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It Belongs to God (Stephanie)

Re: It Belongs to God (Stephanie)

He merely chuckled as she gave her thanks that he didn't attack her in her sleep. "I've been watching over you for about an hour now. I'm not too sure how long you've been asleep." he answered calmly, before turning, and taking a glass with painted with beautiful designs of swords with angelic wings flourishing from the hilt, filled with water, and handing it to her carefully so that nothing dripped on her. Once she took it, he took out a white cloth, and wiped it along her brow, taking away the sweat that threatened to drip down into her eyes. "I would say my offer to help you wash, but you would surely refuse me. Of course, you have no right to force me away, and I may clean your bare body as I please, but that would make you hate me more than you already seem to. Since I would rather your love, I won't take advantage of you." he swore, before he rose, and carried the chair away, putting it back where it was. "I'll let you wash and change now. Be sure to join us for dinner above." he encouraged her, before leaving her room.
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Re: It Belongs to God (Stephanie)

Stephanie frowned, but she nodded, reaching out for the chalice, and holding it close to her chest as Jason wiped at her brow. She made no attempt to stop him, she was too busy thinking over God's words and her own desires, or lack thereof. She was aware enough that he could force himself on her, quite easily too, and no-one buy Yvon would be likely to even raise an eyebrow. That he didn't, and seemed to seek her affection was something at least, perhaps there was a pleasant human being buried somewhere under all the grease and sleaze.

Then, she realised that she had drifted off in her thoughts, her jaw had slackened slightly, revealing her teeth and tongue slightly, but she blinked and shut her mouth, face contorting in irritation at her lack of control right now. Swiftly, she decided that she disliked how blunt he was about his rights over her body, and her fingers clenched briefly as the blonde brought the chalice to her lips, and took a long, slow draught, violet eyes watching Jason carefully. God would want her to submit to him, wouldn't she? A strong man, honourable on the battlefield for certain, and perhaps when bound in matrimony too. Sure to give her plenty of strong sons and daughters.

Stephanie coughed slightly, she had drifted off in her thoughts once more, and nearly choked on the water, lowering the chalice while she raised a hand over her mouth to stop herself spraying water over the bed. She kept it down though, and then she was thankful for the darkness, as a hearty flush was rising in the blonde's cheeks. "I'll... Yes, yes... I'll be there for dinner, Jason. I'll... I'll head down after I've changed." she managed to say, frowning as she wiped her lips, and then took a careful sip of cool water, it was helping her throat feel more human again, which was good, and it also helped her mind to un-muddle, and her thoughts to flow more freely, though whether or not this was good, was yet to be seen.
Re: It Belongs to God (Stephanie)

Washing herself, and finding a dress to wear, Stephanie would go up the steps from the arm of the cross tower, and to where the heroes dined; the top of the Holy Cross. The sight was magnificent even from the windows as she ascended. When she came up the steps, she arrived to the square top of the tower, with railings to ensure no one accidentally falls off. The wide roof of the tower was lined with ornate royal tables with white silk over them, and fluttering candles that provided light. A beautiful night sky loomed over Stephanie's head, and the beautiful mountains to the east provided a most breathtaking scenery as the wind made her golden hair gently flourish.

And across from her, the only other person was Jason himself, who stood next to a table with a meal covered in a steel dome with a handle on top, much like how Stephanie always saw royals being given their meals. "Everyone else has already eaten, but I did the honors of cooking your meal myself, so that it was fresh when you awoke." Jason announced, smiling as he acted the gentleman.
Re: It Belongs to God (Stephanie)

Having washed, Stephanie had managed to slip herself into one of the elegant robes hanging in her new bedroom. It was a fine, deep purple velvet, the shade matching her eyes quite well, while black stitching and white cuffs and hems stood out in sharp relief. She had struggled somewhat with the corset, but had eventually managed to get it on, albeit not as tight as might be expected, but that was just fine with her. The skirts were not as overwhelming as on a lot of formal dresses and gowns she had seen, for which she was grateful, and they still covered the fact that she had pulled her battered old travelling boots onto her feet, they were too comfortable in comparison to more formal affairs to pass up on.

