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Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Sera had left the sanctuary she had known all her life with a reluctant blessing of her parents. Little did they know that the young angel was intent on making her way to Acheron to meet with a succubus family. Still that goal was a wee bit off as she trekked threw the jungles of the amazon. The thought of flying to Glassmoor had grossed her mind Sera had decided to walk. It was on her second day into her journey that Sera had come across the shattered remains of a camp where a battle had taken place. The vegetation was scorched and all the supplies ruined with the exception of a single journal page fluttering in a weak breeze in the small clearing where she found herself.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Hah... I hope mom and dad aren't angry with me Ivy. I know they and everyone else back home are worried about me, but I can't sit around at home any more you know. I want to see the world and try and help heal it. I hope they can understand that," Sera said with a sigh as she walked along, with Ivy riding on top of her head today rather than on her shoulder or buzzing around beside her.

Just as she got through speaking to Ivy, Sera noticed the ruined remains of what appeared to be a camp of some sort. She noticed the majority of the ground and surrounding areas were scorched all to hell and there were ruined tents and such all about as well. She didn't like the looks of whatever happened here to this place, and as she explored around she noticed a piece of paper blow past her in the wind, which she reached out to grab and look at, hoping to gather information about what had happened to this place. After looking it over, Sera would look to Ivy.

"Come on Ivy, we should see if there are any survivors around here, so they can tell us what all happened exactly. I'm worried if there are any people hurt around and in need of help," Sera said to her little companion, starting to look around for anyone that was still there maybe. "Hello... is anyone still here? I'm Sera... please, if anyone's still here I can help you," Sera called out for anyone, drawing her pistol from the holster she had fixed onto her right leg and cocking it, ready to shoot just in case.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Looking over the camp Sera failed to find any injured or dead but numerous tracks in different directions with long gates seemed to indicate that who ever was here had fled. The camp or what was left of it seemed over a day old maybe more but with the heavy rainfall it was hard to place an exact time. "Looks like they ran off Sera." Ivy was busing around the camp checking things out for herself leaving Sera to look over the torn page.

The page itself was hand written and looked to be a journal of sorts. It had bold confident hand writing.

Day 9
Our glorious leader has finally relented to having our native scout lead the way to the lost city of Fa'Thelis or rather the supposed lost city of Fa'Thelis. I never did put much faith in maps bought of half drunk louts. Still the map did look authentic enough for me to team up with this..... rather unique band of adventures. The only promising one is the Amazonian a fierce resident of the inner jungle who knows the area well. Not to mention she has a body fit for a angel or goddess. Surprising still was the orc warrior. She is a tall as our leader and they often butt heads her bestial demeanor only kept in check by the fools life debt she owes him. The third member of our intrepid band is a Night-elf priestess a sensual lady who has been eying me for some time on this trip. I know little about her but I have heard of all the night-elf's sexual skills and desires. The last member our leader is probably the most arrogant elven knight Ive every had the displeasure of working with. When I get back to the Academy I plan on boxing the ears of my friend Dia. This is the last time I let her plan an expedition.

Sera looked at the letter again thinking. She had heard of Fa'Thelis before. It was a marvelous ancient city built by the Nightelfs at the height of their demon worship. It supposedly held many artifacts of great power and ancient secrets and magics that make anything else in the world pale in comparison.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

As she snagged the piece of paper out of the air, Sera glanced around the camp as Ivy flew off of her head and looked around the camp as well, calling out and telling her that whoever had been here had run off. Nobody seemed to have been here for at least a day or more from the looks of it, but it was hard to tell because there was obviously a heavy rain recently which prevented her from placing the exact time. While Ivy searched the camp for her, Sera had a look at the journal page to see what all was on it exactly, wondering what she'd find out and if it would tell what had happened.

As she read the page, Sera learned that whoever these people were appeared to have been looking for the ancient nightelf city of Fa'Thelis, and it appeared also that there weren't too many of them from the sounds of it. She wondered if they were alright or if they had been killed by something, hopefully they had managed to get away from here, and she assumed that they had, because she didn't see any bodies or anything.

"Hey Ivy... do you see anyone or anything yet that might be able to let us know what happened here?" Sera called to her little friend, idly thinking about all of the legends she'd heard about the ancient night elf city and all of the secrets hidden therein... who knows, maybe she'd be able to find what she was searching for there if she found the city, as the night elves had been demon worshipers at one point, and though they had gotten slightly corrupted as a result of it they hadn't been totally corrupted, so maybe they had found a way to prevent themselves from becoming corrupted during that time. It was at least worth investigating to try and find out, because even if they didn't have what she was searching for there, she would definitely find something worthwhile surely.

"Hmm... maybe I could ask some of the animals and plants around here if they saw what happened," Sera said, deciding to look around for some plants and animals that she could speak to and ask what had happened. She would look for the nearest tree first that was still alive and speak with it, then if that proved unhelpful then she would look around for any animal near her and speak with it too.

