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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny frowned and looked at the man. "I cannot and will not ask that of Grace. Besides if you have a wife why do you need us to pay with our bodies?" Jenny looked at the man it was clear he had some sort of power but she couldn't submit others to his sexual perversion as well as caring some spawn of a creature.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The man nonchalantly stroked his beard and patiently waited for their answer "That's me offer, you're free to decline it." his tone stated it clear it wasn't up to debate, Jenny could always decline and the man would leave with no ill will towards them.

Grace looked to Jenny rather worryingly and then to the sky. They could spend the night in the open, but chances were whatever crawled out during the night may be far worse than this humiliating deal "You decide Jenny... I-I'll follow." she noded weakly.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked at Grace and took her by the chin so the woman had to look into her eyes. "None of that now Grace you are a free woman not a pleasure slave or mindless drone. If you don't want to then we will decline I will not force you to do this. Its part of being free if you wanted someone to always tell you what to do then you would have never left that awful place." Jenny looked at Grace her voice taking on a softer tone. "Being free we make our own choices now. Your not my slave and I am not your mistress."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Grace smiled warmly at the heroine "A-alright." she looked around the camp once more "I don't mind... paying with my body for safety. We have to think of your friend..." she looked to Jenny and then to Nico. Indeed Nico though without the collar was still knocked out cold. Seemed the battle and especially the captivity reallly did a number on the succubus.

With Grace not opposing the idea to follow the man to his hut, it was up to the slightly more experienced heroine to say the final word.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny kissed the girl on the head before turning back to the man. "We agree." Jenny moved to pickup Nico and placed her once more on her back and prayed she had done the right thing. After all it would be a tragedy if they escaped one prison only to walk into another.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The man giggled warmly and slapped his knee in joy "Oh boy~ We haven't had visitors for a long darn time. Follow me, ladies." smiling widely the man would lead the girls onward through the forest, the harsh brances seemingly swaying aside as he parted a route for the girls deeper and deeper into the forest. Jenny looked to Grace starting to feel uneasy about this decision, perhaps this was some evil forest spirit looking for a few playthings...

Either way soon the forest would seemingly open up a pathway to fairly large structure of sorts. Though it seemed more like a construct of nature than anything else. It was seemingly a huge tree with it's roots uprooted and shaped into a circular fashion, moss, leaves and mud acting as padding between the roots to become a robust circular house. No real windows though and the door itself was made of dirt, leaves and twigs. It was fairly obvious the man wasn't the usual fare.

"Wifey~ I'm home! And I have guests!" he laughted merrily as he entered the structure. If Jenny was going to back down this was likely her only opportunity to do so.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

There was no backing out now after all they where deep in the woods and likely wouldn't survive the night alone without shelter. Grabbing Graces hand Jenny squeezed it tight letting the timid girl know she was sill here.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Grace smiled warmly at Jenny and tightened her grip on the girls hand. With that, the two slowly entered the odd structure to see what lied inside.

The whole structure was of a circular fashion with 4 sperate rooms at each having a hallway on both sides of it. The man turned to the left hallway likely to bring his wife, looking around the whole place even without windows was perfectly illuminated thanks to some odd yellow glowing moss. The floor had a soft moss like feel to it and seemed fairly strong, the walls were very much the same like outside though here the leaves made the main of the sculpting mix. The smell of wild flowers and sap lingered in the air, but was not strong enough to be obnoxious on the contrary it was a supremely pleasnt scent.

Soon though the man came back giggling warmly and behind him his wife finally revealed herself. She was an exceptional beauty, sizeable D's, pure green-ish skin, long green hair and shimmering green eyes... an exceptionally beautiful flower in her hair and numerous roots seemingly caressing her curves, with leaves serving as top and panties of sorts. Jenny had to take a double take when she saw the whole picture, the woman did not have feet! Down from around her knees was leafy pod, with numeorus green tendrils serving as a way to move. The woman was an Alraune!

