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C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

1c - SLIME!! Not really into suffocation or lactation
Q6 - Ooo set bonus!
Y if Q6 wins, U if Q6 doesn't win
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3





Y-9 (8 if Q2 wins)+1
U-1 (2 if Q2 wins)

Haven't used Nightshade99 double vote yet as shown with +1 next to some votes
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

Votes Chosen: Primary B Head to the sexual overtonned room and pull the rope and take it.

Secondary: 1b Wear the black bra cursed with the panties enchantments and additional 'Wearing is building' (Nightshades Secondary Vote Used here.)

Tertiary: Q6 Wear the leather jerkin and activate the set. (Nightshade vote only counts for secondary votes.)

Quad: Wear the now cleaner black panties. They do not smell of piss, through the air she may be breathing could be contaiminated.

Top A/N: Reasons as to why belated update will be posted beneath the main part. Hopefully when you get to it you will ignore my reasons and just be glad that I update and stroke my ego without crushing it. Hopefully. Anyhow, thank you bloodshifter for your tally. Here is a metaphorical cookie or +1 vote to any upcoming secondary or tertiary or quad etc vote and before you ask, there will never be any +1 for primary votes. Also to Bloodshifter, Zephyrion and Minerve, due to the vote C failing even through you voted for it, you each gain 1 point to each personal hidden stat.


Narrator: Last time on Mara's bouncing Juggs D! Mara had entered a seemingly empty room, after much dramatic seqencing she found a hidden stone panel and open a secret alcove and found some more clothing! Back in the stone room she....

--Narration of Mara--

The golden elf women looked at the three objects on the table. The old too small black panties which she found to be too plain as well as.. soiling herself in them. A flush of embarressment overtaking her face even as Mara thanked Grecia that no one had seen her be defiled by such... disgusting creatures or seen her in her turmoil. Still lightly poking at the panties with a digusted face, she found them dry. Steeling herself to what she may smell, she lifted them up and brought them to her face and took a quick sniff. They smelled like poor peoples materials. They didn't smell like piss or even herself for that matter!

Mara looked around in the humid room, feeling a shiver of fear go through her again. She needed to get out of this place quickly and Sakilioner the person who did this to her. Still she lifted up her long golden legs and slid them each through the holes in the panties, letting out a few grunts as she squeezed herself into the panties, shivering as she felt the panties sticking uncormfortably close to her body. Her ass-cheeks felt squished as did her flower. Still she picked up the bra next, noting that she could've worn it earlier but now it would be a tight fit on her D-cups.. She looked at her breasts, her eyebrows furrowed in silent consternation at the fact that her beloved perky breasts were less perky and bigger weights.

Still she slipped her arms into the black bra, pulling it onto her even as she felt her breasts squishing into it and one of her jiggling orbs falling out of it. Grunting to herself, she squeezed her tit back into the material and tied the bra close, huffing as she felt her breath shortening at the tight fitting bra.. She even shivered as if she felt something rubbing against her nipples even as she felt mild pain in her breasts from the tight fit. Finally looking at the leather jerkin, that was too big for her.. It looked to be made for a far taller women suprisingly.. Looking closely at it she could see straps on it.. Mara would grab the final piece and don it onto her body. As she got the leather jerkin all the way on her suspicions of the panties, bra and leather jerkin being magical came to fruition.

Mara gasped as she felt an almost sizzling pain all across her covered body.. the jerkin shrinking down, becoming more along the lines of a catsuit its color changing from brown to a black of the same colour of the panties and bra.. But the worse was yet to be over as Mara felt her breasts and nipples tingling, a fire raging on the inside of them even as the golden elf women grabbed at the catsuit, trying to pull and rip it off even as her fingers found the material, she couldn't even as those watching saw her grabbing at her tits, her breasts bouncing and jiggling and being pulled on even as the elf women let out cries of pain, not caring who heard her. Even as Mara 'played' with her tits, a transuclent white patch appeared around her pussy and ass, allowing any to see her naked slit and where her pucker was located. And to those watching, they could see the fabric melding with the newly made catsuit and making it apparent even underneath the cloth.. It looked to be very easily tearable.

