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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Once more at the door full tilt it had to give way it was just a rotten burned door. There was no way it should be this resilant. For the love Naya she wished the sobbing girl would shut up its not like she set her house on fire and made her drown.

Actions Bust down the door!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny heavies into the door once more!
18 damage!
Door is looking shaky, but does not budge! :<

Jenny is Asphyxiating!
10 damage!
35/60 hp left!!!

Jenny slammed into the door once more and fel to the floor from the impact. This was it, there seemed to be no more air left in the room. The girl felt herself getting dizzy and a faint coming on, but steeled herself. She faints now she dies... it was as simple as that!

The heroine quickly got to her feet, the door blocking her way did seem in bad condition though she flatout had barely any strength left to continiously pound away! Still perhaps one more try would bring it down!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Coughing Jenny took out her rfle and unload what she could around the lock of the door before trying to bust out once more.

Actions: Shoot the friggin door!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny shoots the door!
Damage enough.
Jenny regains 15 HP finally getting fresh air!

50/60 HP left

Jenny finally pulled out her rifle and let a shot loose at the lock, shredding it apart. With a final ram the door slammed open, silencing the sobs and instantly granting Jenny fresh air. The heroine quickly gasped for air, lightly trembling from her experience.

Looking back Jenny could see another ghost, weeping dearly into it's distorted arms. It wore an elegant green dress, but suffered the same appearance changes as the one in red. It's body seemingly cut apart at the middle, legs floating lifelessly "Why! I didn't want to die!!" with that one sentence the ghost rushed out sobbing heavily and disappeared in the hallway.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny was done that was it suffer or not she was in no condition to help these spirits what was she thinking. Time to beat a retreat it was obvious the spirits didn't or couldn't be helped at lest not by her.

Actions Get the hell out of there.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny quickly gathered herself and goy out of there! What was she thinking of even doing there, she was no priest nor a paladin. Helping these apparitions was beyond her powers! Right?...
The girl got out of the manor unopposed and never looked back. It's was a horrible and frightening experience Jenny wished she'd never have to go through again!

It was dusk when she reached the road, the sun slowly set into the lake. What will she do now?
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Taking another deep breath to calm herself Jenny looked back at the manor. If it wasn't for her sister being missing she would have left this town and its over abundance of cowards to their fate. Still could she really let the girls suffer for all eternity. "Jenny Ann Hulus you are a stuipid girl and your gonna get yourself hurt or killed." Sigh and kicking a loose stone Jenny headed for the library to do research she needed away to protect herself from the ghosts actions which means she would have to tell the librarian her intent.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The walk was calm with the red tint of the sun glazing over the calm town. Jenny walked to the library cursing at her fate, but following it relentlessly she wasn't the kind of girl to give up. There was something very important in that manor... and what on earth could she make of those colors... was that the key to ending the manors curse.

Jenny entered the library with Ezalor reading a book calmly in a particulary comfy looking chair. The old man looked up at Jenny "Ah~ Jenny!" the man placed his book on a nearby table "My~ you're not too well. Perhaps you'd like some tea?" the old man smiled earnestly walking up to the visitor.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny wasn't in the mood for tea but she didn't want to be rude either. "Sure Ezalor I wouldn't mind tea at all." Jenny waited for Ezalor to return and take her cup. "So tell me Ezalor when did the fog start happening?" It was a warm up question really after all their had been one today so it did really seem to out of the blue. Getting her answer or lack their off Jenny posed her next question. "Ezalor do you have any books that can ward someone from spirits?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The old man smiled and turned to the library a small tea set flying right on the nearby table, pouring some pleasantly warm tea into a cup "The fog?" the man looked down thoughtfully "The natural fog has been coming ever since this mountain formed itself... though I assume you're more interested in these "monster fogs" that have been plagueing the town. I'm not good with time, my dear. It's all just one big stream to me..." Ezalor chuckled warmly "It was likely around the time the magical currents running through here started spilling out... attracting all manner of creatures to this humble town." the man coughed lightly "The date escapes me I'm affraid."

"Ah~ I thought you had the scent and aura of the dead around you. Do not blame the spirits Jenny, all they now know is suffering, despair and hate... Only a horrible death can force a soul to linger past it's due." The man turned to Jenny sadly. If Jenny drank the tea she'd find it to be of exceptional taste and supremely soothing. Likely a very rare and expensive brand "As for warding the spirits off..." the man raised his hand and numerous books flew to him as he used his magic to flips the pages infront of him "Tis' troubling, vengeful spirits can not be warded away, because they already are restricted only to the places they were killed or endured the most tragic events..."

