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A Tale of Two Sisters (Blueslime and Takimaru)

Re: A Tale of Two Sisters (Blueslime and Takimaru) GMed by Hafnium

Pasha: HP = 54, PP = 41, EP = 35/41, Status = Fine.
Meara: HP = 81, PP = 43, EP = 44, Status = Fine.
Pasha (Resistance vs Dat goldguy): 1 + 20 = 21 vs 38 = 13 + 25. Charm fails. >.>

"Eh? Yeh, a fae, satyrs, gruffs, all that," the troll confirmed her questions. Pasha couldn't help but notice that he was speaking a bit more slowly than he had been a moment ago, and that it probably wasn't for his own benefit. His apparent pity and underestimating of the sneaky catgirl proved a perfect opportunity for her to utilize one of her birthrights though, especially as he tried to process her earlier story, and as she touched him she felt her influence worming in against his very soul...

Only to be turned away by the golden-skinned brute's willpower. A look of realization dawned on his face at the failed attempt, though he did nothing to threaten the su-ku-ta thief. Not yet, anyway. "Oho... A succubus, are ya? You don't look demonic, and if ye were a nymph yer act would have been laid on a lot thicker." He appeared to give the matter some thought, allowing Pasha all the time she needed to put some distance between him and herself if she so desired. Paisley made no move yet, waiting for her signal or for the golden skinned creature to actually attack. "Whatever ya are, I don't have to keep playing mister nice and helpful quarter-troll to your naive, innocent traveler. Plus you've tried to work succubus magic on me, and there was probably a lot of lying somewhere in there, so things have been complicated."

"But it might simplify things, if you catch my drift." Though the words were accompanied by a lascivious grin, he still did nothing to physically threaten Pasha. "The priestess specified mortal travelers, and in my book a succubus is a bit beyond a mortal traveler. Since I've got no orders fer anything other than mortal travelers, this falls under yer normal troll guarding a bridge case. I'm probably a fool, but I don't believe you're looking to cause any real trouble, so I'll give you a chance to pay my toll. I've had all of three visitors up this way in the last month and all of them turned away, and those damned nymphs use what little spare time they get away from the goat problem to come and taunt me, prancing about in what can't be more than three inches of cloth. I've got quite a taste for succubi, too. So if you scratch my itch, I'll let you, your sister, and whoever else is with you pass. If you actually have a sister, of course."


"Ah, I am from a place far away. Not even this continent," he answered. "Coming to this place was quite a surprise to me. But I have kept myself busy and seen much of this land and its people. I'm a bit of a treasure hunter, you see. I was in Anudor just two weeks ago tracking down a particularly lovely jewel. Now I am on my way to Therion to track down a fiery little gemstone of some fame." He eyed her for a moment, and it was easy to tell that he spotted the signs of interest in the martial catgirl. "It may have been surprising, but I am quite lucky to be here. Luckier still for securing the company of your sister and you to make a warm campfire even cozier and a lonely night a lively one. I will happily repay this by sharing all I know of music with you."

"Do you have any plans once this caravan reaches the end of the road? Perhaps you might become your own master," he suggested, apparently sharing at least as much respect for the courtesan profession as anyone she had ever met. "This realm lacks in love and companionship, I imagine you could make a comfortable living without nearly as much danger as the truly wild roads bring around here."
Re: A Tale of Two Sisters (Blueslime and Takimaru) GMed by Hafnium

"I see..." said the green-clad beauty, letting the smile upon her face drop ever so slightly upon hearing the man's response. Not quite as detailed an answer as she had hoped for, but it was a start. If nothing else, Erasmus' vagueness did much to keep her intrigue of his character high, and the temptation to find out more lingered nonetheless. The temptation to dig deeper grew far too strong. "Ooh, a treasure hunter? That sounds fascinating," commented Meara with no lack of sincerity.

"Although Anudor is... well, gone by now, as we have established. If only we'd have met earlier, I might have been of some assistance, perhaps, provided the acquisition was legal..." she trailed off, continuing in her attempts to read any nonverbal cues he might give off. Was he a rogue of sorts? Provided, there were no plans to actually stop him if he was--after all, even Pasha herself had quite a few good hauls as a thief, if only for the sake of their survival. But each of these subtle hints went towards finding out exactly what kind of man this Erasmus was. "Not that I would have done anything if it wasn't, of course. I'd like to think that I'm fairly good at keeping the secrets of men," remarked the older sister with some pride.

"A famous, fiery gem, is it...? Hmm. Would it be something I've heard of?" she pondered aloud, taking a moment before shifting the conversation as needed towards topics of equal interest. "Also, I'd love to hear tales of what you managed to acquire at some point. Naturally, I won't tell--I promise!" she said cheerfully in a volume closer to a whisper. The additional flattery that Erasmus piled onto her resulted in Meara stifling a playful giggle. "I will hold you to it, then."

However, the implication that Erasmus made regarding the question of future careers caused the Su-Ku-Ta to put on something of a confused look. "My own master..." For someone who had been trained her entire life to answer the needs of another person, the concept of being one's own master was so... foreign to her. Even given their proper survival, her and Pasha would surely find an owner to please, wouldn't they? It was naturally the second thing that came to mind. She looked to Erasmus, then straight ahead. His question had clearly struck a very prominent chord with her.

"Hmm... I suppose you're right. My sister and I have become far more self-sufficient than we had even dreamed. She steals, and I fight. It's how we landed this job, after all. But at the end of the day, I think that I would like to settle down somewhere. Perhaps I am best suited for the bedroom and not the battlefield, after all," said Meara, deep in thought. "Finally, I am granted freedom from my society as a whole, and yet I choose to take the path they set out for me to begin with. Silly, isn't it...?"
Re: A Tale of Two Sisters (Blueslime and Takimaru) GMed by Hafnium

Pasha's innocent expression fell from her face as soon as the Troll laughed and named her as a succubus. The look it was replaced with was horror - not only had the troll realized exactly what she'd tried to do, but he'd announced it as clear as day. Now Paisley would know what she was! And if Paisley knew, soon Doozer and the rest of the caravan would as well.

Her shoulders slumped and she took on a defeated look.

"No, I'm not a demon or a nymph. But uh... could you please keep your voice down? I'm not really proud of being a uh... a succubus."

