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Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
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Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

'I-I knew it! You couldn't hold in that hatred anymore, could you!? Your thirst for my blood is frightening enough to break even such a facade!' Isabell realized. Though she slipped up with sleeping, it seemed Anael slipped up as well! But... She just kept going on? Anael, despite losing her sweet appearance, was continuing to try and become closer to Isabell? Who on the world would fall for that!? 'S-stupid angel, you're barking up the wrong tree! I know you want your sweet revenge!' Isabell boasted to herself while listening to Anael silently. Her eyes were fully open this time, as Anael suddenly took on that sweet expression again, allowing Isabell to see Anael, a beautiful angel now with a soft expression, pleading 'please don't hate me.'

From this, Isabell turned her head away to try and hide her bright blush. 'Doing that doesn't please me at all! Idiot!' Isabell mentally cursed Anael, while possessing an erection under her armor and smiling a little bit. "F-f-fine! So persistent!" Isabell announced. "I-if you think acting sweet like that will work on me... Well, it won't!" Isabell stated firmly, though cursed herself mentally at how she was stuttering. 'Why am I so shaken!? I can't even speak correctly! It must be... It must be her killing intent! Such powerful hatred!' Isabell concluded, possibly in denial.

"I don't hate you..." Isabell stated, before doing a doubletake, leaning back and gesturing wildly with her hands. "I mean I won't hate you! I hated you until this point, but not anymore!" Isabell began to look desperate. "I-I MEAN...!" she began to speak loudly, before cringing as she remember her mistress was asleep. "I mean... I still hate you, but I don't..." Isabell said with a hopeless look on her face.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Speaking plainly about her feelings had never been easy for Anael, so Isabell's confused replies made the angel feel as though she simply weren't expressing herself well enough. Each time the succubus mentioned hating her, Anael cringed slightly. She did her best to maintain her composure, though she couldn't stop a sad twinge from passing across her face. After a few moments, the angel decided she had to explain herself, if she ever wanted to resolve things with the succubus.

"I know you have cause to hate me," Anael said, her gaze falling as she spoke, "I've taken so many opportunities to make light of you." The angel folded her hands in her lap, twining her fingers as she continued, "Though I want you to know my teasing comes from a place of affection." Unable to look at Isabell as she spoke so candidly, Anael turned her head to look up at the dozing Liezelotte. "You hide yourself, who you truly are, so much. You have such strong passion, but you keep it locked away." The angel's gaze dropped, her voice coming slowly and quietly as she continued, "I feel that if you could admit your feelings, you could find happiness."

Anael, looked down for a moment, before speaking again, this time with more confidence. "You boldly proclaim that you would gladly die if it were asked of you," she said, a hint of anger in her voice, "but your life is worth so much more than that." She turned to look back at Isabell, the sadness in her face replaced with righteous displeasure. "You are an accomplished warrior, and a dedicated servant. To throw that away at a whim as you suggest," Anael said, pausing moment before hurriedly finishing her sentence, "It would be a waste. A fate not worthy of someone of your potential." The angel looked down, twiddling her fingers for a moment before she finally blurted out, "I have great respect for you, Isabell. I think you should as well." After finally having expressed herself, Anael closed her eyes a breathed in deeply, waiting just a moment before exhaling, her whole body seeming to relax at once. She wasn't completely at ease, however, her eyes opening slowly as she stared at Isabell anxiously.

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
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Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Anael began with a topic that hit weird marks immediately. At this point it was hard not to think that she never hated Anael at all, to the contrary of the angel's beliefs and understanding. The instances when she apparently took light of Isabell were scarcely remembered. The only times she could recall Anael doing such a thing, Isabell would recall taking that moment to answer in kind with her own cold attitude. Things became hard to process when Anael began spouting what Isabell interpreted to be nonsense about such teasing to come from feelings of affection. Isabell managed to build herself back up and make her back a little straighter as this reveal of strange knowledge bounced off of her, before she was seemingly accused of hiding who she truly was, and how she felt. She had always stated how she felt. Rather clearly, in fact. Isabell frowned and thought how such a proposition was such nonsense... 'But why can't I answer to that?' Isabell wondered. It was such nonsense, it should be easy to call it as such. Yet, Isabell found herself remaining silent and allowing Anael to speak as she pleased.