Well that explained the reason why most of the hallways and doors were fairly wide, seemed the structure was build with the womans substantial pod in mind.

She looked over the trio and smirked, keeping a keen eye on Grace who tried her best to keep a pokerface, but was failing miserably. The alraune snickered lightly at the embarassed priestess and turned back to the two succubi "Really Darnell? We're letting demons in now?" she looked her husband in a almost comical fashion, she didn't really mean it seems "Well the girls needed a place to rest, I told them the price don't worry." he grinned happily "And the other two?" the man scratched his neck innocently, much to a heartfull sigh from his wife "Perv..."

The Alraune turned to her guests and introduced herself "I am Alysa and this is my husband Darnell. I expect you to behave while in our household..."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny smiled at the alraune trying not to get creeped out. This was her fist experience dealing with talking plants. "Don't worry Alysa despite our appearance we are very good house guests." Jenny did prickle at being called a demon but the plant woman didn't seem to care to much though the thought did bother Jenny somewhat. Did she really look like a demon? Sure she was attractive in an other worldly fashion but she didn't feel to different.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Grace lightly tugged at Jenny glancing at her and coughing lightly "It is an honor, Alysa. I am Grace, this is Jenny and her friend Nico." she smiled warmly at the alraune. This seemed to please the woman greatly "Atleast one of you have their manners in check. Come, you look starved there should be enough food for everyone... but first..." the alraune extended a few tentacles and if Jenny didn't freak out too much would gently life Nico of her back.

"This one seems very weak, I shall tend to her wound and join you." she nodded lightly and carried off Nico to one of the nearby rooms. The man smiled warmly at the two remaining girls "She's quite the sight ain't she... come on the kitchens this way" he'd lead the girls through one of the 4 hallways or tunnels in this case, ending with much smaller circular room with flat-head shroom in the middle this was likely the dinning table. "Sit, sit..."

Both girls sat down around the table and were given some sort of dark green soup, inside bowls that were hopefully made from dried mud... they probably weren't. Still the liquid didn't smell too nice, but Jenny hasn't eaten in quite some time, not to mention drank anything. Whether she liked it or not this was likely the only nourishment she'll get.

The soup has a grassy and rather bitter taste. Small unidentifiable chunks like potatos would occasional accompany a spoonful [those would be boiled maggots... so don't look what you eat
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny sat down and eye the soup it wasn't exactly what she wanted to eat but really she didn't even need to eat normal food. Still it would be scene as rude if she refused so she waited for their hostess to join them before eating.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

It wouldn't be long before the Alraune would come join them. She smiled warmly at her man and comfortable sat down in her pod, it lightly opening up revealing hints that it was indeed a huge flower just not opened up fully "How is she?" before either of the girls could ask the man inquired first, much to a snicker from the alraune "She'll be up in a few minutes. Seemed she was starved for so long..." the alraune glanced over to her husband "Something tells you'll enjoy the night quite a bit" both of them laugh lightly, before procceding to the food.

The man ate in very simple and primal way just teaspoon after tea spoon, while the alraune had some elegance in each of her small nibbles. Meanwhile poor Grace, actually looked to what was on offer. It would've been rude to refuse and she was not so much hungry as thirsty... Still she somehow managed to down a few spoons and gently pushed the dish to the middle of the table "Oh~ I couldn't eat another bite..." literally, the girl jerked lightly likely from the disgust, but still kept her smile. The two host snickered lightly "I'll get you some water then alright?" the alraune smiled warmly and took some water from a nearby basin that likely collected rain water from all around their little hovel.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny did her best to hold her composure and tried not to think of what she might be eating. Taking a few spoonfuls she tried the soup before setting her spoon aside and joining in the polite conversation. Hopefully the odd couple would not take offense. "Ms Alysa pardon my questions but I have never met someone like you. Would you mind telling me about yourself?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The alraune turned to Jenny curiously "Like myself?" she paused a moment smiled "Ah~ an Alraune" she sighed longingly "We alraunes are the offspring of nature and simple folk, human, elf, sometimes even orc. As you can see..." she graciously ran her hand around her pod "I am as part of their herritage as I am of nature. It is hardly a surprise you haven't seen my kin, we rarely ever venture out of the woods."