Casting a glance into the bushes, Pasha found herself in a very uncomfortable situation. The Troll had caught her in a lie, and had exposed her condition in one fell swoop.

"Okay, okay... I'll drop the act. I really am with my sister. She's a guard for a caravan that's about a mile or so down the road. I'm being paid as a scout. We really ARE trying to get north, beyond your woods and we don't want any trouble that we can avoid. I only tried the innocent traveler routine because I wanted to avoid violence."

She bit her lip, listening to his lasvicious request. "So, you like succubi? You're not... afraid of what we could do to you? I mean... when we're scratching your itch?"

After hearing his answer to this, Pasha brought up her arms and crossed them in front of her breasts. Her tail swished back and forth languidly as she thought things over in her mind.

"You should know that I'm not alone. There's someone out there right now with his bow and arrow trained on you. Also, my sister would get really angry if you harmed me. I don't want any of that to happen. If... if you promise you'll let everyone through with no hassles, I guess I could see about helping you out. I am trained as an Anudorian courtesan..." she smiled, even showing a little pride with this small boast. "So, I guess I could make it worth your while -- but I'd be doing it to spare your life and prevent harm, just so we understand one another. So... do I have your word?"

Though the quarter troll looked odd, the idea of negotiating with her body was not as unimaginable to Pasha as it would have been for Badarian women. It was not unheard of for Masters in Anudor to lend out some of their concubines to other Masters as part of a mercantile deal, or even as a favor. She had been prepared mentally to be used in such a way from childhood, and taught that to be lent in this way was usually an honor.

Now, granted, this was not the exact same thing, being that she was unowned and making the deal herself, but still, she was not insulted by the quarter troll's offer. If anything, she was curious about what the proportions were like underneath the man's trousers.

If the troll were agreeable, she'd clear her throat and say loudly, "Then let's go over this way. My fellow scout can STAY here and NOT spy on us." She'd then take the troll off to behind some bushes and discuss the details in a more confidential manner.
Re: A Tale of Two Sisters (Blueslime and Takimaru) GMed by Hafnium

Pasha: HP = 54, PP = 41, EP = 35/41, Status = Fine.
Meara: HP = 81, PP = 43, EP = 44, Status = Fine.

"Ah, I prefer catch and release," he replied regarding the legality of his work. "To have been able to hold such a precious treasure in my own hands is enough. What would I do with such a trinket after, anyway? Keep it all to myself and deprive the rest of the world of such beauty, or sell it to somebody else who wishes to do the same? No, thievery wouldn't be a harsh enough word for that crime. Being able to say I experienced it is enough," he paused before continuing with a wry grin. "But I do occasionally take a few coins and baubles with me as I go. Nobody will miss such mass produced items and a man has to live, after all!"

"Hah, all these questions. If you turn out to be a bounty hunter, then you'd be the prettiest one I'd ever seen," Erasmus continued his tradition of shameless flattery with a wink. "Yes, I will answer both by the campfire tonight," he promised.

At Meara's response to his own question, however, she finally managed to coax a frown out of the otherwise easygoing man. "There's that seriousness again," he mock-reprimanded the catgirl. "Contrary to what most bards will shout at the beginning of a tavern brawl, you can be both a lover and a fighter." His smile came back all too easily as they walked and he continued. "And you shouldn't pay too much attention to my questions anyway, they are biased. I merely thought you would look quite stunning in the role of a madame or even a companion."

"Anyway, what would a young Su-Ku-Ta woman do if she had full run of the world without training in love or war? What sort of dreams would you want to pursue, if you didn't feel trapped within your own learning so far?" He asked, his tone not mocking in the least.


"Ye get used to certain extras when yer around nymphs enough," he explained plainly in response to her initial question. "And by this point I'd fuck a goblin," he added.

"Feh, ye think I'm scared, lass? Ye think a bunch of mortals is gonna have me quakin' in fear? I'll not let anyone pass this place without making them bleed for it unless my orders change or my toll is paid." He remarked irritably after she had continued, quite obviously offended by her suggestions. "And besides, I'm not gonna hurt some lone girl, even if she is a liar. Yer thinking ogres." The quarter-troll proved to be more irritated as he had continued.

He crossed his arms and shot her an annoyed look as he added; "Yeh, you've got my word. But yer gonna be bowlegged for a week after I'm done." Pasha couldn't help but notice that he had raised his voice at his own boast, as if to make sure that the hidden scout heard it. Paisley apparently took her compliance and words to heart, as the hooded figure remained hidden from sight.

If his claims hadn't discouraged her, it didn't prove difficult to find some concealing greenery on the side of the bridge opposite the one Paisley had remained on. The part-troll followed her with a predatory glint in his eyes, but didn't force himself on her. He did, however, impatiently remove his pants at the first opportunity, leaving her with less to imagine about his proportions beneath his clothes. From his groin hung a monstrous manhood, very indicative of his claim of being part troll. Strangely, it was tattooed with what appeared to be inch markers, twelve in total that terminated just before the head. The tattoo certainly didn't seem to be inaccurate, at least, as the golden shaft began to stiffen in her presence.

"Alright," he spoke impatiently. "Either work yer courtesan magic or get on yer hands and knees. I'm not picky," he announced, not bothering to dispense with the rest of his clothes. The quarter-troll certainly wasn't much of a compassionate partner, and he didn't seem terribly interested in Pasha's comfort. But the catgirl thief still had some measure of control over the situation, at least.
Re: A Tale of Two Sisters (Blueslime and Takimaru) GMed by Hafnium

"Catch and release?" Meara raised a brow, maintaining a curious grin. "That's... interesting. Most thieves in Anudor, to my knowledge, aren't quite as... well, generous," she explained. Naturally, there was a bit of skepticism on her end regarding his curious manner of thievery--after all, such behavior amongst those in the profession was practically unheard of where she was raised. Still, his straightforwardness about keeping the other trinkets was certainly appreciated by the older sister. "Don't worry, I wasn't about to give you a moral lecture on such a matter," she reassured. "Certainly not when Pasha has done her fair share of lifting, if only so that we wouldn't starve to death."

