forgive Ivy, she's... a horny soul that loves sex, and she's my familiar as well, which is likely why her libido is so... high," Sera told Crissa once she was through with Ivy for the moment.

With that, Sera would suggest that they all hop in the bath together and clean up a bit, so that they weren't all sticky with cum and sweat anymore. While in the bath, Sera would chat with Crissa, if the girl was willing to talk that is about anything after what had just happened, and hopefully this would relax her enough to do so, Sera thought idly to herself as they went to wash up.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Pulling Ivy into her her loving embrace Sera finished the little succubus off much to the disress of Crissa who seemed to cry out at the sudden emptyness . Still it didn't take long for Ivy to blow and Crissa seemed to finish herself off. Getting them all into the bath Sera found Crissa sitting and staring at her. For the most part an inquisitive look filled her glances but some of it was lust and at the moment Sera wasn't sure if it was induced or natural. Ivy mean while slipped a hand under the water and stroked Sera's member. "Your so tense Sera. You should relax and enjoy this place. Cut loose have fun sow your wild oats. There is no shortage of pretty woman and you are by the law royalty here. This place can be a hedonistic paradice if you let go a little."
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Seeing the disappointment of Crissa when she made Ivy pull out of her actually made Sera curious, she'd figured that the poor thing wouldn't want to have sex, especially not forced like this. Or was she forced like she'd thought? Either way she finished Ivy off as Crissa finished herself off before they went to take a bath.

Once they'd arrived in the bath, Sera's thoughts were further turned towards Crissa hadn't been an unwilling participant in her's and Ivy's antics before. "Ahh Ivy... t-that feels good. A-And I... I know that Ivy, but it just seems... wrong when I just order them to do something like that just because I'm horny. It's an abuse of my powers that I apparently have here," Sera replied to Ivy with a pleasant sigh as her rod was stroked under the water. Then she glanced over at Crissa with a curious look. "Crissa dear, did Ivy force herself on you? Because while I don't really care one way or the other if you two want to have sex, I won't allow her to just have her way with you when she wants to or gets a wild hair up her ass to do so," she went on to ask Crissa, however Sera hadn't stopped Ivy from stroking her and was in fact feeling a bit horny still herself after her fun with Jolynn and wringing her dry.

"I... hah... I do feel tense though, I could do with some more relief if you want to give it to me Ivy, and you too Crissa, but I'm not ordering you to do so, it's entirely up to you if you wish to do so," Sera said after a few moments of debating whether or not to have some more fun.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Phhpht its not an abuse they are here for that purpose." Ivy ramped up her efforts to get Sera to blow her load int he tub. Holding it in for now Sera adressed Crissa. Crissa looked at Sera and Ivy and shook her head no. At the offer Crissa hesitated and looked between the two of them. It was a mixture of confusion and longing and for the moment it left the girl where she was.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Maybe so Ivy, but to do so if they don't want to... that's just wrong, and... gods that feels good Ivy," Sera said with a pleasant sigh as Ivy continued to stroke her rod, still holding herself back as best she could, but her dick was already twitching.

Glancing over at Crissa, Sera waited for her shake her head to say otherwise on if Ivy forced herself on her or not before asking Crissa if she wanted to join them or not. "It's up to you Crissa if you wish to join us, I won't order you to do so or not. This is a decision I'll leave up to you, I do have one order I need to give you though, you cannot speak of anything you hear myself, Ivy here, or June when you meet her, nothing we speak of in private away from everyone else can you speak to anyone without my permission, alright," Sera told Crissa, beckoning her over if she wished to have some fun, her loins doing the talking for her and making her want to have some more fun despite just having some with Jolynn a few minutes before.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Ivy leaned closer to Sera slowing her efforts. "Crissa tell me something... are you aroused?" Ivy grinned as if expecting the answer. "Uh.. y-yes...." Ivy grinned. "Ive felt aroused ever sense the inccident...." Crissa's eyes drifted to Sera's cock as she staring openly at it. "Go for it Crissa after all your Mistress told you that you can please her if you wanted. And don't cha want to?" "Crissa nodded as she moved forward taking over the hand job from Ivy."Good girl keep Sera hard I want to show her something." Grinning Ivy put her tail to use sliding the object into Crissa's sex. This brought a sudden moan and a soft glow from the mark on her heart. "Did you see it Sera?"
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Hmhm, if you want to Crissa, then please go ahead, ooooh, you're doing a wonderful job Crissa," Sera cooed as Crissa took over Ivy's hand job she'd been giving her, gently stroking Crissa's hair as she went. She wanted to tell Crissa about her sister Mary, but figured it best to curb her sexual appetite first so she could think clearly, plus she herself was horny now again as well and needed some relief.

