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Power Overwhelming (lurker)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Zeta: HP = 34, PP = 34, EP = 68, Status = Fine

[Take them.]

The Elder Lord Urkanoth commanded, the words coming directly into the Kynoshoa's (alien word for Gemini/slave) mind in their master's powerful voice, and Zeta was bound to obey. The Magotha (hunters) were already on the move, creeping unseen around the flanks of the group of Rlathatur (the unconverted) that stood to oppose them. The Tulzscha (grabbers) were already moving forward, and she and her fellow Kynoshoa were to stay behind them and offer support.

The group of armed rlathatur was only a dozen strong, but they guarded the real prize; a large collection of rlathatur nearly forty strong, who would all be helpless once their guardians were shunted aside. They were to be consumed and converted, as Zeta herself had been when the invaders had gotten a hold of her, but the kynoshoa had no memory of the torments she had received. All had been wiped away by her masters, save for her loyalty to them and her cruelty to their foes.

The opposing warriors stood perhaps a hundred feet away, in the cover of an archway leading into an ancient fortress. Sathlacha (skyray) scouts had spotted the group fleeing towards the lands to the East, where their kin had not fully defeated the native population, and they had been dispatched immediately. The two dozen tulzscha pressed forward, surging across the desert sands towards the stone archway and the half dozen men that stood to defend it, their faces showing sheer terror. The five strong contingent of magotha would circle around, finding other entrances, and the sathlacha circled above in search of easy prey or those that might attempt to escape. She and her fellow kynoshoa, six strong including Zeta, were to stay back and support the telzscha as they brought down the armed men for conversion.
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Re: Power Overwhelming (lurker)

[Understood, I won't fail you my Masters.]
The voice spoke, and she did as it wished. She wasn't even sure her true name, it had been forever since the incident before her name had been used. Even still, it felt good to obey the voice, and this time it was no different.

A frown went to her face as she looked to the Rlathatur that stood in their way. Why did they resist so? Her memory was lost of her own resistance, but even still, with the numbers sprayed before their futile defense line, it was pathetic. No matter, she will show them what the futility of their actions was.

Still, she had her role to play, for now, and that was acting in support. Focusing her mind, she pooled her energies, and within moments added her energies into the fray, several darkened shards speeding towards the unconverteds.

And for my first trick, Zeta utilizes several instances of Piercer!
Piercer(Costs XEP)(Zeta hurls shards of shadows at her enemies, dealing (1d12+2)*X damage to one target within 80 feet. Zeta can optionally pay an additional 1EP to target an additional creature. This can be done multiple times, but only once per target)
2 EP spent - 1d12+2*2 + 5EP for 5 extra targets = 7 EP spent (This is how it works, right?)
Re: Power Overwhelming (lurker)

Zeta: HP = 34, PP = 34, EP = 61/68, Status = Fine

Zeta sends some chunks of shadow at six of the defending humans!
Attack: Miss, it bounces off their shields.

Her gemini kin cast spelsssss, aka Mass Wrack on the assorted dudes.
Casting: All succeed.
Attack: Each of them is hit by every single one due to good rolls. >.>
That's a total of fifty damage, downing the entire group.

Advancing along with her kin, Zeta opened up as soon as she was within range of the rlathatur, sending a barrage of black spikes at the front row of men. A voice called out as the shards of shadow sped toward them, and the front row raised wicker shields to defend themselves. Though the spell tore through the flimsy barriers, they were robbed of much of their force by the defenses and thus left little more than scratches on those they struck. Her kin's attacks were more effective, however, as they unleashed a quintet of floating orbs that went up to the shields... And then right through them, passing through wood and leather and flesh as if they were without substance, but doing no harm.... Until they exploded in the midst of their group, wracking the rlathur with unspeakable agony. They dropped, one by one, and the tulzscha swarmed over them, battering the weakened men until they were unconscious, a process that didn't take very long.

