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The Deciever and the Black Feathered Weaver (Azure;Copper)

Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"You don't need to worry about protecting me." Claire says with a sweet tone. "I was once shot by the most powerful Magi cannon in existence, you know~ I just need you all to help me make progress. I may be indestructible, but I'm not very good at keeping aggressors away." she declared, happily taking forward point and leading the group.

Once their march began, Capri looked to the see through goddess, he seemed to have something to say, but the fact that her current state left nothing to the imagination (even if she were made completely of crystals) made him look away and focus on something else with a blush. Though Capri seemed to be the only one with that problem. The other men seemed to care far less that Claire's voluptuous behind was on display. Though, Marth was the first to speak. "Miss Claire, if you don't mind me asking, how do you move so fluidly if your body is made out of solid crystal?" he inquired.

Crystal Claire peeked back, smiling in such a picture perfect way that was so friendly and warm that even Azure would no doubt feel the effects of her charm. "I can change my body's texture at will. Sort of like a slime. Otherwise, it would be hard to get a boyfriend~" she declared. What she was hinting at quickly hit Capri, whose face turned crimson. Again, he seemed to be the only one shocked.

Azure was also free to ask questions at that time.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Azure would still feel better with Ragna up there with her, if nothing else to head off any aggressors before they get to Claire. Her answer to Marth's question actually gets a little titter out of Azure, though as she picks up on Capri's uncomfortableness, she reaches out, catching his fingers in hers and toying with them as a distraction.

"How is it you intend to broker peace, if you don't mind my asking. You think someone in Waymeet can help stem off the war? Or is this more a gathering of allies to protect if there's an attack?"
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Claire went silent for a moment, before putting a hand to her see-through chest and letting out a sigh. "I was once an angel. I know better than anyone else how things are run on their end. The only thing that will convince the war leaders not to attack is if we have a superior force. Or some other rare circumstance that cannot be relied upon. I must gather the aid of as many as possible if we can possibly hope to intimidate them enough to simply leave." she declared. Meanwhile, Capri walked with his hand wrapped in Azure's.

"Just how many angels will be attacking?" Ragna inquired.

"There are actually not that many angels in existence in comparison to other races, in all actuality. It's because they allow only the most loyal and dedicated human souls to become angels that their numbers are small for a large kingdom. However, as a result of this, most angels taken into their ranks are undyingly loyal. That is why it is so hard to shake their will for the most part. Although even that has recently changed due to the flow of time. They are accepting more human beings into Heaven now, and essentially just using them as footsoldiers for their cause, footsoldiers armed with heavenly power."
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Azure is quiet for a good number of minutes after Claire gives her answer to both her and Ragna.

"Foot soldiers or cannon fodder," she replies, her tone slightly more glum than anything else. "It's a pity they can't be reasoned with, but then I know not all of our kind are all that reasonable, either." She chuckles, but it lacks mirth. "If you feel numbers will be enough to scare them away, then I hope you're right. I'd rather not think we're essentially...doing the same thing."

Capri can feel her thumb brushing back and forth against the back of his hand, the only outward sign of her agitation. It's clear, at least to him, that the notion of the war bothers her but she's still going to do what she can to protect people.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"It's partly because the angels tend to view mamono as they did in ages of old. They see them as mindless monsters that serve only a single purpose against them and humanity. And in some cases, that much hasn't changed. Similar to lamia, there are some races of this world that changed very little when the succubus curse came through this land. But that slight change is important. With the previous God now owning the corruption and changing it, she changed the way all monsters were. For example, I'm sure that handsome man over there would have been dead and eaten already if not for that change~" she said, looking at Capri, who paled.

"Well... that's what I was told would happen by my mentors." Capri said. "I guess our knowledge is... Outdated?"
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Azure gives his hand a comforting squeeze. "Much as I hate to say it, the answer to that is probably 'somewhat.' Granted, we're not all mindless beasts and, well, the fact that you're here is proof of that, but there might still be mamono out there who...aren't as...thoughtful about their partners. Or who like to play with their food, so to speak. Or adhere to the old ways, despite knowing another way." She sighs. "Caution. Caution is good. Hostility is not always necessary."