Up here, the view really was magnificent, especially at night. The scent of the forest rolling in with the wind made the blonde pause, and she leant against the side, closing her eyes and smiling as she enjoyed it. The blonde had combed her hair at least, and pinned it up behind her head in a formal bun, and she had taken the opportunity to put the vanity to use, applying pink lipgloss and a smattering of rouge over her cheeks. She had not overdone it, and in fact it was a rather underwhelming display when compared to the extravagant gown she wore, but it was still rather pretty.

She had, however, taken notice of how empty everything was. It was rather disappointing, she had rather wished to dine alongside Yvon, but it looked like Jason really was pulling all the stops for her. It was sweet, in a way, but the setting, with it's magnificent backdrop, romantic lighting, and heady forest fragrance was marred slightly by her own belief that all of this was purely because he wanted to get into her skirts.

Still, Stephanie managed to put a smile on her face as she sauntered up towards the table, picking at her skirts before lifting them slightly, as she curtseyed politely towards Jason. "You are too kind, Jason, it was not necessary for you to go to all this trouble." she said calmly, straightening out her gown as she stood upright once more, before she moved for the chair, doing her best to keep a pretty smile upon her face, and doing an admirable job of it too.
Re: It Belongs to God (Stephanie)

Jason pulled out the chair for her, and allowed her to sit, another gentlemanly act to impress her, and his grin did not deny that he sought her favor. "It is very much necessary." he replied, taking a seat opposite her as he removed the covering of the food, before a glorious scent of the most rich food graced her nostrils, a true banquet lay before her. "What would you think of me if I was charged with tending for you while you adjusted to your new gift, and yet I left you without food?" he asked her, taking some food for himself, but only after Stephanie picked what she wanted to eat. "I want to marry you, Stephanie. And treating you so poorly is not a good way to go about making that clear, I think." he announced to her. "You may think me a lewd man... And you'd be right," he chuckled. "But such is the charge we're given by our angelic betters in the kingdom in the clouds. Matter of fact, I was told recently that I was running out of time to pick who I must marry. I've only managed to persuade the angels to let me off the hook by spending my time with common girls, granting them children, and allowing them more comfortable lives as they are paid by the government to care for a heroic child. However, the angels want a full blooded hero... And being of my status, with no full blooded sons or daughters to my name, they are tightening the rope around me." Jason revealed to her. "So, I must choose. And I choose you, Stephanie." he said simply.
Re: It Belongs to God (Stephanie)

The blonde was courteous enough, and she smiled, bobbing her head in thanks as Jason pulled the chair out for her. That pleasant smile curled into a smirk though as he spoke. "If anything, Jason, you would get more respect from me if you trusted me to care for myself, my mind is not so dull quite yet as for that to escape me." she said calmly, even as she carefully spooned herself a healthy serving of steamy meat and vegetables, with some sweet potatoes to accompany, and she poured herself a chalice of wine before settling back into her chair, waiting for Jason to dish up his own meal first for the sake of politeness.

Once that was done, the blonde began the difficult task of cutting and eating her food without getting anything on her gown, and at the same time paying some attention to what Jason was saying. It was all pretty much what she had expected, the only surprise was that he was being so eloquent about it. She knew that he knew that it was well within his rights for him to simply claim her. In a way, he was, it would be difficult to refuse such a sudden and clear request. Politically at least. It did make her smile though, that he thought so highly of himself for impregnating all those poor peasant girls, it was little more than rape in her eyes, and if that was the case, what separated him from the mamono? That thought, she clung to for a moment, it entertained her as she ate a few mouthfuls, and then set down her cutlery with a little clatter.

The blonde leant back in her chair then, reaching for her wine and taking a little sip, gazing cooly and levelly at the man across the table. Finally, she spoke. "Jason." she began, sighing, and taking another sip of wine before she set her chalice back upon the table. "While I was asleep, the Lord chose to visit me, she brought me to Her and I saw Her." she said in that same cool, calm voice. "She presented her will to me. Her will is for me to be there, leading the charge as we cleanse this land of the foul taint that corrupts it. You want me as your wife. You have propositioned me, oh yes, very sweetly so, I congratulate you on all the effort you have put into earning my favour. If I deny you, you could simply take me. I am sure you see the difficulty here, Jason. If you were to take my hand... You would wish to plant me with your seed. If I am to help lead the great crusade, I would do well not to carry child in my womb until afterwards, don't you think?" she explained, not without some small amount of pride in her voice that the Lord had chosen her.