The inside of the fortress was open to them, including the bounty of rlathatur just waiting to be converted inside, but as they spilled out into the open courtyard the last of their guardians rose to their defense. Seven men, six equipped as the others had been but one standing out, taller than the rest with armor made of gleaming metal and a heavy blade crafted much the same at their center. Hefting his sword in both hands, the helmeted man called out; "Stand together my brothers! For your families, for all that you are and all that you have, they may not pass!" From the man's two handed blade came a flash of bright light, an energy that washed over him and his comrades and granted them strength even as their forces closed in. The tulzscha were practically in grappling range with them as they stood within a second archway, one that led out into a courtyard in which the rest of the rlathatur were huddling like frightened sheep. The quarters were close, the narrow alley circling the fort allowing few of them to funnel into the smaller archway, but they had no ranged support to back them up, and in a war of attrition it seemed impossible for them to possibly win, particularly with the magotha likely creeping up along the walls to drop into the courtyard and take them from behind.
Re: Power Overwhelming (lurker)

Zeta frowned at her allies utterly ruining their targets for her. She wasn't allowed to play with her food?

Even still, continuing with the assault, she entered into the keep with her kin, only to hear the humans challenging her kin and somehow charging themselves up. Frowning, Zeta stayed with her kin, pretty sure she could fight back without putting herself at risk. Growling a bit, she glared at the humans, and a part of her wanted to argue the veracity of their claims. But for now, she quietly goes to the attack, once again releasing tons of spikes at her foes.

More Piercer for Zeta, cause it worked so well last time :S
(Costs XEP)(Zeta hurls shards of shadows at her enemies, dealing (1d12+2)*X damage to one target within 80 feet. Zeta can optionally pay an additional 1EP to target an additional creature. This can be done multiple times, but only once per target)
Cost = 5 (damage role [1d12+2]*5) + 6 for targeting the spare 6 people = 11
Re: Power Overwhelming (lurker)

Zeta: HP = 34, PP = 34, EP = 50/68, Status = Fine

Zeta sends some chunks of shadow at six of the defending humans!
Attack: Hit 2. The guys at the ends, arbitrarily.
Damage: 6 + 2 = 8 * 5 = 40 - 6 = 34 damage

Zeta's five allies cast Hex of Weakness, targeting each of the dudes that she didn't hit, one of them being the main armored person.
Casting: Success.
Attack: All miss.

The grabbers rush forth to try and nab someone! Closing in, they can only send out two attacks one each person, meaning that 10 of the 24 grabbers just kind of mill about like a bunch of turkeys. Slimy, tentacle-baring turkeys.
Attacks: Only one hit, the guy on the far right henceforth dubbed as warrior number 6, is grappled.
Aphrodisiacs: 3 + 5 = 8 Resistance damage, putting him at 7/15 Resistance.

The knight steps forward into the crowd and uses whirlwind and 20 points of defensive fighting, intentionally missing his allies.
Attacks: All hit.
Damage: 1 + 2 + 45 - 10 = 38 damage. Just shy of the amount needed to kill them. By 2. God.... Dammit.

The soldiers counterattack! The first four trying to clear some grabbers while 5 tries to kill the one on 6.
Attacks: Soldier 2 misses with both shield and sword, everyone else hits with both attacks.
Damage (sword) : 4 + 1 + 17 = 22 damage.
Damage (shield) : 1 + 2 + 5 + 10 = 18 damage. JUST BARELY ENOUGH TO KILL THINGS, YAY!!! The last dude then does the same thing cuz he's free.
Attacks: Sword hits, shield misses.
Damage: same as above cuz lazy.

4 guys with guns come up from above. Bein all sneaky like.
Stealth: They win handily.
Attacks: Automatic hit on four of Zeta's gemini siblings.
Damage: 2 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 23 = 34 * 2 = 68 - 7 = 61 damage. Four gemini down!

Flinging yet more shards of blackness at her foes, Zeta watched as many of her attacks were blocked once again. She managed to deal some harm this time, however, as she hit the two men at the far ends of their formation in the shoulder and the hip before they could get their shields in the way. The knight's aura seemed to slow her attacks greatly, however, and when her kin unleashed their magics against the group, intending to weaken them, the magic washed over the armored figure's glowing emanation and simply dissipated without doing any significant harm.

