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Tentacle Souls

Re: Tentacle Souls

I'm guessing that confusion is used on one enemy at a time?

Anyway evolve Dread up to III (60 points, yeah?). This should be a... Crowd stopper but can I get Shadow's word for sure? It should make the biggest of foes hesitant and most of these goblins want to run at the hill at the mere sight of us. We use Dread III on the army then use Magic Sting III on the king (let him try yelling orders while flying through the air, eh?). Tell the necromancer to use anything that dies for added benefits. Tell the soldier to protect the two casters and tell the bug girl to unleash mayhem. After which we head to the cyclops and use Infest on it.* Which is probably the only thing we CAN use infest on with our size.

Keep burning Dread III while in cyclops and just kill anything that looks goblinish.

The only reason why I suggest we don't use Lust III at the start is I think it's king of like a gas (or works similar to one anyway) with shorter range not to mention it could effect our own people as well.

I'm guessing that Dread doesn't use up much energy if at all I mean... It's like using saki or killing spirit. What ever it's called.

This should be...Fun. If this doesn't make the enemy army fold then I dunno what will.

*While heading to the cyclops we should use Magic Shield II. With that and Scale Armor II we should be able to take quite a beating. Once we reach the Cyclops if it looks like he'll put up a fight switch from Dread III to Lust III.

I forgot... After this we should get some sexy time with the necromancer. She should be happy with this what with saving her and all. I mean we could have given her to the blue tentacle but we didn't and here we fought for sake as well! Also after this fight if it goes according to plan... We'll finally be looking like a Tentacle LORD! I mean HOT DAMN! This battle is gonna be kick ass!

I guess this is B1
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Re: Tentacle Souls


Re: Tentacle Souls

Get Magic Cannon and Lust Aura the Cyclops then Infest it.
Re: Tentacle Souls

I assumed using lust here would just cause a gang rape of our party or an orgy depending on how it works on our party, and considering the number of goblins that wouldn't end well for us or the swordsman. If we weren't surrounded, maybe some of them would fight each other to get to our women first.

Also dread III seems like it could work as well, I assumed that a demonstration of our power by taking care of the king and cyclops could increase the effect of lower level dread.
Re: Tentacle Souls

Well Lust III feels kind of like a toss up. It could work in our favour or it could make all of the goblins attack at once. I mean if they weren't in line of site of the women they could very well start trying to rape each other. Which would end well for us. Also gotta say... If the Lust III so much as touched any of our crew we'd be screwed (literally at that).

I think Dread III (or II for that matter... I don't think Dread I would do much) has a high chance of stopping most of the enemies in their tracks. But if not enough people want to get Dread III (or II)then I say we get Magic Cannon and destroy the goblin king in a single hit then focus on the cyclops.
Re: Tentacle Souls

Wake the other two if we haven't yet (we have telepathy, right?), and strike first. DON'T attack the king first; shoot the cyclops in his shitty one-eye, instead. Hopefully he'll freak the shit out and start pounding his homies.

Also if this guy is anything like the Dragon's Dogma cyclopi those greenwarishes suggest, it's a fucking pussy-ass bitch.

Alternatively I should have fought them as something besides a sorcerer.

I did punch a golem to death as said sorcerer, though, so, eh.
Re: Tentacle Souls

B1 evolve and use dread III, as goes for cyclops just shoot him into his eye with sting III, he'll probably start raging, and if u consider he'll be blind, and our company is about 1/20 size of goblin army it'll highly unlikely he'll start hitting our allys before he brutalizes great deal of goblins
Re: Tentacle Souls

I'm still sticking with magic cannon to the one eyed monster

Goblins are usually cowardly little oiks, if we blow the head off their trump card in a preemptive attack they will shit themselves, especially the king who should have enough wit to realise he'll be the next target. Won't even need dread for that, although it may help
Re: Tentacle Souls

Just as a tip for you all, I want you to have as much freedom as possible with your choices (hence 'other' being an option) but when there's like 5 different posts all with subtly different ideas about what to do, there's no way I can take it all into account and not disappoint someone. Plus when I'm tallying up votes the clear cut letters in bold tend to jump out at me more as well. Just sayin'.

