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Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Left or Right was the choice but she had the map so maybe just maybe it could guide them. Pulling the parchment from her robe Emi took a look once more at the map. "Lets go left Nysa but be sure to keep an eye out behind us okay."
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Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

"Aye Leader~" Nysa playfully stood at attention and listened to the samurai girls commands to a T. Quickly turning around and doing her best failure of a threatening stance, Nysa pulled out her sword and waved it around at the air... that shoudl keep evil away for sure. On the brightside, Nysas soft tail would occasionally brush against the samurai girls back, though was it a pleasant little detail or a distracting annoyance was up for the samurai to decide.

And like this the two would proceed onward, Emi in a full-leader position with the Kitsune being her loyal sidekick. What could possibly go wrong...
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

And here in the dark, the hallmark of thieves, assassins, and smugglers, did the map reveal it's purpose. The lines that were hashed across the map didn't make any sense until Emi learned that this tunnel network was here and stood within it. It was the work of years, it had to be, people stolen away quietly in the night until something had changed. The two routes broke into a dozen, 7 to the left, 5 to the right. The path to the right curved back into the town and gave access to every strong tactical point in the village to anyone with the will to act on them, which had been why a few men armed with bows and knives had managed to take an entire village so quickly, the poor people had never stood any kind of chance.

The other path led to another village, all except for one, which continued off the map, and could only be one thing, a shipping route. If there was any clue as to where everyone had been taken, it was that one path that made no sense in any combative tactical way, and it stood out to Emi like a sore thumb, heading south for miles before dropping off the map. The sheer scale of what they had found was mindblowing for a moment and took even longer to fully absorb. There were most certainly more men down here, probably product of a thousand different varieties including people, and only one route to take it all. This was more then simple theft and slavery.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Emi looked at the map stunned the sheer scale of these abductions was mind boggling. She couldn't let this stand it was wrong. Emi never did like slavery her own experience of being forced to serve as fodder for one of the noble families back home is what lead her to wander and be an outcast. While Emi could leave these people never had a chance to taken in their sleep to what ever fate awaited them. "Gregor if you are still watching this begs your attention." It was a good bet that the mage would still be watching Emi progress at lest after all he had stated she was to still follow her goal of heading to the desert. If she was only greeted with silence then she would turn to Nysa. "Nysa I have a map of the slavers routes and I intend to follow them. It will be dangerous and I cannot guarantee I will make it out alive. I give you the choice to stay or go my fluffy friend you have suffered much today I don't want you to suffer more should I fall."
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Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Nysas eyes widened at the realisation as well, the girl leaned over Emis shoulder "Emi?" well this was well beyond the norm for the wild Kitsune, heck this was bigger than anything Nysa was involved previous. The samurai girl turned to the Kitsune and offered her a way out of this before she goes in too deep, though there was only one answer Nysa would give "Nysa and Emi team. Nysa follow Emi's lead, Nysa won't let Emi get hurt. Emi promised to get Nysas magic back." The Kitsune nodded firmly and cheered out for the samurai girl. Looks like the two would stick together through whatever comes... unless the samurai girl grows bothered by the happy-go-lucky Kitsune.
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Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Emi had indeed made that promise and she intended to keep it but she couldn't just ignore this abuse. Nysa's comments softened Emi's heart to the nearly powerless kitsune. With all her magic gone she was still looking out for Emi. She wanted to hug Nysa but refrained. "Okay it will be dangerous no question about it. Im glad I will have someone watching my back but promise me something Nysa." Emi looked right into the kitsunes eyes. "If I fall in battle I want you to escape alright."
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

"Nysa like Emi, Emi strong she won't lose." The kitsune smiled warmly at the samurai girl gently wiggling her cute foxy ears "Nysa not leave Emi alone." sure she was nigh-useless in combat, hopefully the archery lesson were taken to heart, since Nysas swordsmanship is rather embarassing to say the least. Nevertheless the Kitsune had heart, looked like she trusted the samurai girl without question or doubt and victory in battle was a foregone conclusion of any encounter they faced.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Well it was what it was and Emi didn't heave the heart to break Nysa's. "Alright then Nysa lets head out we should be very quiet though." With that Emi lead the way using the map as a guide.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Emi got her answer, but it brought a chill to her spine as an incredibly enraged voice spoke quietly into her head. "You... You want my help after what has happened. I've seen everything, do you have any idea what you're asking. I'll give you three options, you're free to take none of them if you so wish swordswoman. Number 1, you continue, solve this problem on your own, and I'll make sure an angel is right there to see it all, and will judge and weigh Nysa's fate immediately after and you will swear a favour to me without reserve or complaint to be redeemed whenever I so choose. Number 2, you turn around, leave this place, hang your head in shame for being as useless as your companion when confronted with a real problem, or Number 3. You draw your blade, and you kill Nysa right there in the tunnel and I free you entirely, deal with the problem myself, and forget I ever had the displeasure of knowing either of you. You have 30 seconds."

