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Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger



Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

It wasn't long before Ivy had Sera ready to burst once more. Her expert skills at this far outstripping June's meager attempts. Empting her load once more ivy pulled back swallowing the load. "Yummy!" a knock at the door caused the succubus to frown and shrink down to normal size and hide. "Matriarch Sera? Are you in? The Matriarch would like to speak to you about your agreement over dinner."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Clinging to June as Ivy sucked her off, Sera really couldn't do much but lay there and shudder as her dick trembled in Ivy's mouth a few times before it just exploded and Ivy drank it down. She watched Ivy gulp it down eagerly while she lay there panting, feeling great after having both June and Ivy pleasure her one after the other. "Oh Ivy that was great, again I could never get tired of sex. Does that make me a bad angel?" Sera said to Ivy just before the knock on the door came.

Nodding to Ivy to shrink down and hiding for now, Sera gently rolled June off of her and called to the door, telling them to hang on while she got up. Setting June down to her side, Sera kissed her on the cheek and got up, heading over to the door and opening it, not even bothering to dress herself and feeling totally shameless at this and not caring if whoever it was saw her this way. "Ah yes, tell matriarch Jolynn that I would be pleased to have dinner with her. Will it be just the two of us tonight then? If so then I would like to bring my June along with me if that is alright tell her, but if not then I shall come alone. In the meantime I shall leave my door unlocked so you may enter and bring me a reply while I take a bath and wash up for dinner then," Sera told the lady guard at the door and sent her on her way to ask if it was alright if June came along with her tonight before heading on to take a quick bath and clean up for said dinner.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera opened the door to find Tina from before. She didn't seem fazed by Sera's nudity at all and stood her ground. "As you wish Matriarch I shall ask and return with an answer. Bowing Tina left leaving Sera at the door. Closing it for June's sake more than her own Sera went for the bath and started to ready it. Pausing a moment it came to mind that she had yet to do this here as it was always Pet who had readied her and June's bath. Looking about Sera now saw several doors attached to the bath room that she hadn't noticed before. Before she could explore them however Ivy made an apperance again. "No worries Sera I got this. I watched the cat girls do this a few times while I explored around the palace." Ivy flitted to a fish looking lever that was blue and pulled it down causing cool water to start splashing into the tub. Next she flew over to another fish looking lever that was red and pushed it down starting a flow of steaming water. "Did you know they have a huge tank of water thats magically heated in the bottom of this place!" Ivy appeared giddy at this discovery probably amused or amazed at its existance. After a moment however she settled down and sat on the edge watching the water fill. "I don't think it makes you a bad angel Sera just a sexy angel." The little succubus smiled at Sera as she waited.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Thank you Tina, I'll leave you to it," Sera told the guard girl, patting her on the shoulder and smiling before sending her on her way.

With that she shut the door back and went over to the bed to kiss June and cover her up with the blanket on their bed before heading on to the bathroom. Once in there, Sera found that she didn't actually know how to draw the baths here in the palace, but Ivy came to her rescue as she fluttered in. "No Ivy I didn't know that actually, never occurred to me to ask honestly. And I was wondering where you'd gone yesterday and the day before while we were relaxing around here. I'm glad you're alright and didn't get caught," Sera told Ivy before asking her question to her little friend. "And... I don't know about other angels, but I know that I enjoy sex, a lot. Probably more than I should, but you know," Sera added, looking a little embarrassed about this fact.

Once the bath was ready, Sera climbed in and began washing off, letting Ivy join her if she wished. Sera would scrub herself off as quickly as she could, figuring that it was best to clean up sooner rather than later, and she'd help June wash up too if she could come with her to eat with Jolynn later.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

After a good cleaning there was a knock on the door. Sera heard June get up and move to the door and answer it. "I-I see very well I shall let my mistress know." After a moment June walked in and set at the edge of the bath. "S-Sera.. the Matriach has said I may join you but.. umm I have to be in proper service attire." Trembling June handed over a note to Sera. Simply it sated that Matriarch Jolynn would love to have June with them for company and dinner but left a reminder that she would have to be naked and leashed as is custome for visiting slaves.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

As she was getting finished up within the bath, Sera heard another knock on the door and was about to call out for whoever it was come on inside that it was unlocked, however she heard June get up to answer it instead and figured she'd go ahead and let her do so since she was up and about now. Listening closely in case she was needed for anything, Sera heard the exchange of words between June and Tina most likely until June bid her farewell and Sera heard the young nun coming to the bathroom. Sera watched June enter the bathroom and then sit on the side of the bath itself, where she listened to what she had to say, drying her hands off on a towel before looking at the note and nodding her head.