The wave of tulzscha washed over the shielded rlathatur, and for a moment it seemed as if the humans and su-ku-ta would simply buckle beneath the onslaught of grey flesh. That was not to be, however, as the knight actually stepped forward into the mass of her kin, spinning their two-handed blade in an arc in front of them and cleaving through the mass of writhing tendrils. He bought his group time enough to recover, and they surged forth with a vengeance, freeing the only one of their number to fall prey to the reaching tentacles, killing a handful of the tulzscha and wounding many others. That in and of itself wasn't particularly distressing, as the tentacle-spawn weren't of any particular value to their masters and easily replaceable. What was concerning, however, was that four of her kin suddenly dropped to the ground, their heads caved in or with fist sized holes in their chests. The source was immediately apparent as Zeta noticed the quartet of flashes just before the sound produced by the four gunshots echoed towards her, confirming that they were in the small guard tower sitting in the middle of the wall even though she couldn't actually see them.

[They will be dealt with. Concentrate on the central figure. The other rlathatur will fall when it does.]

Her master's words spoke clearly into Zeta's mind, rising above the din of combat and instilling a sense of deep inner peace. She and the sole remaining kynoshoa beside her had been given their orders by their master, and their target was clear: the being that held back the tide of tulzscha must be taken.

Combat Stuff
20 grabbers (meleeing the enemy, the six around the knight have taken 38 damage, the one in front of fighter 6 has taken )
1 elder lord (staying way back)
1 gemini cultist (next to Zeta)
10 skyrays (in the air)
5 hunters (sneaking around the back)

6 shield fighters (melee, fighter 6 is at 7/15 Resistance and has taken 34 damage. Fighter 1 has taken 34 damage.)
1 knight (melee)
4 gunners (up on a tower)
Re: Power Overwhelming (lurker)

Zeta growled, glaring at the source of the gunfire, only for the voice of her Master to placate her. She had to focus on the mission first, of course. Right.

Darting to some jutting debris, Zeta would quietly focus on her inner energies, focused her own defenses. She had to eliminate her foe, and fast, or else they threaten more casualties to her allies.

Upon letting her energies charge themselves, she'd leap from her hiding place, and swiftly fling her arms at the leader, blackened tendrils flying forward to restrain and incapacitate the odd glowing knight. All this time she would be silent, her eyes continuing to glare at the humans with part hatred and amusement.

Because I keep on getting grumbled at for not moving smartly, tiem for gameplan time :S

Step 1: Stay in cover, cast Psychic Shield on self
Psychic Shield(Costs XEP, X-2-3EP Upkeep)(Zeta wills worth a barrier around herself or an ally, that gives a +3X Bonus to Dodge/Resistance/Grapple & +X bonus to Armor. Targetted Ally must be within 30 feet, and remain within that range or else the Shield is lost)
Cost 10EP, 5EP Upkeep


Death Whip(Costs XEP, 1EP Upkeep)(Zeta forms a whip of shadows attached to her arm, that deals (2d8*X)+(Spirit/4) damage. The Death Whip have 15 feet range, and can be used to grapple creatures with a +3X bonus on the initial roll only. Creatures grappled in this way do not benefit from group grappling rules. The Death Whip can hit up to three creatures per round, but each attack beyond the first take a -8 penalty to damage)
8 EP, 1 EP Upkeep. Aiming Grapple Attack at the Leader
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Re: Power Overwhelming (lurker)

Zeta: HP = 34, PP = 34, EP = 39/68, Status = Fine, Dark Armor X = 5, Psychic Shield X = 3, Death Whip X = 5, Grappling the Knight

Round 1:
Zeta activates Dark Armor for 5 EP.

Zeta's lone remaining fellow gemini casts Power of Chaos for a Mind buff.
Casting: Success.
Mind Buff: 8 * 2 = +16 Mind

The grabbers rush forth to try and nab someone!
Attacks: all miss.

