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Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger



Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"You shouldn't worry to much about it Sera. Thats in the future and you will have time to teach her how to defend herself. Besides she is safer with us than alone. Haven't you seen how the men in the town look at her?" Ivy flew down to the night stand near Sera's bed. "Lets get you to bed my pregnant little angel you'll have lots to do tomorrow." If Sera relented Ivy would tuck her in from the night chill before finding a place herself to rest.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"I know I shouldn't and I do plan on teaching her how to defend herself as much a possible... and yes I have seen how the men look at her, like she's nothing more than a piece of meat or something. But I can't help but worry Ivy, I mean... I have to worry about her, it's my nature to worry about people and to try and help them whenever I can. No matter who it is if they need my help, save the aliens at least among other evil creatures that only wish to harm people, then I'll help them as best I can," Sera said as she laid back and pulled the covers down to climb into bed, not stopping Ivy as she tucked her in for the night. "Thanks Ivy, I'm glad that Rose made you to take with me. You've been so helpful this entire time to me," Sera added to Ivy as she laid her head back onto the pillows and pulled her wings in and tucked them for the night, praying for the best when she and June left after she gave birth.

As she lay there trying to go on to sleep, Sera couldn't help but feel that mother Esther was right about her quest... that it was foolish. But... was she so wrong for wanting to try and find such a means of protection like that? Was she so wrong for wanting to believe that she could find one, or to love demons? She was certain that her parents and her friends, and likely any other angel around would say so most likely, but... even still she didn't feel in her heart that it was wrong, because surely not all demons were evil. Were they? As she lay there thinking about all of this, Sera soon found herself drifting off to sleep, hopefully dreaming good dreams about her demon lovers.

Finally decided to spend some exp, Sera is dumping 6 exp into body and 4 into mind, changing her stats accordingly on her sheet, also I would put in a changelog list on her sheet, but I don't think I've got the room on it to add that whole thing in without sacrificing some other bits on it for her and Ivy.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

This night passed and Sera dreamed her dreams and given her erection in the morning they had been very lewd indeed. It was early the next day the sun had yet to rise above the canopy of trees that surrounded the town. The early morning air was crisp and Sera could smell the evening dew. Opening her window she found it had rained during the night as the small window sill was damp with moisture. Her baby suddenly kicked and much to Sera's discomfort she was again larger in the belly.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Upon waking from her lewd and naughty dreams of her demon lovers, Sera found she'd woken with morning wood, her cock almost painfully hard under the covers. Sera sighed at it, so wanting to just lay there and stroke herself until it went down, but she knew that wouldn't be good considering where she was at, since just anyone could come in at any time and catch her. She raised up and went over to the window, opening it and finding that it had rained sometime through the night. It smelled almost perfect, Sera thought to herself as she looked outside. Just as she was about to turn around and sit back down to get some fresh clothing, Sera felt the baby kick, which caused her to gasp suddenly and clutch her belly, which was even larger now.

"Well it won't be much longer now I think, from the feel of it anyway," Sera said aloud to herself as she made her way over to the bed.

She got some clean fresh clothes and changed into them, a fresh pair of panties that really did nothing to hide her cock and balls, but she was still a girl for the most part save for those specific parts, so she felt that panties were a must, though they were a little uncomfortable at times, but at least they provided relief on her penis, since it wasn't trapped inside of some tight underwear like some of the poor men she'd seen before. Other than that, she simply put on her normal wizard robes her parents gave her to wear before leaving home, then she got on up and went to the bathroom to freshen up, hoping that nobody called on her whilst the crotch area of her robes was tented up from her erection, because that would just be embarrassing she thought... though if June saw it she didn't mind all that much, or mother Esther, or Keri, since June had already seen it days before, and mother Esther saw it last night in the bath, though she idly wondered what Keri would think, knowing what Sera had hidden under the skirt of her robes.

After getting all of her morning business over and done with, unless there were any interruptions, Sera would look around for Ivy and see if she was awake yet, leaving her if she wasn't and going to find breakfast, and taking her with her if she was awake.

If you want to, you can do another skip here, as I don't have anything in mind myself. Unless you have something else in mind before she gives birth and prepares with June to leave.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

It was a fresh start to the day and Sera knew that some of the nuns would already be awake meaning even if Ivy was awake she couldn't go with her. Sighing their was a knock on her door. Answering it revealed June with a large breakfast. "Here ya go Sera I even brought some for Ivy." June moved in gently pushing the door shut with her foot. She of course blushed at the erection tenting Sera's robe but kept quiet about it. Setting down the tray June took a seat on the bed waiting for Sera to eat.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Before Sera left the room after finding Ivy, she suddenly remembered that the other nuns didn't really know about Ivy all that much really, so it'd likely be a good idea to leave her in the room if she went anywhere so as not to draw any unwanted attention to her and her little companion. However she heard a knock on the door suddenly and upon opening it, she saw June there holding a tray with some breakfast on it. She quickly invited June on inside where the young nun pushed the door with her foot to close it behind her.

