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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The girl indeed did not have another idea though with Grace's statement some concerns arose. Jenny looked at the girl her eyebrow raised. It was doubtful that Grace was Rosa after all the big summoning was taking place. "Grace if you knew about this escape route then why are you still here?" It was a question that needed answering and the mistrust in Jenny's voice couldn't be disguised.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"And then what? Only to be caught and severely punished?" Grace looked down "I knew a few girls that tried to do escape... they were put in the pit once caught..." Jenny could see it in the priestess face just how low her heart sunk... the pit. Jenny was a succubus and an experienced one at that, but a simple priestess to be thrown down there.

"They have eyes and ears everywhere... but I just can't be here anymore. I just can't." Grace squezed her fists "I'm not who they want me to be, nor shall i become it!"

Nico smiled warmly "Let's get out of here, I'll make sure they don't lay a hand on you, Grace." the succubus picked up the name when Jenny mentioned her.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny frowned her recent activities having caused a good ruckus earlier. "I don't know the guards are looking for me and want revenge my escape... hasn't been without its failings." Jenny looked away trying to think of something new or some way to help. "I know hows your acting Nico if we get caught you can just claim to be throwing Grace and Me into the pit as punishment. Ill have to trust you with my blade or at lest hid it in my cloths. What do you think. If they ask why Grace is here tell them she was helping me."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Most demons aren't the smartest tools in the shed. Let's play smart and hopefully reach the exit." Nico slowly stood up, stretched lightly inadvertadly giving both girls quite the view of her exceptional curves and pure skin "By the way... you seem to have..." the succubus snickered lightly " 'Grown' a little since our last meeting Jenny."

Jenny just had enough for a brief explanation as the girls were forced into action. Suddenly the door to the main hallway outside slammed open "HOAR! THE FUCK YOU DOIN'!" "Fucking my slut, you know I hate sloppy seconds..." seemed the demon Jenny slew was missed! As atleast two guards entered the hallway.

"Oh no~ he'll find the body!" Grace turned to the girls, for suggestions. Nico quickly turned to Jenny "Quick Jenny! Hide behind the door! Grace with me..." it was up to Jenny to offer a plan or see what Nico had in mind.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

What could she do but hide. Jenny made her way to hide behind the door letting Nico and Grace enact their own plan. Blade at the ready Jenny waited and prayed to Naya that Nico's plan worked.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Nico grabbed Grace by the hand and quickly pulled her to the bed "Jenny you take the one on the right." was the last comment the heroine heard before the silvery beauty had the priestess dragged to the bed. She whispered something to her and after a brief moment, seemingly painfully twisted the girls nipples.

"KYAAAH~~!!!" a shriek rang out loudly, which was quickly silenced by a kiss from the succubus. So this was Nicos plan, grab their attention to the two girls letting Jenny get a clear shot!

...still Nico didn't have to over do the kiss the way she did. Grace seemingly melt in the skilled womens hands as her moans were not that of acting. Nevertheless the plan worked like a charm.

The door slowly opened to reveal the two busty beauties making out on the bed, thankfully the door hid Jenny perfectly.

Nico snickered lightly, slowly breaking the kiss and looking to the two grunts "Oh~ and here we thought, we'd have to play alone. Wanna fuck boys?" she smirked seductively. Hell being the patroling demons fantasy lover the two guards were enamored by the womens curves, silky voice and just irresistable pheromones.

With both guards in the room Jenny had a clear strike, Nico once more whispered something to Grace and looked to Jenny to initiate the attack.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny was quick her hidden position perfect for a sneak attack. Moving silently Jenny aimed for a mortal blow on the guard indicated by Nico before getting ready to fight the other one.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny sneak attacks!
Not a chance to fail!
Soldier #1 dead!

Nico and Grace strike!
Soldier #2 dead!

Jennys blade gleamed lightly, sensing bloodshed in the air once more. The heroine silently walked up to one of the guards and impaled him from behind, covering his mouth to lower his scream of anguish!

"What the F--" the two grils from the bed quickly jumped forward with Grace kicking the man in his family jewels, giving Nico a pefect angle to cut the mans throat open with a single swipe of her tail.

"Told you. Idiots, the lot of them." the elder succubus smirked lightly as he tail flicked off the gore from it's edges "You did very well Grace..." she looked to the smiling priestess, Nico smiled back, but hers had very clear intents of a reward. A reward, that Nico would enjoy all too much later "It's been awhile since Incertus visited me, they're likely communicating with the greater demon. We don't want to face the mages of this place. Let's go." she turned to Jenny for further actions.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Yeah I would rather not fight them either." Jenny leaned over and grabbed one of the blades and handed it to Grace. "Take it I doubt they will be willing to take prisoners from here on out." With that Jenny lead the way trying to lead Nico and Grace back to the dungeon and avoiding guards when ever they could.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Nico picked up one of the blades aswell, making all three of them fairly armed. Though Jennys companions were signifantly weaker in physical combat.

The trio would quickly proceed forward and turn to the throne room. "Wait up..." Jenny would take the lead having the girls cover her very shapely rear. Unfortunately it would not be smooth sailing from here on out, there were atleast 4 guards here 1 near each of the exits and 2 patroling up and down the hallway. What would the succubus do now?
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked down at the situation and frowned it was bad. "Okay I think I have a plan. We need a distraction so here are my thoughts on that. We hide the two bodies in Nico's room and using some of the candles light it on fire. When the fire is good enough to see smoke Grace will run to the entrance here and yell fire and look worried. This will hopefully draw the guards in this room to that room to put out the blaze. Meanwhile me and Nico will be hiding behind the collums for the guards to run and check it out. When and if they do join back up with us Grace and well go threw the door that leads directly to the pit. Sound good?" Jenny left it open for the girls to help decided after all it was their lives at risk as well as hers.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Hmmm... why not skip the middle man. Grace could try to tell them I'm making an escape, they run off to investigate and we make our advance" Nico smiled warmly, but was keen to hear Jennys take on this.

