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Chapter 2: Absolute Power

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Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"Ith mo chac, toll-toine," Anabelle shouted, baring her fangs at the beast before her, watching it's skin slowly come back together, piecing itself into a whole once more.

She slashed with her sword towards its belly and chest once more, hoping to open the wounds further, get to its insides, rip them out.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

I was wondering where that appeared from, hehe.

Jocelyn heard the screeching from above, letting out a yelp of her own as the demon starts to fly away again. She gripped on, biting down again and ignoring the horrifying taste in her mouth, hoping they would finish it off soon.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Vezina slashes once more at the gargoyle hoping to prevent an escape to it's odious master. However her dagger merely glances off the creature's thick skin and seems to do no damage to the creature.

Jocelyn dangles precariously in the air for a moment as the demon makes it's escape. Somehow managing to sink her fangs once more into the disgusting thing she suddenly feels them both hurtling to the ground. The brief fall ends with a thump on the snowy ground near the wall on which the creature had originally perched.

Anabelle rushes forward intent on both saving Jocelyn and slaying the strange monster. She slashes upwards just as the pair begins to quickly descend back to earth. Though her sword barely misses it's target as she makes efforts to avoid hitting Jocelyn at the last second.

The eerie silence of the night replaces the sounds of fighting in the alley as the unmoving demon's head slumps beside Jocelyn in the snow. It's disturbing eyes staring back at her as it lies there.

Vezina 10/14 BP, 1 bashing. Jocelyn 14/15 BP, 1 aggravated. Anabelle 14/15 BP, 1 lethal. That's what happens when I misplace my notes, that's why I didn't have the blood pools right away either.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Anabelle stood above the monster, and let her sword point hover over it's unmoving form, before she raised the blade above her, and brought the edge down towards its neck.

"Thalla gu Taigh na Galla," she growled, eyes narrowed as the steel descended.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Jocelyn let out a panicked scream around the stony flesh in her mouth as the thing began to fly away further, digging in harder for a moment. she was just about to let go when it started to drop on it's own, landing heavily with her in a tangle by the wall. she pulled away quickly, expecting it to get up and come after her, but the thing lay still as the other two closed in again. "We should have run..." She said slowly, looking up from the ground at Anabelle. "It wanted to take you... and corrupt you into a demon like itself..." She warned, slowly picking herself up, her dress more mudstained and torn than it was before.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Vezina rushed towards the fallen demon, but arrived after Annabelle.

"Stop!" she hissed to Annabelle, hoping to stay the coup de grace in time. "Bleed it, weaken it, but do not kill it... Let us bring this monstrosity before the court. It is a servant of a blasphemous cult known as the Tremere. Its master has used the blood of mine own clan to usurp the gift of Caine. I know not what this creature truly is, but it would be a waste to destroy it without questioning it first. I am certain that there are elders here who could make it talk."

The Tzimisce peered down at the beast. "We could bind it with chains and cover it in a cloak. Do you think it might be susceptible to a wooden spike through the heart? It seems to heal like a Cainite, and from what little I know of its master, it is likely a creature of blood sorcery."

Vezina looked about for a wooden tool or stick that could be broken and fashioned into a stake.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Anabelle stopped the descent just before it struck, and let out a long sigh. "Faigh muin," she muttered to herself, before letting the point of her sword slide over the creature's chest, the opposite side of its heart, and pushed it down, hoping now to weaken it.

"Anyone have a wooden stake then?" she asked, finding English suddenly clumsy after having shouted in Gaelic a few moments prior.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Vezina has time to take a quick glance around the alleyway having prevented Anabelle from destroying the creature. Aside from the still decaying body of the creature's victim there are a few wooden barrels stacked near the chandler shop's door.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"Make sure it doesn't get up," she said to Annabelle as she walked to the barrel, turning it about to get access to a side that the wet snow hadn't touched, and then snapped off a wooden board easily, with the use of her augmented strength. She cracked the board until it splintered into a usable shaft and returned to the creature's body.