"Aye I should have figured as much. Do you want to go then June, knowing this? I won't make you come with me, I just figured that you'd want to stay with me if it was just us and Jolynn in there. It's embarrassing I know, but I believe I can come up with some way of allowing you to at least be able to wear a little bit of clothing to cover your most precious places. Just say something to the effect of it's customary for my tribe that you be allowed to wear some so you needn't take another bath as soon as you get done just in case you get crumbs or something on you. Just tell me if you want to go or not sweetie and I'll make it happen," Sera told June, inviting her into the bath with her and Ivy if her little companion was in there with her, where Sera would help to wash June off too from their fun a few minutes before, gently scrubbing her.

Once that was done, Sera would come out and dress in her outfit she'd gotten for the evening before, where she'd then find out about whether or not June wished to go with them.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

June trembled a moment and chewed her lip. "Sera if we are going to make this look good I need to play along. After all Urma has yet to teach me what I need to know....." June tried to calm herself and gather her courage. "Im saying I should try to fit in with out making special exceptions that might arouse supuscion. So.. I will go with you in.... proper attire."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Yeah I know, but that's one thing that worries me is the fact that you don't really know how to act the part yet. What Urma told me though was that you have to do more than just act, you have to believe it yourself or something like that. But if it's just us and Jolynn then I'm sure that you won't have much to worry about, since... well since you aren't used to having to act in such a way because I'm from a different tribe and we do things differently than that. But I'm sure that we'll manage it at least this time," Sera told June, patting her shoulder and trying to help give her courage. "Now I'll be with you the whole time okay, so I'm sure you'll be fine. So all you really need to do is stay focused on doing what I say while we're around anyone outside of here. Also I brought that symbol I asked that man for yesterday," Sera then told June, pointing over at the case she'd brought and set down on the bedside table which contained the necklace symbol she'd gotten for her.

"Regardless though June, you'll need to get cleaned up so come on in and I'll help you get washed up for dinner. Because you're right, we'll have to do this eventually, so better to do it now when we might be able to more easily get away with it while it's just us and Jolynn," Sera said as she helped June into the bath with her to help clean her up.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Slipping out of the robe she had wrapped herself in June entered the bath with Sera. This of course let Sera get a good look at her lover. Perhapse it was her mood or their recent activities but Sera could swear that June's breasts seemed fuller than last time and her smooth sex seemed to part a little likely from Sera's streaching her so much.. Still her stricking blue eyes looked to Sera and a slight blush crossed her face when she noticed the stare remidning Sera that this sexy woman was still rather innocent about many things in life.

After a quick wash and what not June got out and dried off heading for the box that Sera had indicated earlier. Opening it she gasped as she took it out and brought it to her neck to see how it looked. "Its so perfect and pretty." June held it a moment her face going flush before she started to cry a little. "No one ever bought such a pretty thing for me." Running to Sera June grabbed her in a hug and held her tight continueing to cry on Sera's breasts.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Looking at June's beautiful body as she undressed to join her in the bath, Sera couldn't help but admire the young nun, as she was only a normal human yet was so beautiful in her eyes. It was small wonder why Jolynn would have liked to have had her. But Sera was glad that she'd straightened that out and that June had in fact not become Jolynn's. It almost seemed as if June's breasts were... slightly more... she didn't want to say larger even though they seemed as such, but perkier at least, and she didn't stare at June's young flower between her legs despite what she noticed at first. With June's blushing face in front of her, Sera smiled warmly at June and gently pulled her over to her so she could help wash her up as well.

"Come June, let us get you cleaned up. You must look as beautiful as possible for dinner at least," Sera told June as she began helping her to get cleaned up.

When they were done in there and went back to the bedroom and June took the box containing the pendant Sera had gotten her, the angel just watched June open it and look at it as she gasped. "It looks beautiful June, just as you do. It isn't much though, just something to help keep us a little safer while we're here, though that doesn't mean you have to take it off when we leave. It's yours to do with as you please now June, and I'll give you more presents when I can," Sera giggled and hugged June back, letting her hug as long as she wanted as Sera stroked June's hair. "Whenever you're ready to go, I'll help you to get prettied up, okay," Sera added to June.