The knight uses whirlwind and 20 points of defensive fighting, intentionally missing his allies. Again.
Attacks: All hit.
Damage: 5 + 10 + 45 - 10 = 50 damage. All of the wounded grabbers are killed,

The soldiers counterattack!
Attacks: All hits.
Damage (sword) : 4 + 2 + 17 = 23 damage.
Damage (shield) : 4 + 6 + 4 + 10 = 24 damage.
Six more grabbers are killed.

The elder lord explodes the tower with a greater fireball, killing all of the snipers.

Round 2:
Zeta activates psychic shield for 3 EP, also paying 3 EP upkeep.

The other gemini casts Energy Drain on one of the soldiers.
Casting: Success.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 2 + 3 + 9 + 2 = 16 * 2 = 32 EP drained. Soldier 4 is down!

2 of the hunters try for a sneak attack!
Stealth: Hunters mostly win. The one going after the knight gets spotted.
Attacks: 1 automatic hit, one miss.
Damage: 3 + 3 + 23 = 29 * 2 = 58 - 22 = 36 damage on soldier 2.

The knight Slays a hunter.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: More than enough to kill it.

The soldiers slaughter more grabbers, mostly.
Attacks: Both hit for the five remaining doods.
Damage (sword) : 6 + 1 + 17 = 24 damage.
Damage (shield) : 4 + 1 + 1 + 10 = 16 damage.
They still die, 5 more grabbers down.

Round 3:
Zeta activates Death Whip for 5 EP, total of 9 EP that round, and swings to grapple the knight! Her current Grapple is 22 + 15 + 9 = 46, +15 on the initial attempt for a total of 61.
Attack: Hit, the knight is grappled.
Aphrodisiacs: 1, the knights is at 24/25 Resistance.

The other gemini casts Energy Drain on one of the soldiers.
Casting: Success.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 1 + 3 + 9 + 2 = 15 * 2 = 30 EP drained. Soldier 3 is down!

The last hunter joins the grapple on the knight
Attack: Hit.

The knight tries to get free.
Grapple: Zeta and the hunter win.

The grabbers try to grab the remaining fighters, two apiece.
Attacks: Fighter 1 is grappled.
Aphrodisiacs: 5 + 4 = 9 Resistance damage.

The soldiers strike back.
Attacks: Both hit for the three remaining doods, and then another set of auto-hits cuz the last guy was freed.
Damage (sword) : 5 + 5 + 17 = 27 damage.
Damage (shield) : 4 + 5 + 5 + 10 = 24 damage.
Four more grabbers are killed.

Ducking into cover, Zeta and her lone remaining fellow kynoshoa waited and prepared themselves as the one sided battle between the now unsupported tulzscha and the well organized rlathatur went on. The humans slaughtered the tentacle-spawn en masse, particularly the knight who hued through the fleshy creatures five or more at a time, but the mindless tulzscha fought on stalwartly, unflinching even as they were cut and smashed. A streak of flame reaches suddenly smashes into the tower from which the snipers had fired, causing the top portion of it to explode and rain rubble down onto the battle and the huddling rlathatur. Zeta heard a number of cries of terror as her slimy body was coated in living shadow, protecting her from harm and adding to her strength. Her comrade did much the same, enacting her magics to enhance herself while she looked upon the battle with a frown.

The battle continued, two of the magotha that had infiltrated the fortress suddenly appearing behind their foes and attacking, clawing at the back of one of the soldiers and the knight, but the latter recognized the approaching threat. Dodging the hunter's claws, the man turned and shouted wordlessly as he swung downwards, splitting the reptilian humanoid straight down the middle in a single strike. The other kynoshoa turned around the corner and unleashed a spell at one of the soldiers while Zeta enacted her mental barrier, striking him and ripping his soul apart, draining away his spiritual energies. He dropped, but his comrades and Zeta's allies ignored him in favor of the rest of attacking one another. One of the men was grabbed by a tulzscha, but he was cut free immediately while the soldiers continued to butcher the tulzscha.

