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Outerlands OOC

Re: Outerlands OOC

Fuck you all, I'm with Blarg on this. Individual pools, with the option of sharing if we want to.
Re: Outerlands OOC

As somebody who has put no focus into gathering skills, my vote is for allowing the people who bit the bullet and sacrificed some combat effectiveness in exchange for gathering skills the choice to either hoard their goodies or donate them to a public pool.

I.e. individual pools with the option to donate stuff to a public pool.
Re: Outerlands OOC

It seems to me like what makes the most sense is having a common pool that individuals can donate to. It's not perfect, but with a small group of reasonable people it ought to work fine.
Re: Outerlands OOC

common pool
Re: Outerlands OOC

Individual pools with a global common pool that takes donations.
Re: Outerlands OOC

Individual pools, with global resource pool possibly. Just so rather than everyone rushing to collect heal bots, we collect resource gatherers instead. :D
Re: Outerlands OOC

I enjoy that everyone has so far voted no lynch.
Re: Outerlands OOC

I just realized that there is currently no listed way to obtain or craft cigarettes. What will we trade the healers and resource gatherers for if this remains the case?
Re: Outerlands OOC

Ye gods, you're right. Silith! Fix this immediately! That or I guess we could just trade them for Venus Delight. Maybe booze.
Re: Outerlands OOC

I say pool resources by default. If someone wants to hoard their own, then they can be a tribe of one.

From everyone according to their skill, to everyone according to their needs. Come comrades, let us drink vodka and be merry!
Re: Outerlands OOC

Individual pools with the choise of putting stuff in a global pool. And then just hope everyone is kind enough to put some of their gathered stuff in the global pool :3.
Re: Outerlands OOC

Your to-hit for an attack is determined by your Dexterity, as well as your Skill with the current weapon. An opponent's dodge is determined by their Speed and any other Feats they may have.

Is that Dex/5 + Skill, or Dex + Skill? And what dice do you use?
Re: Outerlands OOC

It's d20 + dex + skill. Also, I just noticed an error in the dodge description. D:

Dice used will be d20s. It's meant that people will think twice before fighting an enemy they know is over their level - and to encourage working in teams when fighting Giant Monsters, Ancients, supar bosses... etc.
Re: Outerlands OOC

Well, it looks like we're going to go with No Lynch: People have their own stash, and can donate to a community resource pool. Food and Water are the only exception.

Update: Weapons and armor have been changed to reflect new values, after someone brought up damage mitigation last night. All armor has been increased by at least 2 to their Damage Mitigation; Each weapon tier (above wooden) has had their damage die increased by at least 1. Unarmed Weapons no longer have a bonus to damage, but increase the amount of damage die an unarmed Descendant uses.

So... You may want to change these in your sheets.
Re: Outerlands OOC

Double Post.

Outerlands will start on January 28th.

Thank you.
Re: Outerlands OOC

So many threads... Perhaps petition for a sub-forum?
Re: Outerlands OOC

This is mostly for my convenience, but also so you guys will know who's going to be in what thread.

Hali, Maiko: Adventure Time

Oni, Xivvix: Righteous Fury

Keylo, Blue, Aust, Tassy, Haf and Blarg (also known as 'Uber Team'): Freedom Fighters

Dia, Firebane, Tenta: Forging the Way

For the Solo players, we have:
Guan Yu

Also, I'm going to throw the people who have posted, and are ready to go, in random directions, unless a direction is posted.>.>
Re: Outerlands OOC

I call dibs on Guan's, Plmnko and Tab :3.
Re: Outerlands OOC

M'kay, things I forgot to mention are being address now. Most important: Descendants have a pouch that allows them to carry 6 Resources - that's food, water, stone, wood, etc. When it's full, you need only let me know if you're keeping it for yourself, or if you're giving it to the village. I expect players to keep track of their own resources; I'll be keeping track of the village resources. Keep in mind, Food and Water are automatically shared with the village.

You don't have to take a quest to leave the village; since it's an open world game, exploring is never a bad thing to do. probably

I think... That's about it. New Feats and weaknesses will be available soon, so keep an eye out for them.