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Outerlands OOC


Former Moderator
Nov 11, 2008
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This thread will be used for OOC comments, questions, suggestions and ideas.
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Re: Project: Blame Blueslime (Working Title)

I think I have to be in? ;)
Re: Project: Blame Blueslime (Working Title (Also, OOC))

*Blames Blue and is possibly in*
Re: Project: Blame Blueslime (Working Title (Also, OOC))

I'm in!
Re: Project: Blame Blueslime (Working Title (Also, OOC))

*Is intrigued and jumps in with everyone else*
Re: Project: Blame Blueslime (Working Title (Also, OOC))

So, now that people are starting to show interest, I'd like to feedback on what you guys are seeing. The spells will be completed first; I'm still working on the system, but that'll be next. During all of this, I'm building a world map, and some battle ground templates that'll be used when a fight occurs.
Re: Project: Outerlands (Working Title (Also, OOC))

Stats and mechanics matter less to me than story and quality of narrative. So I'd rather have more interesting backstory hooks to explore with my character.

Dat lore. ;)
Re: Project: Outerlands (Working Title (Also, OOC))

Expressing interest in hurling boulders and defeating enemies with BARE HANDS.

If there ends up being room left, anyway. Sadly, I cannot help so much with feedback yet, since most of my draw to the system is the ability to HURL BOULDERS. >.>

And tentative character picture.
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Re: Project: Outerlands (Working Title (Also, OOC))

Thinking of running a Water Descendant. Still a bit confused by some of the choices. Is each PC going to be a ruler of some sort? Why are some of the starting bonuses land benefits?
Re: Project: Outerlands (Working Title (Also, OOC))

I haven't posted the rules or anything yet, but that does detail how the game works. To clear up any confusion though:

Descendants will all belong to the same tribe/village. While each Descendant will have their own specific thread to adventure in, sometimes you'll meet up and adventure together; other times, you may take part in the same quest, just at different intervals/stages in the quest.

However, since it's boring trekking back and forth between your quest and your adventure, there's a neat little space-time-continuum that Descendants can take advantage of: They're allowed to be in the Village Thread and their adventure thread at the same time. Mostly because I'm lazy.
Re: Project: Outerlands (Working Title (Also, OOC))

Okay, but still what in game benefit will these village upgrades provide? Will people playing in the same tribe be able to pool their resources? Could this provide an unfair advantage to a PC who is soloing one tribe vs a tribe with three or four PCs in it?
Re: Project: Outerlands (Working Title (Also, OOC))

There's only going to be one tribe currently; maybe if the game is successful in it's implementation, I'll consider more of a PvP aspect.

The only resources that will be pooled are food and water (what everyone needs to survive). Players decide if they want to do a public pool for other resources, such as animal hides, leather, ores, smelted bars, etc.
Re: Outerlands OOC

Despite the fact the game grinds forward more slowly than the drills that dug the Chunnel, we've come to an important part in deciding aspects of the game:

Should collected resources be shared among the tribe, or should everyone have their own stash?

First off, no matter what, food and water will be pooled for everyone in the tribe; it's essential for the Villager NPCs to survive. Secondly: If we pool resources, I'll keep track of it in the Tribe thread; if we don't, everyone will be responsible for keeping track of their own resources.
Re: Outerlands OOC

Friendship is magic. As are resources. Pool them things cos lazy.
Re: Outerlands OOC

A part of me wants to say let individuals have their own pool, what with me being the only person with more then one point in a labor skill. :p But the other part tells me that woukd only hurt us. So...in short... I say we have a unified pool of resources.
Re: Outerlands OOC

Aye. I say pool too.
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Re: Outerlands OOC

I say pool them. Having some sort of recognition for individuals who contribute large amounts would be nice, though.
Re: Outerlands OOC

Bandwagon jumping ahoy! Another vote for pooling resources. Though perhaps people could earmark some supplies if they wanted to get a particular building built or something.
Re: Outerlands OOC

I totally advocate personal hoarding, with the ability to cram resources into a communal pool.

Gotta get my wheel-and-deal wheedle-and-bitch on to loot all the bits for my airship.