So with that in mind, Option B1 with minor amendments is the winner!


You laugh openly - it's crucial at moments like this not to show fear. At the same time you reach out with your mind to wake up Gregor and Atta. They'll need to be on their feet for this.
You turn your attention back to the Goblin King.
"Hand over my two fine lady friends to you, oaf?" you call out. "Not likely. If you and your entourage leave now, however, quietly and without a fuss, I might consider letting you all live."

The Goblin King doesn't look too upset by your outburst; if anything he looks pleased at having to take what he wants by force. "A pity," he mutters. "I always thought the purple ones were clever." A pause, as he wipes saliva from the corners of his mouth. "Attack!"

The horde shrieks as one, drowning out any other noises of the jungle night. In one fluid motion the ranks of Goblins flow towards your gang, all of whom are on their feet and ready to meet them.
The first wave doesn't go well for their army; Gregor has his sword in hand and feet in a ready-stance as they approach, and the first five to reach him are all rapidly sliced, stabbed or crushed, green blood flying from a hundred wounds. Atta immediately begins laying waste to Goblins with her magic - balls of fire shoot rapidly from the end of her staff, setting various individuals aflame and casting a strange, dancing light over the battle.
The Spidercrab needed no invitation. Even as you look he's chewing on a severed Goblin leg and holding another two down in his claws, not even paying attention to the various sticks and bits of rock bouncing harmlessly off his armored shell.
The Necromancer is also on her feet, staff in hand. She's chanting powerfully with her hood thrown back, hair gleaming in the flames. Her shadow rises up behind her, somehow blacker than the night around it, twisting and contorting into a hundred shapes. Every Goblin that touches it drops to the ground, dead in an instant, whilst she physically fends off frontal attackers with her staff.

Yet the Goblin King looks oddly unconcerned by all this. "Leave the women!" he croaks over the din. "They are mine!"

You decide to wipe that smirk off his face. Reaching for your reserves of energy, you fire a Magic Sting III right at his ugly trapezoid jaw - and mentally frown as it strikes an invisible barrier in front of him and goes careering off into the sky.
He grins at you, broken teeth gleaming horribly.

OK then.

Stones fired from slingshots glance off your scaled body as you consider your next move. Thinking quickly, you launch a Firebolt at the Goblins holding back the cyclops chains - and are soon rewarded with a ground-shaking roar as it pulls free.
Behind you Atta is in danger of being overwhelmed, so you quickly scatter the Goblins nearest her with a Magic Sting II, then rapidly switch back to the Goblin King. He raises a sword of his own, but before he can make any other move, the ground in front of his feet erupts in a shower of soil, pebbles and decaying leaves - your second Magic Sting III at work. He cries out, raising his reedy arms to cover his face. Seizing the opportunity, you slide forward and wrap yourself around him, pinning his arms and legs together in your coils.

The sense of victory doesn't last long, however; you sense more than see Gregor pitch forward, unconscious, as a stone fired from a sling catches him in the back of the head. The tide of Goblins surges forwards around his fallen body, and with one of their number down the Necromancer and Atta are left fighting even more ferociously against the endless swarms.


Option 1) Infest the Goblin King as much as possible - assuming his magical protection doesn't protect against something so up-close and personal - and use him to sow chaos amongst the army.

Option 2) Hold the Goblin King in place, and bring a furious Cyclops over him by peppering him with little Magic Stings. Leap off at the last minute, get the King crushed by an angry cyclops, then infest the Cyclops as much as possible and smash through the Goblin ranks.

Option 3) Incapacitate the King - you can probably break his neck in this position, or throttle him - then leap back into the main fray and try and save Gregor.

Option 4) Other.

