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Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

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Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

Talok paused a moment.

"At the moment, liars or not, we're not in any position to pursue them. Primary objective ..."

He trailed off as he poked his head into the room Vanessa had come out of, and let loose a surprised hiss.

"Both seem to have been achieved. Vanessa is mostly safe, we'll have to be sure there's no lingering problems from her captivity, and it appears that she took care of our other objectives. She killed Nirrti somehow."

He indicated the body of the dead Gou'ald, then shrugged.

"I think it would be best to get her out of here. I'll travel out with you myself given that the other survivors probably have enough to digest with there being good Jaffa, and not having to deal with a being that looks nothing like them."

((Not much for me to post for Marik at this point, so we can go a few posts to move certain things along then call it a mission completed on his end and reunite everyone. And squid, I can't resist tossing this in here, it leads into something, believe me, but this is more an appetizer than an actual start to yet another story line with what I am about to do to poor Sinnve.))

Lord only knew how much time had passed, and yet nothing seemed to be forthcoming around the area Sinnve was still watching. Patrols of Camulus's Jaffa had moved about, clearing any stragglers of Nirrti's legion out, while the unknown invaders worked around them and pushed into the facility. Suddenly however, her sensors went off with an alarm, as an unknown energy reading literally popped up on her screens, only a few hundred yards from her position, back over the hill and tree line the team had come in from. Whatever it was, it was a strong reading, and it was causing some interference with some of her scanning equipment. Namely, it was giving off a strange noise that it couldn't possibly be making.
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

((That's fine. If things are simple on Mariks end, then nothing really needs to be written for it.))

The unexpected ping on her senses wakes Sinnve and her Golem up swiftly. A flush of power flowing through the machine, it suddenly rises and spins round from it's motionless stance without warning. Slightly startling a passing Jaffa, but by no means close enough to collide with him. <"I just picked up a new unrecognised energy signature, moving to investigate."> Sinnve announces. With a mental acknowledgement from Ayla, and no counter instruction, Sinnve proceeds as stated.

The vaguely wing like extensions on the back of the Golem hum into life, as a blue glow flows along the seemingly engraved lines on the surface of the construct. The units feet rise up off the ground by only a few inches for a second as it double checks the gravity, and then the entire Golem launches skyward towards the disturbance in a kind of leaping arc. The launch creating no blast from thrusters, but briefly disturbing the ground in a deep low thumping noise as a flash of pressure or increased gravity knocks out a dust ring from where it stood.

Sailing the short distance to the signiture through the air, Sinnve aims her jump to bring herself just high enough to gain line of sight over and down the hill, and then slows to a stop to hover there in the air. The rear flight units and glowing blue conduit lines humming in the air. Scanning for whatever the strange reading might be, she keeps her defence field at full strength, but diverts all but minimal power away from the weapons to allow the flight system optimal energy to make sudden evasive action, should the disturbance turn out to be anything potentially threatening.
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

Once Sinnve got high enough, she saw what had to be the source of the power reading, something tough to explain.

It appeared to be a shimmering gold light at first, but as she watched it she could see what almost looked like glass floating in the golden energy. The glass though was fragmented, as if it had been shattered and caught in some kind of swirling vortex, yet it acted fluid, like this were just another piece of it's entirety. Beyond that, she'd have to get closer to figure out what it was, but it almost looked like a portal of some kind.
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

<"Ayla, do you see this? My senses are all acting crazy and I don't know whether to believe them or not.">

<"Yes I see it Sinnve. The readings I'm getting up here aren't making any more sense either.">

<"What is it? It's like some kind of vortex or something.">

<"I don't know Sinnve, but don't risk interacting with it for now. Keep your distance.">
Ayla instructs her younger sister. "Allied fleet and ground team. Be advised, an unknown vortex like anomaly has been detected on the outskirts of the complex. It currently defies scanning attempts. Will keep you updated on anything learnt." She broadcasts over conventional friendly com channels.

<"Affirmative Sis."> Sinnve replies, allowing her golem to float down to land on the forest floor atop the hill, looking out towards the anomaly, but maintaining her current distance.
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

About the time the golem touched down, she heard a deafening roar. At first, she couldn't be sure what it was, but then suddenly from where she was, she saw something huge come out of the anomaly. It was enormous, bigger than her golem and had to weigh several tons at least. She wasn't quite sure just what the hell it was until it took a step forward and it dawned on her this was a living being.

The massive creature stepped forward, shaking it's huge head from side to side, as if clearing it. Then, something caught it's eyes, and it turned to one side, looking down the hill. Sinnve didn't have to look to know what it had spotted. People.