Then the compliments came in. Trying to win Isabell over with such cliche lines was a direction of topic that Isabell suddenly felt the ability to answer return to her. Naturally, she was a great warrior and the best possible guardian for her mistress. She was full of potential, and to Anael it must be so easy to acknowledge her greatness. Yes, it was clear that Anael must be running out of options. This kind of flattery wasn't effective at all! She took a deep breathe, gathered the will to delivered a decisive blow to Anael and put her in her place, and looked up... Into her anxious eyes. Isabell immediately paired the image of Anael making such an expression while saying the words she did, and the result was a lethal blow. Her face went blood red, and Isabell felt the control she built up wrenched from her as she looked to the ground, and found herself tracing a finger along the floor as she spoke without thinking. "T-that doesn't make me happy at all..." Isabell replied meekly, attempting a haughty grin that she knew ended up as a happy smile that betrayed the words she spoke.

Isabell wanted to fall on her hands and knees as the words 'I hate myself' came to mind.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

And just as the two servants were done with their serious talk, Lieze snapped back into wakefulness from her nap. It had lasted for barely five minutes, but she had been asleep for all of that short while. While the Lady was not sure about what had been said and done while she was out, the scene in front of her was peculiar to say the least. "Now now Anael, you should not talk Isabell down even if she is silly." was what she had to say before the teacup and saucer she had been using started to float up, manipulated by the young lady's psychic power. Unsure what to do, she started spinning them around in idle boredom. "So, you ladies have any thoughts about what there could be done on a fine evening like this? After that nap, I almost feel like going to bed, but there might be other things to distract ourselves with before that." the part-demoness inquired from her pair of dedicated servants as she made the tea equipment fly in circles and infinity symbol shapes.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

As she stared fearfully at the succubus, Anael realized that her words had had more of an effect on Isabell than she expected them too. The demoness, despite her words, seemed to have appreciated the angel's sincerity, though Anael could tell that all was not well with her. Angels had been gifted with great empathy, and though fallen, Anael knew her words may have bit deeper than she anticipated. Slowly, gently, one of the angel's hands reached for Isabell's chin, seeking to lift up her gaze so that she might meet it...

Liezelotte's sudden interruption of the intimate reconciliation shocked Anael, leaving the angel to stare wordlessly at her mistress with an expression of naked embarrassment and fear frozen on her face for the space of a few breaths. Her servile nature got the better of her quickly, though, and she stammered out, "M-m'Lady! I... I was only..." she paused, unsure how to finish her sentence. After a moment that seemed like an eternity, Anael finally calmed down enough to regain most of her normal countenance. Adopting a more neutral expression, she turned on her knees to face Liezelotte while still remaining on the ground next to the chair, and said, "I... I'm sorry, m'Lady." The angel did her best to act as though she had only been caught in a bit of teasing, though she still shifted nervously as she knelt next to Isabell.

After few more moments to collect herself, Anael was back to her normal calm and proud self. Holding her back straight and her gaze steady but supplicant to Lieze, she considered her mistress' words. The lady was right, it was quite late, and though her talk with Isabell had been relatively short, it did feel as if several weeks had passed since they arrived on the terrace. "Perhaps retiring for the evening would be for the best, m'Lady," she offered, bowing her head slightly during her suggestion, "Since our slumber was interrupted, we've been quite busy. And with Mina and her... brood... to deal with, as well as whatever new difficulties might arise, a rest might be called for, no?" She calmly stared up at Liezelotte after stating her case, ready either to be dismissed for the night, or to be caught up in whatever new situation might arise in this interesting mansion.

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
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Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Isabell hadn't even realized how worked up she had gotten. When Anael began reaching out hand out, Isabell felt paralyzed by sheer excitement (she interpreted it as sheer terror). She couldn't move her body, and she quickly began drawing conclusions about what was to happen next. 'I can't move my body! I didn't sense a spell! What has she done to me!? Oh, mistress I'm sorry! Your beautiful bodyguard dies here!' Isabell cried out mentally, picturing Anael's outstretching hand as more menacing than it really was.

Then Liezelotte suddenly spoke, and Isabell let out a high pitched squeak of surprise that was enough to break her out of her state of paralysis. "Hiii-!" Isabell cried, before facing Liezelotte immediately and getting on her hands and knees and bowing before her mistress. Isabell fought the urge to go on about how her life was saved by her own mistress from the murderous Anael. Her heart was beating so fast, and when Isabell noticed it herself, she couldn't believe it. 'This... This is fear!' It was arousal. 'She made me feel fear! What a crazy woman...' Isabell remained in awe, denying her feelings so much that she was giving Anael the credit of a terrifying avenger. 'I... I won't go down that easily! Just you wait, Anael, I'll-SHE'S CLOSE TO ME!' Isabell would exclaim mentally, and not do more than remain in her humble bowing position.

