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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny noted the shift he was using the grabbing hands power! "Riley on your guard!" Jenny her self went on full defense.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny HP: 70/70 EP: 45/45 PP: 45/45; Fine
Riley HP: 40/40 EP: 31/45 PP: 55/55; A little tired
Jenny goes on full defense! 85 DODGE!

Riley uses Quicken!
#1 cast Invisibility

#2 cast Light bindings

Jack uses ???
Riley is invisible for the duration.

44 vs 85
49 vs 85
43 vs 85
47 vs 85
48 vs 85
56 vs 85

Attack failed.

Riley attempts to bind Jack!
48 vs 43 success!

Jack is bound again!

Caught her, not again. Jenny lowered her weapon and awaited the attack fully prepared for whats to come "Riley on your guard!" the heroine glanced over to the showgirl who smiled at her "Way ahead of ya... let's finish this Jenny." she winked slyly before disappearing behind her magic, mischief in her eyes.

Whatever Riley had planned, will have to wait... Jack raised his taloned gauntlet and slammed it into the ground, the vail and echoes of torment once more crying out loudly, coloring the darkness a dark crimson.

Jennys eyes were sharp, her muscles at their peak... THERE! The heroine quickly dodged one of the apparitions that appeared behind her, before numerous of them started showing up. Above, beneath, sidestepping and even kicking a few aside the crimson creatures didn't even have a chance to lay a finger on her.

One final vault over the final grappler Jenny was still free and Jacks attack an utter failure. The avatar grapped his weapon and looked to the heroine, forcing her to tense up. When suddenly he lunged forward to her, Jenny prepared for the incoming attack when suddenly a chain snapped around Jacks neck stopping him in his track "What?!" and another! And another! His hands chest, neck were all bound once more by the familiar magic.

A blood chilling battle cry roared out as the Jack furiously struggled against the chain. Meanwhile Riley approached Jenny from behind and smiled to her "Alas, the show has to come to an end. You ready?"
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny took aim and plugged Jack right in the dark cowl letting Riley do what ever she saw fit to the bound and murderous man.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The Showstopper!

Jennys shoots!
28 damage!

Riley goes all out!
Sacrifices 20 dodge, attack. Gains 10 Base casting!
Uses Quicken! [4Ep]
#1 Laser! [8EP]
Cast check: 44 +
36 vs 25 +
58 damage!

#2 Laser! [8EP]
Cast check: 46 +
Hit check: 40 vs 25 +
42 damage!

Jack is defeated!
Darkness fades.

Both girls gains 10 xp.

Jenny aimed down, once more about ready to pierce the cowl, when suddenly Riley extended her hand infront of the heroine "Wait for my signal..." she winked slyly and strutted to Jack, her cane spinning in one hand, one step following the other... and a clear dark purple aura pulsing away from all around her.

Jack attempted to lunge forward, but was stopped by the chains. Riley leaned forward just out of reach of Jack and said something, the distance much too far for Jenny to hear.

Though whatever she said didn't seem to calm Jack one bit... nor did it agitate him any more "You won't get away with this...He'll send you back--" Riley turned around and snapped her fingers the chains around Jack neck tightening up choking his voice out.

Suddenly two spotlights illuminated Jack, who struggled against the constraints "Hit the road Jack. We don't want your kin 'round here no more~" a low booming soundwave later the spotlights ignited with stream of energy frying the bound avatar! Jenny eyed the crazy forces plowing into the avatar when suddenly "Jenny! Grab hold!" the heroine looked up noting Riley hanging upside down on a trapeze and offering her hands?!

Heck why not. Jenny grabbed hold and soon both girls swung towards the avatar, who smoldered from the impact of the double laser, the chains falling off. Jenny jumped off the trapese kicking and sliding the fearsome foe across the ground before lowering her weapon to the cowl and shot, before quickly jumping away!

A screech of agony rang out as Jack grabbed his head, wailing in pain before suddenly exploding into crimson energies!

The darkness around the girls slowly melt away, revealing a clear room. Neatly cut stones tiles surrounded them, as a statue of a bald woman in a robe revealed itself. Some dark energy surrounding her before flowing around Jenny in a circle and disappearing, the plate beneath the statue read "The Shepherd." Looks like the girls were back!

They were in an end of a hallway, looking back Jenny could make out the stairs leading to the first floor. With numerous 6 on each side, looking to the sides there were 2 hallways to each side aswell. These had rows of windows on one side and the same number of 6 doors on the other side aswell.

"That... should keep him down... for a while" Riley was there aswell resting against a wall, a huge smile on her face.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

That was certainly exciting Jenny panted from the adrenaline rush. Looking over at Riley she smiled and moved close to her kissing the tired acrobat/mage before breaking the kiss. "Rest here for a bit I need to find Sir and search this place for anything useful."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley answered the kiss in a surprisingly ravenous fashion, but too weak to capitalise on it. The showgirl sighed at the break and smiled lightly "Alright... I'll just need a minute" she looked around "I'll go in that room over there. This place should be clear of any enemies so take your time." Riley nudged herself towards one of the rooms on the left hallway.

