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Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

It was close but she felt Asha give first triggering her own eruption. Her temporary cock wasn't the only thing that erupted either. Feeling warm liquid on her hands was the only warning Sara got before Asha's milk laden breasts squirted out coating her hands in the white liquid. Still buried in Asha Sara held her tight As Asha rode our her orgasm to its conclusion. From her seat Tanya looked all to pleased and simply stated "Again."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"YESSSS!" Sara cried out when Asha came first, even if it was by the barest of margins. She thrust her cock as deep as it would go, holding it in Asha's warm depths as her seed shot forth into the nymph's occupied womb. When Asha's breasts started leaking milk, she gave a soft coo of appreciation and brought her hand back to lick some of the milk off with a satisfied sigh while she waited for Asha's pussy to finish spasming.

Looking at Tanya, Sara felt a sense of accomplishment at the look the succubus gave them. When the succubus ordered them to go again, Sara sighed, collecting her breath. While she may have gotten Asha to climax first, it hadn't been easy. The effort had left her tired, but she wasn't one to quit. She let go of Asha's chest, letting her fall forward so that she was on her hands and knees before she started going at the nymph doggystyle. Even though she was on the giving end rather than the receiving, Sara was still panting like mad, Asha's sex driving her to the height of pleasure. She continued rutting Asha until the two of them had reached their next orgasms and had received instruction from Tanya. She was too breathless to talk dirty to Asha at this point.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

When Sara got going taking Asha Doggy Style she found that Tanya had moved close to her and watched the show. "Good good Sara now grab her hair and pull a little not to hard now." Heading the succubus's advice Sara reached out and took some of Asha's hair in her hands and pulled on it lightly. "A little harder Sara come on." Pulling a little harder Sara was rewarded with Asha suddenly gasping in arousal even with the pain her Nymph lover seemed to buck harder against her. After a little while of this Asha screamed out again her fem spunk squirting out coating Sara anew in her juices. This time it was much faster than before and Sara had a little more time to go before she spilled her own seed into her lover again.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Taking Tanya's expert advice, Sara took Asha's beautiful white hair in her hand and pulled it back, causing Asha to arch her back some. She was too gentle at first though, not wanting to harm Asha, but at Tanya's urging she pulled a little harder and gasped in surprise at how much more pleasure Asha seemed to get from it.

When Asha finished so much sooner than she did, Sara couldn't help feeling a little more proud than before, the last one had been close but the difference this time was much more discernible. Finally it seemed like her abilities were improving! As she was finishing in Asha, she instinctively slapped one of her ass cheeks, causing the squeezable flesh to quiver pleasantly and leaving a bright red hand print as she came. After her dick stopped squirting into the heavenly folds, she brought her hand back to the marked ass cheek, more gently this time and rubbing it softly. Then she rolled Asha onto her back, wanting to get a better look at her lover. "So..." she panted, getting her breath back, "Am I doing a good job of making up for scaring you?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Asha had a dopy grin on face as she nodded weakly. "Well I think this lession is over you two feel free to practice some more. I however need to get back to work." With that Tanya got up and headed out leaving the naked lovers on plush pillows and silken sheets that served as their class room.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Thanks for the lesson, Tanya! We'll be back down for our shift!" When the succubus had left, Sara turned back to her lover. "Alright, let's get you and our baby back up to the room." She gently helped Asha sit up and brought over the robe and her underwear. Checking the time to see how long she had before her shift, Sara decided they wouldn't leave just yet and instead sat back on the bed with Asha, leaning back with her lover against the pillows.

"So, about what you said earlier...about your husband and demonic corruption. I can understand now how it's harder for you to accept Aya. But will you be able to get past what happened? I've been in her mind, she's hurt and angry and it causes her to lash out at you unfairly, but she's got a good heart. She wasn't born a succubus, Tanya accidentally turned her into one, and Aya has viewed herself as a monster ever since, even though she's not. I think, if we work together, we can bring her out of this. She may be stuck being a succubus, but we can make her not hate herself if we work together and show her real kindness and acceptance." Sara took a deep breath before making her request. "Asha, will you help me make Aya see she isn't just a monster? It may...probably, no, certainly, involve having sex with her..." She grinned playfully at Asha. "But hey, she acts like some sort of sex queen, maybe if we worked together, we could take her down a peg or two. That could be fun, right?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Well she does need to be knocked off her high horse that's for sure. I can try Sara but I make no promises." Asha leaned against her resting a moment. "How tragic for both of them. Poor Tanya must have beat herself up over it and well Aya doesn't seem to be very forgiving.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"That you try is all I ask of you." Sara gently stroked Asha's hair as she lay against her. "It is sad. Watching them fight...it was heartbreaking. There's a lot of resentment there. That's why I want to get Aya to stop seeing herself as a monster, because maybe when she does stop, she will finally be able to forgive Tanya." She stroked Asha's hair for awhile as they sat there, willing to talk with Asha about whatever she wanted or just sit in silence. After awhile though, she said, "You know, we aren't going to convince Aya she's a lovable person and not a monster if we make her sleep on the couch...We're going she's going to be sleeping with us once we are all on the trail together, so we might as well let her sleep in the bed with us. It's certainly big enough for three, and I think it will do a good job of saying that she's one of us now..."