HP: 150/150
Energy: 110/200
Morality: 9/100

- Thunder Bolt I (Like Fire Bolt, Thunder element).
- Water Bolt I (...ditto).
- Ice Bolt I.
- Ovipositor I (Allows you to lay eggs within the orifice of a host. At low levels, these eggs are weak and may not hatch properly. Further upgrades reduces this risk. Each egg costs 10 energy to plant, but the hatched tentacle is autonomous and commanded by you).
- Dread I (Releases pheromones that make organisms more afraid. The higher the level, the stronger the effect it has, and the better it works on people (lower levels are effective mostly against animals).
- Teleport I (allows you transport small, inanimate things back to the Dimensional Nexus, or wherever you set up a lair in the future. Further upgrades allow you to move bigger, and eventually alive things. NOTE: This spell will never be usable on yourself).
- Confusion I (Launch a magical blast that can disrupt the brain-waves of a foe. Useful against well-armored creatures that aren't very vulnerable to normal attacks).

- Levitate II (allows you to hover straight over even wider gaps).
- Firebolt II (Like Magic Sting II, but Fire Element).
- (Lust) Slime Ooze II (your slime induces lust in those that contact it).
- (Sleep) Slime Ooze II (your slime makes those that touch it sleepy. Very... sleepy).
- (Healing) Slime Ooze II (your slime heals those that touch it. Like with all slime effects, it can be turned on and off at will).
- Perception II (20 Energy. Use body language and other subtle, chemical clues to put together a general hint of what someone is feeling at any given time. Is that a molecule of sweat? They're nervous. Are their fingers tapping? Clearly impatient.)
- Stealth II (20 energy required. Become even sneakier).
- Swim II (20 energy required. Can you guess what this evolution does?)
- Body Shock II (20 Energy required. A powerful wave of magical energy runs over your skin. Akin to picking up a live electrical wire. Obviously limited to close-range combat, though).
- Tentacle Arts II (20 Energy required. Recover HP through sex).

- Magic Shield III (30 energy cost. Lasts longer and tougher to break than Level II).
- Entrapment III (30 cost). Small tentacles appear from the ground around your enemy and bind them to it. The tentacles are strong but not unbreakable.
- Re-Skinned Illusion III (30 cost). Use magic to change the outward appearance of a surface. Useful for laying traps, though not much help in the heat of the moment.

- Illusory Duplicate (40 Energy Cost). Creates a magical duplicate of yourself that can slide around causing all sorts of panic, though unfortunately it isn't truly alive and can't perform any magic of its own.
- Aura Detect IV (40 Energy cost. The pinnacle of Aura Detection - see Cursed and Holy objects from far afield, allows you see even the faintest magical trap clearly, and can allow you to perfectly judge the magical aptitude of your foes).

- Magic Cannon. (40 Energy Cost) Unleashes a huge blast of Magical Energy, costing 10 energy each time, but one use of this spell has been known to strike holes in reinforced castle walls.
Re: Tentacle Souls

2 but evolve Confusion up to II or III; or use Entrapment III to hold King in place, then ride dat cyclops.
Re: Tentacle Souls

3, and evolve Dread II or III, maybe we can make them demoralised to run with their King dead, and their monster out of controle.
Re: Tentacle Souls

3 + minor amendments

Evolve Dread to III and use it for the rest of the melee. Use Body Shock I on the king then break his neck. Jump back in the fray and save Gregor all the while looking dashing. Tell the Necromancer to start using the dead enemies as puppets. She is a necromancer, right? User of the dead?

Afterwards... Well we'll see what happens.
Re: Tentacle Souls

Gotta ask what the rules are governing Confusion are. Is it an AoE debuff? Or does it just target one enemy at a time? From the skill description it looks like it'd be against one foe.
Re: Tentacle Souls

Gotta ask what the rules are governing Confusion are. Is it an AoE debuff? Or does it just target one enemy at a time? From the skill description it looks like it'd be against one foe.

Yes, it's a standard magic bolt attack. IIRC further upgrades become more AoE, but you're not that far down its evolution tree. :)
Re: Tentacle Souls

Option 3 wins it!


