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Fresh Meat (Feris)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Marentina: HP = 100, PP = 52, EP = 34, Status = Fine

"We've got invaders. Looks like a full on raiding party... Thirty of the ones with tentacles controlled by ten or so gemini. Cultists. They've got one of the big ones with 'em too, haven't seen those since the invasion hit! Arn's spotted a dozen of the lizards roaming about too, probably scouting out Deresvale. Looks like old ironhead and our employer were right, the greys are coming in force after all" Allan said quietly but evenly as he peaked over the ridge with his binoculars. Their second in command glanced back at Mint and the other men with them, about a quarter of their company's total strength at ten men, and then he looked over at Arn, their best scout and the only other one with binoculars. "Twelve hunters in three groups, each four strong. Two flankers about a hundred and fifty feet out into the woods, the last one spread out and coming up the middle to scout for the main group. They'll be coming up along the road in a couple of minutes tops, and if we don't slow 'em down somehow they'll be able to spot our main force before they can set up properly" the scout offered as he lowered his own set.

Allan, a veteran guard for a noble house that had fallen in the alien invasion, had been promoted quickly through the ranks to the point that he had become their company's lieutenant, second only to their captain, Albrect "Ironhead" Verathion. Marentina, among the other seven soldiers left to listen to the other two men talk, found Allan gazing at her thoughtfully for a moment. The man was a regular visitor to her tent, though it was something that he always approached with good humor, and he had never offered her any favor one way or another beyond what any of her other comrades might have granted. Arn, on the other hand, had never made any attempt to "Climb the Giantess" even though he'd been with the group for longer than even she had. He was generally aloof and ill tempered, though he never bickered much with anyone in particular and had never shown anything but loyalty to the company as a whole, and rumor had it that he owed their captain some great debt that had permanently indentured him to the older man.

Regardless of such things, they had a job to do, and Allan quickly stepped down from the embankment that formed the levy protecting Deresvale from its river's regular floods and grinned at his associates. "Well folks, looks like we've got ourselves a fight! The bridge into Deresvale just happens to be right over there. Seems like a good enough place to keep the greys where we can see 'em, especially since they aren't going to sneaking past us when it's cresting its banks like this!" their lieutenant said exuberantly as he gestured first to the bridge that was only about thirty feet to their right, and then to the river that was roiling over its banks angrily, a death trap to any who fell into it. "How about we get into position and give 'em a moonlight show eh? Mint, you're our center. Now get moving!"

With that her and her fellow mercenaries were off, moving onto the bridge and forming their characteristic shield wall, an ancient tactic that had all but vanished with the advent of gunpowder weapons. They left a few feet open on either side so that none of them would be at the edge of the bridge when the fighting started, as there was no railing to keep a man from falling into the deadly water, a fate that spelled almost certain death. The water was swift, the bottom was rocky, and in mid autumn they were all able to see their breath, so the chance of survival for those that ended up in the water was minimal at best. Arn stood on the right edge of their formation, while Allan was to her immediate left, each of them with a spear held up and pointed out towards the woods on the opposite bank. The village of Deresvale and the rest of their company was unawares less than a half mile behind them, as they'd only just arrived the night before on contract to protect the place on orders from the noble that owned the land.

Such details weren't exactly pertinent now, of course, as the full moon's light beamed down upon them and the river roiled beneath their feet. The leaves on the opposite side of the bank rustled, but whether it was a creature moving or the biting wind was impossible for them to tell. "Steady...." Allan whispered beside her, and Mint noticed that the sounds of the wild-life had died down significantly over the last few moments.
Re: Fresh Meat (Feris)

Her eyes were surprisingly focused on the task gripping her spear with a calm intensity she couldn’t recall when the first time she held a weapon to kill a man. It was all so natural now surviving and killing then blowing your cash on the next best thing that caught your eye. This day wouldn’t be any different she’d kill with her spear or shield at the side of men who some were like her old friends Maren and Tina or really had survived long enough to be recognized by her. She didn’t hesitate when called to the center she always was the center since she towered over all the men. Though for once she was glad of it as it seemed one trip would send to plummeting to the rapids below. There we stood calmly staring out to the deep unknown I wasn’t to caring how big or strong what enemy would come. I could kill anything unless it was a ghost though those are scary they don’t frighten me just it'd be annoying to fight one. Though I just wish whatever was coming would hurry these shields never get any lighter no matter how long I hold it.