The golden elf women felt herself wettening even as she felt the fire in her breasts and across her covered skin slowly turn to... pleasure?! "What the swinngyed?!" Mara screamed even as she felt herself gasping, her falling to her knees even as she jerked, her tits presented upwards for any willing to grab them even with her own hands them. Mara gasped weakly... that.. "Oh.. Grecia.." she moaned even as the smell of her sexual scent again pervaded the room, her transulent patch on her pussy showing contained juices.. Not allowed to leak free from her flower. The sudden change of the pain to pleasure had her weakened even as Mara got up mumbling to herself "no..no.. Won't... won't end like this.."

Mara got herself up, even with these new hindrances.. at least she wouldn't faint from pain but Mara grimly thought 'I cannot get hit... if I feel something like that again..' She shuddered her thoughts faintly moving around thoughts of her sparing with her acquantices and watching them lightly tap her to see her falling to the ground in orgasmic delight.. a flashing forward showed her dressed in deliciously skimpy clothing, her nipples all but bare with her gushing juices down a thong even as someone raised and slammed a riding crop across her cheeks. Mara felt herself getting aroused again from these traitorous thoughts even as she rapidly shook her head, hoping for the physical movement to disavow the thoughts even as slowly stood up..

Through for some odd reason, Mara felt like she was.. better and the golden elf blinked in disbelief at how fast she had recovered from the orgasm. She didn't feel any residual tiredness like she had before. Still Mara got up and headed into the room, a thought inside of her mind about using the trip-rope as a rope to climb down the trap door. Even as she exited the stone table room, she didn't see a mist forming on her ankle level across the room, not even a bit of it drifting out into the corridors.

Entering the triprope room, Mara looked in disgust at the statue. She could almost feel as if the statue was watching her.. She could have sworn that what she believed to be eyes for the statue glowed for a moment but she dismissed it. Even as she dismissed she felt for some odd reason that she should go over to it for a closer look. Still pulling on the trip-rope, and giving a grunt, Mara yanked it, triggering the trap! Gas began to spew from the stones around the statue. But the gas being slow moving and also low leveled to the floor, it would take a while for it to feel up the room and the rest of the dungeon. Mara expecting something a bit more like a dart or even the statue coming alive had jumped to the left. But seeing only slow moving reddish pink gas had Mara breathing a sigh of relief. It wasn't anything too dangerous as long as she didn't breath it in. Still holding up 2, 4 feet of rope. Mara smiled that should be enough for her to descend down the trapdoor and still make it back up.. Through she would probably need to hook the rope onto the trap mechanism inside of that room to have.


Primary Vote:
A: Descend to the next level using the rope!
B: (Uses Hidden Stat) Enter a trancelike state and ride the statue (Virginal or Anal)
C: (Uses Hidden Stat) A sudden trip even as she falls into the gas. (Warning Results in a premature GO GO stands for Gameover.)

A/N: Welp welp. Seems like the set vote won. Just for a note I'll put the set effects above Mara's Character sheet in the spoiler. Through Keep in Mind that it is Information for you guys only till Mara gets them appraised. Also reason for belated update - Late Christmas Shopping, Family and Far Cry 3.

The Milk Changer - A cursed set promising of a too large set of outer clothing and two undergarments. These sets of clothing were made by a mad sorcereress who was furious at women with smaller tits calling her a cow for her heavy R cups. To change it up on them, the sorcereress put out a powerful enchantment that essentially killed her. But in return this enchantment blanketed the world, not to do anything overt like say cause all women to have overly massive tits. Oh no, the sorceress was much more subtle as she caused clothing, undergarments and generally jackets and shirts to be cursed if left in somewhat magical areas. These sets were soon to be called Milk Changers, meant to force small breasted women to swell in size and become far too top heavy as well as suffer heavy lactational build-up. Through those women that wore it generally fell into a very slutty pleasure and ended up as prositutes if they could not resist its effects. Through there were no mental effects assosciated it with this clothing since it caused even mortal damage like a head being chopped off to be negated to pleasure. Through dying by heading chopping or an overdose of pleasure is debate-able, many consider these cursed sets to only be good for punishment.. Through there is a tribe of women that makes and wears these sets somewhere out in the world. Also known for causing men to become shemales.

