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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Stealth check: Just barely... success by 1

Jenny kept her approach cautious, though the closer she got the more restless the shadows became. Steeling herself the girl continued onwards taking each step carefully, her wings now fully out ever so gently adding a gentle gsut to each step to make it as light as possible.

Finally reaching the showcase Jenny could now clearly see it was a stone with an inscribed rune on it similar to the one she already had. It was exactly at the moment a chilling screech echoed out across the chamber, it's howl accompanied by numerous cries of distorted cries of ravens echoed out! She was seen by whatever skulked here!

Thinking fast Jenny quickly grabbed the note, her grasp incidentally taking the note as well and was about to begin a mad dash for her life. Only for her to lunge into a wall?!

The girl rebounded from the stone and fel back. She was elsewhere now? Looking around it was decently sized room a few bookcases filled with text lined one of the walls. Oddly enough the room was fully illuminated, by a chandelier no less.

The showcase was gone, standing up Jenny would note one of the walls had what seemed 7 organ pipes with stone switches beneath each one.

A old note #2
Unknown Runestone
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny took in the room brifely her gaze seeking out her companions. "Sir? Riley?" Hefting her blade Jenny waited just because it looked empty doesn'
t mean it was. If no one answered her Jenny would looke about the room real quick before checking the note.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

At the very least the room was not only actually illuminated, but also empty. In fact, judging by the candle light and the aged, but not abandoned bookshelves Jenny could question whether this was part of the dark cellar or a different place entirely.

Out of curiousity Jenny would pick out a random book and open it up bracing herself for rune-talk, only to note that the text was just in plain text. Actually it seemed to be discussing masterworks of some unknown musicians no less.

Besides the bookshelves the only thing of true note was the strange device, expanding throughout the whole wall.

The device consisted of 7 separate organ pipes each leading to small stone switch beneath them. Though around the middle of the wall there was one more set of switches each consisting, if Jennys education held up, musical notes as follows: Semibreve, Minim, Dotted Minim, Crotcher, Dotter Crotched, Quaver and a dotted Quaver. Above the second row of notes was a gold plaque with the words "Lachrimae pavane" a row of notes written right below. Unfortunately seemed most of the middle notes were now illegible due to some sort of scratches.

For easy solution writing:
Organ switches numbered:
|| || || || || || ||
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Note switches:
[a] [c] [d] [e] [f] [g]

Plaque sent privately cuz copyright reasons or the like
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked at the notes and the book and sighed. It might as well have been moon writing for all she knew. Setting the book down she instead took out the note she had goteen and looked it over.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Unfortunately the task seemed a tad above Jennys education. The notes while familiar, were just a complete mystery as they were now. At the very least she still had the note from the light trail. The room offered plenty of chairs, even if dusty they'd provide more than a comfy seat. The candlelight allow to read the musty note fairly easy.

I was wrong. The symbols, they do indeed have their equivalents to our alphabet, but each just by themself can carry a meaning perhaps more than one meaning. After these recent finding I cannot even rely on my own wits and research.

Even still, I believe I have discovered a few of such single meanings the A equivalent stands for Abyssus, C for Carnage, D for Death, F for Flesh, O for Oblivion-----

The rest of the note is illegible
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

A seat would be wonderful but after the one room Jenny eyed the comfy looking accomidations with a degree of distrust. Taking her blade she poked one with the pommel as to not ruin the fluffy nature of the chair. After a quick jab she would jump back righting the blade so it could harm something should the chair stir. If nothing happened Jenny would sit and hold her head thinking wondering where Sir and Riley where and praying they where okay.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Fortunately this time, this was just a room. No mimics, no shifting shadows, no dark beasts. In fact, the room had a certain degree of warmth to it. The walls were actually fairly tastefully done with wood panels, the floor was covered in a basic, but well maintained red rug. If only the stale air wasn't here, it would not be so bad at all.

Those were among the thoughts that raced through Jennys head, choosing to just rest and finally allow things to settle down. After her thoughts about her friends were due, the girl checked her pockets to see what exactly she had on her. 2 stones, a rune page and 2 scraggy notes...

Though just as her eyes began to lazily dart through the collection the clear squeek of a door echoed across the room, spurring the heroine to grab her blade and stand at the ready! The noise had come from near the bookshelves. The girl steadied her breath and slowly approached, hearing clear movement before clear purple light emitted from beyond the other side of one of the two sided bookcases.

