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Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger



Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Ivy teased Sera awhile longer before bringing her other hand up from her treasure and gave it a lick. "Looks like Im ready for that beast of yours Sera." Moving quickly Ivy positioned herself over the massive hard on and began to slowly sink to her knees letting the broad shaft part her netters slowly. Ivy had a look of pure bliss on her face that Sera couldn't miss and while she might have not been a true succubus she sure did know how to tease her lover.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera nodded up at Ivy as she lowered herself down onto her massive member, which was already twitching and throbbing with need. When Sera felt herself beginning to be enveloped by Ivy's tight wet folds, which caressed and squeezed her perfectly as she stared up at the blissful look on her face, showing Ivy a look of lust and need that was easy to tell what she wanted and needed. "Gods Ivy... R-Rose r-really made you to... be like a succubus. I-It's just like when the girls got a hold of me that day. S-So tight... so good," Sera panted and moaned as Ivy sat atop her.

Before Ivy could really do anything and get started with rocking her hips, Sera would begin bouncing Ivy on her own, the want and need to cum making her body act of its own accord. After bouncing Ivy a few times on top of her, Sera would raise up and wrap her arms around Ivy as she bounced her, pulling her into a deep kiss as she did. After kissing Ivy for a full minute or so, Sera would roll her over onto her back on her bedroll where she would then reach out and grope Ivy's breasts and give them a squeeze, tweaking her nipples a couple of times as she leaned down and nibbled on one a little bit before moving over to lick and suckle on the other. As Sera began thrusting and knocking away at Ivy's tight little pussy, her moans spilled out from her lips and filled the area around them for anyone near enough to hear her, and the thing was... she didn't care who heard them. She truly didn't care as she was a bit of a exhibitionist first of all, but also because she had so much pent up lust in her loins as it had been a while since she masturbated or had summoned any sirens to have some fun with and she couldn't stop herself.

Sera would plow Ivy for all her worth, kissing, licking, and suckling her all over while she knocked away, her orgasm coming closer and closer and she knew that Ivy's was as well, so Sera's mind told her to keep going and drive them both to their sweet release. Sera could feel her balls starting to clench as she neared her release, her sack aching to spurt what it had stored inside. When she finally reached her peak and bottomed out inside Ivy, Sera let out a cry of pure bliss, spurting out everything she had into Ivy. Once she was through with her's, and assuming Ivy had gotten her own Sera would heave a pleased sigh of relief and a blissful look on her face as she rolled off of Ivy and onto her back, panting a bit after exerting herself that much, but basking and enjoying the feeling of it greatly.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Ivy squealed as Sera took the dominate position and pounded away at her sex. It felt so good that Ivy wished she really was a succubus. It wouldn't take long for Ivy to feel the pressure of her orgasm cumming and she did her best till Sera emptied herself into her letting her own orgasm release its self quickly adding her own cry of bliss to the mix.

Crawling up to Sera after their bout of lovemaking Ivy kissed Sera on the cheek before resting her head on the angel's soft breasts and fall into a light sleep her body shrinking down to its normal size.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

After coming down off of her pleasure high and after Ivy crawled up on top of her, Sera let out another pleasant sigh and wrapped her arms around Ivy as she lay there, kissing her back when Ivy kissed her. Sera continued to lay there for a few minutes afterwards, just holding Ivy as she shrank back down to her normal size and when she finally did so Sera leaned down and kissed her on the top of her little head one last time before grabbing the blanket of her bedroll and pulling it up over them, joining her companion an going to sleep herself.


Sera would dream of finding what she sought which would allow her to be able to have all of the fun she wanted with Rose, Lilia, Daisy, Iris, and Clover, as well as their mother whom they had promised would also love to have sex with Sera. Her dream would then switch gears and she found herself in a big house waking up in a bed, with all of the succubus sisters laying all around her as well as Ivy in her larger form that she'd used just earlier in the waking world. They were all naked as the day they were born, as was Sera, and Sera had Rose laying on top of her, Ivy on her right, and Daisy on her left, with the rest snuggled as close as they could get to her, Lilia and Clover laying with their heads on her thighs as they lay further down, and Iris was laying under Sera's head as her pillow so that they all were touching her in some way.