Then, it was Zeta's time to strike. As the knight turned to the second hunter, leaving the other men to deal with the few remaining tulzscha, but before he could unleash his deadly shining blade upon the crouched lizardman, her whip of glimmering blackness lashed around his waist and tugged him out of balance. The hunter, seeing an opportunity, rushed forth and grabbed the man's wrist, attempting to pull the man's blade from his hands as the three of them struggled. Her fellow kynoshoa turned and dropped another of the regular men, leaving only four, several of whom had been wounded. Though their numbers were greatly reduced, victory was well within their grasp... All that they had to do was bring down the armored figure that Zeta had in her grasp.

Combat Stuff
4 grabbers (meleeing the enemy)
1 elder lord (staying way back)
1 gemini cultist (next to Zeta) Power of Chaos (+16 Mind on self)
10 skyrays (in the air)
4 hunters (sneaking around the back, 1 grappling the knight)

4 shield fighters (melee, fighter 6 is at 7/15 Resistance and has taken 34 damage. Fighter 1 is at 6/15 Resistance and has taken 34 damage, fighter 2 has taken 36 damage.)
Fighters 3 and 4 has been koed by EP drain.
1 knight (melee, grappled by zeta)
Re: Power Overwhelming (lurker)

Zeta grinned darkly as she held tight to her catch, the glittering foe in his metallic armor clearly protecting him from outer blows of her kin. It was time to show him what a true terror was, however, especially if her kin were to feast tonight. And such, she called out as her tendrils tightened on the armored commander, taunting the warriors that stood by him.

"Pathetic rlathatur, you thought to resist us? Very well, if you seek so much to avoid evolution, I will spare your weakness from our collective..."

Once again, her energies surged, and the tendrils tightened on the man's torso, focusing hard to quickly end the commanding rlathatur's life.

Shoulda just done this first and saved everyone the trouble...

Zeta proceeds to soundly eviscerate the knight after some supervillin monologue via Rupturing Shadows

Rupturing Shadows(Costs 3+XEP)(Zeta makes targets a creatures within 30 feet, making its shadow solid, and forcefully tears it away to cause massive internal trauma, dealing 8X Damage that ignores AV)
Re: Power Overwhelming (lurker)

Zeta: HP = 34, PP = 34, EP = 39/68, Status = Fine, Dark Armor X = 5, Psychic Shield X = 3, Death Whip X = 5

Round 1:
Zeta uses Rupturing Shadows for X = 10.
Grapple: Zeta wins.
Damage: 8 * 10 = 80 damage.

The other gemini casts Energy Drain on one of the soldiers.
Casting: Success.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 2 + 3 + 9 + 2 = 16 * 2 = 32 EP drained. Soldier 5 is down!

The hunter claws at soldier #6.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: Plenty.

The grabbers rush forth to try and nab someone!
Attacks: the two remaining soldiers are gang grabbed by 2 grabbers each, easily overwhelming their Resistance with four monsters worth of slime.

The knight grunted and tried to pull free from her whip's embrace, his raw strength clearly superior to her own as she delivered her statement. Fortunately, that didn't matter for long. She only needed a few seconds to hold him, and then the man went silent and still after a single shiver, black tendrils suddenly tearing out from his body and ending his life. The knight's soul would be easy to extract from his now dead body, and with their commander and his magics gone, the remaining rlathatur were easy picking for her allies. The remaining tulzscha wrapped their tendrils around two of the remaining men while the magotha slashed the throat of a third. The last man standing was the subject of another of her fellow kynoshoa's spells, causing her to rip the strength from his soul.

Their resistance gone, the rlathatur were now helpless to her and her kin, both those remaining of the defenders and those beyond. All that was left now was for Zeta and her fellow kynoshoa to begin their conversion, and with only two of them left conscious, it would likely be best to begin with the remaining warriors, ensuring that they could trouble them no more. The touch of the tulzscha had the two ready and willing for conversion within moments, their genitals growing erect beneath their flimsy coverings. The other kynoshoa was already heading for one, leaving the other for Zeta to use to reclaim the energies she'd spent fighting them.