She readied herself for the onslaught to come whether humanoid or others she would not flee from the bastards. Well unless her superior ordered her too then she’d along with probably good percentage of her ‘friends’ would take off like the wind.

(Prepare for an Attack)
Re: Fresh Meat (Feris)

Marentina: HP = 100, PP = 52, EP = 34, Status = Fine, Double Grappled, 19/29 Resistance

DG combat 101: You can choose to fight defensively, trading points of attack bonus to gain additional Dodge, Perception, or Resistance, whichever you think you need in order to better defend yourself against whatever enemy you're fighting. You can only do this when you're making an attack. You may also give up your turn in order to increase all three stats by 30 for the turn, but then you can't do anything but move a little bit.

Also, I edited your character sheet a little bit around your weapons, so that I didn't have to calculate stuff on the fly, and I also corrected your weapon damage for the javelin.

Mint stabs a grabber.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 2 + 4 + 5 + 1 + 25 = 37 damage.

Soldiers stab at things with 10 points of defensive fighting.
Attack: 8/9 hit something slimy.
Damage: 2 + 3 + 2 + 5 + 13 = 25 damage per poke.

The spear wall brings down a total of 5 grabbers, leaving 25.

Tentacle spawn counterattack!
Attacks: Mint is hit by two tentacle spawn, the rest of the force avoids being grabbed.
Aphrodisiacs: 2 + 3 = 5 * 2 = 10 Resistance damage on Mint.

Marentina and her comrades didn't have to wait long for their enemies. They didn't see them at first of course, one rarely saw the hunters when they were coming, particularly at night, but there was only one way for them to come from. "They're here. On the left, thirty paces," Arn grunted, and after peering in that direction for a moment Allan nodded, "I see 'em. Get ready boys and girls!" If she peered in that direction herself, Marentina would see the foliage moving slightly, parting in a line towards the bridge. She could two distinct shapes, maybe three, but it was difficult to tell. Once they broke from the foliage the creatures were impossible to spot, their magical skins allowing them to blend in perfectly with their surroundings, but the shifting of weight on the bridge and the clacking of claws signaled their presence.

They had already formed their shield wall, spears and shields raised and presenting a solid wall of metal and wood, all but impenetrable. The hunters paused as tension ran through the wall of soldiers around her, and a moment later the clacking went in the other direction. A few more moments later, there was a splash on their left, and then some low chatter coming from that direction as some splashing and gurgling floated off down the river. Another two minutes later, a chorus of howling screams sounded from both their left and their right, and then the sound of movement from down the road signaled the approach of a great many somethings. "Here they come...." their lieutenant said quietly, and a moment later the first of the greys came into view.

The tentacle spawn, often called grabbers amidst the men, were the alien's most common troops, not much of a threat in anything but swarms unless they got a hold of you. About four feet tall, their soft spherical bodies were featureless save for the quartet of spindly legs that they walked on and the dozen tentacles that waved around them, constantly leaking an incredibly potent aphrodisiac slime. The swarm closed on them, thirty strong, and the warriors (including Marentina) jabbed their spears into the creatures, their lack of a second line meaning that they had to pick their targets rather than let the creatures simply impale themselves. Mint felt her spear jab into one of the squishy tentacle balls just as one of her comrades stabbed the same one, the standard policy to ensure that the creatures went down, and after the first wave of five or so monsters were cut down, Marentina and her allies hunched behind their shields.

