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RPG [seldompie] Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monstergirls!

Re: Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monstergirls!

Yet another update: version .063 is out. For all OS's here:

For linux version?! o_O How many games does linux actually have?
Re: Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monstergirls!

Hi guys, just posting to let you know we're starting work on adding graphics to the game. An awesome artist called Sharona is doing stuff for the project, starting with npc portraits.

I can't post links or images here yet apparently, but you can check out a couple of them on the dev blog, the link's in the first post of this thread.

The graphics probably won't be integrated into the game until we've got a good amount of them done, but since a few of you mentioned how you felt graphics would hugely improve the game, you'd like to know we're moving in that direction.

We'll have a new build of the game done by the end of the weekend too.
Re: Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monstergirls!

That's great, Seldom. Don't hesitate to hit me up if you want help with some writing.
Re: Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monstergirls!

Hi guys, just posting to let you know we're starting work on adding graphics to the game. An awesome artist called Sharona is doing stuff for the project, starting with npc portraits.

I can't post links or images here yet apparently, but you can check out a couple of them on the dev blog, the link's in the first post of this thread.

The graphics probably won't be integrated into the game until we've got a good amount of them done, but since a few of you mentioned how you felt graphics would hugely improve the game, you'd like to know we're moving in that direction.

We'll have a new build of the game done by the end of the weekend too.

Although no pictures did not bother me, the Artwork looks really nice. Looking forward to the newest update. Cheers.
Re: Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monstergirls!

Every artist likes some feedback, right?

In spite of the game's claims to be like a cheesy B-movie, I actually find it a lot more... dare I say... real than Flexible Infection/Survival, or CoC. Those are, of course, good games, but I find that Seldom put more thought into his (barring the obvious placeholders, such as getting rescued by "Army guys, probably").

I found myself getting much more emotionally invested in the plight of my character than I recall doing in either of the previously mentioned games. The changing enemies and scenery really make the game forboding, as once you notice that things are changing, every new day leaves you wondering what the outside area will look like next.

Ok, now the criticism. The characters don't give you much to choose from, background wise. Stat-wise, they're allright. I'd like to see your background have an impact on the story, in terms of your interactions with the island inhabitants, etc. I get that that would be a lot of work, but it would really increase the replay value, especially if the different characters had different quest arcs and endings.

I also find that the text gets a bit jading after a while. Once you've read the description for a place or person once, it's really hard to bring yourself to read it again, which is a shame, since the descriptions do so much to contribute to the atmosphere. If you're already planning on adding illustrations for the various enemies, then it shouldn't be too much trouble to illustrate the environments in their varying conditions.

Tied to the point above, it would be nice if the options for exploration, combat, etc. were further apart. After day 20 or so, you really stop paying enough attention to each individual click, which makes it really easy to select the wrong option by accident.

And, now for some other suggestions. I don't know how many of these you've already though of, but anyway:

In terms of the mutating enemies, it would be really great if you had the chance to stumble upon scenes that explain, or at least show, the transition process. A scene where you caught a glipmse of a Japanese girl growing a tail, or a girl next door growing her little 'extra' bit, for example. Obviously, since suspense and surprise are so important to the game, the scenes should leave the exact nature of the transformation in doubt, and you shouldn't necessarily encounter any more than two or three of them per game. You already seem to have the beginnings of that, with the scene where you steal some guy's backpack while he's getting attacked by the first mushmouth you're likely to meet. More of that, and with illustrations. Short slide shows would be a lot of work, but would really help.

Linked to that, having the chance to observe (and possibly prevent) Selena's infection might be interesting.

Also, after all the buildup of the game period, it would seem anticlimatic to be able to just get rescued. Maybe if, once the army shows up, they would refuse to evacuate you until they had also rescued some of the other survivors? And then they needed you as a guide to lead the rescue teams around the island? You could get a final quest where you got a few soldiers as companions, and had to lead them through the various environments (which should have gotten really dangerous by now) to rescue people and maybe complete a few science-y missions. Ideally, the gameplay should change a bit for this.

Just my $0.02
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Re: Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monstergirls!

