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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Wait what did Meril just list off prices for sex? "Oh.. I see." It was all Jenny could muster really as she got dressed. This would not do at all after tonight she would have a talk with Nico. Jenny was not prepared for this and as far as giving the girl a warning about the customers being frisky well it didn't exactly cover releasing their pent up energies. This was likely her first and last day working for Nico after all Jenny was not a prostitute. After finishing getting dressed Jenny looked herself over in a mirror. She did look stunning but she couldn't help but feel a sinking weight in her chest.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Nico did warn her about the late night shift, though looks like she misunderstood it ever so slightly, but she agreed to it nevertheless. Still Meril did mention she doesn't have to prostitute herself. Perhaps she'll just finish this night clean.

Meril sat on a nearby ench and inspected Jenny "Why so tense sister?" she smiled innocently.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny tried to put on her best face. "Just nervous I guess not sure if Ill do a good job." She was in for it but she wasn't backing out now she just need to relax a bit and see how the night went. Being alone with Meril at lest for the moment Jenny had to ask. "Umm Meril how did you find out.. you know.... that you where a.. a.. well you know?" Maybe this was a bad idea no doubt Jenny wasn't ready for this.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"A succubus?" Meril smiled at the girl "I was around 17 years old, a noble lords daughter to be wed off for political gain. As per the deal I was to lose my virginity to the lord, before being handed to his son. OH~ was the old pervert in for a surprise when suddenly he fell into the palm of my hand. Handing over his land to my family and setting me free to do as I pleased. All because my gift allowed me to control whoever fucks me." the girl kept a distant look with a rather satisfied smile "I never did come back. Wonder what happened after my accidental spell wore off. M~~ but I swear sex has been getting better and better ever since..."

Meril turned to Jenny and smiled "How did your revelation go?"
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Uh well I was raped on my way here no less. The man didn't survive...." Jenny felt a little sick to her stomach revealing and reliving that but she tried to buck up. After that well Nico has been trying to teach me not to lose control thats why Im always around her." Jenny wasn't sure how that would turn out but she waited for Meril to say something.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Oh... I'm so sorry, your first time was draining someone dry... that must be horrible." Meril quickly got up form her seat "But accidents happen, we just move along. It was a rapist no less so you did a great justice aswell, the bastard died as he lived - blindly following his cock." the girl winked slyly, when suddenly someone else entered the room.

"I'm not interupting am I?" Nico smiled warmly "Nico!" Meril quickly ran up and gave Nico a warm hug... and a kiss? "All set for tonight?" "You should talk with Jenny she's looking a little under the weather." Nico smiled warmly at Meril "Alright. You scoot on down, we need to start assigning tables for tonight" "Aye~" and so Jenny was left with Nico alone in the dressing rooms "Well I know who'll be the most popular girl tonight..." the silver haired beauty smiled a comforting smile.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny smiled weakly and got to her feet. "I don't know if I can do this Nico. I.. just sure if Im ready.. for this..." Nico's aura just had a way Jenny that caused her to cast aside her doubts and do anything Nico wanted her to do. Whether or not Nico knew about it Jenny couldn't tell but Meril was right Jenny wasn't feeling that well. "I thought the customers would just be gropy not want actual... well actually want me to.." She was stuttering with her words. "Gods I need a drink."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Nico approached Jenny and wrapped her hands around the girl lovingly "You're so precious Jenny. I won't force you into this, if you don't want to you can just as easily back out... but I strongly suggest just trying, for one night only." the silver haired beauties smile seemingly reinforced Jenny each and every moment she stayed close to her "If you don't want you can just not offer the "additional" services... don't worry they're all well behaved in my bar and I'll always be near if something goes awry."

The woman leaned out looking deeply into Jennys eyes "But it's something you really should try, it's very exciting." she winked slyly at Jenny "Besides it would be a waste not to show you off in that dress" Nico giggled warmly and looked to the girl.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Taking deep breaths Jenny found herself calmer and calmer yeah she could do it Nico would be there and Meril seemed like a good person. "Yeah I guess it would be a shame to let this dress go to waste." Jenny got up and returned Nico's hug renewed and full of vigor. "Lets do this before I lose my nerve again." Jenny smiled at Nico and gave her a dual thumbs up.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Nico smiled happily quickly slipping her hand down and pinching playfully on Jennys behind. "Come on let's go assign your the tables." the two girl slowly made their way out and once the door was opened the cheers and laughs quickly assault Jennys ears. Looks like the night at the bar had already started, she didn't really pay attention when going dressed what the state of the bar was back then.

The head barmaid leaned over the railing and eyed the tables "Alright... lets see... your tables will be 8th ,9th and 10th." Nico pointed out 3 tables all three placed in their own section "Now Jenny, keep in mind. NEVER harm the customer, safe word is "Nico says No" they'll get the message. They'll cease whatever they're doing to you instantly. Don't mistake one tables orders with the other and I suggest taking the small note book and pencil from Meril to write down the orders" the silver haired beauty smiled at her warmly "You'll do fine. I'll let you start right now, best if you get used to simple deliveries before it gets too late. Tell Meril you're table numbers and get to it."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Right o!" Jenny went down the stairs to Meril getting her pad and pencil. "Tables 8, 9, and 10 Meril." After getting her stuff together Jenny walked over to table 8. "Hi boys want can we get you tonight." Jenny winked at the table pad at the ready though she made sure to stay out of easy grabbing range.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

There was a company of 2 lads at the table, both decked out in the dock uniform likely came in to relax just after their shift. Jenny started off at the evening shift so hopefully nooen will get groppy quite yet.