The girl breathed unevenly, seemed the magic at hand took its tool, but looked like she'll be fine after a quick rest or nap. Jenny was free to proceed to wherever she deemed fit
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The place was a ruin but still Jenny decided to search the current floor first. After all she couldn't leave poor sir cowering in fright. "Sir? Where are you buddy its okay now you can stop hiding." Jenny called out quietly while the dorm was empty of enemies doesn't mean that some wouldn't come in. Hopefully she would find Sir in short order and they could begin to search each room in turn clearing one side before searching another.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley leaves the party, Servo rejoins the group.
Unfortunately there was no reaction to call her call. Jenny looked around once more, she shouldn't be making a ruckus right now... lest it would attract attention from outside. The heroine proceed onwards ever so slowly, remnants of the dorms doors scattered all around.

The walls were covered with huge claw marks, blood trails or other signs of struggle. Yet no signs of bodies... with all the violence that took place here, whatever happened to the unfortunate mages? Were they all harvested? Why?

Though before Jenny could proceed with that trail of thought, a quite literal trail of faint blue light slowly crept its way up and to her. The heroine blinked when suddenly she heard a smashing sound from downstairs, followed by quite the commotion!... but then silence.

"S---" another crash rang out as up the stairs zoomed up the tiny golem! Making a bee line to the heroine in mere moments, at an almost breakneck speed, but he managed to slow down just in time and latched onto the girls leg like a small child... freezing up completely.

Well she found him... only problem was that her quite frankly immobilised her with his tight hug.
He'll let go with enough effort ;D
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Oof!" Jenny looked down at her companion and smiled. He was very much like a small child in many ways. "Its okay Sir Im right here." Getting to one knee Jenny rubbed the top of his stony head. "Come on Sir lets find some more treasures humm?" Getting back up Jenny tried to move but Sir's heavy weight caused her to drag her feet a little. It would be slow going if this kept up. "Sir come on now we need to keep searching. The sooner we find what we need we can get out of here." Hopefully Sir would relent and Jenny could start her search starting with the closest door. Occulus in hand Jenny would search each room threw its crystal gaze. Each hallway would get a turn before Jenny moved to a different floor avoiding any rooms that would lead further on till she was done searching.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Sir looked up to Jenny and reluctantly released his hold, keeping very close to her at all times. This was the second time the heroine left the poor golem alone in this place...

Jenny looked over Sirs backpack noting the items she used were gone. Guess the plains had some sort of connection between afterall. Ugh... magic.

Still the place even if ruined, was not ransacked for valuables, treasures or the like, not to mention she was running low supplies anyway. Taking the oculus in hand and after a deep breath Jenny investigated the first room she happened to be near.

Jenny entered the room only for the coppery smell of blood to assault her senses. The room had 3 beds in total all either thrown up or completely shreded, huge pools of blood near each one of them. The heroine vinced lightly and entered the room to look around, there were some books here and remains of completely shredded and blood soaked robes here. It didn't look like they were stripped off none of the ties were undone. Looking over there was no ooze either to be seen just old blackened blood.

The room contained a few books, from what Jenny could tell they weren't of particular interest. The writing table still had some in and paper inside. Though this room would prove fairly unfruitful in her scavenging.

Still perhaps she missed something of more mystical nature. Jenny placed the oculus on and stepped back from the sight! 3 figures just stood in the room, no distinctions between. They were all made of seemingly Pink or Crimson energy, all three covering their faces just like the figures in the darkness when the girls made their way to Jack.

The other rooms would prove to be of a similar state, bloodied and ruined. Some of the rooms were a complete mess, barely even accessable signs of magic clashing with the invaders evident throughout, other just had thick pools of blood around their beds, no other marks around. Though it was a crypt scrounging through the second floor had netted some loot.

Jenny placed the useable items into Servos backpack and looked around. She could proceed to the first floor, these rooms judging by the art of scantily clad sorceresses plastered on quite a few of the walls inside these were likely the students. What about the rooms downstairs?

Jenny scrounges the second floor:
- Lots of bloodied rags
- Some rope
- A Healing salve
- A Morning-after potion
- A Energy potion
- Useable paper
- A Broken claw
- A Darkheart
- 2 Monsteres Fangs
- Aphrodisiac poison
- Summoning runes
- A questionable dark silk collar

Pick what you take
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked the items over most of it looked like junk but some of it could probably be used in potions latter. It was a hard choice but in the end She took everything but the bloody rags with exception of one to wrap the heart in.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Never the modest one, Jenny took every single useable or potentially useable item she came across, save the bloody rags. Thankfully most of the loot was fairly small in size and weight nigh-nothing at all, soon enough Servo had a full backpack once more.

