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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

((Probably it did, it's been acting strange lately)).

Alana half chuckled before getting serious again.

"Unfortunately if they do decide to open anomalies into other galaxies, we can't do anything about that, at least not yet. I doubt the others will extend it that far, it being both a matter of interference in cultures that aren't even aware of us, as well as being difficult to cover every galaxy all at once. Even we are limited in what we can do, and how far away."

She was silent for a long moment, then nodded.

"I don't see why I can't tell you, it wouldn't interfere in any way, I don't think. After I went through, I came under attack almost immediately. Fortunately, during my absence, one of our ships had entered the system and detected my presence at the last moment. They managed to transport me out just before the creature could hit me. When the anomaly closed moments later, we blasted the area with drones in an attempt to get rid of them, but we never were able to find out if we did wipe them all out or not."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

"Point taken. Can't spread the resources too thin, after all. Guess it's just gotten ta be in mah nature ta be cautious." He's quiet, listening to her story. "Looked like ya'd been undah attack already. Just glad ya got out without too much trouble. And here's hopin' that whatevah ya hit it with was enough. Then again, there's precious little Ah know of that'll stand a bombahdment of drones."


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

(I was just lazy for a bit. Sorry XD)

Ariana nodded, leading the way to the gate room again, and flopping into a chair at the end of the trip. "ALright, I tend tot hink better working back from the questions, so go ahead, ask away." She said, smirking.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

Sho will sort of drape herself in another nearby chair, one leg hooked over an arm, the other foot on the floor. "Well, you said you were having a really long nap. What did you mean by that?"


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

"Cryosleep." The woman answered with a small nod. "The system I came from last did have FTL travel, but it was point-to-point, a lot like these stargates, i suppose, but much bigger. From what I understand of it, They took advantage of naturally occurring jump holes, stabilizing them for public use. Heavily regulated, of course. If you didn't use those or risked yourself on the wild jump holes that weren't stabilized, it was a long trip, nobody really bothered. When I decided to leave, I recommissioned one of the old pods from a museum, they had them on the ships they emigrated there from originally." She explained, occasionally punctuating herself with hand motions.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

"Explains how you missed the hive. Asleep at the wheel," she teases some. "Decided to strike it out on your own, then? Can't say that I'm up on all of the systems that we deal with, but where did you hail from originally?"


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

"Had my crewmate on the wheel, he woke me up when it hit scanner range. not the greatest scanners, but usually enough. Fucker moves fast." She said with a chuckle. "Sirius system, in one of the arms of the milky way, back there. Far as I know, no gates like that." She answered, thumbing the stargate across the room. "They all arrived in cryoships, fleeing some big civil war. Didn't really believe in aliens, or at least not live ones, before some snuck in and tried to wipe them all out. Helped them with that, but didn't really see a place for me after, so yeah, I left."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

"Surprisingly so for something so big," she agrees. "Though if you really want to see fast and suicidal, watch a swarm of darts sometime. Those are the bees in the hive, so to speak." She'll listen to the explanation. "As in 'the dog star'? Not quite in my neighborhood, but same galaxy, at any rate, which, the way things are, can be close enough." She chuckles. "So where you there originally and the ones with the cryoships showed up or were you one of the ones in the cryoship?" She makes a gesture where she crosses two of her fingers, maybe looking for a little direction in the explanation.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

"Neither. I arrived through an unstable jump hole in an escape pod. they had been there for some time, the cryoship thing was history by the time I found them." She explained, smirking a bit and answering the next question before Sho could answer it.

"The jump hole was an accident, my ship was gone before that, not because of it. The place I came from before that had near-FTL speed, relatavistic i think is the proper term. Shields failed, and some micrometeorites caused damage to the core. I had to jump ship before it exploded."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

The dark-haired woman shakes her head a little bit. "I think I'm following you, but then again, I think there's some bits that are getting lost in translation, so to speak. I'm afraid 'relatavistic' doesn't quite ring any bells on my end, but then, we might just have a different term for it. Give me a little time to ingest it all and I'll eventually get it. What made you sign on with this lot? Curiosity or masochism?" she asks with a grin.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

"Relatavistic, umm, uhh..." Ari said, snapping her fingers a few times. "Not quite FTL, still under the speed of light, but not by much." She explained, not really sure how else to explain it. "As for this bunch... Thor helped me, brought me to the station, the people there handed me free supplies and knowledge. This is pretty well all I can do to repay the kindness."