"That said." she added, pausing briefly before continuing. "I did not here much of a choice in your words. You have chosen me... And by the laws of our people, of our Lord, that makes me yours." she said softly, her cool and collected tone becoming infected with a slight hint of weariness as the blonde returned to her food, falling quiet for now as she dug in while it was still hot.
Re: It Belongs to God (Stephanie)

Jason began laughing at Stephanie's reply to him, leaning back in his chair as he shook his head. "My dear Stephanie, you will not be grounded by the weight of a child! Even among pregnant women, you may still protect our land. The lord has come to you to tell you not to wait!" he insisted. "It will be too long before humanity finds safety, and so much longer after that before we are no longer needed to fight. Many battles lay ahead of us, Stephanie. And before it is over, you and I will become old and infertile. Before we do become aged and wrinkly, we must make children who will carry on the fight for humanity even after we become old. Or, god save us..." Jason's expression became dark. "... Should we fall in battle... If we leave no child behind, Stephanie... Then that is one less hero to do god's will. And one less hero for the forces of evil to overcome as they come to claim this land as their own..."
Re: It Belongs to God (Stephanie)

Stephanie bit her lip as Jason started replying, and the blonde turned her head away, looking out over the forest to partially hide her expression of annoyance, while her rouge did a good job at hiding the rising blush. He was right, she knew that, and she... Disliked him for it, not wishing to use too strong a term for it. Oh Lord save me, am I really intended for this man? she prayed in her thoughts, shaking her head sadly, before turning back to look at Jason. "So you say, Jason, so you say. I would lie to say you lack a point. Several perhaps." she said, and left it hanging like that for a moment, taking a long draught of wine, swilling the crimson liquid around in her chalice for a few seconds before she continued. "But... I still fail to see how much good in a fight I will be in my later months, Jason, my breastplate won't fit for certain, though I suppose that is quite a while away..." she mused, frowning all the deeper as she gazed at Jason. Interference was possible... The thought crossed her mind, and she disliked it, because it gave her even less reason to refuse him, and she had seldom enough as it was beside her own personal misgivings. Did he know though? It was difficult to say. He had said she would not be inhibited, that suggested...

Sighing, Stephanie shook her head again, reaching for her chalice, and pursing her lips as she brought it up to take a long drink, emptying the fanciful chalice. "I don't know, Jason. I do not know. I... I was hoping that I would be able to postpone such things until after our Crusade, it was after all at the end of the Lord's list..." she murmured, reaching up to run her fingers across her scalp. It was difficult, very difficult. She wanted to refuse him, for no more reason than petty spite and her own desires of freedom. Those would not be good enough in the eyes of the law though, she knew that.
Re: It Belongs to God (Stephanie)

Hearing Stephanie speak, Jason leaned back slowly, before giving her a statement that was clear, and loud. "I will not rape you, Stephanie." he announced, his voice so deep that it sounded as if they were in an enclosed room rather than outside. "I have never shared a bed with a crying woman, and I don't intend to start now. However, while I may seem to be the oppressive one, I have no choice either. I enjoy taking beautiful women who want to have sex with me into my bed. So the rumors of me to which you hold me such discredit are true. However, I have never, ever left a woman I was with, unhappy." he claimed, before drinking some of his own wine. "Quite frankly, it's a turnoff."

Eating the last of his food, he set his fork and knife down. "I know that you and Yvon are great friends. No doubt she will try to defend you if you are suffering. When I run out of time, I will come to you for marriage. I'm sure Yvon will seek marriage with me come that time, looking to protect you. She will come to me of her own will, and join me in my bed of her own will, so that you don't have to suffer sharing a bed with despicable me." he grunted, before letting out a sigh as the situation as it were bothered him as well. "Even if it is Yvon... Who I hold no attraction for in personality or looks, I will not bear the shame on my honor of having made a woman suffer during intimacy. I will not." he stated very firmly.

"However, what I said before remains. Once I go to get married with Yvon, or perhaps another girl, you are still going to be pursued. The more savage men you likely saw on your way to your room will be the ones after you. And they will not hesitate to take you either with your will, or without it. I despise those men for the way they treat women, absolutely no respect nor honor." Jason spat. "Because of my affections for you, I didn't want to see you suffer under such men. Even if that is but one reason of many that I have for wanting to marry you, it is an important one."
Re: It Belongs to God (Stephanie)

Stephanie's brow creased into a frown again, and she sighed, shaking her head as she jabbed aimlessly at her food. "I never said you raped anyone, Jason." she said quietly, resting her cheek in her hand, elbow on the table. She hated this whole situation, it made her butterflies in her belly, and not in a good way either.

