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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny took in the scene it was beautiful in a ruined kind of way. Though the fact that nature had over come its confined space and growing only seemed fitting for this room. It did pose some problems though if the magic event had created the undead what about animating the plants. She would have to be careful. Taking out the occulus once more Jenny tried to see if it would reveal the location of the statue.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny placed the oculus and looked around, there seemed to be some passing energies throughout the area. Appearing and disappearing, ever so occasionally. Unfortunately the oculus was not able to see through the flora or the wreckage, however it did show Jenny two bright areas near the sitting area on her left and further on forward amidsts the raised rocks.

Servo peeked into the room and slowly entered the room, stopping just short of falling face first into the shallow water. The droid switched to levitation and entered the room following Jenny wherever she went. It was all too curious here...
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Well if I was a statue I would be at the raised rocks myself." Jenny looked over in that direction before turning back to the sitting area. "However the occulus saw something over here as well. Maybe it will be helpful come on Sir." Jenny moved to the sitting area moving slowly as not to disturber the water to much and trying to be quiet as possible.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

43 vs 40 win
50 vs 39 win

Whats that?
42 vs 24 win
33 vs 22 win

Jenny slowly proceed to the elevated area to her left, deciding to squeeze past the wreckage flipped tables and chairs instead of moving them. It was a fairly wide area, obviously for lounging not to mention there was actually a small counter here, numerous glasses and bottle lining up a rack behind it.

Without the oculus there didn't seem anything odd around, though before Jenny could inspect a distinct dripping noise caught her ears. The heroine glanced around only to notice 2 girls lieing asleep on each other right near the edge to the shallow pool nearby and another pair of girls on even more elavated ground near some exotic looking tree up there. Upon closer inspection Jenny noted the girls had a thick gray coat of ooze on them...
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Humm the girls where clearly affected by something best let sleeping ooz girls sleep (fracking aliens). Jenny once more took out the Occulus and looked for the source of the glow. She was in a dangerous spot best be quiet over quick.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

54 vs 33
45 vs 33

??? continue to nap.

Jenny took out the Oculus and looked around the area, seemed Servo sensing danger was glancing over to her from behind a flipped over table, not daring come closer than needed. The lil guy did not trust the sleepers to sleep for long.

There didn't seem to be anything till she looked over the counter, a bright light emitted from something there. Being as sneaky as possible Jenny walked behidn the counter only to find a ragged uniform, but the air around it was absolutely distorted and looking through the oculus it was obvious there was something off with this object...
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny frowned and put the occulus away. What if it was trapped and it woke the girls. Still she needed better cloths than what she was wearing. Looking about and thinking on the situation foreign memories flooded her mind. Unfortunately they where of the man she had killed at the start of her journey but other than the distasteful feeling it reminded her off it also imparted some knowledge to the woman on how to disarm traps. (thats how Im explaining Jenny getting theif) Acting on the memories Jenny checked the garment for traps and if it was clear she would pick then robe up and inspect it more or see if it was hiding the magic item the occulus sensed.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Atleast that was the plan... Jenny reached forward to the tattered uniform only to feel herself seemingly knocked out of her body.

"Alira! Are you okay?" Jenny shook her head, ouch that was one nasty slip "Pyrion you jackass" the brown haired girl above Jenny angrily glanced over to one of the tables "Paybacks a bitch, bitch" some laughs echoed as Jenny got up, Pyrion the official grand master douche of the douche club for douches. Jenny glanced to the blonde dredded haired guy and his trio of grunts - Lug, Rig and Flox. All of them wearing tacky buttoned open shirts with patterns that would make a child cringe. Guess he was still a bit sore after that prank she pulled on him, then again timelocking him and placing him in the lounge was so worth it... right after cock-blocking. He had it coming.

