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Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

It seemed the waitress had more than enough time as she took a seat right across from Sara and sat examining the stranger. "Well the wall was built after the invasion which lead to a lot of infighting in Badaria. The mercenaries have always been around just there's a lot more of them now. Thankfully they want the cheap ales down the road so they leave me and my business alone mostly. Its been forever sense Ive traveled about what have you seen so far?" It seemed the elf was desperate for news as well.
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Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"I see, just being cautious hmm? Well, I am from a small village called Vokan, it's not all that far from here. But a lot has changed in recent years. The aliens forces are strong, though they aren't about to take over the world any more. The aliens forces have been halted and dealt major setbacks in Crolia and the Amazon, and they have been forced to consolidate their power around the Necropolis in Badaria, though they are fighting hard in the Anudor Desert and many parts of Badaria. Although to be honest I haven't exactly journeyed around all that much. I am only just now undergoing the Rite of the Journey. Sorry if I am not the best source of news, how long has it been since you left this village?" Sara was happy to sit around and sip tea, enjoying the company of the waitress and converse.

So is the village named Baridia?
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Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Oh lets see last time I left the village for any long distance travel was maybe ten or twelve years. Of course I'm not counting any neighboring villages or towns." The elf looked thoughtful for a moment before speaking again. "So Vokan... If I remember right there was another who made that journey a few years back Im I right? Are they a friend of yours?" The bard began to play a different tune her warm up done and the farmers had begun to head out leaving money on the table for the waitress to gather up. It seemed that Sara would have the inn/tavern to herself and the employees.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara's eyes widened when the woman told her how long it had been since she'd left her town. "Wowwww ..." She drug the word out for extra emphasis, this woman hadn't really left the area for the last half of Sara's entire life! "That's crazy! How can you stand to stay in one place for so long? I mean I understand you probably have a home and a life here, I have the same in Vokan, but I still want to get out and see the world every now and then."

In regards to the comment about the other Vokan who had passed through, "Ah well he was an acquaintance really. Though in fact he was out for the same reason I am. Our village's coming of age right dictates that we go out and experience the world, live in it, learn from it, and hopefully improve it before returning. It's rather unique in that there is no set time we must spend out of the village, instead, we will know when it is time to return."

Giving a little laugh Sara continued, "At least, that's what they say. I suppose I will find out later. Anyway, that's why I'm here, I figured a good cup of tea would be the best way to start my rite." She decided to leave out that whole little shorn weed encounter. Not really appropriate small talk. Still, she blushed a little and laughed, saying, "I'm sorry, you don't need to hear my life story, but once I start talking sometimes I get on a roll. I'm Sara by the way, what's your name?" It seemed the rest of the patrons had left the inn-tavern, a shame, it seemed the bard was starting to actually play her main songs, and being one to enjoy good music, she rather looked forward to hearing them. Odd that the bard would play for a room full of workers, but maybe that was just the way she did things.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Nice to meet you Sara my name is Mint." There was a little twinkle in Mint's eye and Sara some how knew it was coming. "As for staying here for so long well Im retired after all. Used to spend my youth crawling threw dungeons slaying monsters and causing trouble." The elven woman laughed "I think spending 30 years as an active adventure is enough wandering. More tea?" Mint got up and collected the denari on the table before heading back to her area in the back only to come out with a steaming pot of the minty smelling tea. "So where do you think you will head next?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara laughed as she learned her hostess' name was 'Mint'. After she heard her speak of her thirty years adventuring experience she said, "Ah I suppose I can see why you would want to settle down then. I am to take it then that you are the owner of this fine establishment, Mint? And I would of course love another cup, how much will it cost me?" When asked where she would be going, Sara thought for a moment and shrugged. "Well, I don't really know. Probably somewhere that I can put myself to use, helping people and learning a thing or two. As it is, my only truly notable skill is the knack I have for what I like to call....aggressive negotiations. She giggled a little bit, clearly meaning that there was nothing diplomatic about her negotiations. Indeed, most of her negotiating power was accompanied by a damaging spirit attack.