The light would approach ever so carefully, seeming both sides cautious of the other before each side made contact "Jenny?" Riley blinked, her hands alight with magic. The blindfold was gone, leaving the girl in her purple and very questionable ring-mistress outfit. The girl smiled widely, but seemed reluctant to dash forward, still glancing up and down her friend, still armed with the blade "That IS you... right?"
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked over the situtaion. She was concerend about Riley not having her blindfold but decided not to question it if sir was present with her. Her wings still out Jenny smiled and dashed to Riley with a quick embrace. "Yes silly." Kissing her Jenny smiled and held her tight. "I was so worried when we got seperated." Jenny held Riley a bit longer before easing her hug to pick up Sir if he was present not wanting to forget her brave little servent. "Come sit a moment and rest, and I'll show you what I found. Maybe you can help me out with it."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Sir was not there. As Jenny stepped forward to the hug, Rileys hands would suddenly ignite in magic as she leaned out looking to her cautious, though the heroines earnest gaze couldn't be trickery. Relaxing fully as well she smiled widely and with great relief joined into the hug, turned kiss.

As the kiss broke, Jenny couldn't help but notice a tad dizzy spark in Rileys eyes "Mhm~ Thats definedly you." the trickster snickered playfully "Noone else can kiss like that." with sly wink the two would hold each other for some time before remembering the situation in hand.

Blushing lightly Riley would step back and fix her top hat, before looking around "So where are we now?" with the girl only now having regained her sight, Jenny had plenty to show and tell...
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The moment aside Jenny stepped back a blush on her face. "Where's Sir?" Jenny hesitated a moment a wash of worry coming over her. The last she had seen them they where together. "He was with you last right?" Her dread contiuned to grow hoping that the scared little guy would come bolting out of a hiding place soon.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley looked down sadly "After you entered that next room, everything when silent. I tried to call out to you, but there was no answer. A few moments later I couldn't feel or find Sir too." for the time being the trickster avoided eye contact as she continued "I was alone and blind... sorry..." she looked up to Jenny, clearly feeling a tad guilty at the action "But even with sight, I couldn't find you or him."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny relaxed alittle and couldn't blame Riley for feeling alone in the dark and blinded. "Its okay hell find us soon enough though hes resourceful like that. Just as long as he's not shaking in his little boots." Jenny smiled before turning to the pipe organ. "Take a look at this note. Sadly Im not well schooled in most things. I think the next puzzle has to do with this thing."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Y-yeah... he's been through worse without a scratch." Riley smiled to Jenny words and now fully relaxed. The trickster would follow to wherever Jenny lead, looking over the contraption and everything Jenny found "Runestones?" she picked one up looking it over "Gods these haven't been used in hundreds of years."

"Alright." Riley would give Jenny the runestone back and once more look through the notes, runes and then to the organ and library "We need to get to work, but let's work on one thing at a time." the trickster would sit on a nearby reading table and cross her long legs, the tight stockings only making the sight even more alluring "We should either try to work on these papers or on this device."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny nodded in agreement. "I say lets work on the papers to give Sir some time to catch up humm." Setting them out Jenny read each note once more and examined the runestones. "So now that you can see them what do you know about them?" It was clear that Riley was the better read of the two girls and while Jenny had more life experaince this was really a moment for Riley to shine.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Thus the choice was made. Riley approached the papers and gave them one more look over with far greater detail, as well as picking up the old notes Jenny had found earlier.

Placing the papers on the table, the trickster smiled and proceeded "I know that I've never seen them before." she snickered casually as she leaned out "But the writings bear some resemblance to the summoning runes we use, but either there's a far greater variety of the runes than we think or these are not the same ones."

The girl placed a finger on one of the notes "If I know magic, these notes aren't here by chance." she slid one of the papers to Jenny "This one says that the runes follow our alphabet order right? So that means each single rune represents a single letter. Right?"