Soft grey flesh crashed against their shields, pushing them back a pace but not disrupting their line while tentacles waved over their shields, trying to get through or past in order to reach the soft bodies waiting behind. Marentina felt tendrils wrap suddenly around her legs, almost pulling her from her feet, but the sturdy woman managed to just barely keep her balance. Unfortunately, she was rooted in place by the slimy limbs around her legs, who's poisons she could already feel seeping into her skin, and her allies were being pushed back. If she didn't do something quickly, she'd be pulled out of line, and the break would not only spell disaster for her, but for her company as well. Her head was beginning to grow light as arousal flushed through her body, but her discipline was still easily a match for it.
Re: Fresh Meat (Feris)

The moment of truth came sooner than many wished except for Mint. She always liked when the job started as it gave a certain excitement not for glory, riches, or blood lust. Just a feeling of do I feel lucky today!? Then bam the enemy crashed upon our shields instinctively my spear burst out in front of my shield stabbing into something squishy yet thick...Kinda like an oversized-ack! Were her last thoughts as two tentacles almost pulled her out from under her feet. She was just jerked forward slightly but she knew that if she even tried to slide forward she'd go down hard! All sorts of funny feelings started to stir inside her like those times some men who were quite more talented with their hands snuck into her tent and aroused her without waking her so that she'd be so hot their was no mind of hurting the sod. Though it'd more than just two tentacles leaking their strange ooze to make me crazed for sex, as the excitement of battle was all but on my mind! I lifted my shield over the two tentacles that bound my legs and then came down upon them with a thunderous crash! Not wanting to ignore whomever was in front of me I also put my spear hand to good use and attack whomever was in front of me. Hopefully the one who had bond me was also the one infront though that seemed to feel too lucky.

(Use shield to attack tentacles that bond her feet and spear to pierce enemy infront.)

*Sorry for the late reply couldn't get a moment to myself this week*
Re: Fresh Meat (Feris)

Marentina: HP = 92/100, PP = 50/52, EP = 34, Status = Fine, 13/29 Resistance

Mint tries to attack the grabbers holding her, one with a shield and the other with her spear.
Grapple: Her spear jab succeeds, but one manages to gets its tentacles into her clothes and rub against her.
Attack: Miss.
Pleasure: 4 + 3 + 10 - 10 - 5 = 2 PP damage.
Resist Pleasure Damage: 6 + 2 = 8 damage.
Aphrodisiacs: 1 + 2 = 3 * 2 = 6 Resistance damage.

Soldiers stab at things with 10 points of defensive fighting, also using their shields to bash things.
Spear Attacks: 8/9 hit something... again.
Shield Attacks: All hit.
Damage (Spears) : 4 + 4 + 3 + 5 + 13 = 29 damage per stab.
Damage (Shields) : 2 + 4 + 3 + 12 = 21 damage per shield bash.

The spear wall brings down a total of 9 grabbers, leaving 16.

Tentacle spawn counterattack!
Attacks: All miss.

The tentacles wrapped around her legs proved extremely disruptive to Marentina's movements, and not only because of the aphrodisiacs running through her system due to their slimy coating. The edge of her tower shield pressed down against the tentacles binding her, but they surged upwards and kept her from being able to put any real pressure against them. Her spear jabbed forth but hit nothing but air, and she rapidly felt herself being pulled away from her allies. Several tentacles slipped underneath her clothes, including one that reached between her legs and began to rub at her sex through the thin barrier of her increasingly damp panties. Her growing arousal was becoming increasingly difficult to ignore, but before she could be pulled from the line completely Allen called; "Push them back! Don't break the line!"

Her allies pushed forward, jabbing with their spears and then taking a step forward to smash their shields into the greys that they had impaled. Both of the ones that were holding onto her were among those killed. The aliens that they killed briefly formed a wall, allowing them to regroup, and giving Marentina a moment to pull the constricting tentacles away and reorient herself to face the still oncoming enemies.
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Re: Fresh Meat (Feris)

They were crawling all over me! Though they hadn’t reached my face yet this thing had no intention of stopping. Suddenly I felt sorta out of it kinda sleepy yet not like the time when the boys ask too heyyyy…I look down at my would be captor. “Hey you’re not supposed to do that here that’s for after battle not during.” I complain to the beast if it understood about that thing it had to understand talking…Right? I try to shove the tentacles away from me with the butt of my spear but there tight as one of Tom’s knots! Before I could try and slice them away I felt myself being hastily tugged forward and away from my comrades.