She could also feel quite sore down between her legs, as if she'd been manhandled by something and then it dawned on her that it was all of the girls who had made her feel like that, taking turns with her until she'd fainted. Despite feeling sore and a bit raw, Sera felt great, as she knew that they all loved her deeply. She heard Rose mumble in her sleep about Sera would love their mother too as much as she did them and Sera blushed when she heard her speak, knowing that as much as she loved sex she probably would.

Her dream continued on, with her meeting the girls succubus mother later on in the dream where they too had sex. Then kept going on to where she ended up starting a family with the all of her succubi lovers, having children with each of them which she then doted on as her dreams went on and on.


(I really didn't have anything else for the dream honestly, unless you want to add a piece into it. Though if you don't then I guess unless something is going to attack her in her sleep, then she'll sleep until morning.)


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Morning came with the coals of her fire glowing softly. Thankfully it did not rain during the night and Sera remained dry. Stretching a little she heard a little squeak as Ivy was mushed between her breasts. Startled if only for a moment Ivy made her way out from the crevasse her hair a little disheveled but none the worse for wear. "So we going to follow the road to that town?" Sera nodded in the affirmative after all that was the plan. Sera of course could change her mind but there was little else to do besides turn back. "I wonder if the town will be abandoned?" It was a possibility but the group of adventures seemed to be heading in this direction as well if their map was to be beleaved.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

As she woke up, Sera heard a muffled squeal from Ivy who was smushed in between Sera's breasts while she stretched. "Oh I'm sorry Ivy, I forgot you shrank back down afterwards. Are you alright sweetie?" Sera said in a worried tone, lifting Ivy up and out of the valley.

"Yeah I was thinking it might be a good idea to follow the road for now, hopefully it'll lead us to those people that were following the road as well that got chased by whatever that creature was the plants and that spider told me about," Sera replied, nodding her head to let Ivy know that was the plan she had thought would be best anyway. "I kind of hope it is abandoned myself, save for the people that we're following of course, I'm hoping that they're still alive at least," Sera added as an afterthought as she raised up to get out of her bedroll.

Once Sera had done all of her morning business and gotten a bite to eat, Sera got her robes back on since she and Ivy had sex the night before and were naked. After she was dressed and everything, Sera got her things together and pulled Ivy down to sit on her shoulder, and then they set off along the road. Along the way, Sera would hum a little tune as she flapped her wings and glided along the forest floor, looking this way and that as she followed the map's directions to make certain nothing got the drop on them as they went.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

They went along the overgrown road its presence easy to pick out now that they new what they where looking for. "So do you think its an Amazonian village? Or Su-ku-ta refugees from the desert." Ivy asked questions that Sera didn't really know but she felt sure heading to the town was the right thing to do. Their walk proved uneventful and after taking a break from a short rain shower they where well on their way again till about noon when the over grown track they had been on started to show paving stones again. They must be close.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Even though the road was overgrown on them, Sera and Ivy were easily able to pick it out under the brush and follow it as they went, which Sera was glad for because if she hadn't been able to find it she would have been a little upset, because that would be one more place less that she could look for what she sought. Sera didn't know what they might find there either, but surely it had to be something useful or adventurers wouldn't be going there to find whatever it was.

"Maybe Ivy, though we'll have to find it first to find out of course, but if I had to guess it would be something of the sort, or maybe a ruined town that is at the entrance to the ancient night elf city and all. Let's be careful regardless though, I don't want anything to get the drop on us and all you know," Sera replied to her companion, glancing over from the map to Ivy who was on her shoulder.

A little ways onwards their journey forward was cut short for a few minutes from a morning shower that popped up from out of nowhere, though it only lasted a short while thankfully and they were soon on their way once more. After the unexpected delay in the form of the morning shower, Sera and Ivy went onwards until about noon where they began seeing stones for the road instead of the foliage that had overgrown it. When she first began seeing them, Sera glanced over at Ivy and grinned.