"No not the pit! The exit is near the bunkhouse, just beyond the mess hall. We'd be making a huge circle if we went through the kitchen or the patrol tunnels." seemed the priestess had rather intimate knowledge of the dungeon. How long has she been down here...

With her companion opinions spoken it was up to Jenny to decide what to make of them.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny revised her mental map of the place and face palmed. "Your right Grace that would be the fastest route. And I saw we go with Nico's plan less danger of getting caught in a fire storm though less time for the actual distraction. We agreed?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Nico winked sly "Ofcourse" "Aye!".

Soon the girl got in position, it was up to Grace to deliver. The priestess ruffled her hair slightly, took a deep breath and smashed the door open "HE~~LP! The succubus is escaping!" the two patrols stopped and the guards from their respected doors turned to the priestess "The hell you doing out of your room slut." "Please she's killing everyone! Hoar is dead and Tin and Romnik are barely keeping her at bay... There's so much blood" one of the patrols looked to his friend rather sceptical, when suddenly one guards from the door spoke up "...aw shit. Did anyone lock up Nicos room?" "I thought you did" "FUCK!" well looked like one guards incompetence won them that lie.

"Come on lets go! The master will skin us if she escapes!" soon all four of them men ran off to the room to inspect, showing the priestess aside. At the very least they should take some time to follow the trail of bodies, but such deception can only last so long.

Nico slowly lead the men out and smiled at Grace "Good work girl." Jenny sighed with relief, looked like her plan worked. The trio advanced forward towards the mess hall. Looking inside Jenny could see numerous tables all dirty, scratched or flatout broken. Most of them had room for atleast 10 demons. So looking over there had to be at the very least 30 demons down here... thankfully Jennys escape seemed to be taking at an odd hour.

Unfortunately the mess hall wasn't completely empty as one fairly large demon stuffed his good at the end of the hallway "Ugh... the Gorger..." Grace winced lightly "The door we need is over there" the priestess pointed out a door on the opposite wall around the middle of the room.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Maybe we can just slip by him?" Jenny waited to see what the other girls thought before silently slipping into the room getting ready to down the fat demon if she had to. Motioning for Grace and Nico to go for the door Jenny waited to see if she needed to attack.

Sneaking into the room unless the girls stop Jenny
Sneak attack the demon if he looks like he heard us
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The two girls eyed the ground litered with glass and numerous dining tools it was a tall order for all three of them to sneak past. Jenny felt Grace grab her hand stopping her sneak attempt "Wait!..." the girl looked to the creature "All three of us won't be able to sneak past. I could distract it and pretent I'm on call to the bunks. So long as he's looking at me you two should be able to slip past."

Nico looked to Jenny it was the heroines call "I don't know... sounds risky. What if he doesn't let you leave..."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked at the Grace eying her anew. "Nope that thing is piging out I saw we take our chances. After all Nico can glide over that mess and Im very deft on my feet even with a little extra weight. Now Im gonna pick you up and help you across this floor." Jenny scooped up Grace in her arms she was a light thing well light compared to some other things anyway. "Stay quiet and follow in my foot steps. Hold on tight." Nico had been a barmaid for a long time so Jenny wasn't to worried about her though Grace was a extra weight Jenny had built up alot of strength over the past few days it should be simple and easy.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

36 vs 31, 14, 13 Good job girls... all detected
Gorger uses shadowstalker to intecept

"Alright... let's go." the girl nodded to each other and proceeded with their plan. All was clear sailing when around midway Jenny stepped on a loose floor board shooting up a few dishes upwards and down.

All three of the girls hearts sunk as they turned to the creature who paused it's feast... before continueing it further. Jenny sighed with relief, when the moment she raised her eyes the creature formed up from the shadows right in their way! "What do we have here?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Just three slaves heading to the barracks to treat the men master." Jenny hated that word but still she wanted to avoid fighting this thing if at all possible. "We didn't want to disturb your meal. Please forgive us." Jenny got down before the creature and reached an unarmed hand up to rub the things cock if it even had one and hoped one of the other girls had a sudden idea. "I just started my service and the master thought it was a good idea to pass me around the men to get used to what I would be doing from no on." Ughh she hated every word she spoke hopefully this thing was as dumb as the rest of them.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Things of note:
The mess hall is covered in broken dishes and silver-ware, some of it is intact and fairly clean. There's a small fire at the end of the room with a pot on it.
Most of the demon was covered in a contantly shifting darkness, only it's rather sculptured top was visible. Why was this thing called the Gorger, from Jennys perspective the demon was fairly buff, even if completely enveloped by shadows.

Still the girl came up with the idea of acting like a trio of slaves on their way to service the barracks. It seemed like a solid lie, especially with Jenny really playing out her role as she got to her knees and went to look how to please the creature, only to grasp at fleeting shadows.

The demon chuckled as he rather gently placed his hand on Jennys cheek "Well aren't you a interesting one, I'll make sure we spend a lot of time after your transformation little girl." suddenly the demon forced a kiss. It was just wrong on a severe level. It's face that seemed to be of a fairly beautiful and rugged man was a mere illusion as Jenny felt numerous tentacles lick her lips, even trying to get into her mouth but failing.

Jenny pushed aside the demon, much to his laugher "Nico, Grace. Back to your cells... I believe the men don't accept armed escapees to sate their urges... atleast not when they're so spirited." he smirked. Both girls drew their blades seemed combat would be inavoidable.
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