Use 'Commune With Nature' to speak with either a plant or animal that might be able to tell her what happened exactly. Spending the 2 EP a couple of times to ask another thing if need be.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Communing with plants can be tricky business as they tend to think (if one could call it that) at a slower pace than most creatures. Still Sera lucked out and found a flower that had made it unscathed in the camp. Speaking to the flower Sera soon found out that a flaming winged snake man had attacked the fleshy ones and sent them running. She also found out that the attack had happened two days ago.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

After gathering the information she desired from the flower she'd managed to find that would speak to her, Sera wondered exactly what this flaming winged snake man the flower told her about was exactly, but apparently the people that had been here managed to get away, as her and Ivy couldn't find any of them. This took a load off her mind as she looked around again, glancing at Ivy and informing her of what the flower told her before asking which way they had gone, thinking unless they could find anything else in the camp then her and Ivy could at least follow their trail a ways and see if they found anyone.

With that Sera would look around the camp some more with Ivy and see if the mini succubus had found anything worthwhile.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Ivy had busied herself sorting threw an abandoned backpack when Sera made her intentions known. "Oh Sera I think I found something!" The little succubus crawled out of the pack dragging a rather faded and wore piece of parchment. Looking it over Sera found much to her excitement that it was the map the group of adventures had been using to find the city.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

After letting Ivy know what she'd planned to do and all, the mini succubus she saw was busy digging through an old discarded pack laying around and came hauling out an old roll of parchment which just happened to be a map the people had been using to look for the old city. This find perked Sera right up, as it was at least some good news about what had happened here.

"Well I think you struck gold with this here Ivy, nice find cutie. Now let's see if we can tell where they came from and where it was leading them to," Sera said, grabbing Ivy and hugging her to her chest, smushing her in between her own ample bosoms before sitting her on her shoulder as she looked the map over.

Should there be no way to follow the group the map belonged to back to find them any, then Sera would ask Ivy if she wanted to look for this ancient city before they go to Glassmoor or elsewhere. Should Ivy agree to look for the ancient night elven city, then they would try and make their way using the map to get to where the place was to explore it some.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Ivy mumbled something as Sera squished her between her breasts but had a big smile on her face when the hug was over. "Sure Im here to help you remember." The little succubus waved her tail as she rode the angels shoulder. "The city should be exciting maybe well find some Nightelf silks to wear or mounds of gold coins!" With that Sera oriented herself with the map and headed off. After a few hours of walking however it began to rain putting a damper on their mood.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Giggling as Ivy tried to talk, but was muffled by her ample breasts as she was smushed in between them, Sera smiled at her after placing her on her shoulder and listening to her speak. "Who knows what we'll find there, but I hope it'll lead us closer to finding a way for me to be together with the girls. But mounds of gold wouldn't be too bad I suppose," Sera said, smiling over at Ivy and kissing her on the cheek as she readied herself to follow the map's directions.

After a while it started raining on them and this really depressed Sera when it did so. "Aww, I hate rain. It really drenches my wings and makes them so heavy when they get wet like that," Sera said with a groan, looking around for the nearest tree or something for cover from the rain for now, waiting for a few minutes to see if it was just a little shower or not. If it did stop after a short while, then Sera and Ivy would move on and continue following the map, but if it didn't then she would look over to Ivy and ask her if she wished to continue on anyway before attempting to go on.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Perception vs Stealth
Sera: 40 vs 32 success no surprises for spidy

Sera sat under the tree dreading the foul weather. At the mention of her wings getting heavy and wet Ivy jump humphed. "Well at lest the feathers keep them warm. My little bat wings get wet and then they get all cold which makes me cold. Besides Sera... SPIDER!" Ivy quickly pointed up at the multi-eyed multi-legged horror slowly drifting down towards the angel.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Seemingly unable to go on just yet, as the rain was coming down rather heavily at the moment, and Sera didn't want to go on just quite yet regardless in the weather, she sat down and waited for it to slack down a little bit before deciding on their next move. "Well mine get really heavy though, which makes it hard to move and... WHOA!" Sera cried and looked up as Ivy pointed up at the spider and cried out a warning to her.

Sera dove out from under the tree and rolled away, drawing her pistol and aiming it at the spider as she bounded back to her feet, wings outstretched to prepare for flight if need be, not worrying about how wet they got now as she didn't have much choice. She quickly burned some of her spirit energies to make herself faster and stronger for the moment, not wanting to give the thing the chance to maybe grab her and try anything that she wouldn't want it to.

Using Blessing and pumping in 5 EP to it, and she's also got Efficient Wielder which I think takes her upkeep back down to 0, though I'm not exactly sure.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

spider attempts Grapple
40 vs 57 miss
Sera quickly got her bearings and readied her weapon. The rain was coming down in sheets making it hard to see but with the movement of the tree she could guess where her target was. She didn't have to wait long as the creatures body came lunging out of the tree and landed 30 feet away looking rather confused.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

After burning her spirit energy to enhance both her's and Ivy's abilities, Sera glanced over at her little friend and nodded, then glanced back to the spider as she called forth her powers again, this time intending on trying to capture the thing and bind it so she could ask it why it had attacked her and maybe get some information out of it perhaps.