Despite it all, Isabell slowly raised her head. "Bed... Yes..." She agreed slowly, before something struck her. What will Anael do if she is left to her own devices? She must be looking for a chance to slip away and prepare her murder devices! "We should all sleep in the same room!" She announced, rising up suddenly. She wouldn't let Anael out of her sight! Wait... No, it wouldn't end just after a night's sleep. Isabell would have to attack first. Wait until Anael falls asleep... Then climb on top of her... Feel that soft skin again... Put her hands to Anael's neck... Then Anael would wake up, and suddenly embrace her with arms, legs, and lips-

'How did she turn the tables on me in my own imagination!?' Isabell whined.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

"Just what are these two doing?" Lieze thought about the situation and the weird reactions that were going on at Isabell's side of it. Still, she decided to capitalize on one opportunity there was presented at the bizarre chain of actions that happened. Quickly getting up from the garden chair, she switched to sitting on Isabell's back instead, as the bodyguard was so easily offering herself up in that capacity. Or she would have, if the demoness hadn't suddenly jumped up to announce a thought she was having. "Hmm, surely we could do that. I was pondering a similar plan myself, so it is good that we have some overlap going on here." the lady told her two servitors, not wasting much time after that as she was more than willing to get into sleeping in a more proper fashion.

But before that, she could do some more with these two. Seeing how they reacted to being invited to her bed would be a good start. Once they reached the master bedroom, she would do just that, after relieving Anael of her leash of course.

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
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Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

With her mistress sitting on her back suddenly, Isabell let out a cute noise that sounded something like, "H-hauuu!" Perhaps a form of howl. Either way, it took a moment after feeling Liezelotte's weight on her back for her to look up and see her mistress. Like a dog, Isabell began wiggling her butt with glee and smiling with near psychotic happiness. "L-let's be off~!" Isabell cheered, carrying Liezelotte along on her back while walking on all fours. She looked like the most proud horse ever.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

While she may have not expected it, Isabell actually decided to be a ride. It was a strange gesture for sure, but Lieze took all advantage of the situation and let herself be carried into the bedroom. The bodyguard seemed to be getting some perverted pleasure from the situation, so why not do it. Eventually the bedroom was reached, and the Lady hopped off from her steed to stand on her own two feet once again. A few things still needed doing, so she gave a few more orders. "Anael can help me get undressed here. Isabell, get me a some sleeping clothes from the closet over there." she told the servants.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

When Liezelotte agreed to Anael's suggestion of getting some rest, the angel slowly stood, her head bowed to her mistress. Isabell's idea though, caused the angel to turn and stare, somewhat aghast, unable to speak until through her shock. Her mouth opened and closed silently for what seemed like ages as she tried to think of how to respond to Isabell's outlandish suggestion, but she simply could not find the words. Finally, Lieze took the succubi's proffered back and sweetly rode her subordinate back towards her room. Still on the leash, Anael could do nothing but follow along silently and obediently.

At first, the angel was stricken with fear at Isabell's suggestion. Two servants sleeping in the same bed- no, sleeping with their mistress? Unthinkable! Surely the only reason Lady Liezelotte would agree to such an idea was that she planned to punish them somehow. Although Anael managed to keep her calm bearing as she followed her mistress and her beautiful mount, the angel couldn't help but tremble at the thought of what might happen once they reached the master bedroom. The longer they walked, though, the more Anael managed to calm down. Of course, Liezelotte was simply tired and wanted the protection of both of her finest servants while she slept, what with the aliens outside the mansion and the brood within it. Anael sighed softly as she reminisced about the large bed she had almost gotten to enjoy by herself before their earlier nap was interrupted. However, as she walked behind her mistress and her proud pony, watching Isabell's rear swing happily back and forth with each crawling step she took, Anael found herself instead curiously wondering what a bed meant for a noble might feel like.

Upon reaching the master bedroom, Lieze wasted no time expressing her desire to be ready for bed. "Of course, Mistress," Anael replied to her lady's order, quickly stepping forward to stand before her. With practiced hands, she began to undo the various laces and buttons that held Lieze's fancy dress closed, moving as gracefully as she could to prevent any discomfort on her mistress' part. As Lieze's dress slowly but surely fell away before her, Anael suddenly became more aware of her own nudity. Standing so close to her mistress, Anael stood uncomfortably for a second, until finally she remembered her place, kneeling down to scoop up the dress. "I-I'll place this aside for Mina to clean later, mistress," she said, pulling the fancy garment to her chest and keeping her eyes down as she continued her task.