It took quite a while before the blonde managed to speak again, and even then she did not raise her gaze, continuing to jab a series of holes in the little bits of remaining food on her plate. "I do not think that you would make me suffer, Jason. While I am not entirely sure on how your personality would deal with me, I am most definitely certain that you at least have the social sense for it. And no, I would not have Yvon take my place, that is too great a step." she continued, still in such a quiet voice, directed at her plate. Damnit all to hell and it was the truth. For a moment, her corset started to feel overly tight, constricting her chest, and the blonde leant back into her chair, finally raising her gaze to Jason, and she reached up to tug at her collar, taking a deep breath before casting her gaze out over the moonlit forest.

"As much as you claim to be a prisoner to the law as well, Jason... I am still... No, I do not know. But, ahh..." Stephanie trailed off again, running a hand over her face, rubbing at her eyes in annoyance. For a few minutes, she fell silent, eating the last bits of her food to distract herself, and then laying her cutlery down on the plate. It would not necessarily be too bad, would it? She still knew well enough, and had been told by Yvon as much as well, that the other men down there would be less hesitant to take any bride they wished.

Finally, Stephanie leant back in her chair, and her nostrils flared as she took a deep breath, then sighed. "Very well, Jason... You will have your wish, and I assure you I will not cry about it. After all..." she trailed off, taking another deep breath before she smiled weakly. "It is the Lord's will. I suppose I should revel in the opportunity to carry out Her wishes." she finished off,letting out a little chuckle as she reached for her chalice, before realising it was empty, and a frown creased onto the blonde's brow.
Re: It Belongs to God (Stephanie)

As Stephanie looked to her empty chalice, Jason took a bottle, and tilted it, pouring her some more wine, before raising his own chalice, offering a toast. "For the love of god." he announced.

Whether she accepted or denied the toast, Jason would then drink from his chalice, before standing from the table, being the gentleman to the end and helping her out of her chair, before offering to clean up the table. Yawning, he waved Stephanie off. "I'll be off to bed once I am finished with this. As much as I'd love to hold such a sweet thing in my arms as I sleep, I shall accept your refusal so you needn't offer it." he said with a small smile and slight shrug as he stacked the dishes.
Re: It Belongs to God (Stephanie)

Stephanie pursed her lips slightly, watching Jason fill her chalice, and the blonde drummed her fingers on the tabletop. Now she felt guilty, damnit. Why were prophecies never clear? O' Lord, guide my hand... she thought to herself, frowning slightly as she brought the chalice up to meet Jason's. "For the love of God." she mirrored, before taking a long draught from the elegant cup, nearly draining it.

As Jason helped her up though, Stephanie managed a slight smile, and she shook her head, climbing to her feet, skirts rustling slightly. Her stomach still felt uneasy, despite the warmth left over from the angel's touch. Her conviction was strong, she very much intended to follow God's will, and her options looked oddly weighted. She stood there for a few moments, half-leaning against the rail as she looked out over the forest, until Jason turned to leave, and then the blonde suddenly turned. "Wait." she said, quickly finishing off her wine and setting the chalice on the table before she strode after the raven-haired male as quickly as her skirts would allow. "Jason, I... Thank you, for the meal, for helping me today. And thank you, for helping me unravel the Lord's riddle. You are better than most men in the city, Hero or no, despite everything you do to try and convince me otherwise through actions." she said, putting on a small smile, though she then bit her lip, and looked away uneasily.
Re: It Belongs to God (Stephanie)

Turning back to her, Jason grinned at the flustered blond, one hand on his hip as he looked down at her as if she were the most adorable thing ever. Once she was finished, he chuckled. "I'm flattered, even if that's only the wine talking." he nodded to her, before reaching out his hand. "In case that is the wine talking... I'll need to take your hand and ensure you don't make get hurt before getting to your bed." he insisted, offering his hand for Stephanie to take.
Re: It Belongs to God (Stephanie)