"I guess that we're getting closer huh. Let's be quieter as we move in, I'd hate to run into whatever chased those adventurers off and stuff, whatever it is sounds strong... maybe too strong for me to handle," Sera said in a whisper to Ivy, switching to flapping her wings to keep her feet off the ground and off of any twigs or leaves that would snap or rustle so nothing heard them coming as they went on. She would stay close to the ground though for now instead of taking to the trees, because she wanted to be able to see if anything was on there clearly before darting up into the trees for cover with Ivy.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera kept an eye out for further trouble but none seemed to present itself as she went down the road. After a short while however she started noticing small houses with small gardens well kept but strangely absent. Not a soul in sight as she went down the road the houses getting slightly bigger and the farmland turning into actual fields. It was promising after all bandits hardly took the time to farm but where were all the people? Farther down the road however she got her first clue. A rough stone wall with jungle vines growing on it blocked the road. A simple gate guarded by two bored looking humans stood watch. A noise further in to the town echoed from the gate though at this distance it was hard to tell what was going on.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

As they went onwards, Sera didn't notice anything that looked troubling following them or about to ambush them, so they kept going. A short while later Sera noticed a few small houses near the road with fairly well kept gardens, though they were empty unfortunately, so they couldn't stop to talk with the owners for directions. The further they went down the road they'd found, the larger the houses were getting that they saw, and she was fairly certain that there weren't any bandits of any kind, because they didn't take the time to do the things that the houses had around them, such as farms and gardens and things like that.

A ways on down the road they came upon an old stone wall that was overgrown with jungle foliage all over it was blocking their path. Sera and Ivy then came up to a gate where there were a couple of people standing guard, and she was sure that they saw her because she wasn't trying to hide herself any. She didn't know what the sound was they heard coming from further in the town, but she was fairly sure that it was to alert the town that someone was coming, so she merely walked calmly on up to the gate.

"Um hello there, can you tell me where I'm at exactly? I followed this map's directions and all, but I'm not sure exactly where it has led me," Sera asked the two at the gate, bowing her head slightly and holding her hands up to show she meant no harm, as she didn't want to fight unless she absolutely had to.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

One of the bored looking guards looked up and jolted a little when he saw Sera but quickly composed himself. "Uh mam your at the town of Kost.. I would welcome you in but.... I don't know if you want to see whats going on.. in town." The guard seemed like he was avoiding telling Sera what was happening but not because he was trying to hide it. Pondering only a moment about his strange actions Sera was blessed with one of the rare moments of clarity that her kind have. Images of a woman in torn cloths being pelted with fruit filled her mind as well as a stake surrounded by wood. The two where connected and the images had a sinister air about them.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

She watched one of the guards bolt up upon seeing her, seeming a little frightened by her when she came up to them. She wondered why he seemed to jumpy, but decided to write it off as he'd never seen an angel before for the moment. "So this place is called Kost huh. And what is going on in the town precisely that I wouldn't want to see?" Sera said to the man curiously just before she blanked out a bit as a vision of what was going on filled her mind, allowing her to see just what was happening within the village. What was being done to the woman filled Sera with a small sense of dread, as well as the fact that she seemed to be about to burn at the stake.

"What has the woman within the village done to warrant being burned alive and treated in such a despicable manner? Surely you could tell someone such as myself I think. Unless she is one of the broken of the aliens I see no reason to treat her so cruelly," Sera asked after her vision passed, a fairly accusing look on her face as she felt that she had to find out what was going on, for her vision wouldn't have done that without a reason, usually an angel was given a vision such as that when they were meant to rescue a person in need... at least that's the way she always interpreted it anyway, even if that wasn't why exactly. Sera tried to not sound angry to the guards, because again she didn't want a fight if she could prevent it, but she would sound a little more demanding than she intended to. After taking a moment to think, Sera took a deep breath and releasing it, she would immediately ease her expression from one so serious to one that looked merely urgent instead, to let them know she was merely trying to ensure what was happening was the right thing, as it was her nature and whatnot to do so. "I apologize for sounding so... rude. Please tell me what is going on within. I may not know this town or the circumstances as to why she is being treated like that, but it is one of my duties as an angel to ensure that people are judged fairly and justly, so not only does my honor demand me to try and help the wronged here, but my nature does as well. I do hope you understand, because I'm not trying to start a fight here," Sera added to the guards once she softened her expression, hoping she didn't either anger or frighten the two so she could get some answers and help the woman if need be.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Uh.. well miss we found a witch... and the people are going to burn her at the stake..." The guard shifted his weight clearly uncomfortable about something. Answering before Sera could even really ask the question the guard stumbled out his words. "You see she worked her magics on Ms. Darvies cow and she birthed a two headed cafe and only gives sour milk. And and Old man Jenkins said she seduced him with magic so she could take all his lands." The list went on and on but time was running short it was up to Sera to act to either save this woman or let her meet her fate.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"A witch huh... well, I shall see if she is a witch or not. And if I find she is not will your people allow her to leave unmolested? I sincerely hope that you would, and that you and your people wouldn't deny the word of an angel if she is indeed not a witch," Sera said, listening to all the guard had said this supposed witch had done.