Granted, the boys might have different views and she's not going to discourage them from speaking up if they so choose. It's more to give Capri the notion that while he's not exactly wrong, he's not wholly right, either.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"It's truly the worst of both sides meeting with each other and spreading bad stereotypes. The humans and angels use the worst criminals of our world as representatives of our true nature, putting something like a minotauress on display, bound, agitated, and enraged while spreading tales of how she will rip apart children and destroy families... It is the same for angels." Claire declared, before smiling back at the group. "As a former angel... I know that there is a little good to be found in such a world. And yet, all I hear from most is that they wish angels would just disappear. Even though I'm not longer an angel, it kind of hurts, you know?" Claire said.

"Why don't you wear clothes?" Ragna inquired flatly. Capri seemed to identify, as if Ranga asked the question he wanted to.

"They tend to get destroyed. It's a lot easier to get around without worrying about some flimsy fabric getting ruined." She stated.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"You raise a valid point. Granted, I'm sure there are some truths buried well into the stereotypes," Azure remarks, "given they had to come from somewhere. I take it not all angels are as..." She pauses, looking for the right word. "Militant?"

She chokes back a bit of a laugh at Ragna's question, mostly due to both how frank it is and how much of a change in the subject matter it is. "You did mention being able to change your texture. I'd imagine that factors into it. Either that, or you've got some very aggressive boyfriends," Azure says with a light tease.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Claire shook her head. "Far from it. I'd say most angels are harmless, spoiled people who grew used to the cozy life within the golden gates. Even the soldiers, when not called to battle, enjoy luxuries that very few creatures get to enjoy. In my time there, I spent much of my time following the old teachings of our former god, before she left to fight in Hell and defeated the old Demon Lord and ended up becoming their replacement. It is through her influence now in the curse that mamono are no longer out to kill human beings." Claire explained.

Claire also giggled at Azure's note about the aggressive boyfriends. Not so much. There was one man who attempted to pick me up and suffered a minor injury as a result. Along with being durable, I am also very heavy due to what I am made out of. As a result, I need to be careful of my actions.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Azure listens to Claire's stories. "I'd heard such things but it's hard to know if they're actually true or not." There's a pause. "So if most of them are as you say, why the push for war? Something has to drive them to want to...do away with all of us."

Continuing the turn in the conversation, she actually nods. "I can understand that. That something in the back of your mind that reminds you to always be careful. I'm not a fan of hurting people, at least ones that aren't trying to hurt me first, anyway, especially when that's the farthest from what you might want to be doing."
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"Well, remember that these angels are still the ones from the closed off human society. Most of them haven't even seen a mamono for more than a few seconds, or did more with them than fight them. However, there are also many angels who don't feel a burning need to see mamono die, it's just that the one who gives them such a wonderful land to live in is also the one who is telling them what to do. It's hard to ignore your landlord when they are promising you free rent."
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"That is very true. I suppose they'd like being kicked out a lot less than having to muster up and into the field. It gives me hope, though, that there's the possibility of reason. Or at the very least, what you're going for: a stalemate." She'll remain quiet for a little while before addressing the other mamono again. "If it isn't too touchy of a subject, how is it that you're not an angel any longer?" She's curious, but if Claire clearly doesn't want to talk about it, she's not going to pressure the other woman into a reply.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Claire did not seem put off by Azure's question, but it was clear that it was significant time in Claire's life that she was asking about. "When I was an angel, I was the next in line to become God after Persephone fell to darkness. I was powerful, and Persephone and I were close friends. I won't go into the specifics... But she and I were 'connected' on a very deep level, and trusted each other more than anyone else. So... When she became the source of the curse, I was affected too. I turned into this form, and was the first angel in history to lose my golden wings within God's Palace. I was quickly cast out, but I tried to tell everyone that the world had changed because of her. She was still divine in her own way, and she was doing her part to make the world better. However, the world wasn't ready to change with her."

