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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny smiled at the awkward attempt by Sir to place all the garments in the bag. "Well I guess I shouldn't be to greedy right. Take the robe I seem to be going threw those alot and we leave the armor for now." Jenny looked over at the weapons taking two blades one a bit longer than her old one and another much smaller and more dagger like. "Well Sir let check the next door and remember we need to be quiet. "Jenny winked at the little guy even though by far she was the nosiest of the two of them.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Armed and very much deadly, the girl left the armory. This was indeed quite the useful find, be it when she needed some new robes or weapons. The girl slowly made her way towards the second door noting some noises coming from behind the wall.

Though, it wouldn't be some random noises she'd have to worry about as slowly from the room a meat puppet stumbled forward. It didn't spot her quite yet and there were numerous collumns here to hide behind. Then again the girl coudl take it out quickly before it got into a bothersome position.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny was quick on the offense deciding to strike when she had the advantage. Putting the new blade to work she aimed for a deadly strike.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

47 vs 40 Yup.

Damage: it's dead, okay.

Jenny silently moved forward and drew her new blade, time to see was it as deadly as it it was pretty. At any rate Jenny didn't want to keep standing there after she's killed the creature...

The heroine moved forward to the walkway, the meat puppet still staring blankly forward when suddenly a blade pierced it's chest as Jenny continued to move even with her blade in the creature, it's light weight making it easy for the girl to muscle it around. With the blade firmly in it's chest, the girl spun around as she passed by the door and threw the puppet towards the rightside wall, the blade tearing it's ribcage completely inside out making whats left of the body collapse to the right of the hallway near Jenny. Her presence and the body hidden from anything outside the room.

Honestly she was getting excedingly adapt at this, be it a praise or a worry. The girl peeked inside and checked if she alerted any more of them.

A cold chill ran down Jenny as she saw what was inside. Around 8 of the meat-puppets, hanged from hooks here around 20 other hooks having only black ooze on them.... the thing was the meatpuppets on the hooks were moving ocasionally, making the sight sickening. This was where these 'flesh' dummies were kept for the training...
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny's stomach flip flopped at the sight of the meat puppets but she needed to peak in the room for anything of use. Only hazarding a quick peak Jenny soon had her fill of the nasty room and checked what type of door handle it was to see if she could find a way to put a board between the double door handles preventing any more meat puppets from getting lose. If that didn't work she would head back to the armory and grab as many swords as she could and jam them into the door near the hinges to see if that prevented them from opening.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

There didn't seem much of note inside, except for one set of special clothing to manage the puppets, besides the 8 hooked puppets and numerous empty hooks.

They were basic door handles, well kind of basic, they shinned of gold. Whether they were just coated as such or were the real deal was up for debate. Either way the girl would have the door sealed.

Jenny quick ran back to the armory and with Servos help... or well turning Servo extra spiky, she grabbed the swords she needed and blockaded the door. With some creativity and Sir's help at strategic spots to place the blades it was done!

She was now near the open area on the right wing, the empty pedestial and sandy training area nearby.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Well that was taken care of even though so many of the things had gotten loose and she started to doubt that this was the only storage room. Still she felt somewhat safer be it an illusion or not. "Okay Sir lets go check the dummy before we see the main area alright?" She new Sir had a great intrest in the dummy and well she couldn't lie she did as well time to see what secrets it held.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Was the girl ever truly safe in this place... well perhaps it was safe enough to inspect the dummy she knew held a story within. The heroine approached the enclosed training hall and made her way straight to broken dummy.

By now she recognised the shimmer around "Wish me luck, Sir." the girl smiled at the golem and slowly extended her hand to towards the shimmer...

Suddenly a rain of splinters, splashed out onto everyone around hitting the 2 students nearby and the instructor! The girls expression in a oops expression, as the splinters rained down in her long blue hair "Jessie!" the man exclaimed in almost annoyed fashion making the girl turn around dove eyed "Re-straint. Re...straint... say it with me now." she always had problems with restraint, though that meant her powers were exceptionally powerful, it was always a huge problem during training "Restraint, profesor Razputin." the man snickered lightly "Again, but keep the straight jacket off me" the girl smiled lightly "Restraint" she nodded firmly.

"Good! Now use it. For my health sakes...'kay?" he comically removed a splinters from his cheek, jerking at each and every one he removed.

Jessie walked to another nearby dummy focused and--- suddenly a loud the ground shook violently as a powerful thunder could be heard from outside the academy. Soon after a huge force wave smacked most of the students from beneath them.

"What the hell..." the instructor looked around in confusion. Jessie was even knocked down from the wave, standing up she could hear chilling sounds from the nearby open training area!

She didn't need any encouragement as she quickly dashed to inspect it. Making her way there she noted a horrid sight, the disgusting flesh targets were attacking back! Though the three animtaed abominations were easily dispatched, the confusion in the air lingered. Everyone looked to each other completely at the loss of what was going on. A sad sight infront of the statue of the great warrior.

The veil of silence and confusion would soon be cut apart. Another bloody scream escaped from the dummy storage!

"We're under attack! Everyone to the Courtyard! This is not a drill!" rang out in the back of Jessies head. Jessie was needed both in the storage and the courtyard! What would she do?!
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

It would be pointless to go to the storage with the many hundreds of the creatures what few students went would tire out and be overwhelmed by the shear number of the puppets best to open the armory and make her way to the courtyard that way she could deal with them spread out and not in a mass of limbs and flesh.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jessies heart sank as she stepped back from the storage, there were so many of them inside. Seeming hundreds! No it was best to regroup in the courtyard!

Suddenly, Razputing rushed past her and towards the storage room, using telekinesis to slam the doors open and forming up bright blue glowing fists around his hands. A energy weapon of choice for the instructor. Hopefully he'll be okay...