She sighed. "I don't know, I guess I really just have adventure-lust. I want to go places, do great deeds! All of that hero stuff!.... I just don't know where to go to get started..."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Oh no charge for this cup sense we are visiting right and its only proper for the hostess to serve tea to her guests." Mint smiled and waited for Sara to finish her other question before speaking again. "Indeed I bought this run down inn from the old proprietor after his son refused to take over for him." Mint paused again to let Sara speak before continuing pouring herself a cup as well. "Well there is a lot of folk that need help these days." Mint looked away thinking of something. "Just the other day I had a Nymph glade runner in here. She was looking for one of her daughters that had been kidnapped and sold into slavery. It was a sad tale and I can see that her quest has been hard on her and her eyes have lost the joy that usually fills one of her kind."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

In response to the free tea, Sara nodded gratefully. "Thank you, this tea is very delicious and I do enjoy good company when I can find it. It's hard for me to see this place as run down, I can tell you work very hard and have done a great job keeping it up and running."

Sara's expression darkened when the high elf related the story of the nymph mother. "Slavery...a barbaric practice. An unforgivable crime." She downed her tea in one go and stood up. "Could you please point me in her direction? I will lend her my talents in finding and recovering her daughter." With the directions in mind, she turned to leave, depositing 5 denarii on the table without a word. She liked Mint and wanted to support her business, she seemed to be a good woman and she deserved it.

Walking away, Sara went to find the nymph.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Oh sure shes actually at the jail one of the mercenaries made the mistake of trying to force her to bed if you know what I mean. Needless to say she couldn't pay the fine for disturbing the peace. Just keep in mind shes traveling as an elf to keep what she is low key if you know what I mean." Mint gave Sara the needed directions to the jail and found it little more than a rundown stone shack. Entering a armed guard with a side arm looked up at her and looked back down at the paper work on his desk. "You got one hour for visits."

Paying the guard little heed Sara went to the back of the dingy shack and found a row of 4 cells. One had a rough looking man with numerous scars looking across at an elven lady with Auburn hair (Asha). Upon entering the man looked right at Sara and smiled reveling what teeth he had as dingy and yellow. "Well lookie here whats a fine peice of ass like you doing in a shit hole like this? Come to give me some stress relief from teh cock tease in the far cell?" The man fondled his gentiles at Sara clearly showing what he had in mind for stress relief.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Entering the jail, Sara nodded to the guard and outside and entered the cell area. She paid the jailed man no mind and instead turned to the captive nymph disguised as an elf. Speaking in a low voice she said, "I hear you have good reason to hate slavers. How much is your fine?" She wanted to discuss more with the nymph but she wasn't about to conduct any sort of business in front of the perv in the other cell. It could be a bad idea letting someone out of their cell before finding out more about them, but her desire for righteous justice and a mother-daughter reunion was making her be a little bit hasty. Regardless, any information sharing would have to wait until after they got out of the jail. She doubted the guard would take kindly to her intent to destroy people, even if they were slavers.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

The Nymph turned to look at Sara her lilac eyes cold. "I have no love for slavers." Her voice had an edge to it but at one point Sara could tell it was full of warmth. The Nymph eyed Sara up and down before siting down on a hanging bed. "Why do you want to know the price of my fine young one?" The Nymph was attractive as all nymphs are though Sera could see a darkness about her the quest to find her daughter having taken its toll on the woman.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

As the nymph sat down on her cot and looked at her, Sara could hear the sharpness in her voice and see the darkness that resided in her eyes. Such things did not belong in the eyes of one such as her.

Sara looked the nymph straight in the eyes, saying, "I want to help you. Freedom is one of the most sacred rights of all people. Those who would deny it for such selfish reasons must be stopped. That and a kind soul told me what it is you have lost. It is truly a tragedy and I would be honored if you allowed me to assist you in making this right. Please, let me help you out of here, I have a skill which could prove very useful in locating what you seek."

She was really quite moved by the nymph woman's hardness. Such beautiful creatures should never look as this woman did. Indeed no one should have to, this world could be a cruel place indeed.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

At the mention of helping her find her daughter Sara could see a brief spark of hope enter the woman's eyes before settling back to their cold state. "Its rare to find such people these days. How do I know you can deliver what you promise?" The nymph looked at Sara and Sara back at the nymph it was a shared moment of two woman getting a feel for each other. "I think your telling the truth and that your desire to help me is genuine.. but Ive heard such promises before." The Nymph stood up and walked close to Sara only the bars separating them. "I will be released tonight as my sentence expires today. It seems this one" the nymph inclined her head to the man in the last cell, "is well known to be a trouble maker and my confinement is just a formality. Meet me at Mints and we can talk about what happened to my daughter." The Nymph went back to sitting on her cot her thoughts her own.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara was unafraid and met the nymph's eyes unabashed. Her offer to help was genuine and she would show no shame or embarrassment for it. "You will only know if you take my word for it and allow me to help you. I could understand if my word means nothing to you know, but I hope that one day it will." When the nymph revealed that she would be let out at the end of the day and that when she was released she would meet her at Mint's, Sara nodded in the affirmative and turned to go. "As you wish. I will wait as you ask." She cast a scornful glance at the man in the other cell who was responsible for her arrest and left without another word.