"Persephone was now just a monster in their eyes, and her actions and will evil by default because she no longer wore the golden halo, and instead wore horns. She's still the same person on the inside though, I know it...
" Claire said with a slightly depressed tone of voice, holding one hand over her chest. "They tried to kill me, but I only gained in power when the curse reached me. They could not harm my new indestructible form. So, they simply evicted me, pushing me through a portal into this world. Here, I tried to do my part, to show everyone a better way, but no one would listen to me."

"I tried convincing the Magi, a group in close relation to the Order, but their leader was a lunatic named Fortmaster Cleska. The angelic agenda simply lined up with Cleska's desire to perform cruel experiments on mamono to further the developments of her scientific machines powered by threads of magic from the soul. She worked together with the new God to form a powerful seal around me that would take me ages to break on my own. Too long for me to do anything before disaster struck, and another Holy War began. Only this time, against my best friend whom I lost contact with once she was transformed. Except this time, they plan to end the demons, and the mamono, for good. A world ruled by angels... Supposedly an ideal world.

Claire seemed to have lost her mirth, remembering her past as she walked with a frown. "Fortunately... It seemed the mistress of Fate did not find it fitting that I remain sealed forever. A wonderful woman made of slime came, holding a unique power I had never seen before. It was like looking at two people at once. Then, I realized what was going on. Fate, in her power, released shards of her own soul, and implanted them into select individuals, granting them her power, and the power to influence the course of events in this struggle. It's with that amazing power, from the Goddess of Destiny, that I was released from that prison, and am now able to walk this world again to get a second chance to do things right." Claire said with confidence. "Her name is Kala, and she reminds me so much of Persephone, in the best way. She is truly an amazing woman that I can have confidence in." Claire said happily.

"You said... Fate?" Capri inquired. "You talk as if that's a person."

Claire nodded. "There are many gods and goddesses. Fate decided to interfere in her own little way~"
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"Shame they wouldn't listen to you. Maybe if your plan works, they won't have a choice but to consider what you tried to tell them." She listens to Claire talk about her experiences, a slight frown pulling on her lips as she does so. "While the notion of luxury and not having to worry about anything appeals, I certainly don't have a place in their ideal world, so I hope you'll forgive me for calling them greedy for not wanting to share." There's a pause and she looks over at the other woman, giving her a little smile. "You have hope, Claire, and even though this is far from a faerie story, that gives you a lot. I really do hope we can help." Her lips quirk up at the turn of the phrase.

As Capri mentions Fate being a person, Azure puts her attention on him. "There are those among us, very poweful mamono, mostly demons, who...embody certain traits. Lust, greed, wrath. It only stands to reason that there are counterparts. And...neutral parties as well, like Fate. Something that is neither good nor evil. It simply is." If Claire would like to elaborate or if Capri wants to discuss the matter further, she's for it, though she will profess to only having passing knowledge on the subject matter.

((If I'm wrong on that end, just let me know and I'll fix.))
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"They're actually more named for what they do than for what they represent. It's not exactly some kind of mechanical method that the world works with and that these goddesses are directly linked to such feelings of greed and wrath." Claire noted. "Rather, Wrath is named as much because she is a very wrathful person. That's truly as simple as it is. And Fate is named as such due to her... Meddlesome and random nature at times. She gets blamed for things people have no logical explanation for, so they just call her Fate. It's convenience rather than spiritual reason."

"As well," Marth added. "These gods and their given labels allow for people to pray to them and hope that by doing so, they'll be given that god or goddess' favor and will have a better life as a result. It's sort of a solution people turn to when they can't think of any practical solution to the problems in their lives. They just turn to the gods." Marth explained.

"That's right, young man~" Claire cooed.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"I suppose I can see reason behind praying to Wrath or Avarice. Can't rightly see why someone would pray to Sloth, though," Azure remarks. "Then again, like Marth said, it's a solution when there isn't a logical explanation. They might not necessarily pray to them, but they can say they were influenced by them." She'll glance over to Capri. "This is why I'm not overly religious. Sounds like Marth could fill you in, though, if you want to hear more on the subject. Both of us, maybe."
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

In regards to praying to Sloth, Ragna added his two cents. "I'd imagine the unemployed probably spare a moment to thank Sloth for a lazy life. Or people who have easy lives in general." he declared.