Sera then did as Ivy requested and watched her as she slid her tail into Crissa's pussy, which caused the symbol on her chest to begin glowing softly. "Aye I saw it Ivy. What does it mean exactly? Do either of you know?" Sera replied when Ivy asked if she'd seen it or not, nodding her head as she answered. "You may do more if you wish Crissa, if you're horny yourself I mean," she added to Crissa softly, caressing her cheek gently.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Well remember when I said she experiances double the pleasure from sex? I think this little mark here dose it. Everytime she obeys a command it sends the pleasurable feelings threw her body. Kinda nifty if I do say so myself. If Im right that means all the slaves here basically are aroused by providing service. Which in turn makes them feel good." Ivy began to move her tail in and out of Crissa faster while the woman moaned and sighed. Reaching a point Sera felt Crissa tense as she creamed herself before taking Sera's lenght into her mouth. She seemed to be an expert likely having giving Jolynn many offerings before she ended up as Sera's hand maiden.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Mmm, yes I remember Ivy. What of it?" Sera replied when asked if she remembered what Ivy had said about Crissa feeling double normal pleasure. "Is Ivy right about that Crissa?" she then asked Crissa curiously, who seemed to be quite skilled with her hands.

If Crissa answered her then Sera would reward her with a gentle caress of her cheek before gently pulling her off of her dick and pulling her into a kiss. "Alright, I shall please us both now Crissa, I must be honest here, I thought about taking you earlier when you were so distraught, but I refrained because I didn't want to hurt you or make you hate me for taking advantage of you," Sera said to Crissa gently, moving around behind Crissa and having her hold onto the side of the bath and stick her butt out towards her.

When Crissa had moved into the position she wanted her to, Sera would prod her rod against Crissa's sex a couple of times before pressing inside with a pleasant sigh. Sera would hold herself there inside of Crissa without moving for a few seconds, letting her get used to her size before she started moving. Once she began moving, Sera would coo and moan passionately, thrusting in and out of Crissa at an average pace, moving to make sure Crissa felt at least equal pleasure, as knowing her partner felt good made her feel good.

"Mmm, your pussy feels... so good Crissa. I've not had very many humans before now, but you're one of the best I must say," Sera panted in Crissa's ear, likely while Ivy giggled like mad at Sera indulging like she now was.

When she could hold back no longer, Sera would pump her hips forward and bury her member deep inside of Crissa, choosing not to get her pregnant of course, where she'd unleash every last drop of her seed inside of the girl, crying out in ecstasy as she did. "Oh gods... that feels so damn good. Why does something that's supposed to be so bad feel so good?" Sera said as her body came off the pleasure high and her orgasm subsided.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

It was hard to tell if Crissa agreed as she was currently bobbing on Sera's cock with much fevored attention. Truely her act was not of reluctance or shame. Pulling Crissa up Sera was shocked to find the woman kissing her forcefully. The taste of her own pre graced her lips. "It feels good it feels good." Crissa spoke heatedly her skin flush and body seemingly on fire. Pulling Crissa away from Ivy drew out a long moan from the girl and Sera had no trouble putting her into the position she wanted. Setting Crissa down on her cock Sera felt the folds part as her tool entered the woman's sex. Crissa by far was no virgin but due to Sera's length she felt the girl part even more for her. Settling in for a moment Crissa brought her hands around and drapped them over Sera's shoulders. She was panting and even in the water Sera felt the girls juices flowing. When the fun started Crissa bucked in time with Sera's thrusts her breasts a jiggling treat for the pervy angel. Holding tighter and tighter Crissa screamed with each bounce. Apparently Ivy was getting off on watching Sera do her thing as the familar pulled herself out of the tub slightly and masturbated to the action going on. "Fill me up with your seed fill me full. Fill my womb with your babies!" This came out just as Crissa climaxed for the secound time on Sera's cock and just in time for Sera's own peak.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera let Crissa buck to her hearts content while thrusting up to meet her downwards thrusts, moaning and kissing Crissa in the meantime along with Crissa, while Ivy played with herself while watching the two of them. "Oooooh Crissa, you're so wet... even though we're in the bath... it's still so wet. I hope you don't hold it against me... indulging like this in your delicious body," Sera cooed to Crissa before grabbing hold of one of Crissa's nipples with her lips, while one of her hands came up to grope her other breast while she suckled on the nipple in her mouth.

