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Favourite Villain(s)

Re: Favourite Villain(s)

I just came up with another favourite. Not because he has an amazing back story, but because of the innuendo and well constructed dialogue that he has throughout his appearance.

"It reminds me of the first time I knew just how... I felt about hair~. It was a day I could not forget, the day that I first met my pet; Oh what a lovely gift to get... I'd never felt so... Naughty. My fuzzy friend is what he was, a darling little ball of fuzz... And oh such fuzz! Such fuzz does demand that I be...Naughty. He looked at me, his fetching eyes, and fetching fur did hypnotize... I filled with joy, I filled with size, and that's when I got... Naughty."

Re: Favourite Villain(s)

I'm just waiting for RJ to come in and declair darkfire his greatest villain.

But i loved SHODAN, she is just so malevolent... if you haven't heard her talk . and its not just that line... every line she says is just so disturbing and alien. She gives the impression that lowering herself to actualy speaking is difficult and painful.
Re: Favourite Villain(s)

Boy, you'd think with all the games I've played and movies and shows I've watched, I'd be able to pick, but, well, no. Putting some thought into it, one of my faves has always been Scar, from the Lion King. Dunno why. Maybe it's Jeremy Irons, I dunno, but he's always been a fave of mine.

Damon, from the Vampire Diaries (the books, not the show.) He was just such a bastard. Hated him at the same time I loved him.

I'll agree, too, that Kefka was a pretty good villain. Gotta love someone who's just that insane. "I think I'll destroy the world BECAUSE I CAN." And I'm trying to think of other video game villains that have had a huge impact on me. Without giving too much of a spoiler, I'd have to say that the main villain from the .hack//GU series was one, since you literally watch the heroes world just *shatter* at the reveal. I think that hit me most out of the vast majority of the video game villains I've faced in my day.

Oh, and Tim Curry. Because if that man's there, you just know he's evil in some way.
Re: Favourite Villain(s)

Fuck yeah, Tim Curry.

Re: Favourite Villain(s)

comically Bowser from most Mario games. able to invade a kingdom, at moments bend time and space, all while managing to raise 8 kids, with only one of them being his. and yet after all that and no matter the circumstances, he cant stop a plumber and his brother.

though i think the coolest villain I've seen yet would be garland from final fantasy dissidia.
Re: Favourite Villain(s)

though i think the coolest villain I've seen yet would be garland from final fantasy dissidia.

Oh god, Garland. That's a can of worms and a half, even if Dissidia has him more as a general then a true villain (his original incarnation DID turn into Chaos himself after all, and if I remember my Dissidia lore a similar parallel happened there with Garland). Even still, the mannerism definitely makes the character in that case.
Re: Favourite Villain(s)


From Anime I have seen:

DNA2- Ryuuji, hes such a jealous asshole, and his only powers were being able to copy people/absorb teir skills and Meha Playboy still whoops his ass in the end.

Evangelion- Gendo Ikari. But its mostly cause hes just a broken man desperate to get his wife back; but hes still a douche to his own son, clones his dead wife with an angel, sends fourteen year olds to fight giant monsters, sleeps with women for his own ends and seeks to fuck over all of humanity.

More to come when i can think of them....

From Cartoons:

Megatron from all of the Transformers series, Mr Sinister; hes just such a great mad evil scientist, Joker from the animated Batman.

From Movies:

Ratigan from The Great Mouse Detective- he such a great egomaniacal genius and he and Basil play great off of each other; its fucking Vincent Price!

Frollo from Hunchback of Notre Dame

Barbosa from Pirates of the Caribean

A tie between Gene Hackman and Kevin Spade Lex Luthor

Heath Ledger's Joker from Dark Knight

Jigsaw from Saw

Thats all i can think of at the time.
Re: Favourite Villain(s)

I just came up with another favourite. Not because he has an amazing back story, but because of the innuendo and well constructed dialogue that he has throughout his appearance.

"It reminds me of the first time I knew just how... I felt about hair~. It was a day I could not forget, the day that I first met my pet; Oh what a lovely gift to get... I'd never felt so... Naughty. My fuzzy friend is what he was, a darling little ball of fuzz... And oh such fuzz! Such fuzz does demand that I be...Naughty. He looked at me, his fetching eyes, and fetching fur did hypnotize... I filled with joy, I filled with size, and that's when I got... Naughty."