"I recall this fellow Francikus writing about calling out the spirits name to soothe it..." the man eyed Jenny briefly "Why are you interested in the fates of the dead, Jenny?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Well now was the time to be honest. "Because all the clues to my sisters disappearance lead me to that manor." Sipping the tea and looking over at the numerous books lying around. "Im not trying to ward them Im trying to ward myself make me invisible to them or something. While Mr. Franklin was very helpful he failed to mention some spirits are to lost in their suffering to hear their names." Jenny sipped at the tea again. "Its a horrible place made horrible by the neglect suffered by those poor women. One murdered while the other one burned to death thankfully it was the smoke that killed her as the fire the church decided to use boiled her body. That smell never goes away." Jenny made a face and looked at Ezalor. "Sorry Ezalor I had a few close calls today and they have not been kind to my mood. You don't deserve my anger its not your fault." Jenny paused a moment to think about something. "You know when I was in there I saw sensed not so much saw magic at work maybe thats why they spirits are so vengeful."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

All corruption purged

The old man smiled knowingly at the girl "You are just as brave as your sister..." Ezalor turned to his library and called forth another book "This was a book Lina read during her study on the manor aswell..." it was obviously not one of the local reads as some runes shined on the cover."In the defense of the Arcana"... the book detailed the defensive magics used to protect the academies or houses of great mages "Lina payed great heed to how to enter and find such buildings." the man flipped the pages with a flick of his wrist "The Arcane Oculus - an oculus granted to mages that leave academy grounds, able to see arcane writings impossible to see with the eye... and" one more flick of the wrist opened another illustrated page showing some odd badge "The Academy member badge, noone can enter a building with deflective magics unless they bear this item."

Ezalor smiled warmly at Jenny "Lina believed that the Brensley girls were ex-member of the academy thus with them graduating these items should be in their possesion." it was information Jenny needed so badly, hopefully this would spur the heroine onwards and steel her up once more "I can tell you mean no harm to these spirits, dear. Though in their rage and sorrow they can not see it." the librarian opened his palm to reveal a shining bright orb "This is a banishment stone... it should purge any energies, corrupt, supernatural or otherwise that could plague you on your task. Use it sparingly and in that manor it will only work for a very limited amount of time"
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked at the bright orb it was pretty thing but she didn't know how to use such things. "Ezalor how is this used exactly? Its not something I would want to try and figure out in a pinch. Is it used on the spirits themselves or the objects that tie them to their haunt? Or should I use it on magic that bars my way?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Ezalor smiled and chuckled warmly "The energies inside are highly violatile, you should be able to unleash them if given even force. Say a throw a the ground or any solid material... in my youth days we used to call these flash grenades. They won't harm you, nor the spirits, but will give you some breathing room, also blind any non-supernatural foe, so do take care to cover your eyes." the man stroked his beard and extended his hand there was a total of 3 orbs in it. All of them shinning brightly and very smooth to the touch "I'm affraid the orbs dissipate once used so use them with restraint. One can never know what awaits in the dark."

The man floated a cup of tea to himself aswell and took a light sip non-chalantly "I hope I helped you on your road Jenny. Is there anything else? Perhaps a fine book you'd like?" Ezalor smiled at the girl and awaited an answer.

Obtained 3x enchanted baubles [Flash grenades]
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Thank you so much Ezalor!" Jenny looked at the baubles and placed them in her pocket carefully. "Got any good books you could recommend Im not going back tonight its bad enough in the daylight."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Ofcourse! Whatever your heart desires... Millers "Cognitive Psychology", Faust "Dante and the journey through Hell", Kefka "A study of the mad mind"..." Ezalor continued to recite all kinds of obviously complex book, with big name authors "Or are you looking for something more specific? Perhaps the studies on the Lich King? The celetial movements?"

"I also posses books that are not so easily obtained like "Understanding the magi cyphers", "Forgotten rituals of the ancients"..." Ezalor grinned widely obviously he was proud of his collection, though if Jenny wanted a simpler genre she'd have to ask for it.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny smiled and finished her tea feeling slightly embarrassed at her lack of knowledge about such topics. "Well maybe I should head to bed Ezalor sadly Im not as well read as my sister." Jenny walked up to the kind old man and kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you for your help today Ezalor your advice saved me today I want you to know that." With that Jenny waved goodbye and headed to her room for the night after all she had been through during the day she just wanted to rest.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The man smiled warmly at her his majestic aura seemingly stronger than ever "It's always a pleasure to help you young ones on your road." the man chuckled heartily at the friendly kiss on his cheek. Jenny waved goodbye to the man and proceeded to her room.

It was already evening outside, a few citizens still walking around, some going home, some to the bar. It was still what could be considered "safe hours", during which Jenny had nothing to fear. With illuminated streets and numerous people around, hardly anything would happen.

Jenny got back to her new room... oh no, now she'll have to get used to this new bed again. Still with all that she's been through during this one long day, likely the girl would sleep like a log.

A safe night and morning. Jenny is free to relax as she deems fit.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny did indeed sleep liike a log and got up a little stiff but over all none the worse for ware. Streching she put on her cleaned clothes and decided to visit Mistey as likely the bar was closed but she should be opening shop. After all she did have a promise to keep.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny quickly got herself dressed and made her way out, as early as ever. She did promise to visit Mistey earlier, might aswell keep her promise! In fact she was actually looking forward to whatever alchemy mischief the two girls might cook up this time!

Most of the town was only getting up and having breakfast, but Jenny was already well fed from her supplies and ready for whatever the day brings. Soon she reached Misteys place, which once again was unlocked. Looked like she in the shop, though Jenny couldn't see her in the main hall or the cashier likely she was in the back. Looked like the town was REALLY light on thieves. Honestly now...