Trixi helped Alira up, she sure didn't see that ice slip spell coming, not to mention the drinks were now on the floor "You do realise you're paying for that..." Jenny spoke up or did she... who was Jenny anyway? Being the douche he was Pyrion quickly proceeded to flip the girl off, only to have his finger almost broken by Matt. "Matt!" Matt was a fairly buff, powerful and the finest looking mage in the academy... alteast if you asked Alira "Pyrion giving you girls trouble?" "No it's alright... let him mope" the much stronger mage threw Pyrions hand aside and approched the girls.

Alira always loved the nature magic faculty, the shallow pool had numerous cascades of water rising from them, the students experimenting with watercraft nearby. And by the sounds of it the earth and lightning studies were well under way in the distance, thankfully the maelstrom class was canceled letting the gang talk over their investigation. The caffe was as packed as ever getting a table here was a miracle, hopefully the rest of their company would arrive shortly "Came to check by if everything is still a-go for tonight." Matt nodded firmly at the duo.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Alira got her self settled and glanced about. Wait her name was Jenny wasn't it no it was Alira. Why did she feel so out of it. She didn't want to miss the lunch so followed around mute listing to the conversation of her friends. Friends I don't know these people. But she did she knew their names their classes. "I don't feel so good." Even her voice sounded diffrent something was up.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Trixi giggled warmly "Well you did take quite the nasty fall there... don't worry we'll get him back for that." her friend winked slyly as Matt glanced back to Pyrion, he was obvious restraining himself from doing something nasty to the douche. Alira gently placed her hand on Matts and smiled, calming him significantly.

"A deals a deal, if even half what we suspect is true the grand master will want to hear of it." Matt nodded at the mention "Alira you got that illusion spell worked out?" Alira still woozy nodded lightly, she did spend most of last night mastering it the mass invisibility spell "Y-yeah... I think so" Matt smiled warmly "Good girl"

Soon "Shorty" made his appearance "I checked everywhere I can't find Lyara anywhere... Noones seen her around at all... not even in art class." the group shared some glances to each other "Do you---" "No, she's a smart and strong girl. Spread out and look for her, maybe she's held up in some glass, but don't go to down to the dark arts classes alone. You hear me." Matt eyed the group firmly as all of them nodded "Go in pairs, I'm with Alira. Trixi take Shorty." "You meant oh great Shorty please look over Trixi?" Matt smirked lightly at his humorous buddy "Be safe everyone now go" a bright flash later it was all gone.

Jenny opened her eyes behind the ruined counter, her head aching for a brief moment, but disappearing soon after, good thing she didn't eat anything or else it would be at risk to see the light of day once more.

Glancing around she'd see Servo, right next to her in lockdown standing as if to block the entrance to the counter near Jenny, but his small frame likely wouldn't have stopped anyone. It was the thought that counted... looking back the lil guy noticed Jenny up and awake, he quickly got back to normal and raised his hands in a cheer. She was the only one he knew around here afterall.

There was one more detail that changed, the girls from earlier were missing.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

How long was she out? She couldn't tell but the strange experiences while different was far from knew to her. Looking about for any danger Jenny noticed the girls had gone and whispered to servo. "Sir where did they go?" Jenny had one more thing to check out here near the rocks but wanted to make sure she wasn't stumbling into an ambush. Checking the spot once more Jenny went to see if the robe was indeed salvageable. If not then at lest it could be used for bandages or some such.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

54 vs 33
36 vs 33
Servo looked over to the area where the girls used to be and raised his hands in shock, his little light beaming around the room before looking up to Jenny and down in shame he missed it. Poor fella probably was stressed enough with Jenny out cold.

Of all things the rocks were definedly not "near" the girl. Jenny looked over to fairly disjointed area, it was such a different sight from the vission. It used to be flat and well kept, Lightning and Earth class area if Jenny understood it correctly. Looking around though, this used to be such a exceptionally pleasant place... it was still beautiful, but instead of that paradise look it was more of a lost jungle beauty.