"Get ready Ivy, I'm gonna try and snare him up and maybe we can get out of him where the city is, or at least why he's attacking us," Sera whispered to her little friend, who she assumed was still riding on her shoulder, or was at least flying beside her.

Using Entangling on the spider to bind him rather than the area burst, spending 6 EP with it to do this,


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera uses binding X=6 for dc 36
spider resistance vs binding
18 vs 36 fail! spider is bound

Sera wasted little time and called upon her divine powers to bind the creature before her. Bright golden chains of light erupted from the ground wrapping themselves around the spider who screeched in dismay. Though the things struggled valiantly against its bindings it could no break free leaving it at the mercy of Sera.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

After watching the spider being bound with her powers, Sera lowered her gun and glanced over at Ivy after seeing it wasn't going to escape without her allowing it to. "Now... let's find out why he attacked us," Sera said as she stepped a little closer, though her gun was still out and at the ready. Sera readied her powers again and decided to simply ask the spider why it had attacked her, just like she had done earlier at the camp.

"Why have you attacked us huh? What did we ever do to you? Answer me and I may let you go," Sera asked the spider after burning her power to speak with it, though she would try and do it quickly because she knew that she had only a minute or so to speak with the beast.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

The spider was a simple creature and Sera could already tell that it was simply looking for food and that it had thought she would be an easy meal. Though it was kinda unnerving to think about being eaten. Using this chance Sera asked about the adventures. The spider it seemed didn't know what had transpired but it did tell her a new winged predator was in the area. With that her communication spell passed and she was left with a bound and hungry spider.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Once Sera had gathered all of the information she could from the spider, she flapped her wings to shake the water from them some and started moving away, then once she was as far out as she could be to release the binding she'd placed on the spider she would do so, as it was simply acting out of instinct and she couldn't really fault it for that, despite the unnerving thought of being eaten by it. However if it tried to follow her, Sera would pull her rifle over her shoulder from its shoulder holster and shoot the thing before it could get near.

"Come on Ivy, let's keep moving, and stay close to me," Sera would tell her little companion.

Assuming she didn't have to fight the spider from it chasing her, Sera would head on and continue following the map's directions, whispering to Ivy to stay close as she pulled the little succubus in and placed her back on her shoulder, pulling her own much larger wings around and over their heads as they continued on to keep the water off of them, shaking her feathery wings out from time to time to keep them from getting waterlogged. While they walked she would also keep an eye out for anything interesting on their path, as well as for any possible enemies that would attack them, as she didn't want another thing like that spider to happen to them.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Thankfully the spider had more than enough strangeness for one day and it soon left Sera and Ivy heading in the opposite direction. It was still gloomy and overcast but eventually the rain did cease.

"So Sera can we stop to dry out? Maybe build a fire? How much food do you have? Are you hungry?" The little succubus did indeed look a little damp and Sera couldn't help notice she was shivering. Still there could be more predators out and who knows how long the weather would hold.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sine the spider hadn't followed them, Sera and Ivy went along their way, moving through the woods with Sera keeping her wings over her's and Ivy's head to try and prevent them from getting soaking wet, but a good bit of the rain still ended up coming through and drenching them for the most part. Finally though after quite a while of raining, the rain did let up and stop, with the only sounds of water being from either streams or the rain dripping off of the trees around them.

"Yeah Ivy, I suppose we should stop and rest for a few minutes, but we need to stay on guard. And I doubt a fire will be easy what with all of the wet wood around us, we'd have to dry it out first. Unless you can conjure up some magical fire that can burn wet that is. I do know how to get some drier wood though if you don't. But first, come here and get down in here, I'll be able to keep you warm with my own body heat at least until we can get us a fire or something going. And yes I do have a bit of food for us, I packed us a couple of weeks worth of food to share, though it's mostly bread and such, no meat, as it would spoil to quickly," Sera replied to Ivy's questions, taking the little shivering succubus in her right hand and placing her down in between her ample breasts, using her own body heat to get her little companion warmed up.

Once she had Ivy there, Sera spread her wings wide and flapped them some to fling as much water off of them as she could before moving on, looking for a bit denser forest area that she could scavenge some drier wood from some dead trees or old logs, pulling away the old bark from them and digging down into the center for some wood to be able to start a fire with. Once she had a bit that they could use, Sera would look around for a good spot that was out of the wind, preferably a hillside or cave entrance of some sort, but if not then she would find a good group of trees to use as a windbreak for them. Assuming she was able to find a good decent spot to set up a small camp, Sera would set about making building them a campfire with what little wood she may have been able to scavenge that was dry, then she would look around their campsite for some more wood to place on and around the fire to dry out enough to be burnt later on to keep it going. Assuming they hadn't been attacked during the whole time, Sera would get out a couple of her food rations she'd packed before leaving home and share some with Ivy, who she hoped was warmed up now.