When Sera saw that June noticed her tent being pitched under the skirt of her robes, Sera blushed and pushed it down with her hand a little bit to try and at least cover it so June didn't have to see it so... easily. "Thanks June, I was a little worried about taking Ivy out with me to get something to eat, because the other nuns haven't really seen her at all and I didn't want them to maybe try to burn her at the stake or something. Or more like burn her at the candle because a stake would be too big I think," Sera said to June, giggling a little as she finished speaking at the sheer absurdity of the thought of it. Sera sat down and started eating along with June, getting some out for Ivy to eat at the same time and getting her the thimble she'd gotten a couple of weeks before and getting her some water or milk in it, whichever she wished, where they would all then begin eating to their hearts content. "So what do we have planned for the day June?" Sera asked while they ate.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Oh after the choirs around here I'm free for the rest of the day. Is their something you wanted to do Sera?" June sat looking at Sera and Ivy waiting to see if they had any desire to do anything. "Well I for one would love to leave this stuffy church for a bit and get some fresh air. June do you have an extra robe or cloths for me to barrow after all I don't like the idea of being burned at the stake either." Ivy was quickly getting out of the cloths Sera had made for her growing to take on her larger size doing her best to hide her wings, horns, and such. "Sure I think I have some extra cloths that might fit you Ill be right back." June made her way to the door and began to exit.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Hmm, well nothing in particular exactly, but I'm sure we could find something to get into for the day, unless I go into labor that is, in which case I'd say that our adventure today would get cut short," Sera said with a giggle, rubbing her belly a little as she ate the breakfast June had brought. "And I agree with Ivy about getting her some clothes if possible June, because it isn't fair that she's got to remain cooped up like this I think when she shouldn't have to be. But surely they wouldn't try to burn her at the stake. Would they?" Sera added to June, looking curiously at the young nun.

Sera thanked June as she went out to get Ivy some clothes as her companion shapeshifted herself to grow back to her large form. When Ivy was trying to hide her wings, horns, and tail all a little better, Sera giggled at her. "Hey, why don't you shapeshift them away? Wouldn't that be easier and safer than risking someone noticing them?" Sera asked Ivy, giving her a suggestion as to what she could do about hiding her extra bits so nobody saw them and got the wrong idea about her.

They waited until June got back with the clothes, where Sera thanked her and helped Ivy to get them on, likely with June helping as well. After that, Sera would her hair brush out of her bag and brush out Ivy's hair to make straight beautiful where she then took some makeups if June could get her some and apply a little bit to Ivy, though not too much. Once Ivy was in the clothes, Sera would take a step back and look at her work with prettying Ivy up to look like a human, or near enough as she could anyway, where she would then tell them both that they could try and go out. As they went out, Sera would suggest they would first go to see Keri since she was so close with both June and Sera at the moment, hoping that even if she saw through the disguise she wouldn't say anything.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sadly cosmetics was one of the many things the nuns had little or no use for. Getting Ivy presentable proved easy as her form after using her powers as suggested looked perfectly human. Gathering up the trio went to Keri's room only to be told by her roommate that she was in the infirmary looking after the other sisters. Heading that way with June leading the way they soon came to the most roomy part of the church. Tall windows opened allowing light and air into the room giving plenty of light to see several beds with only four occupied. Keri was present talking to the girls about their experiences and trying to sooth their fears and concerns.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

When they arrived at Keri's room, Sera and the girls found out from her roommate that she was in the infirmary talking with the other sisters that had been taken by Jaxis several weeks beforehand. Sera thanked the sister in there before they headed on to the infirmary and saw Keri was indeed in there looking after them all, talking to them about what all had happened, trying to help them come to terms with it all is seemed as she tried to soothe them and alleviate their concerns about it all.

"Keri's such a good person. She should be the next mother superior here I think really, she's the best suited to it anyway," Sera whispered to June as they were coming in so no one else heard her other than maybe Ivy.

