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Tentacle Souls


Jungle Girl
Jul 18, 2012
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Re: Tentacle Souls

2 but if she doesnt let up then blast her


Tentacle Monster
Dec 18, 2011
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Re: Tentacle Souls

Option 2 wins!


There's only one way out of this sticky situation. Well, actually there are lots of ways, but only one solution has a chance of preventing it ending in tears for someone.

You frantically pour energy into evolving Aura Detect II - the short-range telepathy should allow you to contact the Paladin and call her off. Should. Whilst your slender purple body writhes and convulses with the pain of the transformation, she stalks closer, eyes blazing and sword held down. She strikes - you dodge, and the steel slips past, scraping off the wet stone. Annoyed, she draws it back, waiting to strike again. The sword is levelled at you...

Aura Detect II kicks in.

"STOP!" you scream, unleashing a burst of mental energy she can't help but pick up on.

She jerks, and the sword springs forward anyway, barely missing you. The edge scores a sharp line in your flesh. Faint purple slime oozes out.

"I didn't mean to hit you with the Magic Sting!" you shout. She still looks ready to murder if this isn't good. "I thought you were unconcious! In fact, I saved your sorry behind from the demon! It was me who distracted the bugger, me who lead him away from your fallen body! I was just to about to blast him to shreds with my powerful magic when you messed everything up and killed him!"

She pauses; though still faintly furious looking, for the first time you think you detect a flicker of doubt.

"Duplicitous demon! Lying is second nature to you, there isn't a sincere bone in your body!" She pauses, and frowns. "There isn't a bone in your body..."

"I'm trying to turn a corner. Honestly," you insist. "But if you're going to kill me, just do it now and get it over with quickly. Go on! I've had enough of this shitty dungeon anyway."

Again she pauses. You can almost see the cogs turning in her brain... For a full thirty seconds she stands and thinks about it. Good job nothing attacked during that time.

Eventually, she slides her longsword back into its scabbard. "OK," she concedes. "I'll spare your putrid life. But begone! Our alliance is at an end!"

And with that, she stalks off down the corridor, leaving you to squirm awkwardly against the stone wall. Long after she's passed out of hearing range, you mutter: "And fuck you too."


Some time later, after an uncomfortable experience squeelching across the bottom of the dank, unpleasant stone corridor, you come to a wall of swirling white fog. There's no other way to go, no different avenues to explore (in fact, the corridor has been a weird straight line all the way from the cell in which you spawned).

With no other options presenting themselves, you press yourself through the fog. At first it resists - unusual for fog - but eventually you manage to force your way through.

For a second, everything goes black. All senses stop. When you come around, you appear to be in the centre of... an ampitheatre? A colosseum? Big, metal walls surround the area in a circle. They're cracked and pitted, but look sturdy, and they stretch up as high as you can see.
Swirling below you is a black void. Hurridly, you draw yourself out of it, collapsing ungainly onto a soily, grassy floor.

"Welcome," you hear a voice say. Looking round, you see the stadium - it's not really a stadium, there's no seats - is nearly empty. There's no way to tell where the voice is coming from - it's broadcast mentally. "All life-forms are welcome to Nexal Dimension. From here, you can persue adventure into a wide variety of different dimensions. Finding your way back can be tricky, though..." the voice remarks sadly. The lack of other people around starts to make a little more sense.

"There are three crystals before you," the voice continues. It's soft, melodic, and ever-so-slightly sad. For the first time, you notice three crystals, each the size of a man. One's red, one's blue, the other's white.

"The white one leads to the Polar Dimension," explains the voice. "Cold, icy, and with an interesting line in deadly predators, the Polar Zone does conceal some hidden wonders."

"The red one leads the Flaming Dimension," it continues. "Pirate ships burn on the lava sea, and above ground lurk Rock Worms, Demons and Succubi. All is not what it seems in that place..."

"The final crystal - the blue - will transport you to the Ocean Dimension," the words seem to just materialise inside your head. "Entirely underwater, the dimension is gloomy, besieged by mercreatures and collosal leviathans. Yet there are the most peculiar glimmerings in the depths."

"Or wait here for all eternity," chuckles the voice. "It makes no difference to me."


Option 1) Use the Red crystal.

Option 2) Use the White crystal.

Option 3) Use the Blue crystal.

Health: 20/25
Energy: 27/60 (below half isn't good)
Morality: 24/100 (almost-noble).


Dec 6, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Tentacle Souls

Blegh! Barren, firgid, icy tundra; Hell, or a gloomy, hostile, ocean where we would be no more then a snake or worm for other things to eat.......