Once June was ready to go and Sera had helped her to pretty herself up, Sera would pretty herself up some before heading on to have dinner with Jolynn, hoping that it would be a private affair with just the three of them and maybe one or two of Jolynn's servants there, maybe Pet even.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Getting dressed was an easy affair for Sera as she had a dress that would work. The question was what would be proper attire for June not to mention she needed a collar. Sera's pendent would prove ownership or rather make others belive she owned June. Thinking back to what Jolynn's servents wore it was a toss up. Most if they where serving girls wore fairly slutty maid uniforms, while others wore nothing at all. Still what ever Sera chose to put June in or not in they would clean up and get ready for the dinner.

Thankfully Tina saved the day with a knock on the door handing over a leash and a collar for June to wear at the party. One the way over June took a slightly submissive position behind Sera. She kept this position all they way to the dineing room. Once their Sera would see a table set for three. Jolynn sat at the head as usual. "Hello Sera please sit Ive set a place for your servent as well. I know your tribe is diffrent from ours so in respects to mutal friendship I will not request an offering from her. Please sit and enjoy dinner after all we have much to discuss."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera would try and see if June could at least wear her panties if nothing else and would help her into them and a bra to wear for the dinner, as well as some sexy stockings if they were available for them. Once Tina came a knocking, Sera would tell her that they were coming, with the young angel taking June a bra and some panties just in case it was okay for her to wear them so she could give them to her. Once they left, Sera took the collar and leash from Tina and fixed it around June's neck and held onto it so she wouldn't lose June, winking and smiling her as they pretty much fixed up June's disguise for the evening, the young angel trying to keep June in good spirits by encouraging her as much as possible.

When they reached the dining room, Sera saw a table for three set up, and knew that it was going to be just the three of them and some of Jolynn's servants thankfully, and none of her court retainers. "Thank you matriarch, I appreciate that very much. I would not like to see another incident like last night. I was quite worried for that girl to be honest, and that is why I spoke the way I did I suppose. Come June, sit and eat with us. Is it alright if she wears at least some underclothes matriarch Jolynn? I wasn't entirely sure if it was or not to be honest," Sera replied, asking about June wearing a bra and panties at least and thanking Jolynn for not asking or demanding an offering from June. If it was okay for June to wear some underclothes at least then Sera would give June the ones she'd brought for her to wear in that case, but if Jolynn told her no then she'd ask for a cushion for June to sit on so she wasn't sitting on a cold chair.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Asking her questions Sera got aproval for June to at lest wear panties. The rest of her however had to stay nude. It proved a rather distracting sight for dinner and Sera felt some jealousy as Jolynn openly staired at June. Still dinner was pleasent. Consting of a simple roast with a fair amout of vegitables and dark wine. June for the most part stayed quite trying not to draw to much attention to herself. Various servents came and went refilling glasses or swaping out dishes of foods. Various other topics where discussed including a rather hefty payment for a certain necklace as well as how Sera's reasearch was coming but eventually Jolynn got a quite a moment and stared at Sera lustfully. "Now my dear angel we have a certain matter to discuss. Do you wish for your servent to stay or would you like her escourted back to your quarters?

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Thankful that June could at least wear her panties, Sera gave handed them over to June so she could slip them on. The sight of June half naked was quite distracting however Sera though, because her thoughts kept drifting back to their earlier fun which in turn caused her shaft to stiffen up completely, and Sera couldn't help but notice Jolynn openly staring at June throughout dinner, knowing that the woman also wanted a shot with June. Sera however knew that she couldn't let Jolynn do such a thing, for the other matriarch couldn't choose whether or not she wished to have children, which was bad news for June, Sera thought to herself.

"Matriarch this dinner is magnificent I believe. And the choice of wine was very good too I think. And thank you for helping with that matriarch," Sera told Jolynn about the dinner and thanking her for the necklace.

Sera nodded at Jolynn when she mentioned a certain matter to discuss, which Sera was taking for giving her payment for the held and being allowed to remain here unscathed. "June dear, would you like to head on back ahead of me? I believe matriarch Jolynn wishes to receive the payment which we both agreed upon when we first arrived here. Though... you can stay too I suppose if you really want to... but you may not want to," Sera whispered to June after Jolynn spoke up and mentioned what she did. "Because we're going to have sex is why you might not wish to stay," Sera added in a whisper to the young nun, winking at her.