"Well call me peppermind larry and throw me in a whale, talk about a looker." the mans eyes widened while his friend on the right side just sighed "Yeah~ evening hun. Think we'll just grab a few ales for now." he nodded in a friendly fashion and playfully smacked his freind on the back of his "Married. You. Remember... yeesh" well that was one order done.

Next table would be a yound pair of a girl and her lover sitting there, holding hand happily.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny was rather new to the whole waiting on tables thing so she wrote down what they wanted and went back to get their drinks before tending to the next table. "Hi my name is Jenny and Ill be your waitress tonight. Can I get you anything to drink or maybe a drink to share?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny quickly ran up to the bar, looks like Meril will take care of filling Jennys mugs tonights "What'll be...?" Jenny quickly read off her notes "Those two are Steven and Kitsen, the inseperable duo. Pretty nice folk, we usually give Steven a discount on his drink. If they're here means something happened to poor Ol'Steven... again" she sighed and gave Jenny the filled mugs. The girl quickly brought it over, though in her rush didn't quite catch the two men discussion, her other table awaited her!

The pair looked at Jenny "Oh wow... where does Nico find you girls" the girl spoke up first "You're gorgeus!" she glanced over to her friend "No googly eyes mister!" the guy just shrugged innocently "I can't help but oogle you, Vera." the girl just shook her head, lightly amused. The guy was slightly younger than the duo at her first table, he had dark brown hair and seemed fairly buff, the girls was a regular Kings Coaster, slightly curvier than average and pretty as can be. Honestly mountain air does wonder to these folks.

"I'll have a glass of the Wildfire Kitsune." "Demon samurai for me." the two placed
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Good choices had some not to long ago myself." Jenny wrote the order down and headed back to Meril to get it filled. "Not so bad so far I guess I was worried about nothing." She smiled got the drinks dropped them off and headed to the next table.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny cam back with whisky orders "Young love." Meril smiled warmly at Jenny "You can tell love-stricken folks from a mile away. It's always a special kind of sex with the one you've given your heart to...or so I heard" the girl snickered lightly and gave Jenny the drinks, which the girl promptly delivered smiling warmly to the two. Slowly, but surely she was getting used to it.

Numerous eyes following her up and down through the tables, wishing she was the one serving them. The warm and friendly atmosphere the bar emitted and the joy alcohol seems to bring out... as in the case of the girls final table for the moment.

"For he's a jolly good fellow~~ which nobody can deny!" cheers rang out as a group of around 5 people sat around the corner table, whether Jenny made a witty entrance was up to her but quickly all eyes were on her "Haha~ such a beauty for a barmaid, it's just Tylers luck I tell you!" the men shared a warm laughter "First 2 rounds are on me! 5 ales for my mates and keep em coming, girlie!" a resounding woosh came from around the table. Tyler was a fairly large man, with a rather marvelous moustache, if Jenny inquired Tyler was actually celebrating his unfortunate marriage divorce.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Whats the occasion boys!" Jenny looked over the group of men if anyone would give her trouble tonight it would be from this table no doubt. "Oh my friend Tyler just got unhitched from his nag hag of a wife so were celebrating." Jenny wrote down the order quickly. "Ill be right back with the ale guys." With that Jenny headed back to Meril and repeated the order. "Two rounds of five ales Meril! Think these guys will be trouble?" Jenny waited for Meril's input while she filled the order.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"One girls trouble is another girls fun." Meril winked slyly at Jenny "Don't worry they'll behave for the time being and you don't have to do anything you don't want to" the girl quickly filled mugs and placed them infront of Jenny. "Here use this tray." Meril smiled warmly, she herself would have no problem carrying on the mugs by hand, but Jenny may actually have trouble, she was a beginner afterall.

Jenny soon brought the drinks and carefully placed them around the table to the men cheers and oogles at her deep cut whenever she leaned forward to place or push an ale in place. To be fair her outfit demanded eyes on her cleavage and puffy skirt didn't help the other tables from trying to lean down to perhaps catch a glimpse at the prize.

Still with all of her drinks delivered Jenny had some free time before they'll likely need restock or new customers came to her tables. Meril smiled warmly at Jenny "Doing great, have a walk around, visit some tables if you wish. People come here for the sights as well as the drinks." the bar girl winked slyly and was called away to fill a few drinks.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

As much as Jenny wanted to visit she took this time to rest her feet from the effort she had been making. Normally she would have been in bed by now and her feet and body where telling her that she would feel it in the morning. Still the time wasn't completely wasted she did get a chance to observe the rest of the girls at work silently getting tips as they moved around their tables.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Her rest would be short lived as the duo of dockhands seemed to have emptied their mugs and looked for Jenny. Seemed Steven wasn't in the best of mood and Kitsen tried to comfort the man.