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Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara's presence did disrupt the song but mostly out of surprise. Asha leaned her head against Sara's a moment. "Im glad you like it." Asha waited a moment before speaking again. "Sara... Im sorry I didn't mean to throw myself at you like that.. I don't know what came over me. It was like something lit a fire in my belly and I couldn't stop." Asha turned in the tub to face Sara better. "I hope you don't think any less of me."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Smiling, Sara pecked Asha on the cheek. "Oh you know me better than that, Asha! Of course I don't think any less of you! If anything, I'm flattered that you got that fired up over me. It seems we finally found something that makes you go crazy in bed!" She winked and made an elongating motion from her crotch, as though forming another dick. "I hadn't expected you to take our little voyeur so in stride, did having her watch turn you on, or..." Sara giggled, "...Were you too horny to notice by that point?"

After a second, Sara slipped into the tub, sitting behind Asha and pulling the nymph into her lap, massaging her with the soapy water.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Asha smiled as Sara entered kissing her on the cheek. "Honestly I didn't care who saw us or heard us." Asha kissed her again before letting her settle into the tub. Sighing Asha relaxed a bit in Sara's arms.

It was in this pose that Aya made her reappearance. "Well I found out what happened to Garak." Seeing the two in the tub she smiled. "But that can wait for later." Moving over to get a little closer the succubus smiled. "Ya know Sara if your as good as Asha made you out to be Im sure we can have a beautiful relationship though your gonna have to work on your stamina if you want to make me your screaming whore." Sara could almost feel Asha's mood darken just from the way her muscles tensed.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara smiled happily, enjoying the intimate moment with her lover, hands running softly over the nymph's chest. It wasn't too surprising that Aya chose that moment to return. Smiling invitingly to the succubus and listened to what she had to say. Her smile turned to a slight frown when the succubus took a shot at Aya. It seemed the woman was bound and determined to cause some friction with Asha. Still, this would just have to be worked out somehow. Sara would no doubt come up with something.

With an upbeat tone in her voice, Sara smiled at Aya, saying, "Well I won't deny I'm pretty good. But I think you've got me wrong. It's not that I have poor stamina, Asha just knows what I like." She rubbed her bathing lover's shoulders. "Isn't that right, sexy?" She sought to strike a bit of a balance in the conversation, trying to make Aya see her nymph companion more favorably without being overly confrontational. And maybe a joke here and there... "Though honestly if you're trying to get Asha to sleep with you, you would be better off being nice to her rather than trying to cut her down. Being nice has always worked for me."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Unfortunately Asha had taken the bait. "Yeah I bet you've had plenty of practice screaming like a whore." Aya didn't frown didn't gloat she knew she had scored a hit. Asha 0 Aya 1. Still Sara tried to divert the conversation away and onto a more friendly note. "Oh you misunderstood me Sara I want the beef not the tuna." Aya leaned back up and took of her cloak. "Anyway Garak was found frozen to death with his pants off guess that snow witch is real. It seems thought that the sheriff and guards had no recollection of Garak being town." Aya looked over at Sara and arched an eybrow.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Oh dear... Sara didn't want a catfight on their first day together and reached up to Asha's head, gently running her fingers through the damp strands and lightly massaging her scalp. She mentally hoped Asha would drop the issue and not let the succubus get to her, but she picked up the rhythm of her massage, just in case. "Oh yes, the Ice Witch. Quite a character that one, wouldn't you agree, Asha?" Sara grinned as one hand slid down to cup one of Asha's breasts, pulling the nymph further back into a reclining position, and further against Sara as well. Shrugging, she continued, "As for the sheriff and guards, well, that is certainly fortuitous, isn't it? Guess you're in the clear then, Aya."

Sara arched an eyebrow right back at Aya as the woman had taken off her cloak. "So, are you planning on hanging out in the bathroom with us then? I was just enjoying the company of my favorite little...tuna, when you came in. I've found I'm rather fond of tuna actually" Smiling playfully, Sara's touches began to take on a more sensual nature. "If you're going to journey with us, you may as well get used to us now, I certainly don't expect us to stop being frisky and such just because we'll have left the hotel. Indeed, we tend to give the woodland critters a pretty good show at night."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Aya loosened her top and grinned. "By all means don't let me stop you." This seemed to upset Asha a little and Sera could tell that the Nymph was about to either leave or say something that might start a fight. Though the thought of a naked Asha wrestling with Aya was slightly stimulating Sara doubt it would be the sexy cat fight she fantasized.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara pulled Asha into a brief kiss before the nymph could get too wound up. Releasing her, she sighed. "However, now that I think about it... we have a lot to do today. We need to talk to get you set up to work tonight Asha, then we can go check out that group that was apparently stranded by the blizzard and make sure the ice witch didn't get them. After that we'll just see where the day takes us." She stepped out of the tub and daintily helped Asha out after her. Toweling off, she looked to Aya and said, "You'll need to wait here while we go talk to Tanya, some of the servers saw you last night and we wouldn't want anyone asking questions. After that though you can come help us poke around for ice witch victims. Wouldn't want you getting too bored or anything." She winked at the succubus, and when Asha was ready to go linked arms with her and set off to find Tanya.

