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Re: Atlantis

Talvesh had opened his mouth to speak, but stopped when Ariana poked her head in. There was a short silence, and then he nodded.

"It is alright, she probably already knows what has happened, I suspect the same thing as before has happened again. My apologies to you on both the vision Ariana, and the fact that I must be present at the same time you are, however given Siphon's current state of mind, I would not advise it to have him be at the forefront right now. If you had not guessed, I am Talvesh. As for your idea, let us hear it Aya."

Aya was silent for a moment, starting to suspect what might have happened based on Talvesh's words, but she said nothing about it. Instead she nodded to him.

"Janus had been working on a device that could temporarily fix to the body of a subject with a strong enough mind, capable of essentially downloading what they knew at the time into a stored database. It's how we created many of our repositories, by steadily adding to them as we grew certain of things. Well, part of how we created them anyway. Regardless, with the two of you, I think you both might be able to make the device work and upload what he knows about his past into the library. The only catch is it will download everything he knows and can remember, possibly even things he's locked away and knows but doesn't use. Essentially, anything he knows right this moment would be in the library. There's no way to cherry pick the data I'm afraid, at least not without causing the problem we're trying to avoid in the first place. I only suggest it because I know he'll try to remember everything as soon as he's back in control and as much as I want the chance to get our daughters back ... I won't let him harm himself to do it."
Re: Atlantis

Sho waves to the other woman. "Welcome to the emotional minefield that is Siphon's brain." Her attention goes back to Aya and her suggestion. "Well, short of hogtying him and keeping him locked in a closet somewhere, getting him to not go after your daughters is going to be next to impossible...discounting the fact that we can't exactly go anywhere else at the moment. That might give us enough time to reason with him and see if this...download thing is something that he even wants to do. He's going to remember everything, eventually, right? Seems like? Still, seems only fair we warn him what he's going to be getting into. Tal, can you try and...talk him down? So he doesn't explode if you settle back for the time being?"
Re: Atlantis

Ariana frowned slightly as she realized it was Talvesh who answered him. "Ah." She said simply, then sighed and shrugged. "Can't be helped. I think I saw it, but chances are i didn't understand all the implications. Best not to worry about it, I think." She siad, listening calmly to Aya's plan, and SHo's thoughts on it.

"So, this device grabs everything, aye? Does it copy, or take? Because both possibilities have issues. If it takes, then taking 'everything' doesn't seem like a good idea at all. if it just copies, then what's to say he won't just keep doing what he's doing, copy or no?"
Re: Atlantis

Talvesh nodded.

"I will attempt to do so, however I should note that it was him who asked for me to take control in the first place. He may not be exactly ready just yet."

Aya turned to Ariana.

"It copies, we would never create a device that was used to strip everything from a person. At least not by original design. It seems after recent events with Nirrti though that perhaps some of the safeguards we had in place for other technology to prevent their use in other ways wasn't adequate enough. I suspect that may have been another reason she wanted me once she became aware of me. Knowledge of those devices, where they were and the ability to use even those requiring our gene. Eventually yes, he'll remember things on his own, I think it's safe to say that now. Technically nothing is stopping him Ariana, but if the information is there in front of him and he's able to sift through it slowly on a data terminal, even if it does trigger more events, it will be more controlled than it is now. At least it should be. Nothing really is stopping him from trying to remember it himself anyway, but I don't think he would if he had the chance to get that information without harming himself. Absolute worst case scenario I try to appeal to him with the sense that if he kills himself or fries his brain trying to remember things too quickly, he's not going to be of any help to our daughters, and won't be able to help them. That, if he's even remotely the same as when I knew him, ought to be enough to keep him somewhat in line with what we're trying to save him from."
Re: Atlantis

The woman gave a short shrug, glancing back over to Talvesh. "The man doesn't seem the sort to let go, or take the slower option. Not that I blame him, just offering my opinion, is all. You certainly know him better than I do, so if you think this will help, I don't see any reason to step in."
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Re: Atlantis

There's a snort from Sho as Aya makes the remark about whether or not Siphon is the same man that she knew. "You know that whole 'locking him up and throwing away the key' to keep him from going to find them right now wasn't a joke, right?" She'll chuckle a little and put her attention back on Talvesh. "Well, keep him in there until he calms down a little more. I gather you make these two a little nervous, but if it'll keep Si-phon from going psy-cho," yes, she breaks the words like that, "then do it until we get where we need to go and can then go looking for the brainjack. Though giving his memories back isn't going to cause a problem, is it? I mean, I was told why he doesn't have them. We're not going to cause some...international incident with this, are we?"
Re: Atlantis

Aya shook her head.

