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The Deciever and the Black Feathered Weaver (Azure;Copper)

Re: Competition (Azure)

The harpy had quite obvious perverted intentions, but a single swish of her arm made the bird retreat from Azure's husband to be. Reaching the river, Capri seemed to take the longest to actually undress fully. Both Azure and the siren wore clothing easy to slip out of... For reasons both girls may have realized at one point in their lives. But such was how it was, and Capri was soon following Azure into the waters, both the lamia and the human as bare as they day they were born. The siren was naked too, but she didn't quite have the assets on her chest that Azure did to show off, even if Azure's weren't large and impressive as some other mamono who own such wide proportions. The main aspect she had going for her was that she was indeed quite cute.

Getting to wash right away, and helping each other, Azure would note his fine build. Light, quick, and strong. He was very compact. "Ah, you seem quite curious." he noted about Azure's behavior. "Is my body... Really that interesting?" he asked with wonder, before chuckling nervously. "I am not often examined like this, you see."
Re: Competition (Azure)

"I've never truly had the luxury of time," she admits to him, fingers brushing lightly down his arm or along his side, just a light, constant contact. "But yes, I do find it interesting. Differences and all." Reaching up, she'll give his bicep a little squeeze. "You're strong. You're a laborer? Farmer?" Seems finding out more about him was her aim, not just oogling him.
Re: Competition (Azure)

The man seemed to blush as Azure examined him so closely, even touching and squeezing his muscles. He didn't seem to used to being touched like that, and looked far from his element. "Ah, well... I'm... An archaeologist of a sort..." he revealed. "I was with a girl I hired to be my assistant as I went to investigate where the suspected temple of Undine might be. In my line of work... A lot of climbing and running is involved... Especially running... Although..." he chuckled, looking to Azure. "There's some things a human being cannot outrun."

The siren spoke up from where she was fluttering her feathers, washing herself. "Undine's temple? That's where I live!" she announced.
Re: Competition (Azure)

There's a bit of a chuckle from the lamia as he makes the remark about running. Intentional or not, she seems to take it as a compliment. "Why aren't you with her now? Were you separated by the dark elves?" She'll glance up at the harpy as she makes the declaration about the temple, preferring, perhaps, to keep the biggest question for last.
Re: Competition (Azure)

"We were both captured by the dark elves, yes, but when we were freed, she ran one way, I ran the other, right about when you seemed to have your eyes set on me..." he chuckled nervously, before gathering water into his hands and pouring the river's water over himself.
Re: Competition (Azure)

"Can you blame me?" She arches a brow slightly at him, a smile curling up one side of her mouth. Slipping around behind him, he first hears the dip of her hands into the water and then feels the drizzle of it down his back before her hands start brushing over his muscles there.

"So, why were you looking for the temple, anyway? Not many humans go out of their way to actively seek us out."
Re: Competition (Azure)

The man looked back the moment he felt Azure behind him, pouring water down his back, and cleaning the dirt off that gathered on his flesh. "Why, you ask...?" he hummed. "Well... I suppose my greatest reason was that I was interested. That about sums it up." he chuckled, leaning over to clean his legs. "You see, there are some monsters that were never seen by humans after the new Demon Lord assumed control over hell. The elementals are among those who have never been seen. Those that search them out often never return or come back unsuccessful. There are many who are curious as to what happened to the old water elemental we all knew as Undine..."

"The old water elemental died." The siren suddenly announced. "The new Undine has been alive for a few hundred years."