"Hello there Keri, sisters. Are you all doing okay?" Sera called to the nun as they came closer, asking if the others were doing alright at the moment. If they answered yes that they were doing better than before, then Sera would smile and tell them that was good to hear. "I'd like you to meet my friend here, this is Ivy. She was one of the ones that helped me the other day when we rescued you all," Sera then said to the nuns, introducing Ivy to them all and then introducing all of them to Ivy since she had only heard their names and not actually met them just yet.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

The nuns all looked to Sera and hid their faces after all they had been trying to hurt her just a few weeks prior. Keri however spoke up letting them know that Sera harbored no ill will to them nor was she here to pass judgment. This seemed to ease many of the nuns who still avoided Sera's gaze but seemed more relaxed. "They are doing rather well Sera still in some shock but they will surpasses it I'm sure. How are you three doing today?"

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Well that's very good to hear Keri, I'm glad that you all are doing better. And of course I don't hold a grudge against any of you, and nor am I here to pass any sort of judgement on you for attacking me. You weren't in your right mind and you couldn't stop yourselves. You did it completely against your will, so there is truly no need to apologize to me. So please don't avoid my eyes girls, you truly do not have to," Sera said to the nuns, gently placing a comforting hand on the nearest one's shoulder before hugging her and then moving on to hug each of the four of them, wrapping her wings around them when she did so, letting them all see that she held no grudge or anything of the sort against them.

"We all are doing just fine ourselves Keri, thank you for asking. So ladies, is there anything that you would like to ask me? I would be happy to try and answer your questions should you have any," Sera went on to say after Keri spoke, looking to the four sisters there as well as Keri, wondering if any of them had questions for her that they wished to ask.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Most of the nuns questions where about what happened after the fight as they had been unconscious for the aftermath and had yet to really leave the infirmary as they had been placed under quarantine. They had not been taking their isolation from the other nuns very well but where glad Keri stopped by to visit them every day.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera did her best to answer the nuns questions as they asked them, telling them that the only really important thing that happened whilst they were out other than that they had been carried out after she had dealt with Jaxis and killed him. "I know that you must be getting tired of this dreadful place sisters, but please just try to bear with it for a little longer. We only want to make sure that there aren't any lasting effects of what Jaxis did to you all. I also apologize that I haven't been around much myself as well, so I hope that you'll forgive me for that," Sera said to the 4 nuns that were still apparently recovering and had been isolated from the other nuns for some reason, though she didn't know why to be honest. "I'll speak with mother Esther about letting you all out so that you can see the sun again if you'd like, because you seem a little depressed sisters, and I want you all to feel better. You're all much too beautiful and kind hearted to let yourselves get down like this," Sera added, trying to make them feel a little better about themselves as well as brightening their day with her kind words.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera's visit as well as her promise to talk to Mother Esther seemed to brighten the mood of the nuns as they seemed to smile as Sera left. On her way out though Keri caught up to her and tried to explain why the Nuns where isolated. "Sera I just wanted to tell you why the girls are isolated." Keri looked back into the room the four nuns talking amongst themselves. "They where being checked for pregnancy after all they are no longer maidens. The sisters wanted to be sure that there would be no little demons running around. I think they are safe now they would have started to show already if Jaxis had been successful. You can give my recommendation that they be released to Mother Esther if your heading that way." With that Keri smiled and waited a moment to answer any questions Sarah had before heading back to the infirmary to tend to the girls.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera was glad to see that her words and presence had brightened the nuns and their mood a bit, and afterwards when she was leaving when Keri came over to her and whispered to her the reasons that they had been isolated in the first place, Sera nodded her head knowingly. "I had figured it was for something like that honestly, but even if they had been impregnated, I don't think it would have been demon children, maybe part demon at most, but definitely not full demon, because they themselves aren't full demons and Jaxis wasn't either, as they were all merely humans that had been... temporarily mutated to a degree, in fact they might not even have been able to corrupt anyone, I'm not entirely sure about that. So there was really no true reason to keep them here in my opinion, but I understand that you all would rather be safe than sorry so I won't fault you all for it, as it's a perfectly understandable way of looking at it," Sera replied to Keri outside of the room where the nuns were at. "Anyway though Keri, I'll go and tell mother Esther about this real quick so that they can go outside and see the sun again. I just hope that they cheer up some more soon, also tell them that I'll be by to see them again soon," Sera added before her, June, and Ivy went off to tell mother Esther what Keri had wanted them to.