Jenny dusted herself and smiled at her work, there was hardly any questions baout it, the scavenge was a success! Though whats next? There was still one more floor to check! Then again the whole scavenge took quite a bit of time, she could check on Riley first.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Humm Sir we should check on Riley." Jenny put a finger to her lips in thought. "She did say I could take my time though... hummm." An image of Riley releasing her tensions from combat entered her mind causing Jenny to giggle before she managed to banish the thought. She was getting worse and this place was only exposing her to more dark energies causing her grasp on her humanity to weaken. She needed to hurry up and rescue Lina before she slipped to far. Though the image of Riley naked and pleasing herself refused to go. "Maybe just a peak Sir just a quick peak." Heading to where she left Riley Jenny moved quietly hoping her fantasy about Riley was true the lew daydream causing her skin to flush and fold to moisten.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

After the adrenaline and terror of battle finally passed by, the succubus really got in the mood to celebrate their victory... in a way true to her nature. With particulary lewd thoughts in mind Jenny carefully sneaked near Rileys room and peeked inside. Perhaps there was something the heroine could 'assist' the showgirl with once more.

Jenny ever so carefully opened the door just enough to peek inside. Her eyes widened at the sight, the room was layer with fine silken curtains, numerous candles and incense burning all around creating a fairly comforting sight... aswell as sensual. The succubus eyes instantly darted towards the bed only to reveal a sight, perhaps not to expectations.

On the double bed, lied the showgirl. Her top hat and clothes resting on a nearby night stand, while she herself slept peacefully. Jennys tensions eased up at the calming sight. Rileys beauty was just captivating, the silken sheets covered her just enough for the heroines mind to wander.

Before Jenny could decide on her further actions, suddenly Riley stirred to life sitting up and allowing the silken piece to slide off her top revealing the girls marvelous breasts. The showgirl yawned lightly and slowly lowered her gaze to Jenny, meeting her eyes directly and smiling knowingly.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Those eyes where inviting and needy or maybe they where her eyes reflected back still she should search the area more. A brief tug of war erupted in the girl as two desires fought for dominance. One was the desire to get out of this place and on to her mission while the other was her needy succubus nature wanting to revel in its sensual slutty nature. It was a brief struggle but intense with both sides claiming victory. Jenny let her the amazon warrior princess grab fall off her shoulder and land softly on the floor as she took a step forward. "Sir keep watch please." She would continue on with her journey as soon as she made sure her ally was well rested and in good moral. Walking no striding forward in a sensual manner Jenny quickly made her way to Riley's illusionary bedding getting on all fours as she mounted the bed Jenny moved up and kissed Riley on the lips.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley eagerly returned the kiss as Jenny slowly took the dominant position leading the girl back onto her back, the showgirls soft skin brushed lightly against Jennys as her body slowly parted Rileys legs apart. The trickster very briefly broke the kiss, her hands thrown around the succubus invaders neck "Took you awhile..."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"I got lost.." Jenny kissed Riley more letting one hand trail down her sides and to her mound gently teasing the outer lips. Jenny broke the kiss gently pulling on RIley's lip as she pulled away. "A girl can get lost on such a large campus. What would I do with out my guide." Jenny kissed the girl again as she began to tease Riley even more with her fingers.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley bit down on her lower lip a huge smile on her face "Mhm~" as Jennys hand slowly slid down, she couldn't help, but enjoy how actively and sensitively Riley reacted to the touch. Much to the succubus delight Riley was already nice and wet, making the teasing all the more devious. Rileys breath grew hot and uneven, her skin flushed, her folds begged for more stimuli, but the showgirls pride not allowing herself to cry out the plea.

The trickster shifted her thigh lightly as if encouraging, Jennys fingers to 'accidentally' slip in. And throughout all of it, Riley smiled a brightly with a very naughty spark in her eye. Foreplay, was a most interesting discovery.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny moved her kisses down Riley's chest as she moved herself into a better position between Riley's legs. Not stopping her kisses Jenny went down till she planted one on the woman's clit and began to suck on the delicate and sensitive flesh. She had a goal of course she wanted Riley to beg for it or at lest call out for Jenny to enter her. After a moment of this torment she brought her hands down to part the woman's outer lips so she could get some tongue action going. Alternating between the two Jenny wouldn't stop until Riley called out for Jenny to fuck her or begged one of the two.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jennys whip-like tongue dominated the confident showgirl completely. The succubus already knew where to tease, lick or caress to get Riley going. It shouldn't take long for Riley to utter the words the lusty heroine wanted to hear...

Though there was one problem. Riley felt such bliss just from the oral treatment, that she didn't want to stop or escalate it. Rileys legs soon wrapped around Jenny and held her tightly, the showgirls hands busy playing with her bountiful breasts and soon enough, a cry rang out along with Rileys body rocking to a powerful orgasm!

Never one to stop there, Jenny used her whip-like tongue to lick up her reward around her lips and grinning evilishly, perhaps a different approach w-- what?!

Riley smiled wickedly at the heroine as Jenny felt herself suddenly lifted into the air and away from the bed. Riley got on all fours and with a flick of her wrist quickly landed Jenny on her back into the bed. Right where Riley was just now!

The showgirl quickly mounted on top of Jenny and kissed her deeply, doing her absolute best to match the dirty kiss of the slick whip-tongue. Riley moved back from the kiss her eyes lidded and smiled at Jenny as she held her down "How do you prefer it Jenny? Your cock or pussy?" Riley licked her lips in a particulary perverted fashion and awaited Jennys motion or answer. What choice of oral reward would she choose?
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