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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Words failed Jenny as she melted into a simmering pot of sensations and sexual bliss. It was a strange sensation to be doubled penetrated in mid air by a tail and cock and Jenny was loving every minute of it. The Elder succubus plowed into Jenny never letting up on the poor girl as she buck end moaned. Soon her own body and succubus nature kicked up to speed with Nico and soon she was meeting every thrust perfectly causing splatters of girl juice to fly. She felt something seeping into her changing her shaping her. Was it Nico's doing or was it something else either way Jenny was enjoying herself far to much to care at the moment. Every thrust seemed to draw out a passionate NICO from Jenny's lips.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny basks in Nico corruption 100+ corruption gained
Another mutation gain
[Unless it's capped. Currently at 3 mutations from the encounter]

"Ah~ Jenny~!" Jenny had such an exquisite body that even an elder succubus was taken aback by the sheer amount of sexual pleasure Jenny provided. Both girls moaned loudly and freely, soon in a very rushed and forceful manner Nico removed her tail and coiled around Jenny once more raising the girl off her cock and flipping her to face the elder succubus.

The girls bodies rubbed against each other Jenny forced down by the sheer power of gravity, locking their hands together and kissing deeply. Nico quickly fixed Jenny so her now re-enlarged cock would slip into her effortlessly once more, and just as rushed as it came the tail rushed off Jenny and down to her pucker filling the girls holes once more, keeping the speedy rhytm from before.

The two girls looked each other in the eyes, lust and desires... perhaps even a hint of love burning brightly as their fuck continued. Though as all good things it seemed it was closing an end too. Both girls were too entranced to notice, but their bodies wouldn't last much longer the final orgasm was coming.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny felt her body tense she was getting close and that wasn't the only thing that was happening. As her back arched from her orgasm two large raven wings burst forth freshly formed. Nico heard Jenny's cry of both pain and bliss as she saw Jenny's wings form. This of course proved to much for the poor girl as she fell on top of Nico exhausted and unconscious.

Jenny gains the wings mutation 3x
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny gains yet another mutation!
Morning after effect still lingers.
4 total, 3 spent for Greater Raven wings. 1 more left to spend.
The two kissed each other lost in their lust, their moans intermixed with calling out each others name. It wouldn't be long till Jenny felt the pressure grow unbearable as the two cocks grew in size in her obviously overflowing with the promised payload.

And that moment when both girls screamed out in bliss, something finally overflowed inside Jenny, all the essence she absorbed today, now empowered with the elder succubus presence finally broke a milestone inside the girl.
During the peak of their orgasm Jennys voice grew in strength as suddenly 2 gorgeous greater Raven wings formed up on the girls back, flinging numerous black feathers around the room and flapping lightly to stretch themselves out likely subconciously.

And with that Jenny collapsed on top of Nico her new wings covering her up. The girl could not recall anything that happened after that.