Oh fuck the Hell yes... That series had loads of awesome villains.

Megatron from all of the Transformers series, Mr Sinister; hes just such a great mad evil scientist, Joker from the animated Batman.

From Movies:

Ratigan from The Great Mouse Detective- he such a great egomaniacal genius and he and Basil play great off of each other; its fucking Vincent Price!
Been a while since I've seen Ratigan - so cultured and yet so bloodthirsty under all that pretense of style. Monster, and a well made one at that.

Megatron... I have three incarnations I particularly like.

The one from Beast Wars, because of his mannerisms and intellect. And his voice. God I love his voice. And for all his faults, he could be frighteningly effective when he tried, and wasn't afraid of getting his hands dirty.

The one from Animated, ruthless, powerful, and so smart it ain't even funny. His brain gave him far more than his brawn, and that's saying a lot. Plus, he disposes of traitors immediately, rather than "hug and make up" like some others.

Finally, the incarnation from Prime. Less sane, but he can be just as cunning and cruel as the above incarnation, plus you gotta admire the sheer balls and determination he can display. And a hella powerful warrior, to boot. He's the boss, man.

As for other villains I liked... The Legacy of Kain series. Kain himself, despite being a protagonist, qualifies. Fucking love that guy. Screwing with time, destiny, and a whole lot of people (who usually wind up dead, imagine that).
Re: Favourite Villain(s)

Fuck yeah, Tim Curry.

Oh my god, this villain. He just makes me fucking laugh. I can't take him seriously at all. It's just so fucking stupid but fucking hilarious. I love the idea of a cosmic horror using the vast power it has to just fuck with people like that.
Re: Favourite Villain(s)

I'd probably do the same had I the opportunity, to be honest.

Oh fuck the Hell yes...
Heard this .
Re: Favourite Villain(s)

Heh. We could prolly put Alucard here as well, come to think of it. No way you can call him a "good guy". And then there's Anderson...
Re: Favourite Villain(s)

I just came up with another favourite. Not because he has an amazing back story, but because of the innuendo and well constructed dialogue that he has throughout his appearance.

"It reminds me of the first time I knew just how... I felt about hair~. It was a day I could not forget, the day that I first met my pet; Oh what a lovely gift to get... I'd never felt so... Naughty. My fuzzy friend is what he was, a darling little ball of fuzz... And oh such fuzz! Such fuzz does demand that I be...Naughty. He looked at me, his fetching eyes, and fetching fur did hypnotize... I filled with joy, I filled with size, and that's when I got... Naughty."


* * "A little sport before dying, dear boy?"

Johan from Monster would have to be one of my top favorites.
Re: Favourite Villain(s)

I've gotta add some to my list, let's seeeeee...

Apos, from Mnemosyne, if you haven't seen it I highly recommend it.
Mr. Smith from the Matrix.
The devil from "Sympathy for the Devil" by The Rolling Stones
Darth Vader, I mean, with the German helmet? Come on!
The Weeping Angels from Doctor Who, Still makes me look a little longer at the angel statue at uni than I need to.
Re: Favourite Villain(s)

As for other villains I liked... The Legacy of Kain series. Kain himself, despite being a protagonist, qualifies. Fucking love that guy. Screwing with time, destiny, and a whole lot of people (who usually wind up dead, imagine that).

He qualifies as a villain but not as an antagonist in those games. He does however, make an appearance as the main antagonist in the Soul Reaver. Although you might call it a spin-off depending on your opinion.
Re: Favourite Villain(s)

Saw a movie recently called the Collapse. Throughout the entire thing the characters are being hunted by some monster or such. There's a bit of kicker at the end though.

The monster was actually a figment of the protagonist's mind, and he had been killing off his family without knowing it. He turned out to be the villain in the end. Kind of bizarre.

Also, Sil from Species. She's really only doing what she does for her own survival, not any evil plot.
Re: Favourite Villain(s)

Not to derail this thread too much but all this talk about Villains gets me thinking about whether True Evil Actually exists.

In nature, Evil certainly does not exist, Predators catch their prey and kill them in order to survive because it is how they are designed, therefore, no natural creature could ever be inherently evil.

So what about humans? Are humans evil for killing or taking advantage of each other? If we were to play by the same rules as nature does, nothing would be considered evil, you would kill to advance yourself in one way or another.

