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Mino (Prinny #471)

Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Grace sat down next to her on the shore, watching the seedlings all sink into the Jelly happily. Mino could feel a slight psychic connection to the flower as well, and now the seedlings as they bonded to it. She'd always know how they were just by thinking. She was even partially sure she could summon the flower if she REALLY tried, although that would bond her to it again, and only Charlotte of Tassadar would be able to change her back again. And since she was leaving this area, their help would probably be out of reach. "Thank you." Grace said quietly, wrapping an arm around Mino's shoulders. "We'll rest for a bit and head back to see everyone, and then deal with our mutual fairy problem."
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Being given a rest by Grace, Mino nodded as she let herself dry off in the hot sun before putting her clothes back on and following the map in reverse, returning back to Ryans cabin with hopefully no hitches.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

They made it back without any trouble at all, although Grace looked sad that the frog had been killed, but said nothing about it. Seeing Mino return with Grace, Rolas tackled Mino and hugged her, being her usual self and taking Mino's leash, smiling at her. "You made it~! Now you can stay forever~!~!" She said excitedly, squeezing her. "Hello Grace' she said indifferently before continuing to shower Mino in affection. Grace, for her part in the odd greeting, lifting her nose and snorting. "Slut" She muttered, wandering over to Charlotte who was sitting around a small fire. "Guardian" She said respectfully, waiting to be addressed.

Sarah and Ryan showed up shortly after, Ryan having somehow convinced the wolf girl to wear pants that hid her dick and had a hole cute in them to let her tail out. Seeing Mino, her reaction was much the same as Rolas' although Ryan looked at Grace, and the walked inside, slamming the door.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Smiling as both Sarah and Rolas hugged her and showered her with friendship and effection, Mino was slightly startled as Ryan walked inside his house and slammed the door shut, confusing her somewhat.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Standing, Rolas and Sarah made their way over to Charlotte who was now animatedly talking mentally with Grace, although Mino could only tell because it came across as a kind of background noise. It was Tassadar who spoke next, who just appeared out of nowhere with his eyebrows on fire which he smacked out. "Owowowow! Teleporter works! Kinda! Grace! My favourite test subject! If you're here, then Ryan is hiding inside still pissed! What a surprise. You know, you could have at least said goodbye, but I suppose it's none of my business. Hello Charlotte~! I was goi--" This flood of random ass speech was cut off as he poofed out of existence again, causing Charlotte to chuckle and Grace to just cover her face.

*Ryan and Grace used to be lovers* Rolas explained to Mino quietly.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino was told by Rolas why Ryan left so suddenely, Mino nodded in understanding and waited for Grace and Charlotte to finish their conversation.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Rolas looked at Mino and shrugged, "They're going to be at it for awhile, go check on Tassadar, make sure he's not dead" She said, a little commandingly, tugging on Mino's leash before waving her hand as the leash formed back into the ball.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Nodding, Mino decided to go back to tassadars lab to make sure he hadnt teleported himself into a wall or something, stepping inside the front entrance she called out "TASSADAR!"
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Tassadar wasn't there as far as she could tell, but the door slid shut behind her as she stepped into the main entrance and locked. "Tassadar's not here right now sweety~" A woman in a labcoat said, walking down the hallway, "The idiot yanked me through a teleporter and he popped off somewhere random, he'll be gone for hours~ Which means... You and I get to play~" And like that she vanished. She had been holding an odd blue crystal, and her taunting voice could be heard down the hallway.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

"P-Play...w-what do you mean-" Mino didnt even finish her sentence as the strange labcoat wearing woman vanished, looking around in a confused state mino said "W-Wait come back!", standing in the hallway she was in and sighing, noticing the entrance had locked, she assumed this woman was a accomplice and she walked down the hallway at her own leisure, wondering what she meant by play, even though it would be blatantly obvious.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino, walking along like nothing was wrong at all, just taking her time was soon greeted by a rather strange sight, a metal ball, not rolling, but walking on 4 long legs, a slot plainly visible on it's top as it wandered towards her.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino looked down and noticed a little tripod like machine walking towards her, puzzled, it reminded her of one of the crabs tassadar made, she shrugged and simply walked around it, at this point not expecting much from it.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