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Isabell couldn't have been filled with more moral for this occasion. Perhaps Anael's desire for revenge would conquer her and force her to do something foolish. It was a test of patience, for sure. 'I'll outlast you,' Isabell thought to herself, standing up once Liezelotte left her straddle on her back. Isabell looked to the angel with a wide grin, full of triumphant glee. She hoped the angel saw it too. Isabell wouldn't let her win!

With a skip in her step, Isabell went about her way, gathering a change of sleeping clothes from a wardrobe. "They were once your mothers, milady, but they will surely fit you!" Isabell announced, bringing the close to her mistress with a dance, spinning on her heel before elegantly holding the clothes up to her mistress with both hands while humming happily. Briefly, while helping Liezelotte get redressed, she thought about the situation. She had been thinking about Anael a lot. Of course her mistress is a priority, but Anael has always been in the back of her mind. 'S-she's out for revenge, it's only natural.' she rationalized. 'It's normal to think of someone a lot when they are a constant threat.'

Still, why she kept thinking about Anael's sweet words was beyond her. It didn't exactly help her survive against the clear threat of the angel's revenge...

"I just don't want you to hate me."

"-if you could admit your feelings, you could find happiness."
Isabell recalled those words, and went still for a moment, a blush on her cheeks. The succubus just didn't quite get that part of Anael's words, or what they sought to accomplish. She was acting like she knew something Isabell didn't...

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

"But of course." was what Anael's good servant behaviour got for an answer. There were plenty of clothes that would be good for use around the place, so one dress could be thoroughly cleaned without any real problems. For some odd reason, Isabell gravitated to the sleeping dress that had belonged to Lieze's mother, and she was not particularly happy about that. The human side of the family had never really earned the Lady's respect, unlike her much beloved Father and his pureblooded demon heritage. "I suppose it will have to do..." she told the bodyguard as the garment was handed over. It was a white, long and somewhat less fancy dress that would serve the purpose it was made for without any problems. The size was a bit more ample than needed for the slim figure of the wearer, but she did not feel like making Isadell pick another one to replace it.

"Alright, once you are ready, get in here." Lieze told her servants once she was ready, rolling into the bed and making her way to the middle of the oversized thing.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

As she dutifully set about her task, Anael couldn't help but notice Isabell's perky attitude. The succubus twirled and pranced about, obviously pleased with Liezelotte's strange orders. Still, despite her own reservations, Anael found Isabell's bright smiles, dancing, and humming infections. She even broke her serious demeanor to smile briefly as the succubus happily attended their mistress. A slight spring entered her step as she gently placed Lieze's dress in a small basket behind a changing wall. A slight coo escaped her lips as she turned and admired the dress Isabell had picked out for her mistress to sleep in, her angelic nature appreciating it's soft white simplicity.

Before long, Liezelotte was climbing into bed and making herself comfortable, looking at her servants expectantly and ordering them to join her. Anael, nervous about what her mistress had planned but too disciplined to do anything other than comply, nodded and stepped towards the bed. Still, she hesitated while standing on the left side. Though she had been close to them often enough, and performed a variety of duties concerning them, Anael had never actually slept in a noble's bed before. She placed one hand down on the mattress before pushing down, smiling as it gently sunk into the generous padding before springing back into it's normal shape. Looking up, she blushed at Lieze before carefully climbing into the bed, trying her best not to disturb her mistress. She pulled her wings as tightly against her back as she could, and held her swishing tail in one hand as she lay on her side, her other arm propping herself up. She looked over to Isabell, wondering how the giddy succubus would be handling herself now that such a momentous event for her would be unfolding, a smirk starting to spread. She quickly remembered her place though, turning to Lieze and asking nervously, "Is this to your liking, m'Lady?"

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

It was all splendid, everything according to plan, and not according to Anael's plan. Surely, she must be fuming by now! No, she was actually smiling as well. Not bothered in the slightest. Anael's mental fortitude after being presented with such a heavy dely on her vengeance was something Isabell couldn't even begin to estimate. Or... Perhaps this was all according to her plan!? So foolish! So positively foolish! Isabell was riding on the idea that Anael was underestimating her, but by counteracting what the angel planned to do, she only ended up walking right into the angel's palm, ready to be crushed!