Combat Stuff
4 grabbers (meleeing the enemy)
1 elder lord (staying way back)
1 gemini cultist (next to Zeta) Power of Chaos (+16 Mind on self)
10 skyrays (in the air)
4 hunters (sneaking around the back, 1 near Zeta)

2 shield fighters (melee, Fighter 1 is at 6/15 Resistance and has taken 34 damage, fighter 2 has taken 36 damage.)
Fighters 3, 4, and 5 have been koed by EP drain.
Fighter 6 has been koed by damage.
Re: Power Overwhelming (lurker)

Zeta tossed the pathetic corpse to the side, giving a dark smirk. Someone else would deal with the mess, she had another job to do for her kin.

Zeta slowly approached her prey, her tendrils flicking behind her as her tail idly swayed, glaring down at the terrified creature. "Now then... we can do this the easy way, or the hard way," she taunted, growling a bit as she squatted before him. "Hold still, and I won't destroy you quickly. Move against me..." she started, and letting it hang.

Grinning to herself, she whipped her tendrils forward and gripped at the man's limbs, sliding above the man's erectness before sliding down. "Now, time to feed..." Zeta growled, her voice giving a small hiss as she began her 'assault'.
Re: Power Overwhelming (lurker)

Zeta: HP = 34, PP = 34, EP = 39/68, Status = Fine, Dark Armor X = 5, Psychic Shield X = 3, Death Whip X = 5

The rlathatur she'd been left to drain, already blinded by its lust due to the slimy grasp of the tulzscha, made no response other than a wordless groan to her words. His shaft sprang free as her tendrils lashed away his garments, already firm and throbbing, and when her petals parted over it she felt the thrill of feeding on his soul join flawlessly with the expected physical accompaniment. Sliding onto his cock drew another needy groan from the alien woman's helpless victim, and she could already feel his essence weakening as she drew it from him. His soul was weak, but held more than enough power to replenish her even before she tore it entirely from his body, that she might add it to the collective after the battle was over.
Re: Power Overwhelming (lurker)

The alien efficiency that had replaced the usual need of this action did nothing to diminish it's effect on her body, a subtle growl coming from her as she starts to thrust herself atop him. The energy was fresh, and the power flowing into her as well helped to rejuvenate herself, the pleasure pulsing into her, purring lightly. "Good, good..." she grinned, moving herself faster into the thrusting, trying to feed faster. There would be more time to enjoy the victims later, she knew she couldn't enjoy him too much until the battle was truly dominated.
Re: Power Overwhelming (lurker)

Zeta: HP = 34, PP = 34, EP = 68, Status = Pregnant, Dark Armor X = 5, Psychic Shield X = 3, Death Whip X = 5

The helpless rlathatur groaned and squirmed helplessly beneath her as Zeta rode him vigorously, draining his essence in large gulps to replenish her own spent energies. She could feel her own body's reactions rising rapidly in time with the steady flow of his essence, a stream that was growing wider with every thrust as she consumed the protective shell of his soul to replenish herself. Soon enough his eyes rolled into the back of his head, and as her own body was wracked by a powerful climax that caused her limbs to shake and left her mind momentarily blank she felt his seed erupt into her, painting her insides white and filling her with fire. The alien felt it as his seed found its mark within her, creating a tulzscha within her body that would be born to join the cause in short order. More than that, however, Zeta fully replenished herself upon his energies, and in doing so she laid the core of his soul bare to her.

With a final wrench allowed by the weakness of his will during orgasm, Zeta was able to wrench his spirit in its entirely from his body, capturing it that it might be converted later and leaving the shell of his body empty. The battle within was over, or at least it seemed to be given the screams coming from those within as the remaining aliens rushed into their midst. Zeta was free to join them in the pillaging of the courtyard, or to explore the insides of the ruins and search for more surviving rlathatur to claim for the cause.
Re: Power Overwhelming (lurker)

A triumphant growl flows through the corrupted elf as she feels her body release, a most primal force coursing through her limbs. She felt the man going limp below her as her energies dragged the creature's soul from him, preparing much for later extraction to the collective, and a soft purr echoed from her throat as she drew to her feet again, allowing her defenses to fade away, the battle truely won.