"My, you are quite heavy on the flattery," remarked Meara at yet another comment regarding her apparent beauty. "It's almost as if you know that most Su-Ku-Ta men aren't prone to complimenting their women in such a manner... not directly, anyway. But, I do appreciate it." She shot him a teasing smirk. "Now, if I might be so bold as to ask such a question. If I were to indulge whatever fantasies you've had, time and time again, until you've had your fill of me, would you still say such things? Certainly even the most dazzling of gems appears to lose its luster after being gazed upon long enough." It wasn't a question that she would have asked as a courtesan, but as a woman, one now independent from the trappings of her previous role.

"Hmm... if I could do -anything-? That is a tough question indeed, for as conditioned as I am in either of them, both are what keep me afloat, admittedly. It's almost as if I know nothing more. But, if I were to choose, I suppose I wouldn't mind being a public figure of sorts. One that many admire and look up to. Provided, while there was some esteem to be had in the profession I was originally lined up for, in the end much of it was paying special attention to and pampering a given master. To have the same done for me, for once, would be a nice change of pace, admittedly. Though it's easy to say as much when I haven't experienced such things on a daily basis, of course."
Re: A Tale of Two Sisters (Blueslime and Takimaru) GMed by Hafnium

"A goblin? Well gee, now don't I feel special," Pasha said crossing her arms in huffiness before walking with the guardian to the overgrowth. "Hey, what's your name anyway? And if you're a quarter troll do I only have to pay you a quarter toll?" She snickered at her bad joke, but then the golden skinned half fae dropped his pants and her jaw dropped.

"Wow. That's impressive. Also painful-looking." She said as she followed along the tattoo markings with her eyes. "Did you do these yourself or did some poor sap have to spend time on their knees poking a troll's dick with a needle repeatedly?"

She grinned up at him mischievously, and pre-empted any irritation he might display by gripping the massive cock in her hand, midway along the shaft, stroking him lightly. She then moved closer to him.

"I think I'll choose to use my courtesan ways for a bit if you don't mind too much. I can see you're eager to use this thing but if that's going anywhere near me, I'm going to need to work myself up for it."

She gave him another few tugs and then left his cock hanging as her hands moved up his body and slipped under his shirt.

"Let's get you more comfortable. Take off the rest of your clothes. I'd like to see all of you. If you do that, I'll do the same.~"

If the troll was agreeable, Pasha would make good on her promise, pushing him into a sitting position before stepping a few feet back and beginning to do a dancing striptease number that she had been taught during courtesan training. Her nimble body contorting fluidly and suggestively as she slipped around the seated troll. Eventually the strap of her belt came off, then top, followed by her bottoms, and oh-so-slowly, her undergarments. All the while she kept her eyes glancing down at the troll's massive member, smiling and cooing towards it.

Her feelings were mixed about the troll and his tool. She knew that if that thing went inside of her, the troll's boast would come true, and she couldn't really do her job as a scout if she wasn't able to walk right. She'd need to find a way to pleasure this troll to fulfillment without him pounding her. She thought of Meara, and tried to imagine what she would do in this situation, and this naturally made her think of her beautiful sister's tight lips wrapped around Caitr's dick, sucking away.

Dammit Pasha... you're a succubus. You shouldn't be afraid of what this troll will do to you. He should be worried about what you'll do to him! She thought frantically to herself, trying to calm the apprehension in her mind as she stared at the part troll's cock.

"Now,~ why don't we try tasting one another?" Pasha asked as she strode up to the troll and put her hand on his head, massaging it before moving to his ears and pulling his face close to her crotch. As she did so, she used her shapeshifting powers to make her body more supple, her tongue more whiplike and her pussy muscles stronger and more flexible. She would potentially need every advantage to make this troll cum before he could do any physical harm to her petite Su-Ku-Ta body.

Assuming the troll was hungry for her pussy, Pasha would twirl about face and bend over in front of the troll, displaying her flexibility as she bent low enough to grip and lick the seated troll's cock while still standing on her feet. With a wink at the troll between her own legs, her mouth opened wide and she stuck out her elongated tongue to swirl it around the bright red-gold helmet atop the shaft.

Pasha would proceed to pleasure the troll orally, utilizing her succubus draining powers in a bid to make the creature cum and then pass out.
Re: A Tale of Two Sisters (Blueslime and Takimaru) GMed by Hafnium

Pasha: HP = 54, PP = 5/41, EP = 41, Status = Fine.
Meara: HP = 81, PP = 43, EP = 44, Status = Fine.

I went ahead and rolled stuff just because I wanted a paper thin reason to cumflate Pasha. Sadly, the troll lost.

Pasha's PP damage results to the troll were:
16, 20, and 21, draining a total of 39 EP.

The troll's PP damage results to Pasha were:
19 and 17.

The charming man looked at her for a long while following her question. He might very well have been searching her for the correct answer to it, as though it might be written across her face. Presumably without finding that right response upon her cheeks, he did eventually reply in a manner just short of timely. "It's the nature of sentient beings, isn't it? To always want and work toward what we don't have and then to grow foolish and unappreciative when we're lucky enough to gain it, no matter its beauty? This is why I believe in catch and release," he answered openly. "But yes, I will admit that perhaps a smidgeon of my flattery is out of desire to share a bed with you, if that's what you're asking," he continued by bringing his hand in front of him and using his forefinger and thumb to measure out a 'smidgeon'. "It doesn't make it any less true though, you do have quite a luster. And besides, I'd try to at least fulfill a few of your fantasies too, if they were within my power," he gave a wink filled with promise.

"There was nothing hidden within the question, milady, I was just interested," he replied once she had spoken of her desires. "It is good to simply have a goal, even if you're not entirely certain what pursuing it will entail."


The more stealthy of the sisters just barely managed to cut off the troll's intended response to her comment about his tattoo, though even with her handiwork she wasn't able to stop him from grumbling irritably at her quip. She hadn't quite managed to get his name, either. Still, she obviously had his attention, and he didn't delay in slipping off the rest of his clothes and exposing his powerful frame. Her own strip tease might have been a poor choice, however, as by the end of her show it seemed as though his cock was somehow thicker than it had been mere moments before. With each glance toward the already over-sized rod, it had managed to become more intimidating in size.