Rearing up to it's full height, it's head drew back and then it let out the same thundering roar she'd heard a moment ago, showing it's massive, sharp teeth. Then, it began to move, building up to a run as it began a charge towards what it probably viewed as it's next meal. As it moved, she could see it in full as it passed by her, unaware she was there, or ignoring her. Short two 'fingered' hands with claws, massive legs and a long balancing tail. Clearly a meat eating creature, and one probably driven by instinct alone, Sinnve now had her answer as to what the strange anomaly was. It was in fact a gateway of some kind, and that creature lived on the other side of it, and seemed to be very hungry.

((Should she or anyone she can connect to know of them, what Sinnve has encountered is a T-Rex. Like I said, this event will play a role later on, but for now you'll be guessing where this leads :p))
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

"What in Eth..." Sinnve begins just muttering to herself inside the cockpit, as the thundering sound was heard and glimpsing the source through the trees. "Hey something else... something just appeared, or came out from the anomaly. It's um..."

"Yes I heard it from down here. What's going up there Sinn..." Ellisia replies, trailing off as she see's something absurd over the mental link, suddenly pulling a face of shocked bewilderment. "What the hell? Just what?" Ellisia continued, actually hesitating for once. Not out of any fear or apparent concern, but rather plain surprise at the unexpected guest. Most of the rest of the group might well wonder what it is she's apparently seeing.

"Don't ask me what! I don't know! It's a big lizard, animal, thing. With huge awesome teeth!"

"Uh yes, well don't let it near the facility, I think it's going after the people outside. We'll be outside ourselves shortly"

"Loud and clear Elly. Blocking lizard thing!"
Sinnve acknowledges over comms as she kicks her golem into action once more. The feet glowing with a blue light as it lifts up again, the earth here too soft for the heavy unit to run or walk at proper speed. Hovering at just less than a foot off the ground the unit snaps forward with a pulse from it's winglets, air skating along the ground on an path to intercept the strange creature. Dodging a few trees, and simply ploughing through the rest Sinnve skids to a halt a short way infront of the charging dinosaurs path, arms spread. Just enough distance for the creature to stop, should it choose to. Trying to think of the best way to dissuade the raging lizard for the moment, she considers light shows and brute force, but settles on a novel option unless it comes closer. Pulling her units audio logs up, she quickly pokes about to re-play a clip from just a minute ago, and amplifies it a bit. The repeated sound of the T-Rexes own roar sounding out in it's face, issuing forth from the golem at a similar volume.

Sinnve follows up to yell at it out loud herself, "GO HOME!"

Back inside, Ellisia still looking confounded would spare a glance toward Ian. "You're going to find it hard to believe what's out there."
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

There's a bit of a concerned look from him, given that he knows Ellisia doesn't spook often, even if she's not properly spooked. She's bewildered and that's enough for him. Given that it's also enough to give the group pause, she gets an eyebrow as she speaks to him.

"I dunno. Try me," he replies.
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

"T-Rex." Ellisia says flatly. "And not just a T-Rex like creature. Best I can tell, it's an actual T-Rex. Excuse my flaky Earth history, but they are supposed to be very much extinct right? In any case, we're still clear to continue outside. Sinnve is handling it for now."
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

"There's a T-Rex out there?" Sounds like he doesn't quite believe her, but given the strange things that they've seen, he's not out-and-out dismissing it. Shaking his head, he tips his chin in the direction of the exit. "Y'know what, as long as it's bein' taken care of, that's good enough fer me. Let's get back t' the ships. We've got wounded."

Maybe if things were a little calmer or the situation were different, he'd be a little more intrigued by the prospect or excited by it, but his priorities are elsewhere at the moment and if he's told it's being handled, that's good enough to get him to go.
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

The T-Rex threw on the brakes, stopping and looking at her golem for just a moment, seeming puzzled that something like that could make the same noise. It circled her, low growls coming from it, as it sized up it's newest threat. Sinnve got the impression it thought she was another animal, and that it wasn't quite sure what to make of her. Still, it wasn't backing down, which meant it probably didn't see her as a true threat, just a curiosity.

Then, with another roar, it charged her.

Talok paused slightly, then nodded.

"They are extinct, and we would have picked up any traces of something like that on our surface scans before landing. Which begs the question, where the hell did it come from?"

Like Ian though, he seemed content to reach the surface and get out of there with Vanessa. Besides, they were only a few hundred meters from the surface.
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

"Well the fleet has been informed of the spontaneous anomaly it seemed to originate from, but how it occurred, I couldn't possibly say. And yes, lets." She says in response to Ian's mention of getting back to their ships. "I think we all know better than to loiter around unexplained warps in space."