On the way though she stopped Asha for a moment. "Hey, I know our new...friend is somewhat...difficult to live with. However I've spent a little time in her mind, and I'm pretty sure that if we put in the effort she will make not only a great ally, but a friend as well. The conversation between her and her mother that I witnessed last night was...revealing. She has a lot of anger and hurt to work out, and I think we're the ones to help her." Smiling, Sara stroked Asha's cheek and planted a quick kiss on her lips. "So don't let her get to you, okay?"

When their conversation was finished, they continued on their way.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Aya had a pouty look on her face as the two woman got dressed and headed out. Turning to speak with Asha Sara made it known her feelings and intuition about Aya known. This seemed to calm Asha down somewhat but she still seemed upset about something. "If you think so Sara. Well lets go see what getup Tanya has for me. No doubt it won't leave anything to the imagination.

In truth Asha wasn't far off. As she came out of the changing area Sara noted that Asha's getup was slightly more revealing than her own had been. "Oh I see I haven't lost my touch." Asha was beat red from embarrassment. "Uh Tanya.. these cloths are to tight for me to wear with undergarments." Tanya had a surprised look on her face and quickly spoke up. "Oh?.. Well I guess Im a bit rusty then. Humm well its to late to alter them now. I'll have them fixed by tommarow I promise. Untill then Im afraid you will have to work in it as the only uniforms left are the summer ones." Sara heard the hints of a lie in her words but ti would be up to her to see to it or let Asha suffer in her sexy underwareless garment.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

When Asha came out of the dressing room Sara gave an enthusastic clap, thrilled by the sexy, revealing getup the nymph was wearing. After the exchange regarding the outfit being too tight for underwear, she took Asha's hands in her own, giving her puppy-dog eyes, and with a pleading voice said, "But Ashaaa...you look so cute in this outfit, and isn't not being able to wear underwear a positive, rather than a negative?" Her smile and the look in her eyes took on a more lascivious nature. "And besides...this is a great chance to practice roleplaying. Maybe you'd like to pretend to be a maid and while you clean your room, I could seduce you, or you could seduce me...maybe we both seduce each other...Mmm doesn't it sound fun? I'm tempted to go back to our room and peel those clothes right off you, but we have business to take care of first." Sara of course didn't seem to care in the slightest that she was saying this in front of Tanya, a succubus. It was part of the thrill, that and hoping to get Asha a little more wound up.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"But.. but its... dirty" As Sara mentioned the games they could play Asha turned a deeper shade of red. "What if I slip ever one would see....." Sara noticed that Tanya smile as she mentioned about the games almost enjoying seeing Asha squirm. As Sara mentioned about their day Tanya spoke up. "Oh Sara can I speak with you before you go in private?" When they where alone Tanya relaxed her illusions she cloaked herself in. "How is Aya doing? Is she adapting well?" Tanya waited for Sara to answer before speaking once more. "You have a gift Sara and I want to help you nurture it. You don't have to worry about what happened to Aya happening to you. I know where I went wrong on that. If your interested let me know."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara grinned, wrapping up her lover in a hug, and then letting a hand adventure up Asha's skirt to give her bare bottom a squeeze. "Oh you...It's fun to get dirty every once in awhile. And the risk will make it fun! I'll be there too, so don't worry if you're having a bad time I'll help you out! Trust me, I may enjoy some playful public teasing, but I don't want to make you miserable." She withdrew her hand and gave Asha a chaste kiss on the lips before letting her change out. Nodding to Tanya's request, she let Asha wait outside once she was done changing and listened to what Tanya had to say.

"Well first off, she's free of her bonds, the key turned up last night. That said, she's been...challenging, I'll say that. She's already coming on to me, though I think part of that may be to get under Asha's skin. She seems to take particular delight in being mean to her to try to make her angry. I guess givven what she's been through it's not surprising, but those two are going to have to start getting along before we'll be able to set out on the road, otherwise their fighting will just get us captured by who knows what." Her expression softened somewhat. This was Tanya's daughter after all, and she was determined to help the both of them. "But I'm convinced they'll both come around, I'm going to try to get Asha to make the first move, and who knows, maybe Aya will instead. They've both got strong personalities though, maybe it will take some serious outside stress to get them to see past each other's differences. Regardless, I don't intend to let anything happen to either of them, so you needn't worry."