"Yeh, why don't we?" He heartily concurred with her suggestion, his irritation finally beginning to fade away as he came closer to his goal of using the catgirl to achieve his own pleasure in some way. And he was definitely hungry for her cunny as she offered it to him, as he grabbed her thighs and happily began his own oral ministrations on her presented sex as soon as she had bent toward his cock. For Pasha, her newest position made for a worrying perspective, as his testicles must have been the size of apples. She didn't have much time to consider it though, as she would quickly discover that the troll had some experience in pleasing lovers.

While he had nowhere near the amount of grace and talent her sister had when it came to the matter, his tongue lapped across her folds in just the right way to tease her clit out and into the open and to begin to send tiny sparks of pleasure through the catgirl. And while there wasn't any teasing, or any excitement, or apparently even any additional tricks that he seemed to want to employ to really blow her mind, his simple, steady rhythm would push her into an orgasm if she gave him long enough at her pussy.

But as a succubus, she had an innate advantage over the troll. Every motion she made, from flicks of her tongue, to bobs of her head, were maximized to take the most amount of energy from the fey male that she could. Pasha was easily able to determine how effective she was by the amount of soul he gave up in return for each ounce of pleasure. The troll was apparently pent up, as it didn't take long at all before his shaft was throbbing. Precum leaked from the tip of his cock like a waterfall. It was easy to tell that it wasn't going to be a prolonged session, just a quickie in the bushes.

To his credit, he almost managed to bring Pasha to her own peak before she managed to finish him off, but the succubus succeeded first. With a groan and a sudden stop to his own attentions on her sex, cum boiled out of his cock. Whether the catgirl attempted to catch it in her mouth or allow it to fall elsewhere, she would soon discover that he was a virile one. By the time he came down from his climax, his balls must have churned out more than a liter of his seed. The thief, for her efforts, had managed to drain out more than half of his soul, though some of his power was still left. She was also left on the precipice of her own orgasm.

Not that the quarter-troll wasn't going to be a gentleman about it, apparently. "Ah, just what the doctor ordered. Got a nice little mouth when yer not lying," he noted rudely. "Toll's paid, ye can get lost now. Unless you want to get a little more personal."
Re: A Tale of Two Sisters (Blueslime and Takimaru) GMed by Hafnium

As she bent down to bring her within tongue's reach of the troll's sizeable tool, Pasha began to realize just how close to a regrettable end she might be. If she couldn't contain this troll's libido and give him release soon, her poor tight body would be done for. Swallowing her trepidation away, Pasha wrapped one hand and then her other around the troll's shaft and steadily began to work it just as the troll's course tongue fell flat against her slit and curled upward, invoking a mewl of pleasure from the petite courtesan-thief.

That's it. No turning back now. Just do it, Pasha! Do it like Meara would!

Pursing her lips, Pasha kissed the tip of the bulbous head, poking her tongue out to play with the soft flesh at the entrance to his urethra. The troll cock smelled pungent and heady - like some sort of savory fungus. For all Pasha knew, trolls might very well be part mushroom - but she didn't have time to linger on various fae biology. Buckling down her concentration and opening herself up to those techniques that Caitr and Ephsana had taught her last night, Pasha slipped her tender lips over the whole of the troll's purple helmet and forced her head downward until she reached her gag limit - which given his size, was not too far at all.

After reaching that point, her whip tongue took over, swirling around the forest guardian's thick, veiny girth. It wasn't long before she felt the troll swelling and throbbing inside her.

He's going to cum any moment now. It'll be a lot, just from tasting all that leaking precum of his... damn it, it tastes awful and yet at the same time, I don't mind it as much as I should. Oh gods. I think I'm not far away now either. I can't let him finish me first! Come on... cum you big lug! Cum! Ohh!~~

"Mmmph!~~~" Pasha mewled as the first hot jet of cum slapped against the back of her throat. She bobbed her head several more times, expecting the waves of thick, viscous troll seed to end at any moment, but remarkably they kept coming. Pasha slipped the cock away from her mouth and coughed away a few gobs of cum just as another spurt got her on her cheek and fell on her blonde locks beside her left ear. Still stroking the troll off, she aimed the creature's knob away from her for the duration of his remaining orgasm. She was drenched enough.

"Mph, *cough,* no, no need to get more personal. Huff... Y'know you should practice some better manners. You're only a quarter troll, so it stands to reason you should be seventy-five per cent tactful." Pasha said as she slipped her undergarments and then her over gear back into place. She tried to ignore just how worked up she was. It was awful, but she feared that if she asked the troll to continue, she'd be in danger of getting split by that log of his. She knew that if she could get to Meara, her big sis could take care of her itch.

"So you'll just stay here off the road until my caravan passes? I don't see any reason for you to incriminate yourself by waving to them as they pass."
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Re: A Tale of Two Sisters (Blueslime and Takimaru) GMed by Hafnium

"Mm, it's certainly hard to argue with that," Meara mused aloud in reply to Erasmus' assessment. He had an amusing way of being right in that regard, so she thought, but at the same time, she wished he wasn't in this case. While experience taught her that such connections were indeed fleeting, the tenets by which she was raised--to serve one's master with undying adoration--spoke of a different ideal, one far removed from the man's worldly view. Of course, thanks to her travels with Pasha, the older sister wasn't without her share of casual encounters, but deep inside she yearned for the feeling of something more, the hint of which she hadn't felt in quite some time now. What she wanted to hear was likely too much to ask; any man that promised undying devotion she knew to be lying at this point, and yet the idea of it was too appealing in its own right. Erasmus, on the other hand, had no such illusions, and was strangely bold about his personal outlook on the matter.

"My, you are... surprisingly direct," remarked the green-clad catgirl, blinking a few times. "Normally I'm told a series of hopelessly romantic things before such admissions," she added. "They are, more often than not, empty promises at this point, I do realize, but ones I am accustomed to hearing nonetheless." Meara found herself being more honest and open than even she expected to be to someone she had just met, and in the process, far more aware of the influence of her own culture. Was the preamble and flattery in the ways of Anudorian courting nothing more than a collection of shiny lies? After all, such guarantees, delivered so solemnly, were never delivered on. Save for, of course, Pasha... and this realization helped her appreciate her own sister even more in no small way. Though when the crimson-eyed stranger shamelessly spoke of fulfilling her own fantasies as well, she couldn't help but swallow and feel her own heart pounding in her chest. No Su-Ku-Ta male that she could remember, not even Niran, offered as much to her, and while it was flattering, she did feel somewhat strange upon realizing that her own 'fantasies' were difficult to readily pull up... after all, those that came to mind first were decidedly taboo.