"The device won't unlock them any more than they already are internally for him, and even if it did, the others won't interfere. If I'm right about things, they exist now at a higher plane than we do, they would be breaking laws that are as old as Siphon and I are, maybe older, within our society. That's part of why we had such an issue with the Ori was because we didn't believe in interfering in the development of races that weren't as advanced or ready for the level of technology we had. I'd imagine the same would apply once they ascended, to interfere with him regaining those memories would go against what they've believed in for so long. No, I think the only thing we need to worry about is damage control and how much at once the two of you can actually handle and still be alright."

Talvesh nodded to both of them.

"I believe you are correct in that belief Aya, it does fit with everything we knew about the Ancients prior to today's revelations. He's not coming out on his own just yet, I think he knows how bad off he'd be, but part of him knows he's running out of time to cool off. Soon we'll need to land, and I think it would be in his best interests to do it himself to give him something to grasp at and to do."

Aya nodded at the last part, after having opened her mouth to speak.

"I agree, that'll help him focus on something else even if it's only brief and get a grip on himself."
Re: Atlantis

"If you're sure they won't be popping in to give us a wrap on the knuckles, then as long as he's fine with it, so am I. As for giving him the city to land, that's probably a good idea. Worrying about not scratching the paint on this thing will be a good distraction. It's after we've landed that we probably ought to start worrying."
Re: Atlantis

Aya nodded confidently.

"They won't. To do so would make them hypocritical and make them no better than the Ori we left behind all those centuries ago, and they won't do anything that would make them look just as bad."

There was a moment of silence, then suddenly Siphon himself spoke, having slipped in at some point unnoticed.

"She's right, they wouldn't even help us during the Ori war to save themselves, despite knowing what the Ori would do. Anyway, we're about to drop out so brace yourselves."

He sat back down in the chair, his body tense, but he seemed relatively calm. A few moments after the chair lit up around him, the city dropped out of hyper-space, a slight disorienting wave passing through the city as they did. Moments later, the city was cruising down through the atmosphere, and in less than a minute, anyone looking outside the windows would start to see a big ocean slowly 'rising up' to meet them, as they drew closer to it.
Re: Atlantis

Ariana stayed quiet, not having anything to add to the conversation once her concerns had been voiced and addressed. She remained such until she spotted the ocean rising from the bottom of the viewport. "Uhh.. You sure the inertial dampeners are working fine. Lifting off last time is one thing, but this is gonna hurt if they aren't..." She commented, grimacing."
Re: Atlantis

Siphon spoke without opening his eyes.

"They're working, trust me there. Our descent is faster than I'd like it to be though, we're losing power somewhere to the thrusters. Standby, trying to compensate."

After a few moments, his face crunched up as he seemed to put extra effort into it, and a sudden roar could be heard as the stardrive engines really let loose the power. The ocean started coming up slower than it had been, and the descent started leveling out. About another minute later, there was a small shaking throughout the city as they touched down. It wasn't major, more a slight bump and vibration as they touched down on a surface that wasn't solid, and started floating. As they touched down, the engine roar died down, and finally cut off completely. After a few moments, the lights on the chair went out, and Siphon opened his eyes.

"Well ... touchdown. Guess the stardrive might need a little work before we try that again. It's only been what, ten thousand years since it was used? Probably sprung a 'leak' somewhere."
Re: Atlantis

"Might want to warn the others, if you can," she reminds him.

When the ship finally touches down, Sho can be seen rubbing the center of her forehead. "Ten thousand year old technology and he just trusts that it's going to work." The mutter is more to herself, but Aya and Ariana can probably hear it. Siphon, too, given his exceptional skills. Still, she picks her head up, looking not too terribly worse for wear. "Well, you didn't break it. Where are we again? And you'd better get ahold of Julia. Then we can see about doing what needs done."
Re: Atlantis

Siphon shrugged.