Sera wasn't really against June staying to watch them, or coming with them to watch depending if they went to Jolynn's bedroom or just did it right here. She just didn't want June to join in with them when they did have some fun and risk getting pregnant by either her or Jolynn.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"I ohh umm I'll go b-back to our room." Jolynn nodded and one of her servents approached and led her out. "Now... Sera we have some alone time please follow me." Getting up Jolynn motioned for Sera to come along. Once they left the dinning room they where soon surrounded by several palace guards. Entering the maze of corridors once more Sera walked with Jolynn side by side. Halting at a rather plain looking door Jolynn turned to her. "Well my dear you are about to see a chamber that few ever see. My humble abode." Pushing open the door Sera could tell their was nothing humble about it. The room was easily as large as the dinning hall for starters. From the large celings several glowing crystal chandliers illuminated the room. The room its self was furnished in lavish silks and dark woods with gold trim. The center peice was a large bed with its own silk curtains. All around them several woman came out and bowed before Jolynn. "Ladies you will go and entertain yourselves tonight I wish to be alone with my guest." "As you wish Mistress." The woman all spoke at the same time and quick moved to a side room.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"I'll see you shortly then dear, get some rest and don't worry about me okay. I'll be just fine June, okay," Sera said reassuringly to June as they all got up to head on out of the dining hall, where after June was on her way back to their bedroom she herself stood up and followed Jolynn.

Heading through the corridors of the palace, Sera knew she would have gotten lost had she tried to navigate this maze alone, so she was glad Jolynn was leading the way. When they'd first started along though she saw the great deal of guards that accompanied them and was quite surprised that so many would do so when Jolynn was so sure that none of her vassals was plotting against her. Soon enough they came to Jolynn's bedroom where Sera almost caught herself holding her breath for what might be awaiting within, which was strange considering what she knew of this place at this point.

"Heh, I'm sure it's quite cozy your humble abode. And I'm sure that it'll be more than suitable for us... here in a couple of minutes especially," Sera said with a wink at Jolynn.

Following her inside she looked around the room at the enormity of it all, astounded at the sheer size of the single bedroom. Sera was quite sure that at one point it'd been a great hall used for dining and whatnot itself... most likely at least. Seeing the great bed within the place brought a pleasant sigh from Sera, because it certainly looked comfortable to say the least, and she was sure it was every bit as comfortable as it looked. Noting the bevy of beauties that came out and bowed to Jolynn, Sera was almost sure that Jolynn intended to have a grand orgy and wasn't quite sure that her poor dick would hold out against so many tight pussies and would go limp before she'd gone through half of what she was supposed to, starting out with Jolynn of course. Sera was very happy indeed to hear Jolynn tell them all that she wished to spend some time alone with her though.

"Heh... I was almost sure that you were about to call for them all to um... how should I say... join us. I doubt that even if we both took only half of them after our own time together that my dick, despite how ready I always am, would remain standing after such a battle... I'd probably go down after only half of my half in that case," Sera said jokingly with a giggle, to help relieve any tension Jolynn might have had, as it certainly helped her own tension a bit.

Sighing a bit to help release her tension some more, Sera moved over and sat down on the bed, waiting to see what Jolynn's next move would be now that she had Sera in here with her and all. If Jolynn didn't do anything within a minute or so, then Sera would make a move herself and would lazily flap her wings back as she laid back on the bed, her scantily clad body slightly pink with a slight bit of embarrassment for some reason at all of this, though she couldn't tell why, but there was also arousal in there as well which Jolynn would easily be able to see.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