Looking right at the siren, Capri seemed genuinely shocked.
Re: Competition (Azure)

"And you were still willing to risk it, knowing that you might not come back?" As she's behind him, Capri can't see Azure watching him as he bends over, though the Siren might catch the appreciative look. "And why the Undines in particular?"
Re: Competition (Azure)

The last thing the siren was looking at was Azure, as she too was getting an eye-full of Capri's ass. "Well," the man continued. "I planned on writing a book about what I saw, and selling it. For sure it'd make me rich. As for undine herself... Undine was reknowned to be the least hostile of the elements, with Gnome being a close second. Slyph is another option, but as she is the element of the wind... It's impossible to find her."
Re: Competition (Azure)

"Certainly a goal to have," she remarks about his writing a book. "And, well, now you've got time to explore. And inside information, too." Though who only knew what the Siren would ask in exchange for the information. "Maybe you'll discover Sylph yet."
Re: Competition (Azure)

Standing back up, Capri nodded. "I suppose," he acknowledged Azure. "Well, I'm done bathing." he announced, making as if to leave the river, before the siren got a little ahead of herself. "Why not stay in the water a bit longer?" she suggested, a happy, pervy little grin on her face.
Re: Competition (Azure)

"Because I know what too much water does to humans," Azure cuts back, a tease in her tone. It was times like this that she usually liked to laze around on the shore, particularly if there were stones about that had been soaking up the sun, but right now, their trip was more important. There'd be time enough for that later on. "Maybe you could tell Capri a little more about the temple while we travel? Make the trip seem shorter, hmm?"
Re: Competition (Azure)

Her cheeks puffing up a bit, the siren splashed up some water at Azure. "I was going to clean the spots that you missed!" she announced.

Capri chuckled. "I assure you, I'm am well clean enough to make even a fanatic pleased."

Angry, the siren got out of the water, fluttering her feathers to get all of the water out. "Well, I don't recall anything I could say about the temple! I'll I'd be talking about is water anyways, and you know what too much water does to humans." the siren announced, giving Azure a momentary glare.

Capri hummed with worry at what he saw. "Since I seem to be at the center of this conflict, I suppose I should apologize?"
Re: Competition (Azure)

"For what, sweetling?" Azure asks, wringing out her hair at the moment and searching around for her top, seemingly nonplussed by the harpy's glare. "She just wants to admire your form a bit longer. I suppose she'd only be happy if we headed the rest of the way there with you naked." She'll slip up, gently chaffing his shoulders with her hands. "Which I am not expecting you to do," she murmurs close to his ear. And then, in an even quieter whisper, "She wants a little time with you herself." Slipping away, she'll shrug into her top and then go about slinging her satchel over her shoulder as well.

"That's too bad that you don't remember, really." The comment comes out almost absently. "If I were a scholar, I'd certainly be impressed by someone who was something of an expert in my field." She'll flash Capri a little bit of a grin, quietly hoping the harpy will take the bait.
Re: Competition (Azure)

Capri would blush deep at Azure's mentioning of the harpy wanting alone time with him. At what she seemed to wordlessly suggest, he seemed in disbelief that he could manipulate her like that. Still, he didn't seem to be a stranger from the attempt as he followed up from Azure's words. "Ah, yes..." he nodded to Azure. "I'd be rather indebted to anyone who gave me such valuable information." he said with a slight smile.

The siren immediately took the bait, falling back and wrapping a wing around his back once he'd finished dressing. "Well my boy~" she nearly sang. "I know all there is to know! Ask away!" she said, before leading him towards the temple ahead of Azure, as if eager to leave the snake woman behind with Capri.

Meanwhile, Capri asked all sorts of questions. He learned that the architecture was consisting of many levels where structures were constructed on islands in a huge open space, supported by pillars. There were two levels to the giant temple, the islands above ground, and the underwater constructions for all things fish. The siren spoke of how it was a mixed culture, so men were not treated poorly there. And then, of Undine...

"What is Undine now?" Capri inquired.

"Undine... She is a beautiful water spirit that controls the entire temple, and all the water connected to it. She is famous for being the only mamono to know of the outside world, and many come often wishing to hear her tell tales of the world beyond the great barrier that keeps our worlds apart, keeps our kind from venturing out."