The Goblin King struggles in your coils... but with Gregor out cold on the ground, there's no time for anything big and clever. Reaching one of your tentacles into his protesting mouth, you fire off a burst of magic, tenderizing his organs. Mouth smoking and eyes rolling back in their sockets, he staggers, golden crown slipping off and falling into the dirt. But before you can even leap back into the fray, Atta storms to the rescue. Concussive blasts of magic fire furiously from the end of her staff, knocking goblins sprawling like blades of grass in a storm. Reaching his prone body, she bends down and crouches over him protectively, returning to blasts of magical fire and lightning to smite the remaining foes around her.

It's at the this point you remember the Cyclops is still unchained.

A club comes arcing down out of the sky above you, and you barely move out of the way in time. The Goblin King's body is crushed beneath the force of the blow, blood and brains erupting in a revolting shower.
The cyclops roars, its one eye tinged with red furry, saliva dripping from its gaping mouth. It stomps towards you, again swinging its club, and again it misses by bare millimetres. You dart between its legs, and quickly toss a Magic Sting III at its unprotected back. You're rewarded with a snarl of fury and a sudden purpling bruise, but it'll take a ton of those attacks for you to fell the beast.

You call out mentally to your allies, telling them to be careful of the enraged cyclops, though all are too busy to reply. Thinking on your feet - or coils - you try a different approach; maybe a Lust spell will have greater effect.
The burst of pink light flies from the end of one of your appendages and strikes the turning cyclops right in the stomach. The effect is immediate - he stops dead, club dropping from his hand... and cock rising to attention in seconds.
He turns away from you, ground shaking with each step (the brute is a good 9 foot tall, after all, and 100% muscle) and staggers towards the fray, batting aside Goblins with ease. His cock sways pendulously as he walks... he's heading straight towards the Necromancer. You call out to warn her, but she's already noticed... and she's smirking. Huh?

She straightens up, dispelling her last few attackers with ease, and steps forward. Her cloaks shimmer and vanish and her shadow shrinks back to normal size. In a second she's completely naked, and shit, you've never felt so aroused; her body is total perfection, with gleaming soft curves, full, rounded breasts and legs to die for. The Goblins behind her stop at once, brought completely under her sway, and the Cyclops groans appreciatively. He stops as she approaches him, hips swaying and one hand dropping teasingly towards the moist fold between her legs. The Cyclop's gargantuan cock is roughly at her head level, and as you watch she smooths her hair back and licks the tip of it. Gently at first, teasing it with her tongue, dancing around its head, before taking the full length in her hands and rubbing it firmly. She continues to suckle, drawing as much dick inside her mouth as possible, pale hands dancing and squeezing his member like spiders.

Her audience is totally enraptured. All weapons are discarded without a thought on the ground, and the vast majority of the Goblins are jerking off themselves, still too afraid to approach the naked Necromancer.
The Cyclop's eyelid flutters and he moans again, one arm reaching forwards to gently cup the back of the Necromancer's head, pulling her more fully onto himself. In one smooth motion she draws back, engorged, slick member slipping out of her mouth with a wet pop. She does pause, however, before stooping and running her breasts either side of his manhood. She begins squeezing and moulding her own gorgeous breasts, rubbing them lovingly but firmly against his swollen cock. You see she's starting to be affected herself. A drip of perspiration - or cum? - falls from her delicious slit, and you inch forwards - only to be stopped by her gaze. She's staring daggers at you, and you stop, more than a little surprised. What, she doesn't want the help?

It becomes clear in a second, however. With one big, shuddering moan, the Cyclops cums, splashing half a gallon of wet, sticky spunk all over the Necromancer's torso. She only smiles as it vanishes instantly into her skin, and you gasp as a huge magical rush of energy occurs - the Cyclop's soul, his very essence, runs into the Necromancer, and for a second you catch a glimpse of him as a skeleton, a walking husk. The vision flickers, and the Cyclops drops the ground. He's breathing - barely - but the Necromancer is radiating an aura of malicious black light, shining from every pore. The energy erupts from her in a glistening black tsunami, dealing instant death to every Goblin it touches. The flood approaches you - but veers around to the sides, directed by the Necromancer.