Hi guys,
New build over at the dev blog (still can't post links here yet) and it's the first one with graphics in! Lemme know what you think.

Sasha - thanks for the feedback, some really helpfull stuff in there. :)
Re: Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monstergirls!

Always happy to help out.
Re: Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monstergirls!

Hi guys,
New build over at the dev blog (still can't post links here yet) and it's the first one with graphics in! Lemme know what you think.

Sasha - thanks for the feedback, some really helpfull stuff in there. :)

I don't know if the link restriction also applies to profiles and especially signatures. Might be worth a shot.
Re: Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monstergirls!

It works! Thank you. :)

Has anyone played the latest builds yet? I've removed the 40 day limit and was assuming it'd cause lots of weird screw ups, but I've had no bug reports about it at all so far.
Re: Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monstergirls!

It works! Thank you. :)

Has anyone played the latest builds yet? I've removed the 40 day limit and was assuming it'd cause lots of weird screw ups, but I've had no bug reports about it at all so far.

I have not played the new build and will probably wait until more content is added. I like the game but I feel like I've explored most of the things already in my first game through and that keeps me from replaying it from scratch.
Re: Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monstergirls!

Hi guys, just a heads up - new build is out with a few new graphics, a fix on how the graphics are shown, a few new enemies, and some other stuff. Download it from the dev blog, the links in my sig.

Lemme know what you think.
Re: Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monstergirls!

Has anyone else been able to get the swollen nerd to show up yet? I've banged the hell out the regular nerd girls pussy and still nothin
Re: Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monstergirls!

Hi guys, just a heads up - new build is out with a few new graphics, a fix on how the graphics are shown, a few new enemies, and some other stuff. Download it from the dev blog, the links in my sig.

Lemme know what you think.

I liked the update, new foes are nice, will be quite an challenge to get them drawn though ;)
The new combat screen is a bit confusing when there is no art, but as you will put them in there I see no issue in the future.
There are now probably too many places to scavenge for money, you get kinda rich if you scavenge the new area multiple times.
Anyways keep up the good work.
Re: Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monstergirls!

New build uploaded! The link is in my signature.

In the updated version, you can now explore the spooky house, it's a bit limited at the moment, but it's a start. So far you just wander through some random spooky rooms and halls and probably get attacked by a few Spooky Dolls.

Lemme know what you think.
Re: Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monstergirls!

Apologies for the double post, but there's a new build of MMM up at the blog, the links in my signature.

It's a big old update, introducing the Library, which is pretty damn huge. So far there's four librarians to meet, and I'll probably be adding more. Library also serves as a kind of "dungeon" for one of the quests for the pharmacist, so the first stage of that is now do-able. Lemme know what you think.
Re: Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monstergirls!

kickass game you got here. I don't know if you are taking anymore suggestions but i have an idea for a encounter which the character faces off against a gym teacher inside the school. some of her attacks could include bodyscissors, boxing jabs, yoga taunts, etc. This encounter could occur if you visit the school a certain number of times.

With that out of the way, I wish you and your team luck with this game. It looks great so far and I can't wait to play the final product.
Re: Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monstergirls!

i was thinking that there be a follow-up to the Branding scene where, if you accepted the branding, the girl straps you into a Cock-Milker for 1 repeatable scene, but if you struggled and won, you strap her into a Breast milker which gives you food every day, or something like that.
Re: Mutant Minx Meltdown - Rise of the Monstergirls!

New build up on the blog! Now has sewers, energy drinks, and bad ends. No more exploding heads!

Link is in my signature.

Unknown watcher - The school will hopefully be one of the areas that gets expanded on soon! Not sure your character would fit in there, but I've been meaning to put in a gym where the player can train/fight for a while, I think it'd fit in good there.

Startreknerd - The farm scenes will probably be expanded on, and the farmgirl will certainly get at least a "bad ending" scene soon!

We're having a bit of a donation drive at the moment to help cover the rent. If you've enjoyed the game and would like to support it and help it grow, now would be a great time to, and it'd be seriously appreciated. If you can't it's cool, and we hope you enjoy the game. Thanks.