The heroine sighed lightly and looked down to the ragged clothes... this used to be this cafe's serving uniform, the girls used to do shifts here for some credits. Jenny smiled lightly and picked the uniform up. Looking it over it seems it was heavily torn the shoulder straps in ruin. Still with a little effort Jenny got the unifom up, her bountiful beauties pushed the outfit forward rather severely, but also kept it on her with her shoulder bare. It was like a moth eaten short dark blue dress, not a perfect fit but still better than naked.

Servo continued to keep watch as Jenny got dressed and looked back to her after she was done. There were actually 3 ways the girl could go. There was the rocky area, the overgrown pass and to her left Jenny was sure she saw a double door leading somewhere.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Its alright Sir Im just glad you where looking out for me." Jenny patted the little guy on the head before looking around. The rocky area was the next destination it too had a magical glow so it was next on the exploration list. Still with the strange woman missing it was best to be quiet and perceptive. Moving out keeping that in mind she proceeded to the rocks.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

41 vs 39 -
36 vs 37 !!!

Gemini uses charm!
25 vs 32 !!!

Jenny is charmed!

Jenny glanced around briefly, looking for any potential signs of where the odd girls. All the sighs of their movement ended in the water, making following any further trail impossible.

The heroine firmly squeezed her blade and slowly proceeded onwards to where she thought the other source of the mistical light resided. Though she felt rather threatened with the unknown creatures lingering somewhere out here, at the back of her head she couldn't shake the memories how this place looked like... heck even how beautiful it was here right now. Some fairly exotic looking birds swooping past her from time to time, before settling in the fauna to sing happily.

Things changed the moment Jenny had to cross the water, the girl proceed to pass through the water the ripples cascading throughout the calm. When suddenly a loud splash rang out from her right! One of the pair of the girls were actually resting under the water? Nevertheless the duo slowly got up, their actions a perfect mirror of the others... even they themselves looked identical, two blonde girls with very curvy bodies. Still she was spotted and the two were approaching her fairly rapidly "Please don't run - Stay - Play with us" their voices were fairly distorted obviously just echoes from whoever this creature spawned from.

...but beautiful in their own way. Jenny smiled lightly at the two girls, they seemed friendly enough there was no need to fight. Playing with them sounded like a wonderful idea!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

(damn pheromones)

Jenny was stunned at how beautiful the duo of girls where and was taken by their charm. Playing would be so nice but she had a mission to do. She had to save her sister. "I would love to play." Jenny took a step forward to the girls. "But I have to get my sister." Jenny took another step forward lost to the woman's beauty.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny attempts to drop the charm
38 vs 36 WIN!

Jenny is no longer charmed!

Gemini go in for a grapple:
45 vs 40 success
53 vs 40 success

Jenny is a group grapple!!

Jenny unconciously continued to take steps forward, the two identical girls smiling warmly as they approached her, some sticky ooze dripping from their bodies. A little side activity won't hurt... not with these girls.

Just as Jenny was a about to take another step forward, her actual goal flashed by. She was here to save Lina! And these aren't simple girls these are heavily warped creatures! The heroine was actually in danger!

As her heart skipped a beat the gemini lunged foward one tackling Jenny by her lower body, holding her in place as the other tackled her top, pressing her oozy body against Jennys smiling predatorishly!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny felt the slimes grab onto her felt their ooze starting to effect her. Clearly she could not out wrestle two of them at lest not like this. Feeling the heat start to arise in her Jenny's dormant but powerful succubus nature acted on instinct. "Oh I want to pay but on my terms" Her eyes had gone solid red and instead of fighting the girls affections she started to act on her own. Grabbing the first woman by the tits Jenny started to brutally message them trying to get the slim to start feeling pleasure. Jenny was an expert inheriting a great deal of skill but the real treat is what she learned from Nico.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny is exposed to Aphrodisiac slime!
6 resistance damage!
6 resistance damage!

Apparantly it was super effective
8/20 resistance left to Horny!