Can't we just make our way back through the fog? :(

Also if this is a riddle, I suck at them :<
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Mystic Girl
Dec 14, 2010
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Re: Tentacle Souls

Love the tie-in! Out of the choices i'm going to have to go with 1

But seeing as how these crystal seem to be immensely magical in nature...think we might could drain a bit of overflow energy from one or both of the other crystals? Also if we chose to wait here, can others appear here or is this particular hub is ours alone.


Nov 26, 2009
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Re: Tentacle Souls

Burn to death, freeze to death, , or get eaten...

I'll go with 1, maybe we can find a friendly succubi whom will use us as a dildo.
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Tentacle Monster
Dec 18, 2011
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Re: Tentacle Souls

Love the tie-in! Out of the choices i'm going to have to go with 1

But seeing as how these crystal seem to be immensely magical in nature...think we might could drain a bit of overflow energy from one or both of the other crystals? Also if we chose to wait here, can others appear here or is this particular hub is ours alone.
It's not lazily recycling ideas, it's totally a bit of fun continuity for older fans! ;)

I'm sorry, I should have made it clear with some flavour text, but you can't drain the archsto- I mean Crystals. They're enchanted against it. :(

NPC's will appear here, but 99% of them have to be met in the right dimension first. After speaking to them, some of them will choose to set up a more permanent home here.

More Arch Crystals (I'm calling them that now) will become available if you fulfill certain conditions (involving the ones you have available).

The Ocean Dimension will be infinitely easier with some Swim evolutions, lol.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Tentacle Souls

Beh, ill go with 1. You meant the hell dimesnion i take it mr.me? :p

EDIT: So do I....... DERP!
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Nov 26, 2009
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Re: Tentacle Souls

Yes, yes I did.

Didn't notice the descriptions and choices of 1 and 2 were reversed


Tentacle God
Nov 22, 2011
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Re: Tentacle Souls

White? Mountains, snow, all this shit? Yeah, I'm in: 2

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Tentacle Souls

Option 1 I see succubi in that one... FULL STEAM AHEAD! Succubi make excellent breeders and whatnot.


Grim Reaper
Jan 23, 2012
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Re: Tentacle Souls

2, let's infest a predator :D


Jungle Girl
Jul 18, 2012
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Re: Tentacle Souls

1 lets drain some succubus hahaha
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Demon Girl
Jun 27, 2012
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Re: Tentacle Souls

some people y u no read options better, anyways SUCCUBUS! 1


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Tentacle Souls

I unsurprisingly vote we go to lavaland.

>pirate ships burning on the lava sea

Fuck yeah.


Tentacle Monster
Dec 18, 2011
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Re: Tentacle Souls

Sorry guys, update's about 20 hours away, it's been a very busy day.


Tentacle Monster
Dec 18, 2011
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Re: Tentacle Souls

Hurray, update time! Option 1 (sorry the descriptions and options were flipped, I didn't notice lol) wins!


"Are you going to make a decision?"
The voice echoes emptily around the chamber, although now it sounds a little bored. Clearly you aren't as interesting a newcomer as it had hoped.

You sit there, pondering the decision a little longer.

"Wow, you're almost as boring as the Paladin who came through a couple of days ago. And let me tell you, that's no mean feat."

The Paladin came here? Days ago?! You file this information away mentally, resolving to turn it over in your mind later. It's hard to concentrate with an ethereal voice nagging you every two minutes.

In the end, you decide the choose the Red Archcrystal. More of a whim than anything. Slithering towards it, you contemplate various strategies for the dangers that might lie ahead - although, in your weakened state, such strategies have to be fairly simplistic. 'Run away from anything big and nasty' summarizes most of them.

You reach the Archcrystal. When you rear up and place the front of your body upon it, you feel it tug at your essence. Relaxing, you let yourself be drawn through into the crystal...


When you next look up, you see... that things have changed dramatically. All around you is a vast plain of dust and dirt, as far as the eye can see. The sky is obscured by thick, billowing clouds, purple lightning crackling wildly. The occasional boom of thunder seems to shake the entire world. Behind you, you see the Red Archcrystal, and the very faint breeze moving towards it suggests that you can use it to transport yourself back to the Dimensional Nexus if necessary.

Wait... the dry, flat plain doesn't stretch on indefinitely. In fact, it drops off very abruptly just over there, on the left (it was hard to notice from this perspective close to the ground).
You squirm over through the grey dust - it sticks unpleasantly to your slimy purple body, but there's little that can be done about that. You approach the edge of the precipice - and look down.

It's a seriously big drop. Far, far below, an entire ocean of lava boils and writhes, spitting out vast plumes of toxic, sulfurous smoke. On the surface of the lava (impossibly) float 7 wooden ships. The tallest of them have crows nests that come within spitting distance of this barren wasteland up here, but that's only because the ships themselves are massive.
You detect a very faint aura from within the bowels of most of the ships, but from this distance it's hard to tell if it's friend, foe, or treasure. Certainly intriguing, though.

