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Would you donate? *Important*

Re: Would you donate? *Important*

Agreed. Not only would creating such a site cause a clusterfuck of copyright issues and eventual lawsuits (they seem to be happening more and more often these days), but I, for one, would like to see a website dedicated to H-RPG's where developers are respected.

So, here's a thought: what about creating a website dedicated to H-RPG's that is <i>not</i> made to rip off developers, but rather stands as a quality site to inform about different games with reviews, screenshots, walkthroughs, everything you mentioned <i>except</i> the ripping off developers part (posting of games)? Maybe a searchable function if someone is looking for games that includes a certain fetish and stuff like that.

I have bought RPG Maker games from DL Site rather blindly sometimes, and considering that many of them have a price tag of $20-$25 each, I would love to have a good, reliable site where people would post reviews, walkthroghs, screenshots, complete list of fetishes included, complete list of different CG's and/or animations, and so on. If such a site was created, then <i>that's</i> something I would consider donating to, probably even on a regular basis.

Raxon's idea is great. I'd be in support of that.
Re: Would you donate? *Important*

Mmmmm.. As long as the games are not hosted/uploaded to the server but instead only walkthroughs, some scrnshots and reviews, then I will support this.

Well, that's a different story, sure.
If you collect info, screenshots and walkthroughs and what-not and just give directions to the download instead of pirating it, that's a good idea.
Re: Would you donate? *Important*

starke, if you make a game you sell on dlsite, you can get paid for affiliate links, meaning you can earn more money by linking people from the site :)
(i think it's only 5% but every little helps)
Re: Would you donate? *Important*

Don't do it. You'll get the hate of each and every developer.

I make my games for free and I'd be pissed if someone uploaded my game to another server and "demands" donations for that service. If I wanted to make money with my games, this would be even worse.
Paying for piracy is not bad, it's "spit to the face"-level bad.

As a fellow 'free' developer I'd be pissed as well. I've already gotten into the habit of hunting down hentai spammers myself and trying to shut down their links.
Re: Would you donate? *Important*

Lol, the project is still at the idea stage, and we already have several developers with butthurt.

If it'll be site with links, well... = old hongfire for me.
Without = new hongfire.

So, If you'll make site with nice reviews/walkthroughs/screens/ + sharing,
but will consider opinions of those developers who are capable to appropriate communication \ or releasing their games for free, I would definitely support this idea.

I mean, the same policy as ulmf forum using.
Sharing, but loyal to some developers.
Something like redirecting Toffi/Eluku/Zeta/others/ links to their own sites.

Oh, and Vanja not included, because I clearly hate her. :D
And no loli blockage.
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Re: Would you donate? *Important*

No I won't donate.

If you are willing to do your own RPG Maker game, with english text and custom-made art, I'll be the first to see the drafts and decide whether to support you or not.

If you are willing to do a translation patch for an existing RPG Maker (or other platforms) game and you need to be supported, I will support you as long you provide results.
Better, if you are willing to create a community that gathers and support translators, I may be one of the donators.

Any other idea, included the one on the first post has no meaning whatsoever to me: if I want to play a game, as long as there are no stupid limitations (like DLSite's on prepaid cards and PayPal's on "adult material), I pay the developer.
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Re: Would you donate? *Important*

I would donate, it would be very helpful somewhere to have a place with the full game, maps, screenshots, walkthroughs, reviews, it is a fantastic idea =). But if do not support a place to people post their translation project about the game or do not post the full game I see this as pointless and an incomplete work, or you do something very complete with everything about the game or drop the idea, this is my opinion, thank you, sorry for my english. By the way a good site to host the files without someone troll reporting you will be the new megaupload according to owner's twitter it will be a very free place to host and it will come around january of next year, good luck
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Re: Would you donate? *Important*

raxxon's idea seems tempting.
but to pay for pirateware... these games aren't expansive unless you want to play hundreds of them. knowing more details about the game before having to pirate or to buy it would be helpful for everyone.
it might even encourage certain people to buy a game legally... and to skip those trash games which make you feel like being ripped off.
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Re: Would you donate? *Important*

Well he's asking for donations not a subscription fee for the site. So I take it everything would be totally free but there would be a need of donations to keep the server running.
Got 2$ left to live on for the rest of the month so even if I wanted to donate my economy would rarely have room for it.

Should treat artist's with some respect and actually try to help them make money but I have no moral qualms about piracy.

Might be a better idea to just generate enough traffic on the site to pay for server trough commercials as most donations are trough paypal or creditcard services which easily block you out and take your money if there are piracy complaints.
Having a guide with pictures from the game alone could even get you into trouble..

Whether you go deliver the actual games or not the idea is really nice so hope there will become something of it.
Re: Would you donate? *Important*

No I won't donate.

If you are willing to do your own RPG Maker game, with english text and custom-made art, I'll be the first to see the drafts and decide whether to support you or not.