"I can't say I'd be completely opposed to that notion, provided we survive the perils of the day's travels," she joked, leaving it at that for now. She had never shared a lover with Pasha, after all--the recent experience with the lovely pair of sidhe brought about one of the closer encounters between the two.
Re: A Tale of Two Sisters (Blueslime and Takimaru) GMed by Hafnium

Pasha: HP = 54, PP = 5/41, EP = 41, Status = Fine.
Meara: HP = 81, PP = 43, EP = 44, Status = Fine.

"Yeh, you'll excuse me if I don't take courtesy lessons from a little liar and someone who spreads yer sort of nasty stereotypes," the troll retorted with a roll of his beady eyes. As Pasha dressed herself, he followed suit. "You and yers will be allowed to pass without ever even setting eyes on me. Try not to get yerselves killed or raped by the goats, or I'll probably get the blame," he remarked casually, apparently becoming less and less cordial with the thief the more they talked to each other. "Good luck out there," he did add with some sense of sincerity. Despite that, their interaction hit a particularly low point right before they parted, as when she finally moved to leave he would give her a parting, stinging slap on the ass.

Afterward, she was free to return to Paisley, presumably after she had cleaned herself off in the river, which was fortunate, as the caravan came into view just mere moments after she returned from her time with the troll. Her fellow scout seemed content not to comment on the subject, but if that wasn't satisfactory to the catgirl then Pasha would only have a few more minutes to interact with Paisley and do anything else she might want to do before the wagons made it to the hiding spot the two had taken when they had first spotted the troll.

Meara, for her part, spotted the bridge in the distance even as her sister sighted the wagons that the martial catgirl was guarding, though the growth near it was wild enough that she wouldn't see either of the scouts unless Pasha were to flag the merchant group. As well, her own focus might be distracted by Erasmus's reply. "The strangest thing I've had to become accustomed to in this place is its views on love. Where I come from, sex is not solely a thing between lovers, it serves many different purposes. Of course I can understand the intrigue and fun in the games that people play; the romantic outings, the promises both false and not, the gifts of flowers and candies... But at the same time, is it wrong to simply enjoy the idea of sharing a bed with someone who titillates your senses? And to be direct in your intent? I think not."

"And it seems your right to know of my interest, doesn't it? A bit of honesty in a dishonest land, perhaps. I am interested in speaking with you and singing with you and dancing with you and sharing stories with you by the campfire, and would be even if I didn't want more." He offered with his charming smile. "But I am a greedy man, and would also spend a night or two or maybe more with you sharing my bedroll. I will not lie and pretend that it would lead to anything more substantial than any other amusement we might share, and if you're not interested in a simple fling then that is your rightful choice and we can leave it at the singing and dancing and sharing," he plainly noted, though he too seemed content to let the subject drop afterward as they approached the bridge.
Re: A Tale of Two Sisters (Blueslime and Takimaru) GMed by Hafnium

Pasha grit her teeth and rubbed her butt to massage the sting away. The quarter troll's slap wasn't hard enough to bruise, having caught the fleshy bubble of her well-rounded behind, but she didn't appreciate the demeaning nature of it. Despite what the brute thought, she'd done what was necessary to avoid either him or her caravan from getting harmed over a conflict of interest.

"Hrrmph!" She said, her chin up in the air, though a blush formed across her cheeks. She was still on edge from the troll's tongue and even something like the slap had made her aware of just how sensitive she was feeling. "Couldn't help yourself could you? See you later grumpy. Maybe next time you won't be such a quick shot."

With that she headed over to the nearby river, where she knelt and cleansed her face, and then a few steps upstream she'd scoops some water into her mouth and gargle out the taste of the troll. When she was satisfied that she'd groomed away the troll's spunk, the caravan was almost upon her. She ran back to the road in time to join Paisley, to whom she did not speak a word, nor did she make eye contact with the scout if she could help it.

"Hey Doozer!" She said, waving to the lead caravaner. "We ought to be careful going through these woods. There's a large group of satyrs that have been warped by demons. They're apparently going around harassing travelers, so be on your guard. We should try and make it through the woods as fast as possible. The governing Fae lady here has forbidden travelers, but uh, I've convinced the guard to turn a blind eye to our entry."
Re: A Tale of Two Sisters (Blueslime and Takimaru) GMed by Hafnium

"Where you're from..." Meara echoed softly after the man, wearing a thoughtful look. She thought to inquire further, but soon realized that she had already asked such a question, only to receive a most vague answer. 'Far away' could be anywhere outside of Badaria, after all... and until fairly recently, it was practically anywhere outside of Anudor. Right now, as far as Meara was concerned, her and Pasha may as well be 'far away', seeing that the only place they had ever called home was reduced to rubble. And despite the amount of traveling that the older catgirl and her sibling had done as of late, a nomadic lifestyle certainly wasn't something she planned on keeping, but merely a transitional phase that she would tolerate for the time being.

But despite her feelings on her current situation, she would politely continue to hear Erasmus out on his view regarding love and sex. For all the ideals that had been drilled into her head, she found it oddly difficult to refute his arguments. It left her visibly stunned, for a man like him to be so direct, and yet to be able to explain the reasons why in such a concise fashion. "My, for someone so forward, you're quite good with your words," she replied. "I didn't expect you to confuse me so easily, but I suppose I can't say you're wrong in wanting that, as many of us do, in one way or another. Though I must say, you've really made me curious in learning more about your home culture. Perhaps I can get more of it out of you tonight," added the Su-Ku-Ta without attempting to oversell the potential suggestiveness of the comment.

Up ahead, she would eventually spot Pasha returning to Doozer, appearing all too pleased to see her sister well and making no attempt to hide it. She expected a light report, as for her, the trip had been anything but dangerous, but the look of concern upon her sister's face caused one of her own to form, and she approached her sister when the chance arose. "Sha-sha, did you run into any of them? Are you alright?" asked the older catgirl, oblivious to the dealings that occurred in the bushes.