Name: Mara Naaaskein
Gender: Female
Race: Elvish
Class: Warrior
Sub-Class: Graceful Duelist

Description: A goldish colored elf. Mara is by her standards of her race pretty while by other races standards she is seen as beautiful. Her body is muscled nicely to inspire those looking to think of her swift and strong. While she lacks scars to symbolize her experience, her eyes tell enough that she knows how to fight. She has a quite nice breasts of C cup, very perk and firm through they always seem to bounce no matter what she does. Nice shimmering bronze hair with darkish brown eyes.

Age: 132
Height: 5’11
Breast Status: D cups and perky. (And unknowningly cursed by one of her admirers to always bounce and jiggle at her movements, no matter how restraining her clothing.)
Nipple/Areola Status: Small nipples that needs to be drawn out to play. Small Cirlces on breasts that are more dark golden.
Pussy/Ass Status: Virgin, she does not even masturbate, seeing it as somewhat uncouth. Very tight but not virginal her ass is.

Vitality: 15
Spirit: 13
Strength: 16
Dexterity: 18
Intelligence: 12

Duelist: Graceful [+4 In using finesse weapons. (Dirks, Daggers, Rapiers etc.) Affects Hit %]
Dueslist: Ferocity [+2 in dealing pain using finesse weapons. (Dirks, Daggers, Rapiers etc.) Affects Damage]
Novice: Fighter [-3 to all combat rolls when confidence is broken. +2 to escape]

Racial Superiority [-2 in dealing with other species]

Mara Inventory
2 4 Ft of String
2 4 Ft of Rope
Unknown Suit (Wearing) (M)
Unknown Panties (Wearing) (M)
Unknown Bra (Wearing) (M)

Milk Changer
Cursed Effects
Bra Effects: Constant bouncing - Growth, Growth Milk xplosion! (Causes a slow buildup of breast fat tissure and increased lactation) - Always made to fit - Self Reparation Powerful (Only needs a small 1 cm scrap to be able to reform.)
Panties Effects: Constant Stimulation - Clear Patch allows any creature with sight to be able to see into her pussy - Always made to fit - Self Reparation Powerful (Only Needs a small 1 cm scrap to be able to reform.)
Catsuit Effects: Constant Tendrils Stimulation - Transuculent for watchers, visible for wearer - Growth! (Causes a very slow build up of all her erogeneous areas. Larger butt, clit, nipples, tits etc) - Pleasure is always better then pain (Any damage dealt to her, erregardless of it hitting the suit will be negated and changed to pleasure. Mortal Wounds still means mortal pleasure aka death.)

Blessed Effects
Bra Effects: Build Up effects: +1 Vitality for every 2 breast cup size increased. +1 Strength for every 3 breast cup size increased. -1 Dex for every 2 breast cup size increase. Non-Build Effects: +4 to Vitality. +3 to Strength. +5 to resisting breast pleasure damage rolls.
Panties Effects: Build Up effects: +1 to fertility rolls for every 2 breast cup size increase. +5 to pleasure hitpoints for every breast cup size increase. Non-Build Effects: +4 to Vitality. +5 to resisting anal/virginal damage rolls.
Catsuit: Build Up Effects: +3 to Ice/Lightning Resistence Rolls for every 2 breast cup size increase. +1 to Fire Resistence rolls for every 2 breast cup size increase. Non-Build Effects: +20 to ice/fire/lightning resistence rolls. +15 to resisting magical damage rolls. +3 to resisting mental rolls.

Spot Check: Mara: Enemy 12
Spot Check: Enemy: Mara 13
Enemy: Mental Persusion: Mara 13
Resistence: Mental Persuasion: Mara 14
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Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

A. Time to go down
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

A brahahaha that's amazing Mara is so strong now sure she is going to eventually be a cow but hey tis life.
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

Vote Chosen: A - Descend deeper into the depths using the new rope. To Minerve and Tenta you both gain a point in Hidden Stat for B failing to go through.