If Asha didn't object to her plan, Sara would stand up, saying, "I don't know about you, but I could use a nap after that wonderful sex lesson. Let's go take a nap in our room. We can use it as an opportunity to let Aya sleep with us."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Asha got up and stretched quickly slipping into her robe once more. "Some rest would be nice but Im not sure Im up for more sexy times. A nice nap would be great. Im fairly sure that Aya might get the wrong idea if you ask her into bed with us."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara nodded respectfully. "Don't worry, no more sexy times for the lovely mother. And I'll still ask, but I'll make it very clear there won't be any sex. Thanks, lover."

When they got back to the room, Sara escorted Asha to bed, helping her get under the covers and settled. She tried to get a gauge on Aya, if it seemed like the succubus was especially horny and likely to try and have sex regardless, then she wouldn't ask. But if she seemed more or less calm, after Sara had climbed into bed with Asha she would call out to Aya. "Hey Aya...umm... Look, if you're going to be coming with us when we leave here, well...we're all going to be sharing a bed basically when we're on the trail, so there's no reason for you to be stuck with the couch now. Asha and I talked, and we wouldn't mind sharing the bed with you if you want. It's more comfortable than the couch, and I've found I sleep better when I can curl up next to a warm, soft, woman, like Asha." Sara smiled down at Asha and stroked her hair before looking back to Aya. "We're both a bit worn out, so we're going to take a nap before our shift if you want to...join us...?"
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Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Aya looked at Sara an eyebrow raised. "A bit early for bed dontcha think?" She kept the look for a moment before turning back to a lock she was fiddling with. "Im not that tired right now so Ill pass though I may hop in later tonight." Aya winked at Sara before turning a small stick in the lock and hearing a dull *click
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Well, it's more just a quick nap, our...class was pretty exhausting today, so we figured we catch some z's before our shift tonight."

Sara shrugged when Aya opted to continue to work at picking the lock rather than share the bed, then she went ahead and climbed in next to Asha. It did strike her that this was one of the rare times when the succubus was doing something other than pleasuring herself, but Sara just shrugged the thought off as she wormed her way under the sheets.

Snuggling up close to her nymph lover, Sara lay her chin on Asha's shoulder and a hand on her belly, the steadily growing pregnancy bulge a source of awe and fascination for her. The young girl was still trying to wrap her mind around the fact that she was going to be a mother...father...a parent! Her thoughts on the matter were many and confused, but she sighed, calming her mind down so that she could just enjoy the short nap with her lover before work.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Her thoughts buzzing in her head like angry bees did not help Sara drift into sleep but the warmth of Asha and the gentle kicking of her child did eventually lull the tired spirit users to sleep. Eventually she was woken by Aya shaking her. "Hey your shift is gonna start soon better get up. I decided to give you a hand and take Asha's shift sense a woman in her condition shouldn't be doing much." Rubbing the sleep out of her eyes she saw Aya was indeed in a work uniform though the one she wore seemed slightly older than Sara's own. "Come on hurry we don't want to be late mother was never one to take being late well as far as the bar is concerned." Aya moved to the door and quickly slipped out leaving Sara with Asha who was still asleep. Getting dressed herself Sara headed down only to find the bar and restaurant packed and a desperate looking Rose waving at her to come to the bar.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

It seemed like she had just closed her eyes when Aya shook Sara awake. The fatigue dulled the surprise of Aya actually taking the initiative to help Asha, but it was still a bit of a shock to Sara. Nodding at Aya's urging, Sara got up and slipped into her uniform, feeling more alert and awake after standing up and moving around. Looking back at Asha before she left, she bent down and gently kissed the nymph's forehead before hastily writing a note in case she woke up before the end of the shift telling her to not worry about working and get some rest.

Satisfied, gently shut the door before taking off after Aya. She was surprised at how busy the place was, but quickly found her way over to the bar. "Where do you need me, Rose?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Good Sara we need you in the gambling hall. Mindy slipped earlier and sprained her ankle so we are short while she recovers." Reaching down Rose pulled out a bundle of cloths and handed them over. "You'll need to change into this though and don't let any of those fools make you do anything you don't want to." Taking the cloths and heading to the employee door Sara found them to be nearly skin tight fabric with a poofy tail and rabbit ears head band.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara's eyes widened in surprise. She hoped Mindy wasn't in too much pain and resolved to pay her a quick visit at the end of her shift to see if her power could help her any. Going back to the employees' room, she couldn't help but blush a little when she looked at the uniform. This will be interesting... she thought to herself. She got dressed, checked to see how it fit on her, took a few deep breathes, then stepped back out into the bar with a friendly smile on her face.