Provided the answer wasn't anything too worrisome, she would remember her manners before the red-eyed stranger nearby was left in silence for too long. "Oh, how rude of me. Sha-sha, this is Erasmus," she added affectionately, motioning towards her recent acquaintance, then facing him in turn. "Erasmus, this is my sister, Pasha. Can you tell we're related?" Meara stood next to her sister, grinning at him.
Re: A Tale of Two Sisters (Blueslime and Takimaru) GMed by Hafnium

After getting a response from Doozer, Pasha moved quickly to her sister and hugged her, still feeling vulnerable from her session with the quarter troll and also emotionally needy to cling and nuzzle against the woman she'd admitted to loving as more than a sister that very morning. She slipped her arms around Meara's neck and put her head on her sister's shoulder.

"Hey you. No, I'm fine. I'll tell you all about it later, maybe. I just got my information from a local. Wasn't the most charming chap. Hrmm... so, Erasmus huh? You and my Ra-ra getting along?"
Re: A Tale of Two Sisters (Blueslime and Takimaru) GMed by Hafnium

Pasha: HP = 54, PP = 5/41, EP = 41, Status = Fine.
Meara: HP = 81, PP = 43, EP = 44, Status = Fine.

Paisley made no effort to force Pasha into making eye contact or conversation, and so the two were able to return to the caravan without issue. Doozer halted the caravan at the sight of his two scouts returning, and gave a wave in return to Pasha's own. "Hah! Good work," he praised the catgirl at her report. "You're already earnin' your keep and then some, remind me to buy you a drink when we 'it the next town! Go and take a load off, I'll need to discuss this news with some of my veterans and we'll get movin' afterward." While the su-ku-ta woman was dismissed, Paisley remained with Doozer.

"Ah, I've had a bit of practice," the red eyed man replied simply to the martial catgirl's comments. "Oh, I can be very talkative in the company of a beautiful woman. Yes, I suppose it's only fair that I tell you about my culture. But in return, I would like it very much if you would share more of your own with me." Whatever Meara's response might be, it was only moments after he had spoken that the warrior sibling spotted Pasha making her report to Doozer, and it was only a short while after that when the latter was dismissed by the boisterous man and the two were allowed to reunite. Erasmus, for his part, made no effort to stop the two or even remind them of his presence as they embraced.

When the subject did turn to include him, however, he wore a wider smile than Meara had yet seen on the man. "As if you were cut from the same gem. I can assure you that the pleasure of this meeting is mine," he offered with a doff of his cap aimed at the more roguish of the two. "Your sister is quite the enchanting one. I'd say you should keep an eye on her, lest she steal the hearts of the rest of the caravan with her charisma, but you seem to already have that under control," the man jested regarding Pasha's position clinging to her sister. Despite his humor, his smile died down, though only slightly, as he continued. "So, you were scouting, yes? I take it something beyond a particularly colorful frog awaits us on the road?"
Re: A Tale of Two Sisters (Blueslime and Takimaru) GMed by Hafnium

Pasha just smiled and nodded at Doozer, though she made one nervous glance at Paisley before leaving the scout behind to chat with the caravan leader. It was embarrassing having the other scout know what she did, as well as knowing that she was a succubus. She couldn't change that now. She could only hope that they would keep it to themselves. Otherwise she and Meara would have to flee soon again.

Her tail quite easily slipped and curled around her sister's in the way it always had when they were together, but now as she held Meara's hand, she'd give it an extra squeeze as she leaned her head on her shoulder.

"Ra-ra has always had that effect on men," Pasha said, grinning. "She's too modest to admit it sometimes, but she knows what a looker she is. Next to her, I'm just 'the cute one.'"

She giggled and nuzzled Meara's shoulder playfully with her nose. She wasn't oblivious to what this touching might do to a curious man like Erasmus. Pasha wasn't sure what Meara might want out of him, but if her sister was 'hungry' there was rarely a man who could resist their combined allure. She'd just let Meara lead the conversation from here and she'd try to play along.

"There's some demon-warped satyrs in the woods, getting all aggressive. Apparently it's not safe, so we'll need to be on our guard and move through quickly."
Re: A Tale of Two Sisters (Blueslime and Takimaru) GMed by Hafnium

"Sharing culture is something I certainly wouldn't mind doing, for a start," said Meara with a somewhat ambiguous smile, not quite suggestive but at the same time not completely innocent. It was part of her courtesan training; one couldn't be so blatant and shameless in their attempts to charm a client, as it was often considered tasteless. They had to show just the right amount of interest in order to keep any customer intrigued in turn.

She then turned to her sister and raised a brow upon hearing her briefly mention the recent encounter. "Okay... he didn't hurt you, did he?" Meara couldn't help but frown ever so slightly, looking her sibling over for any signs of abuse. Her eyes then wandered to the road ahead, as if looking to spot this so-called local. "And is he gone?" The concern towards Pasha caused her to ask right away, even if she knew that logically, the matter might best be left for later. She was all too protective of her younger sister, naturally, so it was a reaction that came out of instinct more than anything.

When Erasmus made his own introduction towards her sister, Meara looked on with interest until another form of indirect flattery came right within earshot, to which she gave an amused smile. She wanted to mention something about laying it on thick, that is, until the man made his implication about the two of them being something more. At that, she felt a wave of embarrassment come over her as a noticeable blush developed upon her cheeks, showing as much. Pasha's apparent clinginess didn't help, as the bodily contact made her heart race, triggering flashbacks from the other night.

Still, despite that, she did manage to return the loving gestures, though in that case it was less for the one watching them and more for her sister. "You are not -just- the 'cute one'!" she exclaimed in an almost scolding tone. She stopped herself before she could add any more to it though, as bundled along with compliments came more personal statements that she would need to keep herself from saying... in public, anyway. Instead, it would be better to deflect the tension towards the third party, so as to test the man's coolness. "Why don't we ask Erasmus? Who's more your type? Besides, I think it's a matter of taste, isn't it?" Of course, Pasha was more her own taste, but she certainly couldn't say as much out loud.

The time for joking around would come to an end, however, as more concerning news was brought forth. 'Demon-warped satyrs' didn't sound good, and while Meara probably had an idea of what to expect, she had never faced them before. She turned her gaze towards Erasmus. "I think I'd have preferred the frogs. Have you ever dealt with these... 'demon-warped' fae? Most of my experience lies in fighting grays," said the more martial of the two siblings in a serious tone.