She paused a moment, looking over at the gate, before continuing. "What about yourself? From the back and forth, it sounds like you've been part of the posse for quite some time. You don't even look that old."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

Sho makes a gesture. "It's all right. I wasn't quite expecting a physics lesson. Can't say as we have a term for something like that, outside of 'really f'ing fast,' so anything you can tell me is probably good." At her explanation, she nods. "Looking for stuff and knowledge. Sounds like you'll fit in great around here," there's sincerity in the statement, rather than sarcasm. As she asks about Sho's history, particularly the comment about her age, that gets a bit of a chuckle. "Well, I'm certainly not as old as some around here, I appreciate the compliment. Not as young as when I signed up for this gig, but haven't quite slowed down yet."

She'll pause before elaborating on the answer to Ariana's question. "Siphon, Ian and I went to school together, back on Earth. Ellissia, too, but I don't know if you've met her yet or not. It was a place that seemed to gather folk that had...skills and abilities above the norm. Someone like you might have wound up there, at least for a small stint. I'd like to say it was something of a normal adolescence, but I'd be lying," she laughs. "And when the opportunity came to go with Siphon, and to an extent, Ellissia, and help out up here," she shrugs, "I ran with it. Explains to a lot of folk why I don't put up with half of Siphon's shit. I get to pull the 'I knew you when' card." She grins.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

Again Alana nodded.

"Very little can, this is true. You are correct, I had been under attack but from their attack pets if you will. The Klarnell appear to have subdued a small number of the future predators, several types, into being attack pets for killing, or even disabling potential threats. You can find what we knew of them in the database easily enough, although I believe Jacobs took some readings of his own."

((Letting Ariana and Sho talk for now. Also, I will be gone pretty much the entire time between October 6th and October 15th.))


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

"It's called that way because of how time works at that speed. I aged four years before the shield failure that ended the trip, but overall, a much longer time had passed. I can't really say how much, the math of it is rather complex. At least hundreds." She explained, shrugging.

"Don't recognize the name." She answered towards Sho's mention of Ellissia, chuckling wryly and shaking her head. "A school for the gifted, hmm? Almost got into one of those, wound up in another instead. I probably would have fit right in." She told her, smirking. "Course, I left school at... 13, I think it was. Birthdays kinda slipped by, in there. Doesn't matter much though, after that much time in cryo, It gets pretty hard to tell exactly how old you are. Wish I had access to some of the tech you guys take for granted, back then."

She paused a moment, lost in thought, before shaking her head and focusing on the other woman once more. "What all do you know of all these..." She paused, looking to choose her next word carefully." ...Symbiotes, all over the place? Siphon explained some, the go-a-oold, Tokra... His own isn't either of those, as well, if I understood correctly. I'd love a third person view on the whole thing."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

"Guess you can't expect things like that to be perfect, but if you managed only four out of hundreds, I wouldn't complain." There's a slight nod as she doesn't recall the other woman. "You'll probably get a chance eventually. They're a neat bunch. Proper, but not stuffy, y'know?" As Ariana mentions fitting right in, there's a soft chuckle. "Yeah, you seem to have the right mix of brave and crazy that sort of threw us all together. Probably would have." She'll flash her a grin. "And I can't say I take all of this for granted. I've been around it for a while and it still amazes me now and again."

When the conversation switches, she grows a bit thoughtful. "Wow. Been a while since I've made conversation about them. It's just sort of an everyday thing for me. Guess the easiest way I can explain it is, back when we first started all this and I was first aware, the gou'ald were the bad guys and the Tokra were the good guys. Granted, that's not a hundred percent true, but for the most part, it was. Then the Ori showed up and changed the game a bit. Now there aren't so many gou'ald around." She'll pause, thoughtful. "I can definitely see how it would be unsettling. I mean, it's a little freaky to think that your friend has someone else living inside of them, but with the Tokra, and Talvesh, it's a mutually beneficial arrangement. There's some division between host and symbiote, but all in all, it's an I am he and he is me and we are all together situation. The gou'ald, well, they're all about the self-preservation. Their hosts are more like...coats. Stay in the one for as long as it's practical and if something better comes along, jump ship and ride the next one. That's sort of how we wound up with Camulus. He jumped ship during the Ori war, sought asylum with us, and I like to think he likes it better on our team. We have cable and a better retirement plan." There's another pause. "I can't say that all the Tokra are saints and all the gou'ald are devils, but those we deal with, you can trust. I've been around them for years and usually the first sign that something's wrong is they're doing something to make you question that trust. The ones you have to worry about are few and far between. With any luck, you won't have to deal with them at all. If you're uncomfortable, let them know. They're just like people. They'll try and do what they can to make you not so weirded out."