With that, Sera moved past the guards and on into the town, grabbing Ivy and stuffing her down in between her breasts and robes as she headed straight for all of the commotion in the center of town. "Ivy can you tell if she is lying or not? If so then listen and try to tell for me alright," Sera asked Ivy as she flew on towards the town.

She flew on into town, flapping her wings and soaring over anyone that might try and stop her, she knew that she had to hurry if she was going to judge this woman and perhaps save her. She would beeline straight for the stake which the woman was tied to and land right in front of her, where she would stare at her, her wings fully outstretched to let any know who and what she was and to give a slight warning to not come any closer until she said so.

Once she was there, Sera would look around at the people surrounding the woman for a moment, then she would turn to look at the supposed witch. "Have you truly done what these people say you have done? Be truthful miss, because I will be able to tell if you lie. I can save you and take you with me when I leave here," Sera asked the woman, giving her a serious look to let her know that she needed to be honest in her answer. If she nor Ivy could tell if the girl was telling the truth, then she would ask any plants or animals around to see if they could shed a bit of light on the situation.

If Sera or Ivy neither one can tell if the woman is truthful or not, then use Commune With Nature with some plants or animals around that might be able to tell the truth instead.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Gasps of surprise followed Sera's flight and a few even pointed at her and cheered. Her arrival at the execution point triggered a murmur from the crowed. Looking back at the woman Sera got a little bit of a shock. She clearly had the taint of blood magic on her. "Not good Sera not good at all." Ivy was right blood magic was a sinister practice. Despicable but not a sure sign of evil. The woman bruised and battered looked up at Sera. "Ive done nothing to these people. They are just looking for a scape goat." Sera felt she was telling the truth but then again here the woman was. Looking about she saw a priests standing with two guards talking and pointing in the direction of Sara and the woman.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera suppressed a small smirk when she heard all of the gasps from the people, and she also heard the few small cheers from some others when they saw an angel. However when she saw the taint of the blood magics on the woman before her, Sera couldn't help but let out a soft gasp, nodding her head when Ivy told her it didn't look good any at all for the situation. Sera knew why blood magic was so so bad, and the consequences of dabbling in it, and she herself had considered it before for emergencies only, but of course she'd never gone through with learning it.

"A scapegoat for what though miss? I can help you, but you've got to help me in return in order for me to do so. What did do the things you are accused of?" Sera asked the woman, whom she could tell was speaking truthful when she said she'd done nothing.

Sera noticed the priest talking to the guards and thought that she didn't have long to speak privately with the woman, so she said as much to her to get her to speak up quickly. "I can't guarantee your safety if you can't help me to find who did the deeds you are accused of. So speak quickly if you'd rather no one else hear but me," Sera whispered to the woman to urge her to speak before they were interrupted by the priest and the guards.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

The woman looked up at Sera clearly she had no love for those who had treated her in such away. "The priest over their has a few dirty secretes and Im one of them. These sheep have no idea they are being lead by a wolf." The woman stopped talking as the priest wearing robes of the Star God approached Sera and crew. "Oh the heavens have blessed us with an Angelic overseer. I must warn you dear angel this woman is a witch of the highest caliber and could talk a snake out of its skin. Please take anything she says with a grain of salt." The Priest did seem genuine but he was sweating alot and his smile seemed forced. But then again it was hot and by far this was no easy situation to be in as the leader of the community.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera listened to the girl talk, her eyebrows raising a bit when she said that the priest had some dirty secrets. She wondered exactly what the woman meant by the priest had his own dirty secrets, but then again she doubted that she'd be able to talk about it without talking to the girl alone.