Meanwhile, a certain tyrant king of the lizards apparently wasn't in the mood to let a strange looking white creature get in it's way or boss it around. "Alright then. If you won't play nice..." Sinnve mutters to herself with a smirk. As the beast charges, she slides back in advance, and forces it to meet with her at a slower speed before stopping. One look at the creature revealed it's primary weapons with ease, and as expected once the charge had lost it's weight, the giant jaws came at her with an attempt to bite down or rend. And that was when the T-Rex found that it's white coloured opponents arm was not so easy to chew on. Sinnve had deliberately baited and angled her golems right arm so that the entirety of the forearm went into the lizard's mouth length ways. In through the front and reaching to the back near it's throat. Whilst for a second the dinosaur might have believed it had landed a perfect limb chomping bite, it would suddenly discover how it couldn't close it's jaws. Sinnve had flexed at her elbow just enough to jam the creatures mouth open and prevent it biting down. Incidentally one of her two primary aser weapons mounted on the forearms, was now pointing right at where she estimated it's brain to be. Sinnve sighs, "Silly lizard. You don't even know you've lost do you?" commenting to herself.

<"Don't Sinnve. There's no need.">
A voice hastily speaks into her mind.

<"Huh? Relax sis, I'm not going to kill it."> Sinnve replies feeling a little accused, as she swiftly continues before it can begin to thrash or struggle, and brings her other arm round to wrap over it's neck, pulling it's head down into a more manageable level, and gripping the rear underside of it's jaw. Locking the side of it's sizable head flat against her golems chest. Meanwhile she fires her graviton flight system, in reverse, forcing and sinking her legs a good five feet into the earth and rooting the heavy unit very solidly. So whilst the rest of the mighty lizard was free to thrash ruin it's surroundings, it's head was firmly locked stationary and going nowhere. "Sorry sir or miss, but Ophlankia is made of very different stuff to you and me. If it's any consolation, I'm sure the fight would go very differently if things were fair and we were both naked." She says, speaking out loud via the golem, not bothered by the fact that the wild animal wouldn't understand a word of it.

Sinnve did hope that it wouldn't hurt itself trying to break free, but they would be leaving shortly anyway, so she hopefully wouldn't have to hold and enrage it like this for too long.
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

Talok shot a look at Elissia.

"Wait, an anomaly? That actually makes sense. If it came through that, then this anomaly could lead to a different place, hell, it could be another time. If at all possible, we ought to send it back where it came from. You may want to relay that. Ah, here we are, prepare to transport."

The T-Rex was more than pissed, it was clawing and moving with everything it had, but going nowhere. Before too long a time had passed, it had seemed to exhaust itself, practically being held up by the golem itself. Still, deep rumblings from it told her it was still alive. This close with it still, Sinnve could now see several areas on it's neck that seemed to have been injured, and partially healed. It had been in a heck of a fight not too long ago, and clearly had won given it was still alive, but it also explained why it tired so quickly.

A warning on her consoles told her that something was happening with the anomaly she had seen. Energy readings seemed to be dropping from it, and she could only guess that meant whatever forces were keeping it open were slowly fading. If it continued like this, the anomaly would most likely fade and close completely.
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

((Sorry for the slight delay. Back from Christmas bustle. Hope everyone had a good one. And Ayla did already mention the anomaly to everyone during post #44 actually, but no matter.))

"You want me to do what now? How am I supposed to send it back?" Sinnve replies to some quick conference between Ellisia and Ayla.

"Do it if you can Sinnve, that's all we're asking. Don't take any risks with the anomaly if it won't co-operate, but do what you can." Ellisia instructs. Now standing outside with the rest ready to transport. They would probably all finally get a view of the impossible creature that had visited.

Sinnve sighs, "Alright, I guess I'll try and walk our friend home then." She says, beginning to unroot her golems feet. The best she could think of, was to simply try and guide it back to the anomaly, trying to shepherd it away from her and in the direction desired. And so she carefully lets go of it, and positions herself between it and the facility again. Should the great reptile stray from the intended course, she would slide round to one side to hopefully steer it back on track. If that didn't work, a few bright and flashy aser blasts aimed into the scenery around it would hopefully help to persuade it of the direction it wanted to go in. After reaching a certain distance to the anomaly however, it would be all she could do to hope it continued in the right direction, or that the anomaly was even capable of sending things back the other way.

