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Re: Cuddlespiderquest

3 - But try to convince her to go with and also put as to what she will be doing all the time.

If not 2 - and tell her that the children inside of her will be guardians for her people to become friends with.
Re: Cuddlespiderquest

1. Love em and leave em.

With 4 pairs of cuddlers we can't be a 1 egg sack spider.
Re: Cuddlespiderquest

4. Can we keep her guys can we?
3 stay with her gently cuddling her wrapped form when she lays cut her out and leave we are near the humie settlement...
Re: Cuddlespiderquest

Option 3, HAREM MODE ENGAGE! Unless the cuddle-hating man comes and gets nasty, then Option 1.
Re: Cuddlespiderquest

Status: Health: 3/5 Hunger: 2/10 Cuddles: 10/10 Eggs: 0/10 Web: 9/10
How would you tell the woman anything? You're a spider, you don't speak human. In any case, you decide to pick the woman up again and head to your web. You secure the woman to your belly after a brief struggle - the woman starts making noise again, though they're much weaker now. Then you scuttle back to your new web and cuddle her for a while before securing her to it.

What do you do?
1. Expand the web - you just can't expect everything to walk right into it.
2. Go on another adventure - maybe you'll find more interesting things
3. Wait
4. Figure out how to stop the woman from being so noisy + another choice - the noise is annoying even though it might attract prey here.
Re: Cuddlespiderquest

1. Web it all up.
Re: Cuddlespiderquest

Figure out where the noise from the noisy woman is coming from and make it stop, maybe covering it with web will stop... and then expand the web. 4.
Re: Cuddlespiderquest

4 followed by 1.
Re: Cuddlespiderquest

4 then 1.

Web the bitches mouth up. Sure, she may be able to attract prey to your web, but there's more chance of her cries luring more humans to your home. Humans that have no problems killing you. Once that's done you should work on making your home bigger.
Re: Cuddlespiderquest


We can wander away for healings and sleepytiems. A noisemaker is totally a good idea.
Re: Cuddlespiderquest

4 then 1.

Web the bitches mouth up. Sure, she may be able to attract prey to your web, but there's more chance of her cries luring more humans to your home. Humans that have no problems killing you. Once that's done you should work on making your home bigger.

This but a little more gently, we want her to like being there, so that way she'll help us to get more people to cuddle and egg.
Re: Cuddlespiderquest

4, then fulfil her ass with eggs, then 1.
Re: Cuddlespiderquest

Status: Health: 5/5 Hunger: 3/10 Cuddles: 10/10 Eggs: 1/10 Web: 4/10
You study the human for a while, and notice that the noise is coming out of her mouth. Webbing over it is a simple matter, and muffles the noise, though it fails to stop it completely. Then you get working on expanding your web and eventually she stops entirely.

It takes a long time and you start feeling tired as your spinneret threatens to run empty, but eventually your web blocks all but one of the entrances to the cave. Then the web starts to vibrate as the woman starts struggling again with renewed strength: it would appear that the eggs will hatch soon. No sooner do you get back to her than she bends violently backwards as the first egg slips out of her, slick with her love-juices. No sooner does it come out than the rest follow one by one; then the eggs hatch into your children, quickly latching into the web and eating the eggshells. The woman looks spent; she's hardly moving at all and her skin is red all over.

What do you do?
1. Free the woman
2. Cuddle her
3. Do something else with her(specify)
4. Go on adventure!
5. Wait.
Re: Cuddlespiderquest

Cuddle her and then let her go, a non lethal reputation would go miles in keeping you anf the kids from getting hunted later, otherwise they'll think we ate her and come looking. And maybe she'l come back for more. She needs to eat and stuff to...
Re: Cuddlespiderquest

3 then 1 undo the wrappings. Then attempt to place her carpace back like you found her. Cuddle her a bit then leave her at the enterance we took her from even if we have to cut our web.
Re: Cuddlespiderquest

EDIT: 2 + 1. Cuddle her for a bit, then release her.
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Re: Cuddlespiderquest

3: fulfil her asshole and her guts with more eggs.