“Woah Woah Woah!” I yell in protest almost losing my balance at the force as drop my spear then lean over to get a good hold on a loose brick on the bridge it stops me from being pulled more forward. Though it was only a matter of time before the brick completely comes out. As if to maybe remind me of its intentions I felt a slow rubbing on my lower parts until it began rubbing one area. That one place that the guys always liked to touch not that I minded it but this was battlefield not a brothel!

“Stop That I told you this isn’t the time…For…that…” I try to protest but something was clouding my mind making me feel a whole lot weaker in the thinking department. I was starting to think of all the good looking guys in our group and not in way I normally do but in that sorta naughty way all the whores gossip about them. How smooth and silky their fingers are on their breasts how they whisper things beautiful and ugly they’re going to do to you and above all how their mountain will bring the giantess to her knee’s…Ack! The beast tugs on me as I try to pull free with whatever free will is left to me and get back to my position along my comrades. Until I see dark figures approaching me they were my allies moving up the line so I wouldn’t be left behind. My shield brothers that were formally to each of my sides cut loose the tentacles that almost pulled me to the beasts beyond. Although my mind was still sanctioned with lust I wasn’t still had a fight on my hands and I probably wasn’t the only one that was turned on from that strange juice. Ugh tonight’s probably going to be veryyy messy at camp if we win this. I grapple my spear once more as I join my shield to my shield brothers jabbing out my spear if an enemy should come across us or just keep attacking as we advanced.

*Attack with Spear *Pierce*.)
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Re: Fresh Meat (Feris)

Marentina: HP = 62/100, PP = 50/52, EP = 34, Status = Injured, 13/29 Resistance

Note: it doesn't cost you anything to use Shield Bash with your spear attack. Also, Defensive Fighting, as I mentioned before, is extremely helpful in raising Marentina's defensive ability, as she is reliant on her Dodge stat for defense since she's a shield fighter.
Mint tries to attack the grabbers holding her, one with a shield and the other with her spear.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 3 + 1 + 5 + 5 + 25 = 39 damage.

Soldiers stab at things with 10 points of defensive fighting, also using their shields to bash things.
Spear Attacks: 6/9 hit something... again.
Shield Attacks: All hit.
Damage (Spears) : 5 + 2 + 4 + 5 + 13 = 29 damage per stab.
Damage (Shields) : 1 + 6 + 3 + 12 = 22 damage per shield bash.

The spear wall brings down a total of 9 grabbers, leaving 7.

Tentacle spawn counterattack!
Attacks: All miss.

The hunters get in there and engage with claws!
Attack: 2/4 hit, one on Arn and another on Mint.
Damage: 9 + 12 + 23 = 44 damage, 28 on Arn and 30 on Marentina.

Marentina's spear once more bit into the squishy body of one of the tentacled creatures, and the next stepped advance of her squad tore apart much of the remaining enemy force. Spears and shields pushed forth, smashing one of the tentacled creatures in between two of them and causing a small eruption of grey gore as it popped like an overlarge zit. Unfortunately, that made room for their more dangerous foes, the reptilian hunters, who slipped into view all but unnoticed while many of them were busy extracting their spears from the squishy tentacle beasts.

Even so, much of her group managed to get their shields up in time to avoid the attacks from the four lizardmen, but Marentina and Arn were both two slow. Mint took the thing's claws on her shoulders, having kept her shield too low, and Arn got it in the side while he was shunting aside the tentacle monster that she had speared mere moments before. Pain shot up her spine, partially banishing her lust even though the aphrodisiacs in the alien's slime was still burning through her system, and Arn grunted in pain and stumbled out of line.

"Oi, stop screwin around you two! Get back into line!" Allen shouted at them. "Arn, step up and pay attention! Mint, get that shield up and put it to bloody use! Those lizards will look a lot nicer with their faces made just a little bit flatter, yeah?"