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Chapter 2: Absolute Power

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Nov 10, 2008
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January, 1110 AD; London, Kingdom of England

The sun sets on the dreary snow-covered city of London and it's surrounding lands. The canaille of humanity hurries through the diminishing light to lock themselves in their homes. If only they truly understood what horrors lurked through the city at night, intent on utter control of everything they have.

Before long all of the coterie have awoken from their torporous rest. The magical vitae in their bodies reviving their dead flesh to a semblance of life.

Not the best but I am a little out of it after the last few weeks. Don't forget you spent a point of blood to wake up.
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Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

As the final sliver of the sun fell beneath the horizon, taking with it the last vestiges of natural light, Eliza's kiwi eyes fluttered open. A new night was upon them, her first full night in London, and the Lasombra was ready to take it by the horns. Of course, nothing had changed within her haven. It was still dark in her bedroom except for the faint glow of the torchlight from the main living areas creeping beneath the large wooden door.

Watching Genevieve awaken next to her, Eliza pulled the younger vampire's face against her, wrapping her in an embrace before pulling back again. "Good evening darling. Hopefully you rested as peacefully as I did because we have a busy night ahead of us."

"I was rather intrigued when you mentioned this "D'Ombro" was also a member of our fine clan. It doesn't mean he can be trusted, likely far from it. However, it may be an opportunity to learn more about my attackers and perhaps build our own influence in the city. It also means that we know most of the powers at his disposal. I had hoped you could perhaps lead me to him and accompany me during the meeting."

Eliza paused, softening her expression whilst brushing a finger on Genevieve's cheek lightly. "I wonder though... it could be a dangerous encounter. How confident are you with the arts and abilities of our clan? Have you had much training? I... believe the natural power of your blood will make you immune to his domination powers. I do not know if I will be so lucky. I do have other skills though of course."
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Vezina rose from her slumber at the hour of deep twilight and immediately strode over to the drawer where she had placed her prize, the puzzle box with odd writing upon it. The Tzimisce dare not show the box to other kindred just yet, as she could not trust them, but she did need answers to her questions. She must find paper and ink and transfer the markings upon the box to the paper, that she might refer to it during her research. Her first thought was to contact Gyulu - there might be a chance he would have knowledge of such things, being a powerful sorcerer in his homeland. However, if he were out of touch, she would reluctantly turn to the Chamberlain, Sir Rodger. At least his library should likely provide answers.

How difficult would it be to get into contact with Gyulu and ask him about the puzzle box and the strange ward that Vezina had encountered?
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Anabelle felt her flesh animate, her will sliding through all her limbs once more as dead flesh became aware, and a mind that should be decaying began to thrum with activity as the moon pushed away the sun for dominance of the sky.

She carefully ran her fingers through her bear cave mate's fur, and whispered that she would return before the advancement of the dawn. Ensuring her belt and sword were secured around her hips, she slipped from the darkness of the cave, and into the night proper.

Snow crunched beneath her boots, and she forced air into her lungs to breath deep of the crisp air. Turning her attentions towards the city, she began to walk towards its walls.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Jocelyn woke slowly, as per usual, the fog of supernatural sleep slow to drift from her mind. Aubrey was up and about already, though all she knew of how far was not in the small bedroom of their space in the tavern. Crawling out of bed and tidying her disheveled self up a bit, she went about her 'morning' activities, humming lightly.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Having woken a little before Eliza, Genevieve slides from beneath the covers and gracefully stretches before returning to be embraced by her friend. She gladly rests her head in Eliza's embrace as she responds.

"There's no rest for the wicked and I wouldn't have it any other way." She says towards the small flicker of shadow near the door before continuing. "Unfortunately I have no idea where one would find D'Ombro, he is a pirate after all. I know he uses Gravesend as a base when in England but I wouldn't know where to look once in Gravesend."