While Meara would await his answer, it wouldn't keep her from remaining vigilant, her ears perking up. Perhaps she'd have to earn her keep this time, in turn, as a caravan guard.
Re: A Tale of Two Sisters (Blueslime and Takimaru) GMed by Hafnium

Pasha: HP = 54, PP = 5/41, EP = 41, Status = Fine.
Meara: HP = 81, PP = 43, EP = 44, Status = Fine.

The man smiled amicably as the sisters concluded their latest exchange and turned to him, having been content to wait in silence up until that point. "Ah, you've asked me many difficult questions today, but I think this is the hardest. I'm far too indecisive a man to claim favorites when faced with so much beauty," he continued his thick application of flattery. "I would envy anybody lucky enough to catch either of your eyes. Besides, the two of you together have a certain... quality that magnifies the charm of both of you. You complement each other perfectly. Having seen you two together, it's hard to imagine you apart."

Even he dispensed with the constant flattery when faced with the information about the demon-tainted faeries, however, and looked between the sisters a few times at Meara's question with a look of seriousness overtaking his normal carefree smile. It didn't last long though, as he eventually simply announced; "No." He gave a shrug and the casual smile crept back onto his face. "But as long as they still bleed I'm sure we'll be able to dissuade them from staying too long around our humble little group," he offered.

Before the conversation could get much further along, Doozer would appear before the three. "We're bringin' the wagons in tight," he announced, much more professional than his usual manner. "You two are gonna be up front with me, Paisley, and Lonnie," he said as he pointed out the two catgirls. "Yer in back," he added as he regarded Erasmus. "Ah, it seems we must part. A pleasure to meet you both. Perhaps we'll talk again later tonight," the red-eyed man would offer, accepting any farewells the sisters might wish to give before padding off toward his own post. "'Ead on up to the front and get yerselves ready for a fight, I've gotta finish passing out orders. Walkin' into a forest full of enemies isn't 'ow I've kept this caravan on the road for so many years, but going around isn't an option, so get ready for the worst."

With that, he nodded and moved down the line to continue passing off his orders. When the sisters moved to the front of the caravan, they would find the bespectacled mage and the robed scout already there. The sisters would have a short amount of time to prepare themselves in any way they felt necessary, or to talk between themselves or to the other two present, but once Doozer returned it would be full steam ahead, and it was unlikely that they'd have another such chance until they were out of the potentially dangerous forests.
Re: A Tale of Two Sisters (Blueslime and Takimaru) GMed by Hafnium

Pasha closed her eyes and smiled happily at Erasmus' kind comments. After last night, she was only too happy to hear someone say that she and Meara belonged together. As far as she was concerned, it was true. She squeezed her big sister again and corkscrewed her tail one more revolution around the other Su-Ku-Ta's feline extremity.

"No need to hold back your flattery, Rassy! I could lick it up like sugar milk!" She giggled.

His sudden turn to a serious town made her blink her eyes open again, though she still held Meara close. It might even be a little embarrassing to the older catgirl just how clingy Pasha was being, though the younger kitten wouldn't notice it. After her brush with the brutish quarter troll, she just wanted to be pressed up against the soft, warm, and loving touch that Meara could afford her.

"Ah yeah. I certainly don't intend to be drawn into any of their sick games. We'll avoid 'em if we can though. No need to press our luck, right?"

The conversation dwindled quickly as Doozer came up from the front and gave them new orders. Catching the change in tone, Pasha couldn't help but give a fearful shudder. Had Paisley told him about her failed charm attempt, and how she'd 'paid' the guardian's toll? Of course he had. Her ears drooped and her tail loosened just a touch from Meara's.

"Y-yes, Mister Doozer, sir!" She said meekly, then tugged a little on Meara, leading the taller, stronger catgirl forward. When the two had a moment away from the others, Pasha pulled up and put her face against Meara's shoulder.

"I did a silly thing, Ra-ra! I got caught trying to *charm* a troll guardian. He... he called me on it. Paisley heard him call me a succubus, and I couldn't deny it! I'm worried Paisley told Doozer! Didn't you hear him? He wasn't talking like when we first met him!"

Pasha was probably being paranoid, but she couldn't help but voice her fears to her sister. Meara would know what to do. She always did, except when it was something that fell into Pasha's purview.


When they were in front and had said their words to one another, Pasha would be keeping her hands on her daggers and her eyes on the surroundings, ready to do her best during any fight that broke out. She was always best from the shadows, and had a natural ability to slip away from notice during a fight. Calel had picked up on that early in her training and taught her all the tricks he knew about getting the drop on enemies. Waiting in front for the fight to come to her wasn't her usual method, but she felt confident that she could turn the tables on the average satyr. Standing beside her sister was the biggest bolstering to her confidence however.
Re: A Tale of Two Sisters (Blueslime and Takimaru) GMed by Hafnium

"Isn't it though? You can't have one without the other," said Meara with a grin directed towards Erasmus, though she couldn't help but giggle as well at her sister's comment. The older of the Su-Ku-Ta pair blinked a few times when her sibling clung to her, wondering what the reason might be behind such a high level of attachment. However, despite the crimson-eyed man's knowing looks and her own slight embarrassment at the situation, she certainly wasn't about to neglect the younger catgirl during her time of need. Placing a hand on Pasha's back and stroking her slowly, she returned the affections calmly, serving as the rock on which the younger sister could brace herself upon for the time being. Perhaps they could discuss it in private later on, when it was just the two of them.

"Sounds like you've still got a warrior's spirit yet, hmm?" remarked Meara with a grin in response to Erasmus' comments about the potential dangers ahead. "I was about to say as much."

But the time eventually came for them to part ways, at least for a while, and so she said her farewells to the man. "Stay out of trouble for me, won't you?" she quipped with a wink before allowing Erasmus to return to where he needed to be.

"Yes sir," she said firmly to Doozer, the caravan leader, but not without noticing the nonverbal hints that something was troubling her sister. "We'll be right up," she said reassuringly, only to look to Pasha in order to hear her out, following the younger one's lead. She waited until the two of them were relatively isolated from the rest, then welcomed the other catgirl into a comforting embrace when the opportunity presented itself, seeing that she was clearly distressed. "What's wrong, Sha-sha?"