Isabell's giddy behavior became gloomy in the blink of an eye. Isabell crawled into the bed, taking pieces of her armor off to reveal simple cloth undergarments underneath. No bra nor panties, just a white sleeved shirt with long pants. She crawled into the bed, and while whining quietly like a scared puppy, clung to her master's arm for comfort, Isabell's arms wrapping around Liezelotte's own. Someone ignorantly walking into the room might suspect, based on Isabell's appearance, that she was being bullied by Anael as she clung to her mistress for safety while staring at Anael opposite Liezelotte's side, her two servants lying on either side of her.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Again, the behaviour of Isabell was causing raised eyebrows in Lieze as she followed how the bodyguard acted when invited to bed. But she did not make a number out of it, letting the silly demoness act in her clingy ways. It would be warmer that way. "It's alright, but..." the lady kind of replied to what Anael asked before tugging at the angel's arm to get her into the pile as well. Once all of them were neatly bundled up, she would pull the sheets over them and sought to find sleep as soon as possible. Tomorrow would surely be another day full of strange and interesting things that this place would surely have in store for her and the servants. But even then, she would listen in to any silliness that might happen in the situation she was in at the moment, the earlier oddities between the two servants causing some reason to suspect possible shenanigans from them.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Although she had anticipated some exaggerated emotion on Isabell's part, Anael was unprepared for the succubus' sudden dour shift in mood. The angel's smirk lessened, and her eyebrows furrowed into the barest hint of an expression of concern. Had Isabell not understood her earlier attempts at explaining her feelings? That she did not hate the succubus, but instead thought of her as more than merely a fellow servant. She had even been so bold as to use the word 'respect', a term she never uttered for anything other than the noblest of demon or angel-kind. 'No, of course not,' Anael thought, 'if anything, I had been much too direct in my confession.' The word confession repeated itself in Anael's mind. It seemed right, but at the same time wrong, as if the angel herself was not sure what she had meant by it.

Continuing to watch Isabell gloomily crawl into bed and cling to Lieze's arm like a poor abused puppy, Anael's eyes began to widen in understanding. 'Oh, ho, I see,' the angel thought triumphantly, 'She is afraid that by being invited to share Mistress' bed, I may become her more favored.' Grinning at Isabell from across the bed now, Anael began to ponder how she could play with this newfound revelation. This could be fun.

Liezelotte, however, seemed unconcerned with her servant's moods as they joined her. As she was yanked forward, Anael's eyes shot open wide in panic, and she remained that way for several moments, the angel staring nervously at Lieze's face, now only inches from her own. Anael's naked form rested against her mistress' side, her bared breasts cradling the nobles' slender arm as her chest heaved from the deep breaths she took. Being so close to her mistress, Anael was unsure how to react, but as Liezelotte moved to pull up the covers, she knew that this was exactly what the demoness had wanted. Settling her frayed nerves, the angel allowed her body to relax, until she noticed Isabell staring at her. Grinning once again, Anael pulled herself closer to Liezelotte, pulling her legs towards her mistress' and sliding her hand down to Lieze's waist. As the demoness pulled up the covers and settled in to sleep, Anael offered softly to her, "Good night, My Lady, may you have pleasant dreams." She then nestled her head closer to Liezelotte's before sniffing softly at her hair with a smile. Her eyes turned to look at Isabell mischievously, before she winked, and closed them, grinning ear to ear as she sought rest for herself.

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Watch Anael carefully she did, but while the angel inspected Isabell, she'd notice that none of her cuddling up to Liezelotte seemed to affect Isabell in the slightest. Her glare intensified, but it didn't seem to be interacting with whatever was going on in the demon's head. Getting closer, Anael would wrap her leg around Liezelotte's and run her hand down her mistress' waist, only to find that Isabell's hand was resting there first. Anael's hand would brush over, and touch the demon's own. Then, there was a reaction.

Isabell gave a quiet 'meep' when Anael touched her hand, before making a full retreat. Rather than fight over Liezelotte, Isabell actually rolled over and turned her back to the pair, curling up into a protective ball as if she were a hedgehog. Meanwhile, across from Anael, Isabell's state of mind was chaotic. 'She's taunting me, taunting me! Mistress is none the wiser to my predicament! Touching my hand as it rest right over my mistress' belly! There's no limits to her boldness nor madness! Though...' Isabell felt her own hand for a moment, thinking to the soft and gentle touch she received. Then, she thought back once again to her words... Connecting the dots...