She spins around and locks eyes with Eliza before whispering. "Of course he would be dangerous, just like the rest of our clan. Still it's best to experience new things when possible. Maybe Jourdain would know where he's at?"

The box was resting as Vezina had left it and picking it up she examined it closely still unsure of it's meaning. The diary also still kept it's secrets from her as she thought about where to go for aid. Her master was by far the best choice as she could trust him more readily, though she wasn't entirely sure on the distance.

You can travel there and back and have enough time to talk over things with Gyulu once there and probably hunt either before or after your return. It also wouldn't be too hard to communicate via animal though it's more time consuming.

The bear hardly stirs as Anabelle stalks from the cave into the freshly fallen snow. Aside from some smaller animal tracks it seems very little comes this way during the day. She'll likely have to cover her tracks to and from her haven however, just in case. The trip back to the city is a bit slower than the previous night because of the snow but she makes it with only a little annoyance.

Aubrey pops his head in shortly after Jocelyn has awoken and smiles at her while she goes about her morning activities. He has a small scrap of canvas in his hand and goes to the table where the small black box sits and copies out a few of the words carved into it before saying.

"I was thinking I might be able to find something in Roger's library to help figure out what it says. That way we can both keep busy while trying to figure out what is in the box."

He smiles happily as he writes out the characters and manages to get through a good portion of it without drawing too many circles.

Darn ninja's.
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Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Eliza arched an imperious eyebrow, smirk curling at the corner of her lips. "Are you telling me I should consider you a danger my dear?"

The former duchess slid herself to the edge of the bed, stretching her arms over her head as her long snowy hair fell down the curve of her back. Tilting her head to look over the bare skin of her shoulder in her silvery nightgown, Eliza shrugged, continuing to smile.

"In any case, you're probably right. Jourdain might know, especially if they are both Amici del Nocte. We might even manage to recruit him for our journey. He likes to think himself some kind of dashing knight in shining armor. Who am I to refuse?"
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Vezina made up her mind and gathered her items and her earth and went to her horse in the stables, readying it for travel. Assuming that nothing would stand in her way of exiting London tonight, Vezina would ride for the limestone caves that her sire and mentor called home. There was no one whose knowledge and trust she could rely upon more readily than his at this point and it was unlikely that he would refuse her. When it came to blood sorcery, he was undoubtedly her greatest known source, and she was certain that sorcery was what she was dealing with here.

The Tzimisce knew that she should ride hard if she were to have time to consult Gyulu and return to the city with time to hunt.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Using the hem of her cloak, and a branch, Anabelle brushed away her tracks as she made her way to London itself. She drops the pine covered branch by the gate as she strides in, making no true effort to hide the kilt adorning her lower half, though it was muddy and covered in a layer of frost.

Standing in the streets she looked about, curious to where the others had gone, and wondering how she should begin her day. She wandered about, almost aimlessly, her ears listening to the quiet of the street, carefully searching for any who might wish her harm, for all those of honest deeds and beating hearts had gone into their abodes before the witching hour struck its toll.

Finally, Anabelle found herself by a building of gray limestone, with only a single window that she could see. She frowned, wondering which of her kind dwelt within.

Supposed to be Eliza's Haven, but I couldn't find much description of its outside. Though the inside seems lovely :p
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"Who me? Why I couldn't harm a fly." Genevieve answers half-jokingly as she stands to change her clothing.

"If we're going to be going to see your dear brother, I would like a chance to change first. He may be your brother and only a little older than yourself but he is still our primogen. Would you care to accompany me to my own rooms or should we meet after we have finished."

Vezina has just saddled her own horse and just as she glances towards the horse she had borrowed the previous evening a familiar voice speaks from the shadows of the stable.

"If you had wanted to speak alone, a simple note might have been easier than stealing my horse. Though I do appreciate the subtlety of this plan if that is what you intended. Perhaps I've caught you at a bad time for my proposal however. If your in a hurry we can arrange another meeting at a more convenient time."