When the succubus asked about helping Sara develop her talents, Sara cocked her head, looking at the woman thoughtfully. "Well...I suppose it couldn't hurt...probably. You understand why I might hesitate to take your offer...but I think I shall accept. In any case, I would be honored to meet you at your convenience."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Good an hour before your shift should be enough for us to get started." With that Tanya went to work and Sara returned to see Asha getting into kit while Aya sat feet kicked up on a end table. "We'll have to find Garak he has my gear in his backpack and while I was out and about today I couldn't find it in the room he rented so he must of had it on him."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara nodded, smiling happily at Tanya. "Great, I look forward to our session!" Returning to her room, Sara geared up as well, listening to what Aya had to say.

"Alright then, first things first, we'll find his body and get your gear back. We'll see how things pan out from there." When everyone was ready, the departed through the entrance they had used the night before. "Do you know where he is, or are we going to have to find him the hard way?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Oh he shouldn't be hard to find hes right by the old Jansen place." The trio walked out Asha bow ready Aya cloak up leaving only Sara to walk like it was any other day. It didn't take long for them to reach the scene of the event the sheriff looking over at the frozen orc noting a rather impressive foot long erect yet frozen shaft. "I tell ya boss it was the ice witch." The sheriff just looked at his deputy. "Barns stop spreading such rumors obviously he got drunk out of his mind and froze to death."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

The old Jansen place... "Of course he is..." Sara muttered. She had had some private doubts that it was actually the snow witch, and not say, an elder succubus looking out for her daughter, however that the orc had been found there nudged the scales in the other direction.

Once the group had made its way to the site of the dead body, Sara approached the two men. Though she had some extra insight on the truth behind the legends of the ice witch, she kept that to herself, not wanting to disturb the men, or prompt a closer look at her and her companions. Even though after last night neither one should have any prior memories of the group. Seeing the orc dead gave her no real pause, he had been a malicious man, and she was non-too sad to see him go. The foot long length sure was interesting. Doubtless it could do a lot for a woman. Needless to say though, she was still quite glad to have turned down his offer the night prior. No way she wanted any part of him inside of her.

"Excuse me, gentlemen, I don't wish to trample on the memory of the dearly departed, but did he have any gear on him when you found him?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

The sheriff looked to her and furrowed his brow as if trying to remember something. "I don't seem to recall you missy. Either way you shouldn't be around this is a tragedy not fit for a young lady such as your self to see. Any gear we find will be confiscated and stored until a realtive claims it or a year has passed without word. Now if you please I have to figure out how to get this body out of sight." The sheriff turned around and looked a that the frozen orc yet again.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Nodding to the sheriff, Sara turned back and returned to the other two. With a sigh she said, "Well that didn't work...Still, seems like they haven't found any gear, Aya. Do you see your stuff lying around anywhere?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Aya looked over to the deputy. "They have already confiscated it though Im not so sure what they will make of the umm minimalist leather armor." Indeed Sara saw a leather backpack on the deputies horse that seemed out of place. Confuring with themselves a moment they had a choice head back into town or press on to see if the loggers had made it threw the blizzard.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Well...I think we could snag that back pretty easily...Aya, if you would keep the gentlemen looking at you and away from the horses, that backpack won't be much of a problem." While Aya went to distract the two men, Sara wasn't to picky about how, she and Asha walked down the road, to get some distance from the horses so they wouldn't be as likely to be blamed for what she was about to do.

When Aya got the guys looking away from the horses, Sara used her telekinesis to lift the bag off the horse, and deposit it behind a tree, out of sight a few feet away. Once that was done, she connected to the horses mind telepathically in order to communicate with it, and expanded the connection to include the sheriff's horse as well. Then she projected images from her own imagination of wild beasts tearing the horses apart, killing and devouring them. The objective was to get the horses to abruptly panic and start running off, hopefully prompting the lawmen to chase after them and write off Aya's bag as lost in the chase.

If used for communication, the character pays 2 EP and thinks of on creature whom they are familiar with, or who is within line of sight. The character opens up a telepathic link with that creature across which the two can communicate. Additional creatures can be added to the communication by paying another 1 EP. This connection can be refused. (3 EP)

Telekinesis 10 ft of movement 1 EP

4 EP total