"The barrier... The angels made it to ensure the world outside does not come into contact with mamono kind nor the succubus magics the Demon Lord Persephone emits." Capri stated his own knowledge. "I've heard some men of the order call this massive land God's Battlefield. It was also from them that I learned that God is truly a woman... And that the station of God's throne is not ruled by one alone, as Persephone herself, the lord of hell, was once named God, before she ventured into hell, killed the old Demon Lord herself, and ended up taking all of his power inside of her. This is why the angels struggle... Because Persephone is impossibly strong. The all consuming Devourer."

"You know your stuff!" the siren giggled. "By the way, my name is Robin! Nice to meet you Capri!" she greeted him.

"S-same, nice to meet you." he said with slight embarrassment over how she was fawning over him.
Re: Competition (Azure)

As the Siren starts talking, Azure hides her grin and glides along, coming up on Capri's other side to listen, as she'd heard a tale here or there about the temple but never thought to visit herself. The lamia gives a slight roll of her eyes as the harpy plays up the place, muttering quietly about how it wasn't the only place that valued men.

What was said about Undine made sense. If she were connected to the waters, well, it would be almost impossible to separate the waters of the island with those of the outside world. She found herself growing a bit curious at what stories Undine might have to tell, but then again, she also wouldn't want to bother her, like a child demanding a bedtime story. Perhaps, though, a trip to the temple might still be in their future, as Capri seemed even more interested and it was his whole reason for being here in the first place. It might make a good wedding present. Or honeymoon.

"There certainly is enough strife going on around here to call it a battlefield," Azure remarks. "Though that isn't the case everywhere, obviously. For my clan, the demon lord is a bed-time boogey man. Er, demon." She waves her hand in a 'you get the point' kind of way. "Not to say that we weren't very aware of the situation, we just...didn't go out of our way to draw attention one way or the other. Not like certain others on the island."
Re: Competition (Azure)

"As powerful as mamono are, it seems a fortune for one side that they are not organized together." Capri said. "Else, that barrier would have been history a long time ago."

"Yeah, that's something." Robin hummed. "Well, we're not that far from the temple! You'll be seeing it in no time!" she assured Capri. "Then... We can do something about how your indebted to me~" she giggled intently.

Capri seemed flustered as Robin became rather assertive. "I-I suppose I did say that..." he replied. "But... What of Azure?" he inquired.

"... Elaborate." Robin said, not seeming pleased.

"Well... I will gladly repay you." Capri said. "But, I've already been made to commit to her."

Robin suddenly laughed. "Oh, that? No-no-no~ I didn't need you for anything like that! I have a house there that needs a little cleaning, and I was just wondering if you could clean it~" she said simply.

"I can do that." Capri nodded.
Re: Competition (Azure)

Azure will straighten a bit and slip her arms around one of Capri's. "I'd see the size of the house before you agree to clean it. I'll not have you spending our wedding night doing a mountain of dishes." There's a tease in her voice for Capri but the look that she cuts over to Robin suggests that while teasing about the debt is all well and good, Robin isn't going to get to monopolize her future husband, stories or no stories.
Re: Competition (Azure)

"It's a small house, I planned to buy a bigger one." Robin explained, glaring back at Azure, determination on her face. "You'll have your wedding night, and your husband, don't worry. But I won't be walking away empty handed either, especially not after I have so generously helped... Both of you." she insisted.

"Compromise!" Capri suddenly insisted, nervous. "We can reach a compromise... And all be happy." he announced. "Robin... Can we decide how to properly thank you later? I would like to take in the sights of the temple most importantly of all."

Robin pursed her lips, letting go of his arm before looking to him sternly. "I expect something nice." she stated.
Re: Competition (Azure)

"Good thing you found out about the dark elves trick before you did, hmm? Whoever you gave that money to might not have been too happy." Yes, it's a bit of a dig on Azure's part, but at the same time, it's also a reminder that she kept Robin from getting into trouble, even if it did cost her. Still, she quiets down after that, not wanting to upset the harpy too much and cause Capri to miss this opportunity. The two of them can discuss what to do after everything's been settled and, well, she's not afraid to flat-out say if she doesn't like what Robin's after.