Narrator: Mara last time dwelt upon three objects of choice before finally deciding to don them. She found out much to her pleasurable shame that they were a cursed set of items. She has no idea of what they do besides some vague guesses even as she went into the obscene room and triggered the trap. Now seeing what was happening she...

--Narration of Mara--

The golden elf women, her body covered in a molded form of a catsuit that sinfully revealed all of her curves to those watching even as her breasts seemed to be bouncing and jiggling as if some unseen hands were playing with them. The elf women herself held a flush around her face even as she quickly left the obscene room, not wanting to deal with the approaching gas especially with what these items were going to do to her.

Leaving the room into the stone table room, she could tell that the humidity was the same. But she also noticed a slight mist on the ground. 'Whatever here is probably not going to like that gas. Nor do I want to be here when that happens.' Grim thoughts circling her mind the golden elf women quickly pushed herself to walking to the room with the trapdoor and where the slugs had been. Entering the trapdoor room and dodging the tripwire still there, Mara looked around the room just to make certain there were none of those vile creatures hiding the corners. Seeing nothing as before Mara looked around the room to where she could tie the rope too. The only places she really saw was the trapdoor itself and its hinges as well as the tripwire mechanism.. But the tripwire mechanism would be too far away from the trap door to allow herself to fully lower the rope down. From her mental imaging, the rope would end at above 2 to 4 feet above the floor, well within her grasping range but she would have to rely heavily upon her upper body strength to get back up.

Looking between the two Mara decided to use the trapdoor as a way for the rope. One for it being far closer. Two for the fact that she could shut it once she saw gas beginning to leak down. Maybe she should just shut it regardless. The golden hued women shivered even as she felt a lewd moan tearing through her throat. She could feel a small release coursing through her as the constant movement against her pussy and breasts had her gasping. She could feel heat around her breasts, even as she looked down at them with pleasured filled eyes, she could see her D-cups swelling slightly larger in size becoming DD-cups even as she could feel her breasts beginning to feel pained.

Mara stood there swaying for a bit, the small orgasm having hit her harshly before she recovered and took some shuddering breaths even as she began to attach the rope to the trap door, using the string she previously had to make certain that the rope was tied firmly to the trap door as well as allowing her to yank the trap door from below if she pulled one of the string. With the rope firmly tied to the trapdoor, Mara looked down into the dim room with the rope falling into the dimness and took a breath before she began to lower herself down into the room.

Entering the room, her bare feet touched fur as she looked at the ground. The majority of this rooms floor was covered in a skinned animals fur. Mara shivered at the thought of what creature this could've been. Thankfully it wasn't something barbaric like an elves skin but some random creature. Still Mara looking around the dim room carefully, noted two entrances or archways. One had a door that looked to be made of wood and brownish colour. The other looked to be a.. ramp heading back up but into a different set of rooms. The golden elf women scowled as she looked at the two paths. With what she had encountered so far the door would be locked leaving her only one path but.. She reached over and grasped the door pulling on the handle only for the handle to come right off, leaving a hole in the door. Mara blinked as she held up the rusted iron handle before looking at the door and the ramp.. At least she had a makeshift weapon now...


Primary Votes:
A. Head into the doorway path.
B. Head up the ramp.

Secondary Votes:
1. Shut the trapdoor and take the rope and string back.
2. Leave the trapdoor alone.

A/N: Mmmmm. On a note the cursed item set will be rolling against Mara 1 time for each post. There will be exceptions especially if Mara is knocked out or falls into enemy hands for a bit. If any of this happens, the rolls will be proportional to it happening over time.

Name: Mara Naaaskein
Gender: Female
Race: Elvish
Class: Warrior
Sub-Class: Graceful Duelist

Description: A goldish colored elf. Mara is by her standards of her race pretty while by other races standards she is seen as beautiful. Her body is muscled nicely to inspire those looking to think of her swift and strong. While she lacks scars to symbolize her experience, her eyes tell enough that she knows how to fight. She has a quite nice breasts of C cup, very perk and firm through they always seem to bounce no matter what she does. Nice shimmering bronze hair with darkish brown eyes.