Going back over to the bar, she caught Rose's attention. "I'm all set, what do I need to do when I get over there?" Once Rose told her what she needed to do, she would head on over to the gambling area and get started.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

The outfit fit perfectly... almost too perfectly still she had a job to do. Heading back out several of the men at the bar gave her a sharp whistle which was quickly quieted by Rose. "Gods have mercy Sara that outfit is almost to perfect." Sighing slightly Rose handed her a small canister. "Just add some color on your lips and take a serving try. Remember the rules are a bit different over there and alot of folks will be expecting Mindy and well... shes a little loose if you know what I mean....." Rose blushed before having to get back to serving drinks. Heading over to the gambling hall Sara was surprised to see a whole mess of people and several other girls dressed as she. Most seemed to be serving drinks but one was up on stage signing as a man at a piano played a rather bawdy tune. Heading she saw Mindy sitting on a stool behind the counters mixing drinks. "Hey Sara I couldn't stand being cooped up in my room so I decided to help Julie here." Mindy pointed over her shoulder at a rather masculine looking woman severing drinks. "Okay here is the big difference over here Sara. The patrons can pay for services but you can refuse of course. Usually its just a quickly under a table but sense your not really assigned here you don't have to, but whats the fun in that." Smiling Mindy handed a few drinks over to Sara. "Table one is your fist stop hun." Heading over to table one revealed a group of men at half circle table looking over cards with another girl with bright blue hair and rabbit ears officiated. She had on a white long-sleeve shirt with a bow tie and a simple black vest. In her hands where cards and she was dealing them out to a few rough looking men with dirty faces and wood chips on their backs. Sara noted however the men where mostly looking at the woman's large chest rather than their cards.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara grinned at Rose's compliment and applied what she believed to be lipstick. Seeing the blush on the barmaid's cheeks made her wonder if she had captured the barmaid's fancy. Well, she seemed a nice enough sort, and Sara decided it couldn't hurt to be playfully flirty, so she blew Rose a kiss and winked before setting off to the gambling area.

Finding Mindy at the serving bar, she seemed to be in good spirits, not in much pain either. Sara would hold off on trying to heal her until the end of her shift, let the girl have a night to sit down. She gave a friendly nod and a smile to Julie, the masculine bartender. "I'm Sara, nice to meet you Julie." When Mindy explained what Sara's new roll was, she sighed playfully. "Oh dear...what have I gotten myself into now?" She took the drinks and headed off to her first table.

On her way there, she reflected that Aya was probably more suited to this than she was, she would have been more comfortable at the regular tables. She shook off the thought, remembering the issues Aya had with herself and how she had been turned into a succubus against her will. Would the woman Aya was before her transformation have enjoyed giving drunk men quickies under the bar table? Sara didn't know, so she resolved herself to stop assuming that Aya enjoyed being promiscuous when in fact it could just be a change necessitated by the way she needed to feed.

Arriving at the table, Sara dragged her brain back to the present, smiling and appearing the image of good cheer. She noted the woodchips on the rough men, and remembered that she had yet to investigate the lumberjack camp. Setting down the drinks, she took any further orders before attempting to make an escape back to the bar to fill the next order before the men decided to make any offers on her.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Thankfully her first order went with out a hitch but as she made her way back Sara caught sight of one of the other serving girls underneath a table sucking a cock while the patron above moaned. Heading back Mindy filled her tray up again and directed her to a booth near the far wall. Heading out several of the men waved small bags of coin at her smiled. Moving on Sara finally reached her table and found to her surprise a young woman with blond hair sitting across from another rough looking man. "Drinks are here and I've paid your tab. Now tell me what I want to know fool." Looking over the scene Sara saw the woman was an elf or half-elf and the look on her face clearly indicated danger. Still the man across from her seemed to care little. "Right right now if I remember correctly the men your searching for headed for that old fort about three days ago what was it..." the man scratched his stubble ridden chin a moment. "Ah yes Fort Droth nasty place." The woman was silent a moment before starting to get up. "Oh I wouldn't head out right now the snow has likely closed the pass. But no worries I'll keep ya nice and warm if ya want." The dirty man grinned and laughed while the woman looked at him clearly if looks could kill this man would be dead twice over.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Catching sight of the serving girl giving a man a blowjob, Sara tried to mentally prepare herself for the men eventually getting insistent. Eventually, she managed to relax. Chances were, there were enough girls and pitchers of various alcohols that her own refusals wouldn't cause much trouble. An easy smile lit up her features and she got her tray refilled and set out in the direction Mindy pointed her, playfully dodging around the offered money.

Of course, it wouldn't be a night in the bar if she didn't come across a pretty woman who looked like she needed her help. Men headed for the old fort...fort droth...nasty place...It sounded an awful lot like an adventure in the making to Sara. She wasn't blind to the looks either of the two at the table were giving each other. The man seemed to be trying his best to be a complete pig, and the half-elf, or could she possibly be a full-blooded elf, woman looked about ready to strike the man dead.

Seeking to avert bloodshed, as something about the way the elf carried herself spoke of her having the ability to kill, Sara made her entrance. "Your beer sir." Turning to the woman, she said, "I'm afraid he speaks the truth ma'am. I find myself stuck here as well. However, should you need a place to sleep, we can make arrangements for you to stay here."