"Killin' somethin' is a pretty good way of disablin' it," Ian quips with a bit of a chuckle. "Ah heard there was trouble b'fore Ah got here, or rather, while Ah was off takin' care of Nessa. Nice ta know they got it all cleared up, but Ah'll have a look-see when we're done visitin'." He looks thoughtful. "There a way to add inta that, if we happen ta find somethin' new that you lot hadn't?" He'll nod toward the console.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

“We had our own brand back in the sirius system, the aliens i mentioned from before. Infiltratoors, manipulators. Ruthless, cunning, completely amoral. The host was. As good as dead, none survived removal of the parasite. So i have a lot of preconceptions to work against. My end, nothing to do with Talvesh or any of the others, so i‘d rather not put them out. We said our pieces, i‘m just. Still trying to figure out how to live with it, is all.“ She explained in response, sounding apologetic.

“Didn‘t hear much about these Ori. Starting to think i should have asked for a synopsis of galactic history and put it on a datapad.“ she said with a chuckle. “Instead, I‘m sitting on a city that can travel faster than anything i‘ve known, doing nothing more or less than talking your ear off. Sorry about that, i appreciate your patience.“


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

"Some hosts I've known have lucked out. It's not an easy thing, to be sure, but they've pulled through. From what Ian was saying, Vanessa's going to be fine after her encounter with Nirrti. And I can understand having that hurdle to get over. No one's going to make you jump feet first into the deep end, don't worry. Took me quite a while to get used to having Talok around. Not sure if you've met him yet, either. He was one of the first Wraith that came over to our side. And you've met some of the rogue factions of his people, I believe."

"Well, if it's one thing Thor and the Ancients are good at, it's keeping records. Can always see if Julia can't send you something from home after we get back in touch with her. Or we can see if there's anything we can't dig up in the archives here, though I don't know if the ancient Atlanteans would have anything stored on the Ori. They were something of a newer development. Can always ask Alana. Once Ian's done flirting with her, maybe." She chuckles a little at that remark.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

"Killin' somethin' is a pretty good way of disablin' it," Ian quips with a bit of a chuckle. "Ah heard there was trouble b'fore Ah got here, or rather, while Ah was off takin' care of Nessa. Nice ta know they got it all cleared up, but Ah'll have a look-see when we're done visitin'." He looks thoughtful. "There a way to add inta that, if we happen ta find somethin' new that you lot hadn't?" He'll nod toward the console.

Alana shook her head slightly.

"I meant disabling them without killing them, so that a live prisoner could be taken.".

Following his gaze to the console, she nodded.

"Yes, it should be very easy for you to add something into the database, if you have any issues I'm sure Aya can help you out, although by now I'm sure Jacobs and Siphon know enough on how to do that themselves."


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

"Aye, the rogue wraith. Quite surprising, those." Ari replied with a chuckle. "I met Julia, she'd the one that passed over what I have now. Everything's already on my ship, I just haven't had a chance to look at it yet. Once I'm back in broadcast distance, then I can start getting updates." She explained, reminding herself to check for her helmet, spotting it in a corner near the gate, forgotten since the firefight at arrival.

(( I got almost nothing left, If siphon wants to move us along. XD ))


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

"Eh, that's possible too. Between the stun guns and mah own abilities, we could probably get a live specimen, but from what Ah hear, they're not the type of thing ya want roamin' around fer very long. And this is comin' from the guy whose homeland is chock full of creepy crawlies that'll kill ya just as soon as look at ya." He'll nod as she mentions making entries into the console. "Good ta know. Not sure there's much ta add yet, but we'll have ta see."

"That might be a while, but then, we can also broadcast through the stargates, at least now and again. Can always see what's in the database room, too. As for the rest of the Wraith, you might want to be careful when you meet Narlina. She's Talok's wife and she's a Queen. Means her psychic powers are a little more jacked up. She's got good control over them, but I've noticed..." Sho will make a gesture near her forehead while looking at Ariana. "Don't want you accidentally getting blindsided."

((I'm about the same. Onward and upward?))
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