"My teasing comes from a place of affection..."
'She wants to rape me!' Isabell concluded with shock. 'Anael must believe in an eye for an eye, she wishes to torture me sexually as I did her! And...' Isabell glanced back. If Anael were looking, she'd she an awfully scared demon. 'She's worming her way into my mind, breaking me down! I've made the worst possible enemy! She won't be satisfied until I'm sobbing on the ground, at her mercy! Protect me, save me mistress!' Isabell made a silent prayer for her mistress' aid.

Then, Anael wished Liezelotte a good night's rest, before Isabell looked back...

And saw Anael wink at her.

Sweat running down her face, Isabell shuddered with sheer terror and hid her face under the covers. 'Please don't go to sleep, mistress! Who knows what she'll do to me with you unawares!'

Paranoid and stricken with fear, Isabell would avoid getting any sleep that night in fear of being captured by Anael when at her weakest state.

(Adding Flaw, weakness to Anael. 1d4 when in physical contact with yon angel.)


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Liezelotte - HP = 56, PP = 47, EP = 91, Status = Fine
Isabell - HP = 102, PP = 46, EP = 46, Status = Fine, Armor TP = 32/60
Anael - HP = 55, PP = 65, EP = 63/90, Status = Fine

Once the three women had taken to their own devices the butler merely faded into the background. To simply vanish in their master's eyes is a feat that all household servants should share, and Gerald did such so magnificently that had any of them looked for him they would have found him vanished.

But that did not mean they were simply left alone. Though they had their peace and solitude out on the terrace the commotion of the staff as they prepared for the brood could be heard all around them. When the group chose to return to the Mistress's room to retire that bustle only continued, and it was only once Isabell had delivered her rider that Lieze and her entourage were truly alone once more.

Sleep came to the three, and nothing interrupted them. For a couple of hours. But after a bit a heavy thud was felt moving through the walls and floor. It almost sounded like someone had dropped an entire stone slab somewhere within the mansion, and though more thumps could be heard in the following few minutes none were quite as powerful as that first. Thankfully nothing further appeared to disturb their rest, and unless Lieze or one of her retainers sought some answers they were free to return to their sleep.

Morning would eventually roll around, and though any number of people would stir at dawn the very privilege of the noblesse meant that Lady Bachsmien could wake whenever she damned well pleased. This said nothing for her guards, but what that truly meant for them was their own concern. Regardless of who woke first and how they reacted that woman would be greeted by a soft and somewhat hesitant humming from the beyond the door. That humming seemed to drop as a body approached, and as that person stood just outside the Master Bedroom one could easily picture a nervous figure fidgeting a bit as they considered what lay within. Should everyone remain quiet that figure would pass and start humming once more, but a few minutes later that quiet humming would return and die as that person returned. Whoever stood outside obviously did not wish to be there, but duty called.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

While she did hear the noises of night happening, Lieze was far too into her sleep at that point to really care about them. "I can see what that was about later..." she thought, eventually going back to sleep again, flanked by the two servants.

When she woke up again, the morning time was already there. While still waking up, Lieze heard something happening outside, most likely a cleaning matter or some similar everyday function. As there was someone there to enlighten her, the Lady would carry herself to the door and see who it was, then ask them about last night and those noticeable thuds.

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

What magic was this? Isabell's sense of perception was corrupted as she tried to fight sleep in case of the inevitable attack. Things got rather dodgy as she became rather intensely fatigued. She may have been losing her grip on reality. Maybe. But she was sure she was still awake. It paid off too, because the angel made her move. All five of them. They didn't want to face Isabell in battle, so they struck while she was sleepy. Isabell didn't really question why she was so ill prepaid to fight all of them, but was left with two of the fallen angels sitting on her hands to hold them down, while two more took to taking Isabell's tips into their mouths. 'When was I naked?' Isabell wondered, her mind a bit foggy on the details. Her first thought was to lash out at Anael's attack, but the inspiration to do so seemed nonexistent. She wasn't even complaining mentally. 'Why?' she wondered. Then, the fifth spread her legs, and put her lips to-

A painful thud.

Liezelotte rising from bed startled Isabell, which caused her to immediately bolt up from sleep with the inspiration to struggle. She struggled against nothing, so what resulted was Isabell falling off of the side of the bed after rolling, and landing on her back with her legs still over the bed. "Haa..." Isabell groaned. Looking down at herself, she was wearing her clothes and she was moist enough between the legs to make one think she wet the bed. Upon seeing that, Isabell would hurriedly try to rush off and change before anyone noticed.