They headed off towards wherever mother Esther might be to inform her of what Keri had told them to do so, so the sisters that had been taken by Jaxis could go out and about again. After they had done that, Sera would stay with mother Esther if she wished to talk and would introduce Ivy to the elderly nun as well, but if the elderly nun didn't want to talk really then she would go off with June and Ivy for a while to do other things.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

The rest of the day passed rather pleasantly with a chance for Ivy to really stretch her legs and wings. They spent alot of time with June talking about the church and the orphanage and speaking with Mother Esther very often. As the week passed on Sera's belly grew by leaps and bounds making it even harder to walk and even burdening her ability to fly. Still the days where pleasant and relaxing. That is until friday when she felt a sudden cramp in her gut... it was time. Thankfully Keri was nearby during the whole even helping Sera threw the first painful hours of birth. June and Mother Esther attended as well with June staying during the entire labor. After several exhausting and painful hours it was over and Sera held her baby girl.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

After they had informed mother Esther about what Keri had wanted them to tell her, Sera, Ivy. and June went on about their way, chatting and walking around... well in Sera's case fluttering around as it was a little tough to walk, but they went around the town all the same and talked, just getting to know each other a bit better.


The rest of the week passed in relative peace, with Sera going to see the 4 nuns that Jaxis had taken as well as the orphans as often as she could, though she wasn't able to go to see them all every day unfortunately, but she did her best to do so. As time passed, Sera noticed her belly growing larger and larger with each passing day, getting so large later in the week that it was tough for her to even flap her wings to flutter around now, but still she continued doing so even though it was harder for her.

That Friday however, not long after awakening and eating breakfast, Sera felt a massive pain shoot through her gut, causing her to fall back down onto the bed with a gasp. Sera cried out for help as loud as she could, and thankfully Keri heard her cry for help and helped her to the infirmary for her to give birth, as she'd just gone into labor. Sera thanked Keri for helping her into the infirmary, smiling at her with tears starting to stream down her face as another contraction hit. When June and mother Esther came in as well not long after that, Sera thanked them as well when they entered, smiling at them like she had with Keri earlier.

"H-Hey you two, l-looks like it's time I'd say. Gods... this really really hurts," Sera panted to the pair, the pain from her contractions almost blinding her it hurt so badly.

Sera thanked both June and Keri for staying with her throughout her labor, holding their hands tightly as she pushed and pushed. When she finally gave the last push and the baby came out, Sera was completely exhausted, but she still found the strength with which told hold her child. As Sera lay there in the bed holding her child, she saw it was a beautiful baby girl. She sat there for a few moments, taking in all of her child's features and wondering if Joy would be back to pick her up soon or what, then, laying back, Sera pulled the baby up to her breast to lay her little head on for a pillow, or if she was hungry to drink some milk instead.

"Oh gods that hurt... so bad. T-Thank you though girls, for everything," Sera said to the nuns around her, thanking each and every one of them in there with her that helped. "But I need to name her now. Hmm... how about Ashley little one? Do you like that name?" Sera added, thinking for a minute or two before naming her's and Joy's child so that she would at least be able to give her one thing since she would likely live amongst the sidhe.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

June and Keri just smiled at Sera as she held her baby girl. Soon enough though they had to get things back in order before leaving Sera alone to rest with little Ashley for company. Her thoughts focused on Joy a moment thinking about how the fey mage would likely show herself to claim little Ashley. For now however she and her little girl had their time together. Speaking of which little Ashly had started to nurse putting her little mouth on Sera's swollen milk laden nipple. There was a gentle pulling sensation and soon enough the milk began to flow.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Thanking June, Keri, and any of the others in there that helped her in some way or another, Sera bid them farewell when it was time for them to leave and head out, asking them to have a crib set beside her bed while she rested so that she could care for Ashley herself and not trouble anyone since they seemed so busy. Then, laying back on her infirmary bed, Sera thought about how and when Joy would come to get Ashley from her to take her to be with her people... which nowadays many of the angels were in a sense their people too. She put those thoughts in the backseat for now though as Ashley began nursing on her mother's teats, sighing and cooing softly as the little one began drinking her fill.

"There there little one, go ahead and drink to your heart's content. Your mother has plenty more where that came from alright, and you'll get to meet your papa soon too, so you'll want to be ready when she comes to pick you up," Sera said softly in Ashley's ear, kissing her on her little head as she watched her child drink.

When Sera thought that Ashley had drunk enough from one breast, she switched her over to the other one so that she didn't get off balance any from one being filled with more milk than the other. Once Ashley was done though and could drink no more, Sera burped her and set her down gently into the crib beside her bed that she asked for where she then tucked the little one in and watched her go to sleep before laying back and taking a nap herself, feeling absolutely exhausted from the whole ordeal.