Her trail from her new haven hidden from prying eyes Anabelle wanders the streets for a short time before coming across a plain but well-built dwelling of gray stone. Something tells her that one of her kind lives here or at least nearby. The neighborhood suggests one of the "high" clans as they seem to prefer to call themselves but which one?

The streets are almost completely empty except for the sound an inn further up the street. A few dark alleys giver her pause but the city she is learning is full of them. It's almost like a strange forest full of it's own predators and prey.

Assuming Ranger has no problem with you randomly happening on her haven that is. Easy to fix if she does, though I doubt she will.

Aubrey finishes his copying of the box's carvings and slips the piece of canvas into a pocket of his vest. He slips behind her and wraps his arms around her before whispering.

"I'm not really sure what you should do but maybe one of those others you found can be of some aid. It's hard to trust strangers just like that but they might prove useful. Even if it's only to help guard against the demons. Though I have no clue how you would find them in the city but you might get lucky."
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Jocelyn nodded, watching him work as she stood beside him. "I think... I'm going to go out and see if I can help the Angel tonight. I don't know where she is right now, though..." She said after a moment, stepping closer and rubbing Aubrey's neck and shoulders every time his transcribing starts to devolve into the spirals he was so fond of.

He finished his work, and she nodded again. "Safety in numbers, I understand. I'll be careful Love, and if you find any neat books, see if you can bring them back for me, hmm?" She said with a smile, leaning back into his hug. "We should get going, best not to waste time, right?"

Aha! a ninja reversal! You win this round... XD
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Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Once Eliza had dressed, this time in a white dress, she picked up an onyx comb from her dresser and began stroking in through her hair. Slightly distracted by her combing, Eliza smiled to Genevieve, leading her back out to the main area of her haven, leaving the shadowy black bed behind so they could get their cloaks.

"Of course I'll accompany you Genevieve. I'm just dying to see your abode after I've just shown you mine."
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Aubrey nods at Jocelyn's suggestion that they should hurry so as not to waste time. Leading the way to the stable he helps her up behind him and whispers back.

"Might as well ride with me into the city proper. I can drop you off near.... near the area where most of our kind can usually be found when not at court. It's as good a place as any to look."

They eventually reach an area somewhat more alive than the rest of the dark city. A handful of inns and taverns can be seen as he stops to let her down from the horse and says to be careful once more before riding to the north.

Hopefully it doesn't happen this time.


Genevieve finishes dressing and as they descend out of the door and down the stairs she smiles as she walks beside Eliza.

"I'm afraid you may be disappointed, as it pales in comparison to your own. Still I will be glad to show it to you before we head off in search of Jourdain, wherever he spends his time."

Deciding it might be wise to learn everything about her haven and it's surroundings Eliza chooses to leave through a side entrance in the building. The entrance leads to a dark alley, a light at the distant entrance indicating the street on which she havens. It seems as if Adria has thought of everything, you never know when you might have to escape from your haven without being seen.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Jocelyn follows Aubrey out to the stables and accepts his hand up to their horse, relaxing some and watching the trip across the bridge with her arms around his waist, admiring the view much more without the sounds of hellhounds coming from all around.

Eventually, they reach the spot Aubrey had indicated, and she hugged him a little tighter before slipping down and off the horse. "You as well, My Love. Though... Not sure what could be dangerous where you're going. Papercuts? Other petitioners?" She said, starting to ramble before shaking hewr head a bit. She waved as he rode away, the started picking her way along the street, casting glances about and seeing if she recognized anyone in particular.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Standing in the midst of the street, Anabelle's nostrils flared like a beast. She pulled the hood of her cloak up, hiding the glow of her eyes as she peered into the darkness. The sounds of the inn made her ears twitch.