When the priest guy came up and spoke to her, Sera looked over at him and listened to his words, noticing the forced smile on his face and the fact that he was sweating... though she knew that the latter might have been from the heat. But then again with the suspicious forced smile he had on his face, Sera had to suspect foul play from him. Sera knew that she needed to choose her next words carefully or risk a fight when she could avoid one... though this may be one of those times where it is unavoidable, and she dearly hoped it wasn't.

"Well, I would have to speak with her more extensively before I could determine if what you say is true sir, same to determine what happened exactly. But I can tell when someone is lying, I can sense it when a person does so. In order to prevent what has happened from happening again, I would ask that you hold off on the execution for now so that I may speak with her more extensively in private, I wouldn't want to upset anyone with her words being told aloud," Sera said, readying herself to fight if need be, but hoping that she had efficiently talked her way out of one for the moment. If she needed to, then Sera would bind the priest with her spiritual powers while she questioned the girl, so as to force them both to talk plainly, but only if the priest made a move against her now.

If the priest left her alone and allowed her to speak with the girl for the moment, then Sera would do so quickly, asking her to explain all of what needed to be said and that she would do what she could in order to keep her alive and keep the town safe, as that was kind of her job in any case, to safeguard the innocent and whatnot.

If the priest makes a move at Sera to attack her in any way, then she is going to use Entangling from the Druid spirit tree, burning a total of 9 EP on the priest to bind him specifically an nobody else. If he doesn't and gives her the chance to talk to the girl then she won't use it.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

The priests kept his fake smile and waited patiently for Sera to finish. He was about to speak in the woman behind Sera spoke. "Will you denay the will of an Angel Jorl? Would you ignore their divine guidence?" Sera couldn't see it but the woman had a grin on her face. "I TOLD YOU TO GAG THE WITCH! SILENCE HER NOW!" Two guards moved to the woman a gag in hand. After a brief struggle they gagged the woman who stared at the priest with fire in her eyes. "Sorry for that bit of unpleasantness but her words are poison and I fear that she may curse yet another poor villager if she had the chance." The woman mumbled behind her clearly outraged. "Guards if you would please escort the witch to a separate chamber so the angel can talk with her. I will attend to the crowed before joining you. It will be to risky to speak with her alone she may use foul magics." The priest went over to the crowed and informed them that Sera who he simple refered to as our angelic blessing. Would like to interrogate the prisoner once last time before the execution. There were some protests but the priest did his best to calm the crowed giving Sera so much needed time to speak with the accused witch.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"I never told you to do that sir, and like I said, I can tell when someone is lying, so her words can't do me any harm. And I wish to speak with her privately," Sera said, going with the guards as they took her to a private room for her to speak with her. "Do no more harm to her, if I am to speak with her then she'll need to be able to talk back to me, and be more gentle, she's still a human being after all and you would want to be treated a little better than that. I cannot, and will not abide you hurting her any more until she has been proven completely guilty of what she has been accused of," Sera added to the guards as they walked off to the private room they were taking the girl to.

After being taken into a private room, Sera would tell the guards to leave them and then she would take the gag out of the girl's mouth so that she could speak once more as she began looking her wounds over. "Now tell me all you know about what happened miss. If the priest really is as you say, then I'll need to know everything in order to expose him for what he really is and keep you alive without this whole thing turning into a fight. You can begin with telling me your name," Sera would say to the girl once alone with her, bringing Ivy out from her hiding place.

"Ivy, what do you think about this whole situation? Also, keep a watch for me and make sure nobody comes without me knowing, and that nobody is listening," Sera whispered to Ivy before the girl began speaking, then moved back over to the girl and began using some of her healing powers on the poor woman, who looked quite beaten.

use Lay On Hands with 5 EP to heal the girl's HP.