Humans are the 'Apex Predator', a scientific way of saying we are at the top of the food chain, but another food chain exists even within our own species. The rich take advantage of the poor after all. If man is equal why is one man the CEO of a gigantic company and another working in some sweat shop in a 3rd world country building shit for pennies?

Evil is a concept created to introduce social taboo in acting a certain way and though indoctrination, people are taught rules about how to be respectful and fair to one another, but these rules seemingly only apply to those who arent in power, we can talk all day about how justice systems such as the ones in the United States are able to protect the innocent, but money rules in such a system as well.

What about acts of unspeakable violence such as Genocide? Did the Germans believe that they were Evil when they rounded up all of the Jews and systematically executed them? They certainly didn't believe that they were, because all 'Evil' is considered abhorrent by it's definition, what we can easily see as 'Evil' others see as a necessity to achieve their endgame goals, therefore they justify it.

Even people like us, a community of perverts who come together in our common interest of simulated rape, depictions of lewd sexual acts, and other sexual debauchery. Are WE evil?

Some people surely consider us to be Evil people for enjoying such content, but we justify it in our own way....nobody gets hurt......it isn't real......the character actually enjoys it.....

Do you consider yourself 'Evil' or 'Sick' for enjoying the content provided on these forums because if you don't i'm sure you could find someone you know who would be it your friends, your parents, your siblings or your co-workers.

My point is that 'Evil' is an illusion, a generalization of compounded acts or ideas which a community or individual may consider abhorrent.

The fundamental difference in opinion, freedoms and expression are sometimes enough to be the basis for war, just look at the Crusades, the Vietnam and Korean wars and 'Jihad'.

Any act can be justified and for anything we cant fathom and ultimately find abhorrant, we regard as 'Evil'.

What do you think?
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Re: Favourite Villain(s)

Real humans raping real children or other people qualifies as evil to me. Rape, according to psychologists, is not a crime where the point is the sexual gratification. Rape is about anger and the violence done on another human being. EDIT: I know I like the Rape fantasy, because that's all it is. Were I to genuinely be raped I'd.... I dunno what after, but I'd certainly not enjoy it! Just as, I'm hoping, others here wouldn't enjoy /actually/ raping a woman. I can imagine it's the fantasy of holding someone down and bending them to your will and them /enjoying/ it. True consent is the key here, that's what I'm getting at. Characters aren't getting hurt, they don't need consent. Real people do.

Pointless, meaningless violence is what I consider evil. Causing intense pain to another creature for... pleasure is evil. Setting a cat on fire to watch it scream is evil. Doing the same to a human is evil. Abuse is evil, whether its done to animals or people.

It's also sick and disgusting.

Just my two cents.
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Re: Favourite Villain(s)

Right but my point is that most people who are 'evil' don't think that they are, they just try to justify it however they can, History remembers the Nazi's as evil because they were defeated, but what if they weren't? what if the Nazi's won, would we have a different interpretation of how their acts were perceived? A similar thing happened to Native Americans who were also systematically wiped out in many places, but that is rarely remembered.

I don't want to start a whole philosophical debate here about what is right or wrong, many things we do in the civilized world, such as which gods we choose to worship or what political party we support may be considered detestable or ignorant to other cultures.

When it comes to things you and i think of as utterly detestable, others think of as sport such as dogfighting or cockfighting, blood sport is a tradition in some cultures.

People have extremely varied personal beliefs, and what we see as 'Evil' could be an every day part of someone's else s life because of how and where they were raised.

Detestable, Abhorrant, Repulsive? it is all still human nature, as twisted as it can be, anyone is capable of it with the right frame of mind.
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Re: Favourite Villain(s)

cats are pretty evil, seeing as how most of the things they kill they do slowly and for fun. many cats don't eat everything they kill and enjoy torturing it.

as far as evil humans go, there are people who know there not a good person. sounds pretty evil to me.
Re: Favourite Villain(s)

cats are pretty evil, seeing as how most of the things they kill they do slowly and for fun. many cats don't eat everything they kill and enjoy torturing it.

as far as evil humans go, there are people who know there not a good person. sounds pretty evil to me.

Pet housecats are that way because they are fed and full on a regular basis. Stray cats and wild cats rarely catch what they are hunting and therefore don't "play" with it.