Waiting for Jenny to respond, Riley half-sat on the table looking at the papers scattered to her left "So~ Say by chance. This little piece of different writing "Before..." " the girls eyes twinkled "What if that means exactly..." she'd move her finger over the rune page "What this means." with a sly smile she'd point out the first word of the rune page.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked over and sighed at Riley's help. While not exactly ground breaking it did point out something Jenny had missed. Grabbing an ink well and some scrap paper Jenny began the long process of decoding a forign language that was thankfully a direct comparison to her own. Or so she thought. "I must be making an error some place Riley. Dose this look right to you?"

translation attempt
Phase 1 of translation (using no help other than clues given any my own skill)

Before **e **r*e**
***** *** br****e**
*** **e be*rer of
*e*** ****e* ***
r**e **e be*rer of
***e ****e* **e ***
**e **e be*rer of
f*e** *****e* ***

Phase 2 of translation (using no help other than clues given any my own skill)
We can figure out A for sure and likely T and H.

Before the *ar*e*t
***ht a** br**hte*t
*a* the bearer of
*eath *at*e* ***
r**e the bearer of
t**e *at*e* the ***
**e the bearer of
f*e*h a*a*te* *t*

Phase 3 of translation (using no help other than clues given any my own skill)
We can guess at D, L, and S (by the way L is a pain in the ass to disquise from the rest of this.)

Before the dar*est
***ht a*d br**htest
da* the bearer of
death *at*ed s**
r*se the bearer of
t**e *at*e* the s**
d*e the bearer of
flesh a*a*ted *ts

Phase 4 of translation (using no help other than clues given any my own skill)
Assuming that my privious guesses are correct (damn that single L) We can figure N, Y, and I

Before the dar*est
ni*ht and bri*htest
day the bearer of
death *at*ed s*n
rise the bearer of
ti*e *at*e* the s*n
die the bearer of
flesh a*aited its

Phase 4 of translation (using no help other than clues given any my own skill)
I think we can figure the rest of the message out.

Before the darkest
night and brightest
day the bearer of
death wat*ed sun
rise the bearer of
time wat*ed the sun
die the bearer of
flesh awaited its

Phase 5 humm Im not as clever as I think.....
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The girls would work well into quite a few hours until their final draft was done "Hum..." the trickster looked over the rough draft and took a piece of a paper of her own "What if we... separate them like this."

Rileys style change:
Before the Darkest Night and Brightest Day,
The Bearer of death wat*ed sun rise,
The Bearer of time wat*ed the sun die,
The Bearer of flesh awaited its demise.

"That sorta looks like something." Riley tapped her lip thinking, before a seeming spark ignited in her eyes "Wait! Maybe the demons aren't known for their meticulous spelling. Maybe~"

Rileys corrected draft:

Before the Darkest Night and Brightest Day,
The Bearer of Death watched the sun rise,
The Bearer of Time watched the sun die,
The Bearer of Flesh awaited its demise

With her corrections finished the trickster placed the pencil aside and offered Jenny the piece of paper "Well its legible, no way do these letters line up to make sentences like this by chance." a short snicker later she could only smile to Jenny "Not too shabby at all!"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny hugged Riley tight giving a little squee of joy. Still it left her with some more questions than answers. "Humm dosn't sound to pleasent. We are going to have to think on this one a moment. Lets work on this music puzzle." Looking at the plague Jenny frowned and whistled the tunes as best she could. "Hey Riley dose this sound famliar to you?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

By the current sounds in the room, it seemed they'd not be going anywhere fast. Riley listened to Jennys attempts with a warm smile, before approaching the plaque and reading over it "Hum..." the educated trickster leaned out tapping her luscious tips in clear thought "Flow my tears..."

Before Jenny could make a ironic comment, Riley continued "Thats what it translates too." the ring mistress stepped back "Gods, if only I could remember the author."

The library was fairly substantial with at least 200 books in varying condition, most, unfortunately, seemed to be legible "'Flow my Tears' if we can find that song maybe we can find out what exactly this thing wants from us."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny frowned and looked around at the expansive libary and sighed. Heading over to the nearest shelf she took down a book and looked threw it seeing its contents. Mid way threw the flipping of pages a sudden loud thunk echoed above her causing the fledgling succubus to look up in surprise before an equally surprised Sir bounced of the shelf and right onto her prompting an "EEEK!" Crashing together with the book Jenny was holding flying from her hand the two landed on the ground. Sir surprised but ever vigilent had found who he was looking for and hugged Jenny tightly unaware or unconcered that the succubus had popped out of her top. Blushing Jenny returned the hug. "Hey buddy."