When Crissa reached her second peak as her own came, Sera released her nipple and let out a passionate cry of her own, cumming hard and filling Crissa to the brim and then some as her balls churned and worked overtime to give her as much cock milk as she could get to spurt into her lover. "YES CRISSA! TAKE MY SEED... TAKE EVERY DROP OF IT!" Sera cried as she came even though she wasn't about to let Crissa get pregnant with her child just yet, raising up as her wings spread out behind her while she held onto Crissa tightly.

When they came down from their pleasure high, Sera looked into Crissa's eyes to see if she was lost in the heat of the moment or not before giving her another kiss on the lips. "Mmm, I'm a little sad I waited to have fun with you Crissa, but no matter, your feelings are worth more to me than me getting my rocks off though," Sera told Crissa after a few moments, stroking her hair a bit. "Would you like some more Crissa?" Sera would ask as an afterthought once they'd both come down from their peaks.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Crissa's eyes showed that she was still lustful but they had their own gleam to them. The seal may make her aroused but it left her in control of her own actions. The girl panted heavily waiting only mere moments after the kiss to start moving up and down again on Sera's cock. Grunting a little from her effort Crissa pushed Sera back against the tub. From this position with her hands resting on Sera's shoulders holding her down Crissa began to work Sera's tool on her own. Biting her lip she moved up and down on the thick shaft moaning as she bottomed out on the thick rod. This also gave her breasts a nice jiggle for Sera to see and soon enough she had each breast in hand as her position would allow for nothing else.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Seeing that Crissa seemed to be still in control of her own actions as she started back up, Sera smiled and happily let Crissa lead this time as she leaned back against the side of the tub. Reaching up as Crissa's breasts bounced and jiggled right in her face, Sera eagerly groped them, licked them, and suckled on them while Crissa went, leaning up every now and then to kiss her deeply. Sera would hold out for as long as she could, biting her bottom lip to stave off her approaching climax so that she didn't cum just yet, wanting to see how hard Crissa would try to make her cum at first, but then for the simple fact that she loved holding it in for as long as possible and even more so loved being teased and denied her release, though she'd keep that a secret that only Ivy, Jolynn, and June knew for now.

"Yes Crissa... fuck yes you feel so good. Cum for me baby, and then I'll give it to you real good," Sera panted to Crissa as she bucked her hips up in time with Crissa's bouncing.

As soon as Crissa reached her peak once more, Sera would maneuver her around to take her from behind with Crissa holding onto the edge of the bath, the horny angel knocking away eagerly at her lover's pussy. Sera would go in this position until she exploded inside of Crissa again, once more choosing not to knock her up this time around, and moving very passionately as she went. When she reached her peak, Sera would let loose a cry as she came hard and filled Crissa up again, but she wouldn't stop there just quite yet and kept thrusting a few more times to coax every last drop out of her, and only then would she pull out of Crissa for now as she sat down on the side of the bath, where she'd wait to see what Ivy and Crissa were going to do now.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Almost as soon as Sera told Crissa to cum the woman did spazaming on Sera's cock her back arching causing her to thrust deeper into Sera than she had before. Switching into the dominate position Sera began to knock away at Crissa once more. Amazingly Sera still felt the girls sex tighten around her. Plowing into the tight folds Sera's efforts began to splash water over the tub. Crissa looke dback over at Sera her mouth agape as litle more than gasps and moans escaped her lips. With a scream she climaxed again as Sera pumped her full of her seed once more. Pumping in a few more times Sera drained her balls further before sliding out only to have Ivy rush in and start cleaning her cock. Crissa however seemed done in as she lay on the side of the bath panting as Sera's spunk oozed out of her sex and into the water.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

As soon as Sera pulled out of Crissa, she let out a lewd moan when Ivy took Crissa's place and began cleaning her rod as her eyes rolled up. She looked over at Crissa as her seed dribbled out of her slit as she sat down on the side of the tub for Ivy to clean her up, which made her even harder than before it felt like. She sat there and let Ivy clean her off, her member throbbing eagerly in her familiar's mouth and if Ivy decided to suck her to orgasm then Sera wouldn't try to stop her in the least, merely placing a hand on her head and running her fingers through her hair as she went.