This place was odd. How did these city dwellers enjoy it so much?
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Vezina paused momentarily as the voice emerged from the shadows. Once she had registered who it was, she continued tightening her saddle without turning around. She thought about sniping at him, continuing on in the aggressive vein of his original rudeness and presumption towards her. But a night's rest had given her time to cool down, and it occurred to her that should a feud spark between the two of them, at this time, she would come out the poorer for it. She simply did not have the age, allies, connections, nor status to fight him directly. As such, she needed to smooth things over with him, but not without making a few things clear.

"I thought we might need to speak again, Jourdain, so I borrowed your horse to get back to the city. I'm sure you'll forgive me for it, just as I forgive you for your actions towards me last night. We can leave it at that, if it suits you. Now, I am in something of a hurry, but if you have a proposal in mind, I will listen."

She finished cinching her horse's saddle in place and turned towards the direction of Jourdain's voice, waiting to hear what more he had to say, and if he accepted her offer of truce.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"Don't be silly Genevieve. You know havens tend to reflect their inhabitant, so I'm sure it's quite wonderful."

Once they'd gone out into the dark alley from the side exit of her haven, Eliza glanced side to side. She felt more at home in the dark, meandering alleyways like this. Eliza expected she'd be making frequent use of this exit in the future. Lowering her voice to just above a whisper, Eliza turned to Genevieve.

"Well the main road is over there, but we could make use of the darker passages in the other direction. It's your haven we're heading toward so why don't you decide which direction we take?"
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Jocelyn wanders past a few inns with the occasional petitioner passing her by as they went about their business. None of them seem to even notice as she walks past through the snow and mud of the streets. It almost seems hopeless that she might accidentally find one of the others much less an angel or a devil.

"This place seems familiar.
Maybe the devil is hiding in that alley again.
He wasn't a devil, he was nice to the angel.
That was just a trick, they're all devils.
They want to trick us, to make us fail.

Jourdain stepped from the shadows and held his hands up as if to allay any fears on Vezina's part. The contrite look on his face is more than convincing as he makes his offer but Gyulu had distilled sufficient knowledge of the Lasombra that she knew better than to take one at his word.

"Well if you wish to offer forgiveness for my horrible rudeness so easily I would gladly take it. I originally came intent to offer my aid in some fashion to perhaps earn a proper absolution. The horse is nothing more than a slight annoyance which I more than earned. Of course if you are in a hurry we could perhaps arrange another meeting to decide on what aid I may be able to provide of one from such a noble clan as your own."

Genevieve smiles and nods as they step out into the dark alley, she seems just as at home in the darkness as Eliza as she says. She indicates the light of the main street before pulling the hood of her cloak to cover her face and leading the way towards the mouth of the alley.

"Well I hope it won't disappoint in that case. As much fun as it would be to explore the darkest portions of the city it would be quicker to go this way, however."

Anabelle eyes glow deep under her hood making the darkness of the city melt away till it is almost as bright as day. Looking towards the alleys she sees nothing of interest, a merchant rides past towards the inn though he pays her no attention. As the momentary distraction rides past a movement near one of the alley's draws her attention. Two of her own kind step out of the alley, despite the cloaks she still recognizes the step of Eliza.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Anabelle stares at the two, immediately recognized Eliza, but not quite placing the other one. She considers leaving them be for the moment, she did not have much to discuss with the noble born woman. However, she was in the same clan as Jourdain, and with nothing else to do with her time, she slowly approached.

"Lady Eliza," she said with no true inflections in her tone. It was cold, distant even. Other than that, she offered a mere tilt of the head in way of recognition.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"If I need your aid in some way Jourdain, I will ask for it," Vezina said, not wanting to let the Lasombra's honeyed words of contrition sway her cautious opinion of him. His flattery would not hold sway over her. "Just tell me where you keep your haven and I can pay you a visit should the need arise. For the time being, the only thing I would know of you is how you knew of the supposed ambush awaiting us last night?"

As Jourdain answered her, Vezina would be leading her mare out into the moonlight.
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