Gregor it seemed was not content to let them have any easy way out, apart from betrayal and murder. And at what cost? Surely he didn't seriously mean that... Or did he. The rage coming across the communication was enough to literally cause the swordswoman to shake for a moment, his own anger was slow to cool it seemed and it was still squarely leveled at the two of them. Still, he had to have known that honour would not allow Emi to strike down a harmless opponent simply to secure her own freedom and selfish desires. Maybe that was the question of the last option, would she throw away her own beliefs so easily to get away from a situation that only seemed to get worse, or would she take the high road and do the right thing... It was an important question.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

"Forget I asked." The mage's tone was only made Emi angry herself as she headed down the tunnel. Sure she could have maybe got Nysa her magic back immediately or it could have turned out far worse and the Kitsune could have been cursed the rest of her life. The simple fact that he suggested that she kill Nysa was enough to make Emi's blood burn. After her task was done for this Gregor he better pray they never meet again.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Nysa took note of the rather foul mood the samurai had right after she uttered those words and their further conversation did calm the samurai slightly... but still... Nysa leaned to her side curiously "Why Emi angry? Nysa holding light too close? Too far? Emi step in poo-poo?" The samurais selfless promise to the Kitsune in her time of need, seemed to have earned Emi an ally for life. Perhaps Emi was the first real sister-in-arms Nysa ever had. And with that out of the way, the two proceeded further on through the tunnel.
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Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

"Your fine Nysa just thinking out loud is all." Telling Nysa what Gregor demanded of her would just upset the woman so there was no need. "Lets keep moving keep your eyes open."
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

"So your honor remains intact despite the situation. A child has no business wielding magic except in the most dire of situations. Nysa needs to learn this, you have my aid although probably not in the way you expect." Gregor whispered into Emi's mind, neither an apology or an admission of guilt, simply an aknowledgement.

The tunnel they were following emptied into a large central chamber showing each of the splits in the route that they were heading, the two options being the other town listed on the map, and possibly more slavers and slaves among other things, and the other of course was the shipping route. They were free to take either path but this was a huge problem, and fighting enemies on both sides no matter the choice was a distinct possibility that they could face. This was not what one would call an advantageous position. They could hope that the slavers they had killed had been the only ones, or assume the worst and guess at their being more in both directions. Either way, they had stumbled onto one of the many arms of what could only be an underground market and it was time to do something about it.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Emi looked at her choices not happy with either one. If there were indeed more slavers heading for the other town they could ambush them but if they had already struck then she would just be wasting time. But if she went for the shipping rout and the other group returned she would have a to fight on two fronts. Emi's face scowled it was dangerous no matter what. "Kill the root you kill the weed." Emi nodded to herself and headed down the shipping route.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Well looked like Nysa was stuck to be the samurai girls sidekick for the time being, not that she was particulary complaining about it. The Kistune patiently waited while Emi looked over the map, there wasn't really much to see here. Just some old raggedy, mossy and damp tunnel... ugh how did she end up in place like this anyway...

The samurai girl uttered something under her breath and picked a direction, moving the dinamic duos adventure forward to wherever it takes them.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

That tunnel in particular was rather unimpressive until they reached the end of the usefullness of their map, and then it widened into a large underground road. Someone had put a great deal more effort into this then the other tunnels. Further down and holding torches were men wearing dark grey armour leaning against the wall and seeming to be chatting conversationally while glancing around, probably not taking guard duty very seriously. They still hadn't noticed the pair lurking in the shadows yet, but Emi and Nysa probably didn't need to guess all that hard to figure a pair of sentries when they saw them.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Emi stopped and put a finger to her lips and whispered. "Nysa put out the torch we don't want them to see us." Emi watched the two sentries for a moment judging how best to defeat them. If she could take both by surprise they wouldn't get out an alarm. Still whispering Emi spoke to Nysa once more. "Im going to rush them and take them out as fast as I can. You can help me but wait till I start fighting first okay?" If Nysa agreed then Emi would try to sneak into range and engage both guards.

If Emi is not spotted.
Sneak up into 20 feet of the guards and attack. Emi will use Death from draw with Lighting Strikes (1-handed Katana only) 3 attacks at +51 hit d12 +36dmg two attacks on the first target one on the secound

If Emi is spotted
Close the distance as fast as she can and use Death from draw with Lighting Strikes and Battle dance (first round only)
3 attacks at +63 hit d12 + 36 dmg +12 dodge (72) -4hp per round ignoring av
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Stealth score a 3... yeah might aswell not even "try" at all..

"Aye~" putting out a torch can't be too hard... Nysa took a deep breath a heaved! Nothing... again! The torch ignited even more "Stoopid torch..." well how does one put out one of these?! Nysa noticed a convenient puddle of water, the moment Emi turned away and began explaining the combat plan...as Nysa skipped across the road, torch in hand... well that torch had to be put out right?

Hopefully the samurai was making headway on her sneak attack, since the scantily clad Kitsune likely caught the sentries attention.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Emi had to hurry her kitsune friend more than likly gave away her position though with luck maybe the guards would see Nysa instead of Emi though it would be close.

I can bet that means spotted
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

This is one of those rare moments where a miracle happens. Just enjoy it

Despite Nysa's rash and arguably suicidal actions, Emi was moving so quickly by the time she caught up to the sentries that her three blows tore through their bodies, notably their lungs as if they were week old parchment and they crumpled to the ground in a bloody heap before being able to completely comprehend what they were seeing. So far, no one had raised an alarm, and that was all to the better as Emi was painted in crimson and Nysa was seemingly doing her best to get them both killed or worse. Regardless, the way was now clear, but wouldn't be for long if something wasn't done about the bodies. Still, as soon as someone noticed the sentries were missing, an alarm would be raised. The blessful part of this situation was that no one knew they were here yet.

Looking down the road, they could see several side passages cut into the stone that branched away, the work obviously not made by human hands. They could see no end to the road itself, still cast in shadows. The presuming search of the sentries bodies revealed a small pouch of coin, some small daggers, and another complete set of shackles and manacles, presumably standard equipment for those that traded in living product. As they continued onward, they could see the moving torches of more sentries farther along, and the tunnels were progressively becoming better lit.