"If it dies, then at least its body will be proof enough to the court. If this works, then we have a prisoner to interrogate."

She slit the meat above the heart with her dagger, and then swiftly plunged her makeshift wooden instrument into the black organ.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

The creature continues to lay unmoving under Anabelle's watchful eye, while Vezina crafts a crude but effective stake. Plunging the stake into the creature's heart proves little trouble, though the makeshift stake could easily come out if the body were jostled just right.

The now still creature looks every bit as hideous as one of the Nosferatu. It's appearance is very similar to a gargoyle's though Vezina doubts any artist could create one so ugly. Perhaps it was some strange cross of a Nosferatu and Gangrel, with their shape-shifting discipline, enhanced by blood sorcery. It would make sense as they were common allies of her clan and these upstart Tremere must have began in the old country. A fate most undeserved, even for members of the low clans.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"Hideous and twisted, no doubt a reflection of the unworthy soul who created it," Vezina stated. "We must cover it and stand watch while one of us acquires a cart and a draft horse. It will be too heavy to carry otherwise and not many will look twice at the load of a cart covered by cloth."

She looked to her companions. "We must act quickly. One person to guard the beast from prying eyes should be enough, the other two will secure the transport and bring it here to load. Who wishes to stand guard?"
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Taking off her cloak, and draping it over the beast, Anabelle stood in tunic and kilt beside it, sword still resting above it's neck.

"I will stand guard. It would be more noticeable if a kilted warrior stole a cart here in England," she said simply, her eyes now sliding comfortably from either end of the alley, to the beast, and back. She stood stock still, like an undead statue of flesh and blood.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Nodding, the Tzimisce turned to Jocelyn.

"Come along, Jocelyn. If we're to steal a horse and cart, your stealth is well suited to the task. Annabelle, we shall return as soon as we can."

Pulling her cloak about her and sheathing her dagger, Vezina stepped back into the main street and headed toward any place of business that had a stable and a cart. She would likely have to calm the animal down with her own discipline and then prepare the animal swiftly without being discovered by the town watch.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"Would it not be easier to simply ask? Or hire one for a short time?" Jocelyn asked, worried about the consequences of their methods. She turned back towards Anabelle for a moment, wondering if maybe she should be the one to stay behind, but decided against offering. Seems the decision had been made, anyways.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"Those are options too, but again, my kind is not much appreciated around here. Are you okay Jocelyn?" Anabelle said, a crease of worry working it's way into the Scot's brow.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Vezina halted for a moment. "It is past the hour of midnight, and a pair of female strangers knock at your door demanding a horse and cart, immediately? It will rouse too many questions and take too much time. We shall endeavor to return the cart and horse to the owner ere the dying hours of moonlight."
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"Yeah... Just..." Jocelyn said slowly, looking around the alley again, pointing her gaze up to the rooftops even, as if looking for something, but finding nothing. "...Be careful, keep watchful." She said simply, turning to follow Vezina.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"I will," Anabelle whispered softly watching the pair depart down the alley, before focusing entirely on her task.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Leaving Anabelle to guard the still body of the gargoyle, Vezina and Jocelyn leave the alley to search for a cart and horse. A stable near the bridge offers the most likely chance for them to find a cart and horse. No lights are to be seen within the building though they'll likely have to be quiet so as not to alert any stable hands that might live in the loft.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"Let us be as quiet as shadows," Vezina said to Jocelyn as they approached. "If there is a kine in here, we shall drain him a bit to keep him in his slumber."

Vezina entered the stable, looking up into the loft and listening for the snores or deep breaths of a mortal. If there was such, she would climb up and sink her fangs into the kine, draining him just a bit before licking the wounds closed.

If any animal awoke and looked as though it might make noise, Vezina would use her degree of animalism to calm the animal first, so that they might be accustomed to the vampiric presence.
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