Returning to Mint's tavern/hotel, Sara sat at a booth, nodding in a friendly manner to Mint if she saw her, and just sitting back to either enjoy the bard's music if she was still there, or to meditate while she waited for the nymph if the bard was no longer playing.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Mints it seemed was a fairly busy place and a constant stream of customers where coming and going threw most of her wait. At about three bells a group of girls dressed in a similar fashion as mint came in chuckling and talking amongst themselves before heading behind the counter. The bard played on and off through out the day while the new arrivals had their orders filled. It seemed Mint only really served drinks and with the exception of a few orders all where non alcoholic in nature. As the afternoon turned to evening the Nymph finally made her appearance with the guard who quickly undid her shackles and handed over a series of weapons to the woman. Finding Sara the Nymph quickly took a seat at her table.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

As she waited, Sara was content to spend the time people watching. It was an interesting diversion, but when the nymph finally showed up she would bow her head to her in a friendly, welcoming manner. "I am glad you decided to come by. Would you care for some tea?" Unless the nymph didn't want any, she would signal mint to bring over a cup for the both of them.

"My name is Sara by the way. Forgive me for not introducing myself earlier, but I would rather not have my name floating around the jailblocks." After trying to make introductions with the nymph Sara would continue, "So, let's cut to the chase, shall we? Mint told me of the tragedy you have suffered, and I wish to use my spirit talents to help you find you daughter. No charge, I am doing this as a friend of the fey, and as a person of good conscience. No one deserves what you two are going through. Please, let me help you. Let me help your daughter."
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Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

After sorting her gear and giving her jailor a dirty look for some apparent damage to her armor the Nymph went over to the table and sat across from Sara. "Nice to meet you Sara my name is Asha" nodding her ascent to the cup of tea Sara began to share her intent. "I see you must be a generous soul to help so freely." Sara thought she saw Asha's eyes water a moment before the nymph spoke again. "Her name is Naomi after her fathers mother. She was taken from me 10 years ago dose this pose a problem for your magics?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara nodded to Asha with a wane smile, "A pleasure to make your acquaintance. As far as why I would do this, well, I don't really know why. I guess even I don't quite understand myself or why I do what I do yet. Regardless, lets get to it and find your daughter."

She looked to Asha for the details, and choked on a sip of tea when she told her how long it had been. Sara took the nymph's hand, saying, "I am so sorry, I didn't realize..." However, she looked into her eyes with a confident smile and continued, "So long as you have memories of your daughter, I do not think it will be a problem. All I need is a place where we can be alone and we can get started now. Do you have a room, or should I see if Mint will allow us to use one of hers?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"I had a room here at Mints while I rested. Im sure she won't mind if we use it for your art." Asha got up and went to speak to mint briefly before looking over and nodding at Sara. Leading the way Asha opened one of the doors leading to one of the few rooms made available for customers. The room was sparsely furnished a single bed with a trunk at its foot and a small table with a chair seemed to be the only furnishings. "What else do you need to know about my daughter?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara looked around the room briefly before turning back to look at Asha. "From here out, most of it depends on you and your memories. I plan to read your mind to get a picture of your daughter, then use that picture to scry her with my astral powers." She let that sink in for a moment before continuing. "For the first part, after we get ready I will just need you to think of some of your happiest memories with your daughter, as well as those that will give me the best idea of who she is. If you're actively thinking of them it will be easier for me to see them. I will use an ability known as 'mind worm' to read these. It may feel odd, but if you don't resist then it won't hurt. Afterwards we will worry about the rest of this."

When she was ready, Sara would sit on the edge of the bed, motioning for Asha to sit next to her. When she complied, she would put an arm around her shoulder , wrapping around to place her cool palm to the nymph's forehead. "Just breathe slowly and relax please. By the way, what is her name?" Focusing her energy she slowly wormed her way into the woman's mind, looking for memories of the child.

Uses mind worm, looking for memories of the child: 8 EP