Age: 132
Height: 5’11
Breast Status: DD cups and perky. They are strangly warm (And unknowningly cursed by one of her admirers to always bounce and jiggle at her movements, no matter how restraining her clothing.)
Nipple/Areola Status: Small nipples that needs to be drawn out to play. Small Cirlces on breasts that are more dark golden.
Pussy/Ass Status: Virgin, she does not even masturbate, seeing it as somewhat uncouth. Very tight but not virginal her ass is.

Vitality: 25 (+10)
Spirit: 13
Strength: 20 (+4)
Dexterity: 16 (-2)
Intelligence: 12

Duelist: Graceful [+4 In using finesse weapons. (Dirks, Daggers, Rapiers etc.) Affects Hit %]
Dueslist: Ferocity [+2 in dealing pain using finesse weapons. (Dirks, Daggers, Rapiers etc.) Affects Damage]
Novice: Fighter [-3 to all combat rolls when confidence is broken. +2 to escape]

Racial Superiority [-2 in dealing with other species]

Item Effects
Milk Changer Bra: +6 Vit. +4 Str. -2 Dex. +5 Breast Damage Resistence to pleasure.
Milk Changer Panties: +4 Vit. +2 to Fertility Rolls. +20 Pleasure HP. +5 Anal/Virginal Resistence Rolls
Milk Changer Catsuit: +26 to Ice/Lightning Resistence Rolls. +21 to Fire Resistence Rolls. +15 to resisting magical damage rolls. +3 to resisting Mental effect rolls.

Mara Inventory
Rusted Iron Door Handle
Unknown Suit (Wearing) (M)
Unknown Panties (Wearing) (M)
Unknown Bra (Wearing) (M)

Enchanted Items Inventory
Milk Changer
Cursed Effects
Bra Effects: Constant bouncing - Growth, Growth Milk xplosion! (Causes a slow buildup of breast fat tissure and increased lactation) - Always made to fit - Self Reparation Powerful (Only needs a small 1 cm scrap to be able to reform.)
Panties Effects: Constant Stimulation - Clear Patch allows any creature with sight to be able to see into her pussy - Always made to fit - Self Reparation Powerful (Only Needs a small 1 cm scrap to be able to reform.)
Catsuit Effects: Constant Tendrils Stimulation - Transuculent for watchers, visible for wearer - Growth! (Causes a very slow build up of all her erogeneous areas. Larger butt, clit, nipples, tits etc) - Pleasure is always better then pain (Any damage dealt to her, erregardless of it hitting the suit will be negated and changed to pleasure. Mortal Wounds still means mortal pleasure aka death.)

Blessed Effects
Bra Effects: Build Up effects: +1 Vitality for every 2 breast cup size increased. +1 Strength for every 3 breast cup size increased. -1 Dex for every 2 breast cup size increase. Non-Build Effects: +4 to Vitality. +3 to Strength. +5 to resisting breast pleasure damage rolls.
Panties Effects: Build Up effects: +1 to fertility rolls for every 2 breast cup size increase. +5 to pleasure hitpoints for every breast cup size increase. Non-Build Effects: +4 to Vitality. +5 to resisting anal/virginal damage rolls.
Catsuit: Build Up Effects: +3 to Ice/Lightning Resistence Rolls for every 2 breast cup size increase. +1 to Fire Resistence rolls for every 2 breast cup size increase. Non-Build Effects: +20 to ice/fire/lightning resistence rolls. +15 to resisting magical damage rolls. +3 to resisting mental rolls.

Mara: Milk Changer (Bra): Pleasure 17
Mara: Milk Changer (Bra): Growth 14
Mara: Milk Changer (Bra): Milk 16
Mara: Milk Changer (Catsuit): Pleasure 6
Mara: Milk Changer (Catsuit): Growth 8
Mara: Milk Changer (Panties): Pleasure 20
Mara: Rope and String: Strength 16
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

A1. Also move the crotch of her panties aside for a moment to let the accumulated juices out/run down her legs, otherwise letting it build up could cause a rash.

Edit: Hopefully you to roll up some clit, labia and ass growth next.
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Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

B2: if we need to come back...

P.-S. : I've got 3 points :p !
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

A1 ofcourse

Always got to have a rope