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The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

Damage: 3,4 = 7
Resistance: >.>

Nadia hit the wall of energy hands first. It didn't feel anything like a physical wall. It felt more like a bag of feathers, at first touch. But as she pressed harder, it pressed harder back. The first inch was hardly there at all. The second inch was like pushing through water. The third inch like pushing through molasses. By the sixth inch, the angel was pushing with all her hugely increased strength with barely perceptible movement, her blades pushed back by the wall until they were almost against her chest. The fallen angel laughed cruelly. "Really, girl, pitting your body against mine might have some merit, given that I spent the last few years dead. But even with more energy that you can really handle, your will against mine is just-"

Until Nadia tried to turn Khazidea forward, so that it wouldn't cut her throat if the wall suddenly gave. The enchanted sword passed through the wall like it wasn't there at all. Lilith's eyes went wide, her mouth opening into an 'o', one hand starting to come up.

With the wall's weakness figured out, getting Nadia's entire body through was trivial. And with power flowing through her well past the point where it started to hurt, it didn't take much more time than that. The younger angel darted at Lilith, all impossible speed and blinding light. Her enchanted sword slid with perfect accuracy towards the fallen angel, on a line to slide between her ribs and through her heart.

Just as the tip of her weapon touched Lilith's skin, her arm stopped moving. And just like that she was gone, leaving Nadia to stumble as both weapons passed through empty air.

A quick look around would show that the 'holy' wall was still there, but now Lilith was on the other side. The fallen angel was on one knee, pulling a bloody hand away from her chest. She got back to her feet and turned to face Nadia, wings spreading wide as a look of fury passed over her face. She made a harsh gesture with her bloody hand, and droplets sizzled against the holy wall, which suddenly consumed in flame. The other hand went up, starting a throwing motion, impossible amounts of energy pooling in Lilith's palm.

At the last second the fallen angel stopped, and smiled. She relaxed, and changed. Her wings shorted, and turned white. Her body took on a less pale color, and the bloody wound closed, blood drying up and flaking off as she aged backwards. And her face changed, until Nadia could have been looking in a mirror. "If you're not going to be civil about this, after all the effort I went through..."

Lilith blinked her eyes, and Nadia had the feeling more had changed. "You're still fucking the elf slut, right?"

84/105 HP, 85 PP, 35/110 SP;47 Perception, Battle Aura 30

Lilith: Injured? Looks like Nadia?
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

Nadia strained with all her might against the wall, which for some reason hadn't given to the sword that it immediately proved weak to. Lillith vanished before her strikes could land in full, but the fallen angel quickly reappeared on the other side of her fading wall, and when the barrier burst into flames Nadia was already spinning back towards her foe. The power that Lillith gathered was of no concern to Nadia - either she would avoid it or she wouldn't, and there was no time for worry in the desperate battle in which she was engaged - but as she shifted it Nadia shifted as well. Gathering power of her own, when the fallen angel turned daemon shifted into a form copying Nadia's own and then asked her flippant question, the angel's answer came in a somewhat familiar form.

Sheathing her blades in a blink and clasping both hands together at her side, Nadia didn't speak a word as her aura, or at least most of it, was encapsulated into a ball. A small portion of it remained, ensuring that she would be strong enough to hit Lillith accurately, before she unleashed a blast of raw power meant to disintegrate Lillith. Again.

Drop Battle Aura to X = 6, Energy Wave in cone form X = 22. Should cost a grand total of 30 EP and 4 HP.
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

To-hit: Success
Damage: Barely enough

Nadia's ball of energy passed through the flames easily and burst into holy fire around the fallen angel. She snarled, and jabbed towards her lookalike with one hand... which crumbled to dust. She concentrated, and the rest of her body shifted back to her 'natural' form, wings turning black and growing larger. And then crumbling to dust. Lilith let out a scream of frustration, and the dust rose back into the form of her hand. "This is not the end, slut! The second time will be easier! I'll fuck you until you beg!"

Then the remainder of the fallen angel's body crumbled to dust and fell to the floor, save for a single black feather that floated down more slowly.

80/105 HP, 85 PP, 5/110 SP;47 Perception, Battle Aura 6
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

It was only then, as Lillith's physical form was crumbling into dust as a result of her blast, that Nadia finally offered a bit of banter in return. In reply to the fallen angel turned daemon's dying promise, Nadia would shout back; "Yeah? Well next time, I'll try to disintegrate you before I can hear your hag voice!" Nadia's blood was boiling, not the least because she was approaching exhaustion, but as the dark angel fell to pieces she would sigh and lower her aura to a sustainable level.