If you are willing to do a translation patch for an existing RPG Maker (or other platforms) game and you need to be supported, I will support you as long you provide results.
Better, if you are willing to create a community that gathers and support translators, I may be one of the donators.

Any other idea, included the one on the first post has no meaning whatsoever to me: if I want to play a game, as long as there are no stupid limitations (like DLSite's on prepaid cards and PayPal's on "adult material), I pay the developer.

He summed my thoughts pretty well. :p
Re: Would you donate? *Important*

That website would NOT have forums, all the discussion would still be done here, but what that website WOULD have, is a team that finds HRMG, (and wolf) posts them as soon as they come out, upload them, creates file maps for them, takes screenshots, walkthroughs, reviews, everything and then some, and all the content would be available for "free".

So it'd be ULMF with better file hosting combined with GameFAQs?

I'm not sure whether I'm confused or simply not seeing the point.
Re: Would you donate? *Important*

The way you worded the intentions of the website sounds like you're going to be using that place as a hub for the game's information and download only, then use ULMF to discuss it. I'd rather this website not get associated directly with a website that will be known for handing out pirated versions of the game. If your site gets looked at, fingers will immediately start pointing here as well. It's an interesting idea, but way too dangerous for me to support it.

If you do go ahead and pursue your original intention of having it host files as well as walkthroughs and guides and whatnot, then I'm gonna have to treat it like the plague and and break any connections that would imply that we're supporting it.

If you intend on following the advice of the other members who spoke up here and make it only about walkthroughs and whatnot, I probably still won't donate, but that's because I'm poor. However, I would support it by advertising it around the forums as much as possible for you.
Re: Would you donate? *Important*

Long time lurker here.

I could potentially offer a VPS free of charge for the website, however i wouldn't want the games hosted openly on the server. That would be my donation to the project.

PM me if you want to talk about it.
Re: Would you donate? *Important*

This is a good and a bad idea at the same time. I'm not really going to say why since it would be pretty much the same thing as the others said (Not paying the developers but paying you instead,Copyright and stuff).

IMO though along with the fact that The website would host walkthroughs, pictures, reviews along with introducing new games (without sharing). What about having these free games some of the members are making be hosted on this new site? Obviously with their permission of course. That way if many people visit it, then those games would get more exposure.

What do you think about that?
Re: Would you donate? *Important*

Interesting idea, I would donate, but there are a few concerns I have to point out that server host managers are experiencing that other people are not. Read up on recent raids by the MAFIAA trolls.

Suggestion: If you do start hosting, you will likely need to host the server in a country that is unfriendly with the US and Japan; otherwise, copyright trolls will annoy the hell out of you.

you are damn right dude. i wanna be the producer of this project. and its not a joke. i will buy server and manage it. and give you all things that you want. a hentai games paradise. i have already a server for my websites. and i m a hentai rpg game lover. but who will buy those games and upload them in your server? :confused:
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Re: Would you donate? *Important*

Hold on. You are talking about starting a website for the sole purpose of piracy, and the rest of you are going to be funding it. Do you have any idea how much deep shit all of you will be in if someone decides to prosecute you? Neither hongfire and ulmf was started for file sharing purposes, but what you have in mind is purely for that purpose. If you are somehow arrested and brought to court there's no way that you will walk out of it free. You are starting a web platform that has the singular purpose of copyright infringement. The rest of you who donate will be arrested as co-conspirator as well even if you don't take part in setting up the website.

Call me a coward if you want, but you are taking it one step too far. Is this really worth the risk?
Re: Would you donate? *Important*

Don't do it You Guys.......

I think even walktrhought and discussion can be done here
There are several kind member who will help You if You stuck in Game

We already have hen**daily for the share~
Re: Would you donate? *Important*

I find it strange that some people don't mind putting MF links here, but are against the idea of putting MF links somewhere else.
Is it because of the donations?

I am not interested in the file-sharing aspect, because it would just end up being another place for piracy blogs to hunt, but I think something more organized than a single RM thread would be more useful.
Re: Would you donate? *Important*

I think the main issue people have is spending money in anyway (donation or subscription) to pirate a game.
Re: Would you donate? *Important*

There is a lot of good ideas here, but the piracy aspect is going to make it nearly impossible.

The idea of a website dedicated to Hentai RPGs is good. One that finds the ones scattered across the internet and gives the player a single spot to look for them could work. Especially if it had unique content. Not as in games, but reviews, walkthroughs, pictures and even unique discussion forums about each one would be a site that I would visit quite often. Probably even could generate enough traffic to pay for itself if not even generate a bit of profit.

It would also be a nice site for the developers. Currently I maintain a blog, wiki, 3 feedback threads that I actively participate in and 3 more that I watch. Having a setup where it could host my blog and the wiki, as well as third party reviews and feedback would be something I would be glad to support (through content, not cash).

But if it turns into one of the thousand hentai spammer blogs/forums out there it would be something that I would fight, not support.