"You don't have a religion, Azure?" Marth inquired following Azure's last statement. "Don't have anything you believe in, or aspire towards? I pray to Hecate, the Goddess of Sorcery. Though that's just what everyone calls her. People like me who actually idolize her know her as the Goddess of Weaving, the actual art of magic as it were. Teachings of Hecate say that she was one of the first of the immortals to make popular the art of weaving to change the universe and all creation, thusly she was the cause of the many forms of life as we know it. Though she isn't one to endorse the proliferation of such. That would be Laima, whose name is very similar to Lamia for a good reason. She is a goddess of fertility, as well as luck and fate. That's one I think would be a good pick for you, Azure!"

"Perfect fit..." Zidane mumbled in the back.

"Perfect fit," Capri said in the front, chuckling as if he was only joking a little albeit at Azure's expense.

"Or maybe you'll pray to Lust." Ragna chuckled. "I heard that the image of Lust was also a snake, with a lot of good looking males around her. Maybe Azure is Lust come to this world in disguise!" Ragna declared as if a bringer of doom, before looming over Zidane. "She's going to take your SOUUUL!" he declared.

"Shut up..." Zidane said, shoving a laughing Ragna back with one hand, as if he was getting teased.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

“That could be true, aye,” she’ll agree with Ragna on that front. At Marth’s question, she shakes her head slightly. “No one I’m specifically devoted to, no. Not to say I don’t pay lip service to them when they decide to show me favor, but as for someone I worship exclusively, no.”

Hearing both men after Marth’s discussion makes her chuckle. “You never know. Maybe I’ll have to learn a little more about her and see.”

At Ragna’s antics, she laughs. “Damn, Ragna, you’ve figured me out. My cover is blown. Guess there’s no point in hiding it any longer.” She heaves an over-dramatic sigh. “Of course, that means you’re the first I’ll have to devour. Can’t have you spreading the word any further, now can I?” She’ll break off and play-act at stalking him, her hands up, fingers spidering as she reaches for him.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

Ragna chuckled at Azure as she came forth. "That's a daring proclamation. I'm a lot of man to swallow though, think you'd be able to gobble me in one go?" he inquired, as if testing Azure. "Or would you have to work at it?"

Marth blushes a bit. "Man... It sure feels like you guys are talking about something else.."

After he had said that, the conversation would die down a bit, with Azure and Ragna having their last exchange before they focused on the trip, which led them soon into a thundering rain. Bolts of lightning struck down from the sky as if the god of lightning was upset at their conversation of gods and started hurling bolts at them angrily. Marth was still wearing his rain coat, while the others had to slip theirs on. Claire was still naked, not seeming to mind.

"Seems like your rain coat had the most thought put into it, Marth." Zwei commented, as if congratulating Marth.

"You... You think so?" Marth said with a blush.

"Guess I'm not gonna be the first one devoured, or so it seems." Ragna chuckled, looking at a confused and suddenly sheepish Marth, as if he was put on the spotlight.
Re: Competition (Azure;Copper)

"Well, that remains to be seen." Azure lets her gaze rake up and down Ragna, as though sizing him up, ending with an arched-brow expression that's more challenge than anything else. Marth's declaration makes her chuckle, the action breaking the tone of her mask. If Ranga wants to answer the challenge, she'll bandy back and forth with him, but she's also willing to keep moving on so they're not holding things up.

As the rain starts pelting down, she'll wrap her own covering around her head and shoulders to keep the worst of the water at bay. As long as Claire isn't troubled by the weather, she's fine with keeping moving.

"It was partly the shopkeeper's suggestion," Azure will admit. "I knew Marth was studying, so I thought it might make a nice touch. As for the rest of you, I have an idea on things that you like, but I guess I wanted to be sure before I did anything. Get to know you a little better. And Zwei, I really did consider a purple one, honest, but I also think the paler colors compliment you, too. I'm still willing to have it dyed, you know."