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Mino (Prinny #471)

Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino 17
Sarah 8
First half
Mino 18
Sarah 16

This time Mino and Sarah managed to carefully navigate the hallway, although it was a nailbiting journey with entirely too many close calls. Panting from the exertion of moving so carefully as they made it to the end, they found something interesting. One was a small hollow in the hedge in front of them, holding what looked like small metal orb. That... Is a grenade... Sarah said quietly, letting Mino have it. If you throw it... Well... Mean it. she said. The other strange thing was the pathways to the left and right of them, both holding arches with a red light grid across them likely hooked to an alarm system that made Sarah curse quietly.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Having what looked like a grenade in her hands, Mino smiled as they looked at the other pathways, both with alarm systems, Mino asked "Will the grenade destroy the arch without setting the alarm off?"
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

It would, but the amount of noise it would make would probably get just as much attention... I'm not sure... I'm so sorry Mino Sarah whined, looking ashamed and blaming herself for this.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Sighing, Mino decided to take the right route, it was a lose lose scenario so she`d just try to find a way to get past the alarm system, if she couldnt she`d just run through, hoping Sarah would follow.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino hadn't answered Sarah, which made the wolf girl hang her head in shame, but as she moved to run through the alarm, Sarah lunged forward and dove through for her, taking the brunt of whatever trap had been waiting as a siren let off a long, single, loud whine. They had run into what looked like a courtyard, and Sarah had gotten grabbed by something enormous. Watching, Mino saw it. It was 7 feet tall, with 4 arms and glowing blue eyes, its massive humanoid body shining as it glared at Mino, one of the arms pressing one of the triangles to her body and holding it there, the three limbs latching into place and sealing the odd belt to her. What it did was plain now as it started to vibrate violently, making Sarah blush and squirm. She wasn't lost to lust yet, but she couldn't fight back in the creatures grip, and now it was moving towards Mino...
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Tripping the alarm system, Mino panicked as Sarah was grabbed by some...thing, she didnt know, immediately jumping into fight mode Mino got her spear and tried stabbing the giant humanoid...thing, not risking hitting Sarah with the grenade.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino 5
Tyrant 7

Tyrant 4
Mino Natural 1
Grappled 1

Mino's blow glanced off the armoured body of the.... Thing as Sarah started to buck and moan against the belt, the vibrations getting to her slowly but surely as the thing made a grab for Mino. The clumsy attempt by the giant was successful, but only just, and it was enough for it to pluck her into the air, squirming. Thankfully, Mino had managed to hold onto her spear...
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Being picked up like a little bug made Mino squirm and struggle as she tried to stab into the hand of the beast, wanting it to let her go.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino 15 -1 14
Tyrant 4
Sarah succumbs to her lust, climaxes

Mino's attack was surprisingly effective, whatever these things were made of, the segments that let them change shape and move so smoothly were weaker then the rest and the blow gouged a large chunk of metal out of it's wrist, forcing it to drop her as it moved back and watched her warily, starting to retreat with Sarah, the insane cackling of Tassadar heard, confident he had won this battle already as Sarah bucked and moaned, her juices seen dropping down her thighs as she arched her back and cried out in pleasure, starting to moan and thrash as her orgasm drove thoughts of escape from her mind.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino immediately attempted to attack the giant humanoid again, trying to get some damage on it and free Sarah.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino 19
Tyrant 12

Tyrant 3
Sarah 9 -3 6

Mino's blow sheered the arm holding Sarah off completely, Sarah rolling away with a yelp as it immediately tried to grab her again, tearing a hunk out of the ground as it did so, but she was free. Taking a moment to try and recover, the vibrations slowing and starting to slowly build this time, she scrambled for her knife.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Thankfully Sarah was free now, Mino brought her spear up and continued attacking at the giant, thankful she could atleast damage the damn thing.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino Nat 1
Tyrant Nat 20!?
o_O Ruh roh raggy...

Tyrant 11
Mino 4
Mino HP 4/5 AP 2/10

And then Mino's luck ran out. Striking at the creature, Mino's blow glanced wide and the creature swatted the spear out of her hands before grabbing her throat and lifting her slightly, this was not a friendly creature and it didn't act like one. Mino felt the same belt settle on her hips again, and like the one on Sarah, being so close to it's apparent master, it moved much faster, the locks sliding between her legs and across her hips to spin into each other, locking the device in place as it started to vibrate, slowly at first, the vibrations across both of her lower holes making her blush and struggle as Sarah finally got onto her feet and seemed ready to help, even if she was blushing and drooling slightly, her tongue hanging out a little, body shaking as she held her knife.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Being lifted up again, Mino felt the belt clamp back onto her crotch area as she moaned and struggled, trying desperately to get out the things grip...
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino 7 + Sarah 5=12 /
Tyrant 12 /
Reroll >.<
Mino/Sarah 11
Tyrant 4
Mino HP 4/5 AP 4/10

Mino struggled and writhed as the vibrating belt kicked onto a slightly higher setting, making her dampen even as she twisted and writhed. Thankfully Sarah jumped in with her knife and stabbed it into the arm holding her, pulling at the things grip until it loosened enough for Mino to escape. Sarah's aid was shortlived however as the vibrations on her own belt dropped her kneeling on the ground to another shuddering climax, moaning lewdly and bucking her hips. The thing itself was now badly damaged, and looked to be on it's last legs. Of everything she had fought this far, this was easily the strongest.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino managed to get herself free, then she tried helping out Sarah before going after the big monster again.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino Nat 20
Tyrant 14

Mino could tell just by looking that that belt wasn't coming off without some serious hardware, and just moved straight towards finishing off the giant, the spear lodging in it's chest as the lights dimmed and it fell slumping forward. They were safe again for the moment, but no amount of pulling, tugging, or prying was getting either of their belts off, and it felt like they had lost this fight even though the giant was the one dead. On the bright side, it didn't look like anything could get into their lower holes with these belts on, but that didn't stop the vibrations coursing through their hips. Now available for a proper inspection, the courtyard was overlooking the exit, and they weren't too far away, she could even trace the route. This was apparently the last challenge in escaping, or maybe getting their with these belts stuck on them was.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Looking at Sarah, Mino was no good at path finding and asked "C-Can you see what route we have to take?"
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Sarah stood slowly and walked over, looking down. Ya... O gods... She said quietly moaning, the vibrating metal pressed against her lower holes impossible to ignore, as Mino was finding out. Nodding she grabbed Mino's hand and started walking. I really hope these fall off soon... Because we're going to lay the seeds from the mushrooms soon! She said slightly worried as they moved. As they went, both girls reached shuddering climaxes, the belts going in cycle from low to high and never stopping, their juices soaking their folds and thighs. Reaching the gate that lead out, Sarah kicked at it savagely until it opened. The girls were free. As they left the hedgemaze, the belts both beeped, displaying a timer on their fronts that slid out, each showing a half hour, slowly counting down.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Eventually the two managed to make it out of the maze, panting and moaning, they noticed the belts had showed what looked like a half an hour countdown now, Mino was confused "W-What does that mean...?"