Jenny attempts to turn the tables!
54 vs 54 house favors heroine

Jenny shows off:
39 PP dealt!

Gemini teases Jenny with foreplay:
23 PP dealt 11 EP drained!
PP left: 12/35!
EP left: 24/35!

Jenny embraced the two girls openly not trying to fight back, much to the gemini joy. However the creature had no idea the kind of 'pray' it caught...

Jenny was gettin absolutely soaked in the ooze that covered the girls, where it touched her skin quickly warmed up, sending pleasant chills throughout her body. No question asked, this was aphrodisiac, the very same she was covered in the pit by the grabbers! Whether she liked it or not the heroine would soon succumb to her sexual needs, her sex already flushed and wet, breasts extatic at being covered by the other girl.

Still while she still had the presence of mind Jenny would make a move, lest she was left at the mercy of the creature. The succubus felt herself gently lowered on the shore, the gentle grass prickling into her back as one of the stroked her legs and slowly spread them, while the other pressed herself on her upper body. Jenny would quickly pull the girl she could easily reach closer to her lips and lock her into an embrace the unaware gemini eagerly aswered, though she didn't expect the moment Jennys hands moved in to massage her breasts! The Gemini almost pulled back, but she was caught by the superior succubus.

By now Jenny felt her legs spread by the other girl as she moved in to eat the heroine out. The identical twin instantly getting to work on Jennys very sensitive folds, her tongue dancing around Jennys clit briefly, maing the succubus jerk lightly at the sudden sensation.

Be it returning the favor or fighting back, Jenny quickly broke the kiss and moved in to suckle, lick and nibble on the other gemini girls breasts, her moans sharp and loud, elaborating just how effective Jenny was.

However the more Jenny indulged herself in this race, the weaker and hungrier she felt. The lower girl eating her while exceptional, was draining Jenny of her essence fairly rapidly. These creatures weren't looking for sex, they were looking for food.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny felt some of her essence slip away which spurred her nature to feed. The two girls had no idea what they where in for after all their own aphrodisiac doomed them. Very few things survive a hungry horny succubus and the slime girls where unfortunately going to find out soon enough.

Continue to please the girl doing foreplay damage and draining her dry after all succubi do the eating not the other way around.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny swimming in ahprodisiac ooze:
6 resistance dealt
1 resistance dealt
1/20 resistance left... really?

Gemini attempts to take back full control!
52 vs 52 hm... rerolling...
54 vs 58 Jenny wins

Jenny deals PP damage and drains!
31PP dealt; Gemini orgasms! 37 drained!

Gemini was drained dry.

Jenny eyes ignited in dark energies as she held one the girls against her, leaning up from her breasts and back into a greedy kiss. She could feel the girl try to escape, but it was too little too late. The succubus could feel the girl busy eating her out weaken aswell, the more she toyed with the one on top. Seemed these two were connected.

The creature didn't expect such an onslaught of sensations as soon Jenny felt her resistance weaken as she gave herself fully to Jenny. The heroine continued her kiss and broke feeling the moment was right... the gemini looked to her trembling lightly and quickly got to her feet and presented Jenny her pussy, the second girl too weak and defeated to please much less drain the succubus anymore, rested on her thigh lovingly stroking the succubus.

With her pray already lost to the sensual assault Jenny teasingly licked the present lips to her, playing around area with her tongue briefly pulling the girl closer and eating her out. The gemini screamed out in bliss, a scream that signaled her final submission. It would be mere moments before Jenny was licking, teasing and proding the girls most sensitive areas, even if the gemini was no longer human she still possesed the very much same body.

Soon Jenny felt the girl tense up, it was time to push the advantage. For a few brief moments Jenny gave it her all and felt the girl orgasm, this was when the soul was most prone to being drained! Jennys eyes narrowed in a devilish manner as she striked, one final scream later. The gemini fell to the side as the other collapsed near Jennys feet. Both of the girls started evaporating and before long completely disappeared into just a small amount of gray dust.