"Great. Crap. It's not going to take her two years to get pieced back together this time," the young angel remarked to herself, and then sighed, collected the feather that remained since it likely possessed the same power as a true angel's feather, and then stomped off back to camp. This was not going to be a pleasant explanation.
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

The dust and lone feather that seemed to be all that remained of Lilith didn't respond to the first real words Nadia had spoken since encountering the fallen angel, if she had even heard them before the end. The feather did seem at first inspection to hold the same sort of power she'd felt in that left behind the last time she'd killed Lilith. There was also a sense of hostile, dark oppression... but that sensation filled the entire cavern, seeming to follow the angel as she left the cavern, stopping only when she reached the starlight.

Nadia arrived back at the camp to find herself spotted by several alert women before she was a hundred yards out, with half the people in the camp holding weapons that most didn't really look comfortable with. Sarah ran out to greet the angel. "So... was it your kin, or an ambush? And should we still expect trouble?"
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

"Both" Nadia replied coldly, "Lillith returned as a daemon, intended to come and take revenge on me. Partially by way of you. I destroyed her physical form - again - but she'll be back unless I can figure out a way to deal with her spirit more permanently."
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

"Lilith? A daemon?" Sarah's eyes went wide, then darted back and forth across the woods behind Nadia for a moment. Then the elf shook her head and looked Nadia up and down for a moment. Apparently finding something satisfactory, she wrapped her arms around the taller angel.

After a moment she stopped and took a step back, blushing slightly. "So... are we safe? I don't even know how we'd defend ourselves against a daemon, much what destroy her." She bit her lip.

Back in the camp, people were still on alert, but a little more relaxed since people had spotted the glowing angel. Weapons were still readily available, but fewer were held out of their sheathes.
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

"For the moment," Nadia replied reassuringly, "but only for now. I don't know how much longer it'll take for her to create another body. We do have a moment to breath, however, and I'd like to get as far from here as possible tomorrow." She would glance past her human and elven companions to look over at the hunters, ensuring that they had behaved themselves while she was away. After that, she would have everyone stand down, though she herself would stay on guard. Her power would be released so that she could recover, having nearly exhausted herself fighting Lillith, and then she would settle in unless some other concerns came up.
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

There was some grumbling about the alert having apparently been for nothing, but it faded as people made themselves ready to sleep. There were no particular concerns, so Nadia stood watch as the others slept.

The night passed largely without incident. With a total of nearly fifty individuals, between the refugees and the semi-captive hunters, there was almost always someone up to relieve themselves or take a drink, or simply unable to sleep, but as time passed Nadia noticed the forest seeming to return to life as her own power slowly regenerated. With dawn there was birdsong.

And shortly after dawn, a woman screamed a short distance into the woods, just out of sight. Several weapons were pulled free from scabbards, and the process of waking up was suddenly accelerated.
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

Nadia was off towards the scream in an instant, but as she moved through the camp she cast a glance towards the hunters, mentally counting them to make sure that all of them were present save for those that had been sent out hunting. If any were missing, she would take to the air to investigate and give a call to be ready, but if they were all present as far as she could tell then she would simply proceed on foot to the source of the sound. She was tired, the night having passed boringly and her need to remain on watch having prevented her from getting any proper rest, but that wouldn't stop her from being ready for a fight if one was to be found.
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

A quick check of the semi-captives suggested that one was unaccounted for. The Angel took immediately to the air, shouting to those still in the camp to remain alert and ready. Unfortunately, the forest was thick and while her wings allowed her to reach the location that seemed to have been the source of the scream quickly, she had to descend through the trees to see anything useful.

There had only been the one scream, making pinpointing the exact location difficult. Nevertheless, Nadia set down a short distance past a woman covering herself and hiding behind a bush for modesty, blushing furiously. A second woman - this one fully clothed - was pointing back towards the camp with righteous fury. Nadia could see the shimmering shape of a camouflaged hunter hurrying in that direction.
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

One of the hunters missing, a woman screaming, and when she landed a few moments later a woman with ripped clothes and another pointing towards a moving blur. Tired, full of adrenaline, and ready to snap with paranoia, Nadia was suddenly filled with rage. The angel lunged towards the moving blur at impossible speed, grabbing at it until she found purchase and bringing the hunter to the ground by strength alone. Once it became visible, she calmly grabbed both of its arms and slammed them by their wrists against the ground while moving to straddle it properly. Her free hand, in the meantime, began to angrily pummel the alien's head while she grunted; "You. Do. Not. Attack. People!" She would batter the hunter until it stopped struggling, but would make sure that she didn't kill it or cripple it, assuming at least that no one and nothing stopped her.
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

The hunter stood little chance against the Angel's furious speed and strength. He fell to the ground with a crash and a wordless cry. Pinned facedown on the undergrowth, he could do nothing to protect himself as Nadia's fists started coming down on his skull. He let out what sounded like a curse, but in the native tongue of the hunters it was difficult to tell.

Crashing sounds indicated people moving through the forest behind Nadia, and moments later a feminine voice started crying out encouragement. "Yes! Finally! It was a mistake letting them live in the first place!"