Jenny woke up in Nicos bedroom, a little woozy, but exceptionally full of energy and in very high spirits. Last night was just... probably the single greatest night of her life. Once Jenny opened her eyes she'd see Nico looking at her with a very warm and proud smile "Up already?" the silver haired beauty spoke up, her voice still bearing those silken properties that drove Jenny crazy.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny smiled at Nico the utter feeling of being satisfied positively filled the girl. She tried to sit up and have a proper conversation with Nico but she felt heavier than she remembered. She tried to sit up a few times but finally struggled to a sitting position feeling off balanced still. A small flap made Jenny turn her head to see one of her wings stretching. "What is this?" Jenny turned her head to the other side taking note of the other wing. A look of shock quickly formed on her face as her hands went to explore the new additions to her body. Confusion and fear quickly ran their course threw Jenny. "Nico what happened to me?" Jenny's voice was full of emotion this was clearly a shock to the woman.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Nico giggled warmly, her look unfaltering "Aren't they beautiful?" still she wasn't just going to ignore Jennys shock "Once a succubus grows in power enough, her body will begin to take forth her true form. Don't be scared Jenny, I've never seen a succubus posses wings like yours, such an majestic appearance, such a rich dark color" suddenly Nico got up and summoned forth her own pair of greater bat wings "Greater wings show a grand bloodline it is a sign of a what you could call "noble" blood in your veins" the silver haired beautfy moved around Jenny inspecting her from all angles "I'm so proud of you little sister." Nico words were earnest, but did nothing to truly ease the girl... honestly could words really put her at ease right now?
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny quikly grabbed Nico and held her much as a scared child would do and in fact Nico could feel Jenny's heart beating rapidly as the girl held her tightly. "Im scared Nico." Jenny was very scared if anyone other than her sisters saw her they would confuse her for a monster or worse the church might try to burn her as a witch or demon. What would her mother and father think. It was all to much for her as she began to cry again holding on the woman before her. SHe couldn't even leave to save her sister like this.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Shh~..." Nico gently stroked the girls hair allowing her to cry into her "Come with me I'd like to show you something." the silver haired beauty ever so gently took both Jenny hands and looked her those tearful eyes, something deeply encouraging burning in the elder succubus look that Jenny couldn't refute.

Nico would gently lead the scared girl upstairs "Don't worry the bar is closed. The windows are blocked... come" and once or if Jenny does agree to enter the main bar all the girls from the bar would cheer out for her as wave upon wave of claps could be heard from all over "Jenny! Jenny!~" All the girls gathered to take a peek at Jennys new wings and absolutely everyone had either open admiration or hints of jealousy in their eyes. The peasant girl was the absolute star of the moment.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The claps and shouts where overwhelming for the shocked girl here she was welcomed even praised. Her foul mood soon evaporated as she was bombarded with compliments. "Your all to kind thank you." Given a look back at this moment Jenny would decided this was her new home how could she ever leave her soul sisters how could she ever leave Nico.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny thanked the girls for their support and was intsnatly bombarded with requests to show off her new wings "Stretch em Jenny!" "Show them Jenny!" seemed even Ashai for all her stern and serious demeanor had a curious and joyful expression.

If the peasant girl looked back she'd see Nico a short distance behind her, nudging her to try and stretch out her newest gift. If she did the wows, cheers would be overpowering.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

It was a strange task to try flex muscles she never had before but soon she was able to spread her wings to their full extent truly they where magnificent. Shimmering black wings only drew attention to Jenny's pale skin and dazzling body. For once she didn't feel the need to cover herself and stood in her splendor blushing at the praise.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

A resounding 'Oh~' rangout throughout the crowd follower by cheers and applause unlike any before. Jenny truly looked beyond any words now, the black wings, beautiful flawless pale skin, an absolutely dazzling body... she indeed seemed like someone from mere tales or fantasies, a fallen angel.

Jenny blushed brightly as Nico approached her finally "Alright girls, we're opening up in a few hours. We can't let our customer down now can we? Let's get to it." the crowd let out a few sad sighs, but didn't argue, though surely they will want to inpsect or talk to Jenny later on. Slowly the girls separated and got to work preparing the bar to be opened, some still throwing glances back at the girls angelic figure

Nico turned to Jenny smiling warmly "So~... wanna go test them out?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

She did but it was daylight out now. "What if someone see's us Nico? I can't hide my wings like you do." It was true Jenny didn't know how Nico had managed not to be hunted down by the church. The moment she stepped out of the doors she would be seen and all hopes to find her sister would vanish with it.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Nico glanced outside it was rather early at most a few fishermen could potentially notice the two "Perhaps you're right... better safe than sorry" the silver haired beauty winked slyly "I've got another present for you downstairs, come down when you're ready." Jenny could follow Nico down outright or she could stay and do whatever she wished upstairs.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"You'll have to teach me to fly maybe before my shift tonight well if I can do a shift." Jenny frowned but followed Nico down eagar and excited to see her present.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Last encounter max mutations 3 for the full wing mutation
Jenny gains 100 corruption from synching souls with an elder succubus
Jenny gains a mutation!
Jenny gains shapeshifting!!