With the women gone and the door sealed Sera didn't have time to head to the bed instead Jolynn immidiatley turned to her in a kiss. "Im so glad you brought June along with you tonight." Sera felt Jolynns own large member smack hotly against her leg. Smiling after another kiss Jolynn took Sera's own member in hand and began to stroke it. "Nice and firm.." Kissing Sera once more Jolynn headed over to a vanity leaving Sera's cock throbbing with need. "Tonight I will take no chances.. If I want a proper child you will have to impregnate me. So Im going to make sure I don't ge to distracted by my other organ." Sera felt magic eminate in the room speciffically from Jolynn as her body shifted making her cock shrink and shrink till it dissapeared completely. Giving her self a testing stroke she smiled. "Ohh this will be fun..." Turning back to the vanity the matriarch grabbed a small bottle and took out a small pink potion and swallowed it. "There now Im sure I will get pregnant ." Walking back over stripping as she went Jolynn kissed Sera on the lips. "You have no idea how much this means to me or my people."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera wasn't really taken by surprise by Jolynn's kiss and leaned into it, kissing her back. Feeling Jolynn's large penis thump against her leg, Sera looked down as they broke their kiss and Jolynn spoke, reaching down and caressing it as Jolynn did the same to her's. "Mmm, and why were you so glad that I brought June with me Jolynn? Did you want to see her naked?" Sera asked with a giggle, leaning into Jolynn's next kiss.

Jolynn's stroking of her penis quickly had Sera ready to go, her member throbbing and aching with need. She was almost ready to pop now and was greatly wanting to get into Jolynn's panties. "Heh, you know I'm an angel now of course, so you must also know that I can choose whether or not I get pregnant or impregnate others. So you need not get rid of your... dick, unless you just want to that is. I can satisfy both of your organs as you put it," Sera said to Jolynn as the other woman poured magic throughout the room and she watched her penis shrink to nothing until it was gone completely. "I can also make myself a bit more potent than normal, so I think right now we'll certainly get you pregnant. Just... be sure to take good care of her okay, because we angels don't normally allow ourselves to get pregnant or to impregnate others easily. So I worry for her safety because... well this place isn't like most other places that we angels live in, so you know," Sera added with a hint of worry in her voice about their child's safety and everything, especially with the world in the state of disarray it was in right now with the aliens and whatnot.

As Jolynn came back over to the bed and stripped as she went, Sera licked her lips as every piece of clothing came off, liking the sight of Jolynn's nude body and wondering just what this would feel like... feeling a bit eager, though that may be because she was a bit of a nympho herself. She kissed Jolynn back as she herself was kissed, slipping out of her clothes too as best she could with Jolynn's inevitable help on that regard.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Jolynn smiled at Sera as she moved back to her. "I don't want to waste my fetility on a pointless shot. Jolynn kissed her again and led her to the bed. Pulling her down so that Sera was ontop Jolynn smiled as she spread her legs. Her slit was wet and looked really tight. "You get a special treat Sera.. you get to be my first down there." Jolynn blushed at Sera and waited for her to speak on the matter before continueing. Responding to Sera's worry Jolynn just smiled as teased her self trying to tempt Sera to take her. "You'll just have to come back and check on her then won't you."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Heh, well it wouldn't be entirely pointless I think, because it would certainly warm me up inside," Sera joked as she was led back to the bed as they undressed, where she allowed Jolynn to pull her down atop her.

Sera saw Jolynn's moist flower as the woman spread her legs apart, blushing a bit along with Jolynn when the other woman stated that Sera would be her first. That wasn't something Sera had figured on, and it kind of intrigued her to say the least that Jolynn had never lost her virginity, as she thought that Jolynn would have lost it at an early age. "I would be honored to take your first down here Jolynn, and I know what to do as well for it, so don't worry any at all okay," Sera whispered in Jolynn's ear before stating her worries about their child. When Jolynn replied as to what she would just have to do in that case Sera blushed some more and nodded. "Aye I suppose I shall simply have to return in that case then to check on her and see her. And do tell her about me as well please. I don't want her thinking I just abandoned her here with you," Sera added, letting Jolynn tease them both.

Sera didn't remain motionless for long and after finishing speaking she leaned in and kissed Jolynn on the lips, taking the lead this time in their smooching. After breaking the kiss this time, Sera kissed Jolynn every inch from her lips down to her tight virgin folds, planting a wet sloppy kiss on her pussy, purposely making a loud noise as she did. After that she would move on to softly kissing and licking Jolynn down there to make sure she was nice and ready for the next part as she maneuvered around to press her length against Jolynn's folds, teasing her a bit as her tip kissed the pussy it was about to invade. As soon as they were both ready and Jolynn was prepared for it, Sera would entwine her fingers with Jolynn's and hold on tight, whispering Jolynn to hold on tight to her, then she would thrust forward and enter her, popping Jolynn's cherry, but holding there inside of her for a minute or two so the other woman could get used to her size before moving any.