"It was fine when I did the pre-flight checks, so it happened en route somewhere. As for where we are, it's a planet devoid of humanoid life, only animal life that, provided there aren't major superstorms that pop up unexpectedly here, should be perfect for what we want. Alverus scouted it on it's way out here some years ago because it was a potential spot, not sure why they ruled it out though. Guess it wasn't far enough away from Earth or something for them. Anyway they named the planet P7R-351. So when we can contact them we can tell them exactly where we are. First though, we have to wait for the gate to recalibrate it's position and update our location back onto the grid."
Re: Atlantis

There's that rub at her forehead again. "Or there's something potentially deadly that makes its home here and we're going to have to deal with it. I know our luck." She gives him a wry grin. "All right." She'll pause. "Why don't Ari and I head back to the gate room and check things out there?" It's not exactly a subtle hint, but it'll leave him and Aya here alone and maybe give them some time to talk about what all's been going on...in private.

Back in the archive, Ian catches himself as the city begins to slow down. "One advantage it looks like ya have," he says to Alana with a bit of a grin. "Well, if ya have information on the frequencies that ya can share, maybe we can calibrate somethin' ta pick up on 'em. Or Ah can see if there's anythin' that'll let us monitah fer th' magnetic fluctuations. Not exactly mah area of expertise, but there's plenty of folk who might be able ta come up with somethin'. Meantime, you, ah, stuck ta heah or can ya roam?"
Re: Atlantis

"Well, we've dealth with carniverous creatures from the past and future already, may as well see what the present has to offer, I guess." Ariana responded with a wry grin, catching on to Sho's suggestion, and the purpose behind it. "Sounds like a plan, we'll be around when you need us." She said, the latter directed at Siphon and Aya. Not having moved far in from the door when she returned, she was first back in the hall as well, waiting for Sho to catch up before starting down the hall. "So, is everything so eventful with these people?" She asked, chuckling.
Re: Atlantis

Siphon nodded after a moment.

"Alright, we'll be along shortly."

Alana smiled.

"I can tell you this. Someone you know is already gathering the information you seek now, though it isn't here. You'll find that out soon enough. As for myself, I'm mostly to roam about Pegasus until we decide who will be on watch. Unfortunately, it's only Pegasus, so if you are going to be returning to the Milky Way as you call it now, I won't be able to see you."
Re: Atlantis

"Are you kidding? This is a slow day," Sho replies with a bit of a grin. There's that chuckle again. "Honestly, things can get a bit...well, I suppose frantic is a good word for it, now and again, but it isn't always like this. We do get down time, it's just the insanity that tends to stick out. Seems like it's been that way for years. Really wouldn't change it though." She'll stroll along, hands casually stuck in her pockets. "So, how'd you come to be here? Chance? Or were you part of things like the Etherians?"

"Got yer fingers in some pies, aye?" he asks with another grin as she mentions people already gathering information. "That's good ta know, though. Sure we'll find out soon enough. Goin' ta have ta wait until we can call home, though." As she mentions having to stay in Pegasus, he nods. "Eh, not like we prob'ly won't be jaunting beck'n forth. Still, it's nice ta have the company while we're heah. Though Ah don't want ta keep ya from yer work, if ya have that ta do."
Re: Atlantis

Ari chuckled, shaking her head. "Gotta keep life exciting, I agree. As for how I came to be here... Well, short version is, I was having a really long nap, and was almost run over by a hiveship. The long version sort of compounds itself into my life story, hard not to take just a slice without leaving you with more questions than insight. I got nothing but time if you're interested, but I think we should at least find a seat first."

She ended with a rueful smirk, shrugging over at the other woman.
Re: Atlantis

Alana only smiled.

"You need not worry about that Ian, everything will be taken care of, and I should have some time at least. I suspect once the Klarnell figure out something is preventing them from opening and maintaining an anomaly into this galaxy or your own that they will either give up, or try something different. Given the way they operate, I doubt they'll just give up so easily."
Re: Atlantis

(Swore I replied to Shrike. Maybe the forum ate the post.)
"Well, we do have to wait for the gate to re-orient itself, so why don't we head to the control room. The chairs look pretty comfy in there, at least for the time being. That, and we'll be within screaming distance of the others if something pops up."

"Comfortin'," he says with a bit of a dry chuckle. "If Ah couldn't get in the main gate, Ah'd hop the wall from the next place over, metaphorically speakin'. Might want to have folks keepin' an eye on the neighborin' galaxies, if ya don't already." There's a pause. "Still, like Ah said, good ta have ya around." Another pause. "So, anythin' ya can tell me now about what happened with you and the portal?"
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