You draw back from the edge, again pondering your options. It would be possible to grab onto the crow's nest's rigging from here, just about...


What the fuck!? You twist around frantically, but it's too late; you're being held firmly in a soft, taloned hand.
Great. Succubus. The figure holding you is humanoid, yes, but nothing like any Homo sapiens. The spiralling ram's horns protruding from her head, for one thing. The soft blue skin, burning red eyes, forked tongue and black, pointed tail are also very subtle clues as to her identity.
She wears a simple, black cloth top over her impressive breasts, and... you're not sure what the word is. A rectangle of worn grey fabric hangs down in front of her sex, held around her hips by a frayed piece of string. Her ass is bare.

"My, we're going to have some fun with you!" she squeaks, gripping your length firmly in both hands. She arches her back and lowers you down in front of her... lining you up perfectly.

"Now wait just a minute!" you shout mentally. "This isn't fair, I was turning a corner, dammit -"

- Too late. She rams you up into her pussy, spreading her legs as wide as possible. You stiffen instinctively, and the Succubus draws you in and out, stimulating herself with your rock-hard, smooth body.
At first it starts off slow, just gentle slides in and out. Her pussy is soon slick with her own juices, however, and you begin to glide in and out faster, guided at all times by the Succubus' hands.
It's thrilling stuff for any tentacle; her smooth, hairless entrance is both tantalizingly tight and appealingly deep, allowing a good deal of your length to plunge in and out. Relaxing a little, you allow your head to swell and soften, squirming and thrusting it inside her.

"Oh, wow, I love the Purple ones!" she groans, grinding you deeper and harder into her dripping wet folds.
This is the stuff! She's just dripping with orgasmic, magical energy, and you let it flow into your body. It's revitalising, powerful...
A devious idea occurs to you, and you allow just the faintest magical spark to brush against her clitoris - an electric jolt.
She jerks up right, madness flaring her in her eyes - before pounding your body into her, as fast and as hard as she physically can.

"I'M... I'M CUMMING!" she shouts, just before you feel it happen - her pussy clenches tight on you, and a burst of juice floods into her cunt. You return the favour, spurting your own wet, sticky spunk into the mix.
The Succubus collapses backwards, squirming in post orgasmic bliss on the ground, a faint happy smile curling at her lips.

"Oh god, you're just... you're just the best..." she mutters softly. In her almost drugged state, she rolls over on the ground - and that's where it all goes wrong.

Her movement triggers something in the ground. From behind her, a huge, gigantic worm launches its head into the air, rocky carapace speeding out from below the dusty floor. At 7 feet high it pauses, lowering its head in the direction of the Succubus (it has no eyes, but the head is roughly flower shape - with the center just an entended tube ringed in teeth).

"Fu-" is all the Succubus manages to utter before it strikes - the 'petals' close around her head, imprisoning her. She screams, letting go of you; you collapse limply onto the floor, pulling out of her with a wet squelch. Spunk and juice dribble onto you from above.

"My, my, what have me here...?" asks the approaching Demon - flanked by two of his friends.


Option 1) Well, it was good while it lasted. Let's squirm out of here rapidly, maybe head over to the ships and see what's in them.

Option 2) Fight back against the three Demons! The Succubus will probably greatly appreciate being saved from their attentions.

Option 3) Coil around the Succubus' midriff, and wait and see how this plays out.

HP: 20/25
Energy: 40/60
Morality: 24/100 (almost noble)

Evolutions (you can pick one of these at any time, you know, just beware the energy costs). 10 Energy for Level I spells, 25 for Level II.
- Swim I
- Infest I
- Stealth I
- Slime Ooze I
- Growth II (25 energy required. Stretch your arm out. From shoulder to end of longest finger, that's how big we'd get. The head would also split into 2, giving us a sort of stretched Y shape.)

- Magic Sting II (the shot is rather more powerful. More akin to a punch from your average joe than the pitiful little sting level I was).

- Scale Armor (what it says on the tin. More protective against spells and phsyical attacks than Slime Ooze, but much less multi-purpose).


Mystic Girl
Dec 14, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Tentacle Souls

OO such hard decisions to make...
I want to say evolve Magic Sting II and instead of just wrapping around her, try and worm our way inside its mouth as well and begin pelting its innards with stings.
One worm vs a giant worm and a group of demons...yeah such great odds, but if we can free her...

Oh another great idea, evolve Stealth and snake up one of the lesser demons bodies and fire off a sting at the main one. Trying to turn them on each other to stall.

But if either of these other options fail to make the cut, then just the provided Option 2 and evolve Magic Sting II