The little tripod most certainly didn't ignore her, opening it's top to spray a fine mist all over her body that filled most of the hallway, her clothing actually burning away and leaving her naked, save the collar which seemed to have been protected by the enchantment Rolas had burned on it. After that, a little hologram of the woman appeared on top of it. "And let the Games~~ Begin~!" She said as the little tripod rolled away and Mino was suddenly greeted by a much larger one, maybe 3 foot tall and just as wide, a hole in it's center revealing a large metal tendril waving around in the air, moving in her direction.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

The strange tripod released a gas, suddenely destroying all of Minos clothing in a instant, gasping in surprise she looked around in a panic, running foward and not noticing the second larger tripod in front of her until it was too late...
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

The second Tripod gave Mino a perfect idea of what the new game was as that long, and impossibly strong tendril lashed around her, pinning her arms to her side as it lifted her up, and no amount of struggling was going to do her any good. Pulling her closer and closer to itself, she was positioned above it, her legs to the front of the ball, and her hands coming to rest on it's front as she felt something vibrating powerfully brush against her folds, bringing a gasp and a lewd moan from the girl, before the center of the orb expanded and a thick, vibrating length was shoved up into her folds, the tendril holding her in place as the ball itself continued to thrust, slowly at first as the vibrations did most of the work for it, Mino hitting a powerful climax as it started to speed up, thrusting up tirelessly into her like the machine it was, soon coming to a jackhammers pace, drawing lustful moans of delight and screams of pleasure as she was forced through her peak, before she felt her insides flooded with heat and she passed out.

Waking up shortly after, the ball itself was gone and her abused slit was still leaking cum. she couldn't go back, which meant she had to play this game and win it, if she gave two shits about tassadar, otherwise she could probably just try to find a way out. Ha! Right! A way out, in Tassadar's lab. That was fucking unlikely.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Almost immediately Mino had the thick tentacle coil around her body like a large snake, pinning her arms to her sides as she yelped and was placed on the orb itself, pretty much forcing her to mount it as she felt something vibrating brush against her lower lips, great, Mino felt it thrust into her making her moan in pleasure as she tried to struggle and get off of it, she immediately felt her own lust and pleasure build up to a high amount as she reached her own climax, sputtering her juices onto the tripods round center as it did the same, presumably cumming into her as she passed out...

Waking up, Mino was up once again and looking around in a panic, now in a blind run down the corridor, thinking the scientist was the source of this.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino, running down the corridor took a moment to look back, seeing a black wall of tendrils behind her, moving at a glacial pace. By the look of things she had 10 minutes before they even made it to where she was. On her right, she saw an open door however to another hallway, this one presumably emtpy as well, apart from what looked like a floating green... tentacle? Those could fly!?
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino realised she was being pursued by a great big wall of tentacles, thankfully they were moving slowly, taking a detour she opened a door and ran through it, noticing green tentacles, she gave out a yelp of surprise as she tried to dodge around the floating tentacles.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

This has now become the game in print with dice hahaha, Why the hell not. We'll do demon girl later as well.

Mino 34
Flying tendril 7

Mino, noticing the flying tendril just in time, managed to slide under it, continuing to run as it flew lazily past her, not noticing her at all. Continuing down the hallway, she saw a few things coming her way, although in a rather strange fasion. One was a blue ball that looked to be surrounded in smoke, the other being a small red... thing? It had a mouth and a thick tongue, that's about all.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Sliding under the tentacle just in time, Mino kept her pace up, noticing a ball of gas and a strange red thing, the gas was small so it didnt worry her as she intended to run past, but the red....thing worried her as she tried to avoid that.