Meanwhile Marik would also arrive on the surface with the prisoners and the rest of the rescue detachment, and all prepare for transport. "We're all set and ready on this end fleet. The recovered prisoners can either be routed to the Al-Sora for medical stasis, or any other suitable fleet medical bays." Ellisia broadcasts, before looking to Ian to add, "If Vanessa is to be returning via the Al-Sora, you are of course welcome aboard aside her Ian."
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

"T-rex herdin'. Now Ah've seen everythin'." Ian simply shakes his head. Given the mention of the anomaly, it makes a bit more sense, but given they have more important matters at hand, it will have to wait.

"Thanks. And yeah, Ah go where she goes." He gives Ellisia a bit of a smile.
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

((I totally missed that it was on ALL channels and read it as only fleet wide, not to the ground party. Doh!))

Talok thought for a moment before replying.

"That works perfectly, we'll all be meeting back at Peltas anyway. You have enough facility to take on all thirteen or do you need some to transport up to my ship?"

Meanwhile the prisoners who had been freed warily watched the gigantic T-Rex, seemingly unsure of what to make of it.

After letting go of the creature, at first it didn't move, seeming as if it were 'taking a nap'. Just as Sinnve was getting to the point of thinking she might need to do something though, she heard a wailing sound coming from the general direction of the anomaly. Said wailing drew a swift reaction from the T-Rex, which stood, gazing off. Whatever it saw that Sinnve couldn't was enough to provoke a deep growl from it, a sign that couldn't be good.

The beast righted itself, seeming to collect it's strength before letting loose an enraged roar that was definitely not the same type Sinnve had heard before. It took off at a frightening charge, smashing aside anything, including small trees that got in it's path. However, it veered a few feet away from the anomaly and took several more steps away before abruptly stopping over something. When Sinnve caught up, preparing to 'coax' her large friend, she saw the reason it had stopped.

On the ground, with an injured leg, was what she could only guess to be a 'infant' T-Rex. It seemed to have crawled it's way to this point, and was definitely the source of the wailing she had heard. The larger T-Rex was in the process of checking up on said infant, and it's aggressive stance had abated some. Sinnve got the distinct impression she was looking at the larger T-Rex's child, which meant it would not abandon it even if she started firing, and would almost certainly go berserk if something else were to try and harm it.

The larger T-Rex was silent, studying the infant for a long moment. Then, slowly, and gently, it reached down and lifted it into it's mouth. Standing fully, it scanned the area, eyes focusing on something she couldn't see in the direction of the anomaly. Then slowly, it carefully walked back to the anomaly, doing it's best not to injure the young one any further. After a few agonizingly long moments, both of them vanished through the now flickering and fading anomaly. No more than fifteen seconds later, the anomaly faded from existence, winking shut, and once more causing her sensors to go haywire, insisting now they had just been through an earthquake before returning back to normal. Visually, it was easy to tell. The anomaly was gone, but in it's place was left a burning question.

What the hell had the power, naturally or not, to, by all indications, rip a portal in space and time open like that?
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

((I realised/decided that the tiny tiny crew of six the Al-Sora was said to have, is just a little bit short staffed still, despite the amount of automation. So I'll just be adding a few miscellaneous crew members, such as a nurse/medical officer, and an assistant or two for Vern. No more than 10 new guys at most, so still a tiny tiny crew in the grand scheme of things, with no significant abilities, powers or skills to note of. I may or may not choose to name/list them all for fun.))

"It will be fine, we have space for all of them. Ayla will begin the transporter sequence now then. Please arrange for Sinnve to be transported back to us via your own transporter systems as so when we deployed."
Ellisia replies. "Gather together please." She calmly instructs, guiding the rescued prisoners, along with Ian, to stand or rest alongside each other, as the trio of knights stood evenly spread amongst them. "I shall see you again shortly at Peltas then, Talok. Farewell."

And then it begun. A simple but somewhat different process for anyone more accustomed to other transporter beam technology. They would each feel it, like an incoming presence or tiny light that beckoned in their mind, with the almost subconscious compulsion that they were supposed to grab onto or follow it. Despite the significant oddity, it somehow felt natural, and non invasive. There was no physical sensation or tingling, but simply this entirely internal feeling. This would all occur in an instant, and the moment each had "accepted" the invitation, they would all be enveloped in a sudden flash of white light, and be gone from the surface of Mirton Six without a trace.

A brief sensation of weightlessness would follow, acompanied by a empty black space that felt like sleeping, and then they would all emerge together aboard the Al-Sora. A clean white room with smooth surfaces and curving joins between the floor, ceiling and corners of the room. A spread of integrated beds filled most of the room. White light seemed to glow from otherwise plain spots of the ceiling, and a gentle blue glowed from some kind of main terminal at the far side of the room, as well as small floating displays at the end of each bed. It was hard to tell what the floor and general construction of the room might be made of, but it didn't seem metallic, and felt as solid as the surface of any planet, without any of the clang or echo that might be found walking aboard the layered decking of some other ships.