When you next look up, she's clothed again, her pale skin shining prettily in the sun that's just beginning to creep up behind the trees.
"Good plan," she chuckles, smiling at you. Behind her is a multitude of dead Goblins, each fresh and unmarked, but unmistakably dead all the same. The Cyclops has also passed away, dead skin already begining to slough off his body, yet the Spidercrab, Atta and Gregor (who's rubbing the back of his head tenderly) all look fine.

"Well, that was fun," grins the Necromancer. "What's next?"


Option A) Stay here and see if any interesting scavengers are attracted by the huge pile of corpses.

Option B) Retreat to the Nexus to heal everyone up and check out a different Archcrystal.

Option C) Plow ahead into the Jungle.
C1) Try and find Atta's hive so she can be reunited with her family.
C2) Investigate that strange wooden fortress town in the middle of the Jungle you can hear Gregor muttering about.

HP: 150/150
Energy: 105/200
Morality: 8.5/100

- Thunder Bolt I (Like Fire Bolt, Thunder element).
- Water Bolt I (...ditto).
- Ice Bolt I.
- Ovipositor I (Allows you to lay eggs within the orifice of a host. At low levels, these eggs are weak and may not hatch properly. Further upgrades reduces this risk. Each egg costs 10 energy to plant, but the hatched tentacle is autonomous and commanded by you).
- Dread I (Releases pheromones that make organisms more afraid. The higher the level, the stronger the effect it has, and the better it works on people (lower levels are effective mostly against animals).
- Teleport I (allows you transport small, inanimate things back to the Dimensional Nexus, or wherever you set up a lair in the future. Further upgrades allow you to move bigger, and eventually alive things. NOTE: This spell will never be usable on yourself).
- Confusion I (Launch a magical blast that can disrupt the brain-waves of a foe. Useful against well-armored creatures that aren't very vulnerable to normal attacks).

- Levitate II (allows you to hover straight over even wider gaps).
- Firebolt II (Like Magic Sting II, but Fire Element).
- (Lust) Slime Ooze II (your slime induces lust in those that contact it).
- (Sleep) Slime Ooze II (your slime makes those that touch it sleepy. Very... sleepy).
- (Healing) Slime Ooze II (your slime heals those that touch it. Like with all slime effects, it can be turned on and off at will).
- Perception II (20 Energy. Use body language and other subtle, chemical clues to put together a general hint of what someone is feeling at any given time. Is that a molecule of sweat? They're nervous. Are their fingers tapping? Clearly impatient.)
- Stealth II (20 energy required. Become even sneakier).
- Swim II (20 energy required. Can you guess what this evolution does?)
- Body Shock II (20 Energy required. A powerful wave of magical energy runs over your skin. Akin to picking up a live electrical wire. Obviously limited to close-range combat, though).
- Tentacle Arts II (20 Energy required. Recover HP through sex).

- Magic Shield III (30 energy cost. Lasts longer and tougher to break than Level II).
- Entrapment III (30 cost). Small tentacles appear from the ground around your enemy and bind them to it. The tentacles are strong but not unbreakable.
- Re-Skinned Illusion III (30 cost). Use magic to change the outward appearance of a surface. Useful for laying traps, though not much help in the heat of the moment.

- Illusory Duplicate (40 Energy Cost). Creates a magical duplicate of yourself that can slide around causing all sorts of panic, though unfortunately it isn't truly alive and can't perform any magic of its own.
- Aura Detect IV (40 Energy cost. The pinnacle of Aura Detection - see Cursed and Holy objects from far afield, allows you see even the faintest magical trap clearly, and can allow you to perfectly judge the magical aptitude of your foes).

- Magic Cannon. (40 Energy Cost) Unleashes a huge blast of Magical Energy, costing 10 energy each time, but one use of this spell has been known to strike holes in reinforced castle walls.