Another blow fell before the second woman caught up. She had pulled on a pair of panties and held a dress in front of her, but it wasn't really long enough to be effective; it covered her breasts, but Nadia could see flashes of her inner thighs, enough to see a dribble of what had to be cum on one of them. The dress was in disarray, but neither it nor the panties really seemed torn, on closer look. She was blushing beet red, and looked on the edge of crying, her voice shaky. "No! Stop! Don't hurt him! Please!"
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

Nadia wouldn't even acknowledge the woman's encouragement, not acting out of bloodlust but out of necessity in her own mind, and not intending to inflict any harm upon the other hunters for the actions of one. The shriek to stop from the woman who had seemingly been under attack, however, caused the angel to pause, and she held the alien down with her fist poised to strike while glancing back at the half-naked human. "What?" she said in disbelief, her mind processing something that was fairly incredulous when inspected rationally.
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

"He didn't... she just... walked in on... um..." The still-mostly-naked woman looked like she might die of embarrassment.

The other woman didn't have so much trouble speaking. "I saw that raping her! You aren't going to say you fucked that lizard-thing by choice, are you?"

"Um... there are so many more women than men in the camp, and... they're all either taken or not interested... He didn't do anything wrong!" She seemed to give up the struggle to cover herself with her held clothing as useless, and quickly pulled her dress over her head. In the process, Nadia got a flash of pale breasts, nipples still hard, with three faint red marks on one. She also saw the faint trail of cum dripping from the woman's pussy, before the dress slid into place, covering her almost to her knees.

The sight seemed to leave the second woman somewhere between shocked senseless and a sputtering rage. "You... you... you SLUT!"

Under Nadia, the hunter let out a muffled growl that quickly turned into a moan of pain.
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

Nadia's scowl remained as the half-naked woman gave part of a flustered exclamation only for the one who had made the accusation to butt in. "You, stop talking!" the angel said in a raised voice towards the other woman, before looking back to the one who had seemingly been willingly having sex with one of the aliens, and in the same voice added; "You, keep talking."

The redheaded angel could barely comprehend what she was hearing, but despite the insanity of it she was merely baffled rather than horrified. "You... Really did, didn't you? Uhhh..... Why couldn't you just... You know.... Keep it in your pants?" she said in annoyance, "I mean, I understand why you wanted to do it in secret, but... This was bound to happen at one point or another."

Sighing, she climbed up off of the hunter and called out; "Sarah! Come and heal this one! Everyone can stand down, it was a false alarm!"
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

The elf arrived a few seconds later, looking slightly confused but nevertheless kneeling and sending a wave of healing heat through the beaten hunter, who got up with a grunt and wandered a few feet away. The recently-naked woman shuffled her feet and didn't quite meet Nadia's eyes. "I'm sorry, I didn't... it wasn't hurting anyone, and he certainly seemed interested... been months since I've... you never said we couldn't..."

Sarah tilted her head, and suddenly her eyes went wide. "Ooohhh...." She turned to Nadia. "Is she allowed to do that? Did she at least take a potion first?"

The young woman blushed an even deeper shade of red. "Um... potion?"
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

And then things started getting awkward.... "Well... No, I didn't say you couldn't! I didn't think I'd have to!" the redheaded angel sputtered, a rosy color appearing on her cheeks. "To keep from, ahhhh, making any more of them I think she means," she would continue after the woman seemed confused by Sarah's question.

Sighing, the angel straightened and stepped away from the downed hunter, to which she threw an apologetic look briefly before looking back to the woman who had seemingly willingly been coupling with a hunter and continuing; "You can do whatever you want, but you should have known that something like this could have happened! I could have killed him for that well before you could have stopped me if I'd had a mind to. Be more careful next time you feel the need to get laid!"
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

"Well, um... I guess that kinda killed the mood for now, but, ah... what exactly should I do next time?" She paused for a second, seeming to think. "Oh! Oooh. Um. Right. I probably should have known that, since a couple of women gave birth to some." She glanced down, but of course her dress was covering the cum-stain now. "Is... it too...? Who should I ask about, um..." the woman gestured at her - currently flat - stomach.

The hunter, still watching the discussion with apparent interest, looked disappointed for a moment, before its face returned to a carefully neutral expression.
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

"Not bloody get walked in on, for one thing!" Nadia replied exasperatedly, but then sighed to release the tension created by her exhaustion and irritation. "I don't know... Ask one of the alchemists. It isn't too late yet, but I don't know if anyone packed the ingredients for one of those." With that, the conversation was finished as far as she was concerned, and unless something else came up the angel would get back to what she'd been doing previously. No more orcs were following them as far as they knew, but that didn't offer much in the way of certainty and Nadia still had the returned spirit of Lilith to worry about, making the brief distraction more of an annoyance than anything else, and she inwardly resolved to make sure that everyone knew not to wander off in groups of less than three before they departed. Privacy and sex drives be damned, they were going to get to Lockacre without further incidents like this one if she could help it.