"Welcome to the Al-Sora." Ellisia says stepping aside from the group and turning to address everyone. "We have been entrusted with ferrying you all back to the Peltas Station for now, where you can recover and be seen to properly, as well as make any arrangements you require." She explains. "These beds are yours, and this lady here is Mirelle, who will be responsible for seeing to your well being." She says indicating a humble looking woman standing a short way to the side, with medium length lightly curling cream coloured hair, and simple white light weight looking attire. Mirelle makes a small bow and smiles, already moving to assist one of the less steady looking guests. "Please treat her well, and feel absolutely free to request any form of assistance from any of us." Right as she said this Thanus and Marik looked as if they intended to remain in the medical room for the time being, to help get everyone settled.

"And Ian..." Ellisia says spotting and stepping to Ian again, lowering her voice to speak personally rather than address the gathering, "Though I'm sure you will prefer to stay with Vanessa, you're welcome to roam the ship at your lesuire. Don't worry about restricted or dangerous areas or anything like that, there aren't any that can be reached by accident."


Meanwhile the escapade with the time warping reptilian took another unexpected turn, that just so happened to work out perfectly for Sinnve and the dinosaur. "It has a child!" Sinnve announces, in something of a squee, over general comms. "It's the cutest lump of awesome and teeth that I've ever seen! They're heading right for the anomaly, so I'm standing down and backing off." She informs as the lizards both vanish together. "I think they went back through safely. I'm glad. Returning to the facility compound. Anomaly appears to be closing."

<"Affirmative Sinnve, and confirmed on the anomaly. Prepare for transporter beam. You will be extracted immediately after all others have."> Replies Ayla, busy with handling various tasks as usual and co-ordinating communications and regular updates between the fleet.
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Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

Internally, Ian hoped that his accepting the 'invitation' aboard the ship would be good enough for Vanessa as well, that proving true as the two of them landed in the medical bay together. After making certain that Vanessa was settled in a bed and there was somewhere nearby for him to perch himself, he inclined his head to Ellisia.

"Appreciate it. Ah think Ah'll stick here for the time bein', until she's all settled up. Once Ah'm pretty sure Ah'll just be in the way, somewhere ta crash and maybe freshen up'd be welcome. An' if there's anythin' Ah can do fer you lot, you just let me know, 'kay?"
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

The moment that Vanessa was settled in her bed, the hovering displays softly glowed a little brighter and came to life. An assortment of graphs and diagnostic text of some kind no doubt, although the language and alphabet was entirely alien to Ian. So far at least, nothing on the charts looked too drastic. No flashing lights or bleeping alarm sounds to worry about.

"I thought as much." Ellisia replies with a polite smile. "And certainly. When ready, if you head out that door, you'll find the crew lounge at the end of the corridor. And if you continue on past that you'll come to the wash rooms and private crew quarters. Any door without writing on it isn't taken, and free to claim. There should be plenty available. Hmhmm..." She pauses a second for thought, clearly not having had to deal with guests aboard the ship before. "And well, for anything else just ask around, or ask our captain Ayla. As long as you, try to imagine aiming your question toward her as you ask it, she should be able to hear and reply. And we should be in warp soon I expect. Won't be too long a trip. Simply helping any of the people we rescued to acclimatise should be as much as we could ask of you for now. I need to talk with Ayla before we enter warp, so I'll see you around." She finishes with a tiny bow, before leaving the room.
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

A short time later, Sinnve was beamed back up, and the small fleet was ready to go home.

The hive in the meantime, very abruptly, without a word, made a sudden jump to hyper-space, vanishing without a trace.

Not long after arriving, Ian heard Vanessa stir, and a moment later she was looking up towards him.

"Ugh, what the hell ran over me?"
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

"Can do," he replies with a nod and a half-smile. "Thanks."

For the time being, he keeps an eye on the monitors, not quite understanding them, but doing his best to gather the gist of them and what they're keeping an eye on. Still feeling too restless to, well, rest, he'll shift around the infirmary, offering what information and help that he can, particularly on anything about the station that Mirelle may not know yet.

As Vanessa stirs, though, he's actually hunched over, arms crossed on the edge of her bed while he sits in a chair beside it, his head down until he hears her voice. Sitting up with a bit of a groan, he stretches to work out the kink his his back.

"Mmm. Hopin' you could answer that, considerin' ya were quite the sight when we found ya."
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