Still, she had a job to do. She was designed to collect and do as her Masters wished, and thus, she moved into the ruins, swiftly planning to explore and hunt for prey.
Re: Power Overwhelming (lurker)

Zeta: HP = 34, PP = 34, EP = 68, Status = Pregnant

Perception: Success.

Zeta was able to see a good portion of the orgy of sex and violence that was ensuing within the walls of the fallen fortress as her less intelligent kin plundered those within. The doors to the fortress interior had been torn from their hinges and left to run on the sands long before today, and Zeta crept into the fortress interior in search of more victims. The first area that she entered was a narrow hallway that looked as if it had been the site of a battle, but one that was long past. Standing still for a moment, she heard a muffled cry from somewhere off to her right, and looked over to see a pair of doors, both of which were closed and relatively intact compared to the entrance. The sound vanished, but it had likely come from behind one of them, either the left or the right.
Re: Power Overwhelming (lurker)

Zeta smirked a little as she walked into the castle, her bare feet padding softly on the colder surface, a nice change from the sands she had been crossing prior to this encounter. The castle's interior was trashed, but still would work as a place of storage, she mused a little.

The sharp cry to her right made her spin her head in that direction, her eyes focusing on the doors. Something was still around, obviously. Time to chase it.

Moving swiftly to the doors, her tendrils reached forward and swiftly grabbing at the handles, prying them open as she prepared to find the source of the sound.
Re: Power Overwhelming (lurker)

Zeta: HP = 34, PP = 34, EP = 68, Status = Pregnant

Tearing open the first of the doors, Zeta found herself all but face-to-face with a young, unarmed female rlathatur. They were thin, almost starved by the look of them, but fairly tall for one of their sex and race, being the type who lacked a great deal of body fur and normally possessed only rounded ears on the sides of their heads. The darkness of their skin suggested that they were of the local breed, and the shrieked babble that they suddenly bombarded her with as they scrambled deeper into the small storage room confirmed it given the language in which it was delivered. They didn't look like much of a fighter, and seemed to be at about the ideal age for conversion, when the body had just reached full maturity and would thus produce the strongest kynoshoa. What precisely Zeta wanted to do with her newly discovered prey, however, was at least momentarily up for her to decide.
Re: Power Overwhelming (lurker)

Zeta grunted as the doors collapses, having to strain a little at the effect. Upon breaking in though, Zeta grinned at her fortune. Excellent, another that may have sneaked through her fellows if she hadn't gone poking. Time to properly deal with her now though.

Striding forward, Zeta watched the human with interest when her tendrils rise up, flicking forward to attempt to grab the girl and hold her tight. She wasn't going to let this one run away, considering how well she had managed to evade the captures thus far.

Zeta attempts to grab the new female target, planning for weakening and conversion priming
Re: Power Overwhelming (lurker)

Zeta: HP = 34, PP = 34, EP = 68, Status = Pregnant

Attack: Hit.
Resistance: 1 Resistance damage

Snaring the rlathatur girl was easy for Zeta, who grabbed her before she could take more than a few steps down the hall. That said, holding her looked to be more of a chore than the kynoshoa was quite prepared for, as it began trying to struggle against her grasp almost immediately. She was strong, strong enough to give her trouble... If she didn't use any magic, and if the puny creature managed to resist her poisonous touch for any length of time.
Re: Power Overwhelming (lurker)

Zeta grunted as the woman struggled. Such a fighter... sadly not one she'll be able to savor before she breaks. Growling a bit to herself, she starts to draw her in, her energies bubbling into her again and quickly reforming her shadowy armor, this time the energies not really focusing on her torso this time, her strength doubling over and gripping her tighter as best as she can as her hands start to slowly explore the creature. "Now then... what to do to you..."

Zeta casts Dark Armor via 6 EP, plans to do foreplay while keeping her tied up.