She slowly took a spoonful and chewed on it playfully "Don't know what else is there to say." she chuckled "I hardly ever need to introduce my kin." the alraune turned to her man, who just smiled back widely.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Oh I see thank you for telling me." Jenny smiled at the couple and returned to her drink of water. Jenny of course had more questions but kept her mouth shut not wanting to pry. Still she had to wonder why the man needed Grace for his wife. It was obvious why he wanted Nico and herself but Alysa was very pretty why would he and more importantly why would she let him bed Nico and her. This of course remained locked in the girls head so she sat and listened to any conversation that my pop up.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"So how did the scouting go?" Alysa spoke to her man "She's still spreading her influence they're closing in to the Elder tree now" Darnells voice had a rather sad tone to it "I see... guess we'll have to move soon. Hopefully the winters frost will force her back." "Aye it should, but she's becoming more ravenous..." the alraune put down her spoon and sighed lightly, seemed she was done eating.

"Still on to more festive news..." she smiled brightly and turned to the two guests "You, Grace? Please stand up let me see." the alraune was still sitting as her pod carried her away from the table. Grace was in no position to question it so she just stood up aswell and approached her.

"That's a very pretty uniform, but could you remove it? It is time...
" she smiled warmly at the priestess.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Well the Alraune was certainly forward but Jenny just watched to see if Grace was still okay with this. She had no clue why they had picked Grace over her but given the nature of the people she wasn't going to question it.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Grace didn't argue, afterall both girls agreed to this. Slowly she removed her clothing and started undoing her surprisingly sexy lingerie underneath, much to the mans rgeat interest and attention. The alraune just snickered to herself watching her perverted husband and politely waited while Grace removed her clothing, placing it on some roots acting for benches.

Alysa looked over Grace, smiling widely and approached her, much to the girl holding her breath in embarassment "It's alright, there's no need to be embarassed. It's all natural afterall..." she smiled motherly at the priestess and inpsected her body, even going as far as gropping her cute round ass and D's "Oh you'll bring me a beautiful daughter. Thank you..."

The alraune turned to Jenny "I'll lead your friend to my precious child. You wait in my room..." she smiled mischieviously at Jenny and would proceed to lead Grace out by the hand. The priestess giving Jenny one last glance of uncertainty before disappearing behind the door.

"Don't worry, your friend will be fine. Alraunes grow to full age in less than a day. You three will be able to leave as soon as tommorow. Yer from the town nearby? Kings Camp?" the man spoke up still busy with his dinner.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny watched the pair go a feeling of slight unease overcoming her. "Yeah Im from Kings Coast. So umm where is her room?" If given the directions Jenny would follow them. hopefully Nico would be there and rested and maybe she could help get this damned collar off.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The man nodded lightly "One moment..." he quickly finished stew and stood up "Oh right." still chewing his dinner the man leaned to Jenny and muttering a spell under his breath touched the collar, causing it to combust in white flames and disappear of Jenny!

"Alrighty, Jenny. This way" he wiped off his beard and in fairly friendly manner lead Jenny back through the hallway and into on of the 4 rooms she first saw. The room was brilliantly illuminated by the same moss that seemed to serve as a light source for the hovel. There was an extensive collection of flowers growing here aswell as what seemed to be a sky light, the glass for it was likely the only modern creation in the whole place.

Other than that the room didn't have chairs or even a bed, it was like an open space with the sides covered in beautiful flowers. Only a small basin of water stood out besides that. Jenny had some time for her thoughts while she waited or perhaps ask the man somethign before he closed the door.