"Please be safe Professor!" the girl cried out to the man quickly advanced out of here the martial arts faculty. The Grand hall of the Star God was absolutely packed, with students rushing out of the nature class to asssist the guardians outside... but where were the necromancers and destruction mages! Jessie paused briefly looking to the silent hallway, hopefully they were already outside.

Following the students the girl quickly got out to the courtyard to reveal a battlefield outside. There were dozens upon dozens 7 to 10 feet tall collums of white flesh scittering forward on spindly legs forward past the academy shield like it was nothing, tearing it asunder and letting in disgusting white creatures. Turned humans, wolves, bears, birds.. all of them had a sickly aura, white flesh and heavy disfigurement. The sheer number made it seem like more of sea of these things crawling forward and around the academy.

The girl focused for a brief moment, her two energy blades forming up and ran forward into the fray, her battle aura glowing brightly. She was trained for this! She was the vanguard of the academy!

Jenny opened her eyes and shimmer was gone. Servo was nearby patroling around and peeking around corners for anything suspicious.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Getting up Jenny stretched a heavy feeling in her heart. While the more well known academy in Crolia had dispatched its invading force it seemed that this place was not so lucky. No doubt Jessie was a souless alien slave now. "Poor girl.... Come on Servo lets check the main training area." Jenny moved forward still being cautious and silent who knows how many of the beasts still lurked about.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny passed by the area numerous times before, but didn't take her time to inspect it quite as much as she wished. Her heart heavy Jenny entered the area the ever shinning sun, beaming down on her happily.

It was a fairly basic training area, the ground was rough. Currently the stakes were free and empty of any meat-puppet targets... but the thing of note here was the pedestial. Recalling from the flashback, there was a grand statue here. No doubt about it... where was it now?

Jenny inspected the pedestial briefly and noted a small note written on a fairly clean piece of paper "I. O. U. 1 statue. Will return it soonish, promise! Love Riley" and a cute smiley face at the bottom. The handwritting was distinctly female and it was actually scented with some fairly good perfume? Whatever the case, looks like someone stole the darn statue.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

How in the hells dose one steal a whole freaking statue? This of course put a hindrance on Jenny's plans she was certain that the Statues would be key to helping her find her sister but now one was up and missing. She sighed and sat in the dirt. "Well Sir what other area's do we have left to check? Pulling out the little map Jenny eyed it with Sir before deciding where to check next. But first Jenny decided to check the pedestal for the statue. The statue may be gone but the magic may linger. Pulling out her occulus Jenny checked it when a thought occurred to her. How much perfume did the girl leave on the note for it to last this long?
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny placed the oculus and stepped back from the sight. Around her numerous phantasms repeated the same loop, of raising their blades and kneeling down, their weapons firmly placed infront of them. Well she knew what was needed to be done, but there was nothing else here.

It was a good catch with the perfume. Either someone was reapplying it or... the note was fresh. Jenny looked it over once more and without a doubt this couldn't have been here more than a day. The paper was far too clean and the perfume lingered perfectly still. Whoever stole it, was likely still around or was recently here. But who would steal a statue? Riley appareantly, whoever she was...
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Well the wasn't much for her to do about it. Who ever this Riley was must be very adept to have lived in this hell hole this long. Still Jenny needed to keep moving. Looking at the statue or rather where the statue should have been Jenny memorized the actions and mimicked them with her new blade being sure to wipe it clean first. With that done she looked at her little map again and tried to figure where she could go next.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Well the girl only had the upper areas map. She could go take a bath in the nature class, inspect the cafeteria and leisure center... or... Jenny quickly reread the inscription on the flyer. There was mention of housing here, thinking back there were two other buildings near the main one she entered, infact the girl had no clue what was outside.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Well that was only partial true the outside had a multitude of meat puppets to deal with. Jenny shuttered with all the memories she was getting it was almost if ghostly images of the students passed her by in the halls or laughed faintly in the background. Shaking her head to clear the thoughts Jenny got up this place was getting to her. "Okay Sir sense the library is sealed from us lets check the cafe and commons area before we deal with out side." Jenny shuddered again before making her way as quiet as she could. There was one more area for her to check the necromancy room but she wasn't sure she wanted to deal with that. Though thankfully she had a little time before it became an issue.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The more time Jenny spent in the area, the more she saw the more at home she was starting to feel. The girl proceeded to the cafeteria quietly and peaked inside swearing gently at the sight. It was a fairly roomy area, numerous tables all over with cooks corner and serving buffet of sorts at the far left corner... though it wasn't the empty buffet that disappointed her.

There were around 4 meatpuppets heres. 1 standing aimlessly, 3 scattered around the tables. Lookign around, if she went left there was hallway here leading out of the cafeteria and likely to the leisure area. A potential route, if she managed to duck behind the turned tables. Then again she could try to fight or assasinate these abominations and looked around the cafeteria.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny new these things where attracted to noise and in this case it might serve her well. Picking out a hiding spot Jenny grabbed a discarded and mostly intact plate. Moving to her hiding spot Jenny chucked the plate out of the room and into the main area. Hopefully the noise would draw out the puppets and let the girl explore the area freely.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny quickly got into a good hiding postion and chucked one of the plates out to the nature class! Away from here!

Unfortunately only one of the puppets reacted, the one that stood aimlessly. The abomination slowly turned to the source of the noise and shambled forward it's high-pitched breathing as unnerving as ever. Unfortunately it didn't exit the room. The meat puppet just stood at the hallway and looked into the nature class, not daring to enter. Seemed these things weren't keen on going inside that area.

Nevertheless it was now busy looking away, sneaking past the ones lieing lifelessly on the tables or benches shouldn't be much of a problem.