What she heard unsettled her a little, and a slight frown formed upon her face. "Charm? How did... wait, did he now?" She couldn't help but grow a little defensive of her sister, against the troll, or Paisley, or anyone else who would cause Pasha to put on such an expression. "Mmm, it's okay, we'll figure it out," she said reassuringly, stroking the other girl's back and shoulder. "I can't see him just dropping us off in the middle of this forest. We can even come clean if we absolutely have to, and we're not as naive as we were back then in Anudor. We're better now, Sha-sha, and I really feel that we can prove it." It was the most she could say to comfort Pasha for the time being, as she could make no guarantees on what Paisley had said or what Doozer had heard. They would just have to deal with it as it came. "For right now, let's just continue to prove that we're worth it, no matter what," she concluded calmly.

Likewise, when they had returned to the front, she was all business, with her whip coiled in one hand and at the ready. Her ears perked up, she remained vigilant for anything moving in the background that might pose a threat to the caravan.
Re: A Tale of Two Sisters (Blueslime and Takimaru) GMed by Hafnium

Pasha: HP = 54, PP = 41, EP = 41, Status = Fine.
Meara: HP = 81, PP = 43, EP = 44, Status = Fine.

Perception rolls!
Pasha: 16
Meara: 12.

They spot 1x corrupted Satyr, 2x corrupted Satyr Soldiers, 4x corrupted Gruffs, and 2x corrupted Gruff berserkers.

Despite Pasha's justified paranoia, when the sisters arrived at the front of the caravan Paisley didn't act out of the ordinary, with the exception of a silent glance in the sisters' direction. It was still difficult to say what the androgynous figure intended on doing with the information. Though, perhaps on the bright side, Lonnie seemed to take no more notice of the two girls than usual, nor more interest in anything else in the world for that matter as the bespectacled mage's nose was firmly buried in a book.

But it was all business when Doozer returned to the front. "Right! Eyes on the prize! Let's clear this forest by nightfall!" Paisley and Lonnie both straightened up and for once the latter seemed like she took notice that there were people besides herself in existence. Without another word from anybody else, they were off and moving. As they advanced, the wagons were much closer than they had been before. The sentries were positioned such that it seemed like nothing would slip by them. It might have almost seemed that the caravan was invincible.

But that only lasted until they had gotten past the bridge, now sans quarter-troll. Once they were in the forest proper, it was a different matter entirely. The dirt road might have been well maintained, but the forest seemed intent on seizing it back at any moment. Trees and underbrush were thick to both the left and right of the road, and so the only safe path they could take to either advance or retreat along the path. They traveled for many hours, maintaining as much silence as a caravan could reasonably manage and with nary a guard slacking off in their duty, but that was as far as they got before danger reared its head.

It came in the form of three goatmen, identifiable as satyrs to those who knew of them by their fur-free chests and more human-like faces, waiting ahead on the path, but they were anything like the ones of tales and songs. The three on the road were obviously tainted by demonic corruption. Their skin was a dark red hue, and their fur was pitch black. Their horns had curled upward and gained sharp points like those of a bull, perfect for goring an unwitting target. Two of them held boar spears and the last a heavy crossbow. Upon seeing them, Doozer immediately called the caravan to a halt.

"Why're you laying in wait in the road with weapons brandished? We don't want a fight, we're a peaceful caravan and want nothing to do with what's going on in this forest." Doozer loudly asked of the group. It was the one with the crossbow that called out in response. "Oi, oi! Don't you know there's a toll to get through here?" The warped goatman asked with an unsettling amount of glee in his voice. "He's right," one of the ones with a spear called out next. "We'll have your wine, your food, your denarii... and any womenfolk you've got with you, at least until such time that we're sure they've got some proper satyr gets in their bellies!" The other two burst into merry laughter at the prospect. "Aye! You can watch as we pump the little wenches full of cum and show 'em a good time, if you want! Take a few notes, maybe, if you can even get it up with your lubber belly!"

Through the satyr's jeering, however, the catgirls both noticed movement through the underbrush. Other corrupted satyrs and much more goat-like men, gruffs specifically, were creeping into opportune positions around the caravan. They spotted nine in total, twelve counting the ones in the front, which was still far fewer in number than the caravan. Still, the apparently outnumbered group wasn't very concerned by their disadvantage. Of the hidden fighters, there were three positioned at the front and to the right of the caravan, three positioned at the front and to the left, and three positioned behind and to the right. The two groups in front consisted entirely of corrupted gruffs, each group with two smaller ones with shortspears led by one larger, more dangerous-looking gruff with a warhammer. The group in the back consisted of two satyrs with armor and bows and one with a short sword.

"Oh, I bet we could make the little kittens purr like sluts in heat!" The jeers continued, this time directed squarely at Pasha and Meara. It was obvious that they were simply trying to buy time for their ambush to get into position. "I think I'd go for the one with the glasses, myself! Got a thing for 'em," the second continued. "I quite like the one in the robes!" A quick look around confirmed that several of the other caravan guards had spotted the satyrs and gruffs hiding amongst the trees, including Lonnie and Paisley, and were beginning to carefully alert others among their group. "Eh, but what if it's a man?"
"A hole's a hole, I say!"

As the three burst into laughter again, Doozer could take no more. "Step outta the way or we'll make sure you've no tongue for your tasteless jokes any longer, nor will any of your sneaky friends!"
"Ah," the apparent leader of the ambush group sighed. "This'd have been so much easier if you hadn't seen all that." He immediately readied his crossbow and made to fire upon Doozer. It seemed the battle would be joined soon, and it was up to Pasha and Meara on what their first reactions to open hostilities would be.

At the front: Doozer, Lonnie, Paisley, Pasha, Meara, along with six guards on the left and right ready to assist.
On the left: Six guards, including Aganzo.
On the right: Six guards.
In the back: Six guards, including Erasmus.

At the front: 1x Satyr Soldier, 2x Satyrs, along with 4x Gruffs and 2x Gruff Berserkers off to the sides.
At the back: 2x Satyr Soldiers, 1x Satyr off to the side.