"Oh don't worry about it. We can leave at any time for your lessons..." Nico slowly descended down to her bedroom "While it's a horrible injustice we need to hide your wings from the townsfolk. They may not understand or someone may put a hefty bounty on you." Nico smiled warmly at Jenny "Such a rare and beautiful angel would be the prize of many men."

The silver haired beauty turned to Jenny "So to avoid catching attention I will gift you the power to change your body. Most of the girls in the bar have it." Nico snickered to herself "Can't have my girls walking around with their cutsy wings and tails swaying in the air can I?..." the woman paused a moment some thoughts crossing her mind.

"Come Jenny. I will sync our souls and grant you the gift." though the sync'ing process would prove much more interesting than one might think. The moment Jenny approached Nico, the elder succubus quickly pulled her into a deep embrace, her eyes shinning bright red. Jenny could feel her whole body stir as she could clearly see her own essence swirl around her, the embrace continued as Nico held Jenny tighter than ever before even if Jenny wanted to escape she was trapped in the womans grasp and kiss. Soon the same essences swirled around Nico, but these were in far greater quantity and off a much dark purple hue.

Soon Jenny could feel herself melt away in the kiss, it was a very pleasant, but deeply dark feeling. She sawa great part of essence go into Nicos where it was soon enveloped and changed to a similar hue, before going back into Jenny, reinvigorating her and changing something deep within her.

After that Nico broke the kiss and gasped for air, breathing heavily. Seemed this was actually very taxing on the woman "Feel any different?" Nico sat down on her bed, obviously drained from this "Now close your eyes and visualise a body. Your own body and just see it in your mind..." if Jenny did so the next time she opens her eyes her body would have taken form of the one she visualised. Seemed she can now gain any form or forms she wished!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny focused on her body before the wings had formed and when she opened them again to see they had vanished. "Wow Nico thank you so much how did you do that." Jenny spun around giggling now she could complete her quest though it looked like her benifacter was abit drained. "Oh Nico are you feeling okay? Here take some of my essence I have so much just rest and recover." Jenny offered herself to Nico and it was up to her whether or not she would partake.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Nico smiled warmly "No I can't, Jenny. Right now your essence is too unstable to be proper nourishment. I'll just rest abit and should be fine." the silver haired beauty lied down on her bed, her exceptional body surrounded by the fine silk, her milky and pure skin, full lips and luscious curves... Jenny didn't even notice she was staring at Nico openly.

"One more thing Jenny, even if you can change to whatever form you want. You MUST let your wings out for a stretch atleast once every two days. Afterall they are part of your body now, don't abbandon such a beautiful gift." she smiled meekly and closed her eyes likely drifting off to sleep. Looks like the lesson will have to wait.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny kissed Nico on the forehead before making her way to the locker she had upstairs she still had an appointment with Recarn as well as pick up her money from last night.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny silently got up the stairs and entered the main area of the bar, the girls were busy cleaning and setting up tables, not to mention the smells of fine breakfast filled the room. Unfortunately Jenny was beyond such foods anymore, it would be more out of nostalgia than the need of nourishment. She was exceptionally well fed from last nights endeavors, even with the energy her wings consumed.

"Hey~ Where are your wings! I wanted to touch em~!" Tina looked up from one of the tables and ran up to Jenny smiling warmly "Oh Jenny! So how did you get your wings?" "Was it from Nico? We all peeped in your show upstairs... I think Korini herself got wet from the things you two did"Wings?~" Yikes! Looks like Jenny wasn't just another girl in the bar anymore she was one of the more reknown girls around.

She could always apologise and get on her way... or just stay and chat for a wee bit.