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Re: Cuddlespiderquest

2 then 4 (look for something for you, your children and her to eat)
Re: Cuddlespiderquest

3. Babbies gotta eat and daddy isn't around...
Re: Cuddlespiderquest

2 then 4 (look for something for you, your children and her to eat)

This, then let her go after she eats what we get her with a smile.
Re: Cuddlespiderquest

Option 4.

I guess you don't want her to die just yet, and you certainly don't want her to be frightened and think you a monster should she break free and escape, so I guess the best course of action would be to look for some food for you, her and your new babies.
Re: Cuddlespiderquest

3, remove the webbing from her mouth.
1, free her from the tangled webs you've woven.
2, cuddle her and see her off, maybe let her keep one of yon kids as a reminder of the good times the two of you shared.
Re: Cuddlespiderquest

Status: Health: 5/5 Hunger: 3/10 Cuddles: 10/10 Eggs: 1/10 Web: 4/10
You decide to cuddle the woman and free her. As you cut her free and remove the gag, she weakly stumbles to her feet, letting out a yelp as you hug and cuddle her again. After a while you let her go and she stumbles to where you've discarded her carapace and puts it back on before stumbling away as you gracefully part the webs to let her go to the direction of the male human.
What do you do?
1. Wait
2. Go to your old web - there's still some eating in your last prey, no point in letting it go to waste
3. Go to the direction of the humans to find other people to cuddle and/or egg
4. other
Re: Cuddlespiderquest

2. Need munchies!
Re: Cuddlespiderquest

2 Let's finish off our previous meal and reload our spinnerets. Then we can start teaching our young-lings what to cuddle and what to eat.
Re: Cuddlespiderquest

Option 2.
Re: Cuddlespiderquest

Status: Health: 5/5 Hunger: 2/10 Cuddles: 10/10 Eggs: 1/10 Web: 6/10
You decide to go back to your old web. Leaving your offspring to mature in a good, clean web, you head back to your old one. As you start eating, you notice something moving near the corner of your web, but you can't see anything. What do you do?
1. Ignore it and continue eating. If it's too small to see, it's too small to cause trouble.
2. Investigate.
3. Attack.
4. Run!