The teasing remarks did little to aid Stephanie in placating her blush, and she looked away again, folding her arms over her belly. "I only had two cups, Jason. I can hold my wine." she responded in a slightly accusing tone of voice, looking up at him out of the corners of her violet eyes. "And I am quite capable of walking down a few flights of stairs..." she added, frowning in irritation at the perceived condescension. Regardless though, after a brief pause, the blonde did reach out, and place her hand in Jason's own. She remembered then, how smooth her skin had felt in the dream where she had met God, and how rough it felt now, especially on her hands from training and swordplay. She found the notion somewhat embarrassing, and the Heroine hung her head for a few moments to try and regain her composure, even as her fingers squeezed slightly at Jason's hand.
Re: It Belongs to God (Stephanie)

With no response to her complaints, Jason took her hand, and slowly led her down the stairs, taking into account her gown as they descended to the lower floor, and came to her room. He opened the door, led Stephanie in, and locked the door behind them, while readily able to go to his own room from the bathroom that connected them. He led Stephanie to her bed, before giving her a slight nod. "Here we are." he said casually, though he seemed in no hurry to leave.
Re: It Belongs to God (Stephanie)

Stephanie's footing was sure enough, though she was not certain that such would be the case if she was wearing formal shoes. Luckily in her boots, it was easy, and she trotted easily down the stairs next to Jason, keeping her free hand on the banisters as they went, occasionally having to hitch her skirts a little. She followed Jason's lead though, remaining quite quiet until they had reached her room, dark now that the candle was sputtering lower and lower, and she frowned, licking her lips slightly and gulping. "I... Yes, yes here we are." she began, frowning deeply. The blonde looked up at Jason, she guessed he wanted his answer, and his reward. The thought made her heart flutter, maybe the wine had been stronger than she expected? The Heroine shook her head though, it was madness, yet at the same time it made so much sense, and she was just so unsure. "I suppose, mmhm... I do not have an answer for you, Jason. Not yet. I... I need to make up my mind. I am divided. It has been a... A very stressful day, much has happened." she said softly, her voice low and meek, apologetic even.
Re: It Belongs to God (Stephanie)

Jason brought her hand to his lips, kissing her hand lightly, before he slowly backed away upon hearing her words. "Tomorrow then." he replied simply, before slowly stepping backwards until he reached the door, which he opened, "I shall bid you goodnight then, unless you have... Some other wish you desire from me?" he asked her with a grin, hopeful that he would be given the chance to come back.
Re: It Belongs to God (Stephanie)

Stephanie frowned, he really could be quite the gentleman when he wished to be, even if it was only for the sake of courtship. It was nice though, and the blonde smiled affectionately as he kissed her hand. As he backed off though, and asked of her, the frown deepened, though then Stephanie sighed, raising her eyebrows almost incredulously. "I..." she began, raising her other hand to her chin, pausing, before she reached forwards, and placed her palm over his heart. "The night is dark and cold, it has been such a warm day. Perhaps... You wish for the night to remain warm too, until we once more can bask in the Lord's divine light?" she put out, wincing slightly in instant regret of her own words, but it was far too late now, and she had already given Jason the opportunity he had been seeking all day.

Was this really what God wanted?
Re: It Belongs to God (Stephanie)

Jason smiled at her request, and came back to her. His hands went under her arms, and he felt him touching the lace of her corset. Thread by thread, he quickly loosened it as if he had a lot of practice. Once he did, Stephanie felt a huge burden lifted once the tight corset was made loose, even if him doing that made her chest a little more exposed. If he wanted to lean over and peak, he'd be able to see the beginnings of her areola. "Forgive me if I overstepped my bounds, but if I'm to spend the night with you, I simply had to do that. Watching you struggle with that restricting thing was half as much agony to watch as it likely was for you to wear it." he claimed with a chuckle.
Re: It Belongs to God (Stephanie)

Stephanie blinked as he made such a sudden move. Then again, she probably should have expected that he was waiting for even the slightest inclination of approval. As the corset loosened up, getting more and more comfortable, the blonde let out a low, pleasant sigh, reaching up to her chest and pulling the gown up slightly, before resting her palm against her sternum, she really hated those things. "No, I don't think that at least is an overstep... Though admittedly, I have worn worse corsets than that in my time. Mostly ones laced by someone other than myself. I wouldn't be able to do these things up properly even if I wanted to by myself." she admitted, shrugging slightly as she loosened the laces of her cuffs, seemingly oblivious to the increased cleavage that had been put on display. Sighing, Stephanie sat down on the end of the bed, and she hitched her skirts up slightly to show her travel-worn boots, before she began to remove those.