"Go ahead Ivy... suck me good. Make me cum again... gods I need to cum again so bad," Sera panted to Ivy as she sucked her off.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

With a pop Sera was free though not for too long though. Ivy wrapped her sensual lips around teh massive member and soon brought Sera to edge once more. With a gentle squzze to her sack Ivy brought forth another orgasmic eruption. Swallowing it all she grinned before heading over to Crissa. "Sera I don't think I will ever get enough of your seed." Smiling her familar proceeded to lick the seeping mess comeing out of Crissa. Looking to Crissa Sera found her beat it seems that while she had more endurance than June she was still far to weak to keep up with Sera. Still they finished their bath and where resting in the main room once more.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

When Ivy squeezed her testes, Sera let out a deep lewd groan before she spurted it all out for her familiar who sucked and gulped down every drop she had to offer. "I'll bet you won't Ivy, Rose and Lilia and the others all told me that they thought it was delicious too the second time I met them all to talk about things," Sera said as Ivy went over to Crissa to lick her seed that leaked from Crissa's pussy, the sight of which aroused her a bit more than she already was, but she had to do more than just have sex all day she knew so she resisted the temptation to hop back into it.

Picking Crissa up, Sera carried her back to the bed to recover after their fun, leaning down and kissing her softly on the lips. "That was fun Crissa, I wish that you hadn't been kind of forced into this like you have, but that was definitely fun, and better than the alternative. Wouldn't you say?" Sera said to Crissa before sitting down beside her on the bed.

After Crissa replied to her question, Sera would get up and stretch before redressing herself and heading down to the library to talk to Rei about the tower and the statue of the angel that was there to see what she could learn about it.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

As soon as Sera picked her up Crissa hugged her tight. She was far heavier than June. This was probably due to Crissa being taller than June. Setting her handmaiden down Sea kissed her only to recive a passionate one in return. "Yes Mistriss this is better. Though don't feel bad about it I... well I've always had this fantasy about this." This caused Crissa to blush madly as she moved to adjust herself on the bed. After a few moments of light coverstation Sera rose from the bed and dressed. Heading out to the libaray she found it fairly abbandoned with only a few woman out and about. Rei herself was still at her desk pouring over a tome.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera enjoyed the hug Crissa gave her despite how much heavier than June she was, smiling a bit when she did so. She enjoyed the passionate kiss even more so and gave Crissa a bit of tongue in their kiss to make her happy since she seemed to like the kiss so far. "So... you're a sub then eh. Hmhm..." Sera said with a little giggle before leaning in close to Crissa. "I kind of am myself some," she whispered to Crissa with a wink.

"Anyway though Crissa, if you ever have a request of me, please feel free to ask and I'll see what I can do okay. I'm responsible for you being here with us now, so I shall do what I can to accommodate and keep you happy okay," Sera told Crissa before heading on to the library, gently brushing the girl's hair out of her eyes and kissing her on the cheek. "And Ivy, be sure to ask her if she wants to have fun before you two do anything okay, don't want to tire her out too much," she added to Ivy as she made her way to the door to go.

Heading to the library, Sera didn't find too many people in there thankfully, as she'd rather talk to Rei in private if she was in there. Spotting the girl, Sera made her way over to her desk to talk, taking a seat opposite of her if there was another chair to do so at her desk, or grabbing another one from elsewhere if there wasn't.

"Hey Rei, I'd like to talk to you about something, because... well you're obviously very knowledgeable about the town and all, and I need to know some things if you can tell me," Sera said to Rei when she got over to her and sat down, flattering her a bit to get her more friendly towards her and more pliable about what she wanted to know. "The tower just outside of town... where the statues are all at. What can you tell me of the place and the statues. There's one statue in particular that I kind of need to know about, one of an angel that's there. Jolynn... excuse me, the matriarch, she told me that all of those statues were once people that were turned to stone by something. I'd like to know everything you can tell me about the history there, and who the angel turned to stone was if possible," Sera said to Rei, stating what she was wanting to know.