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Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Liezelotte - HP = 56, PP = 47, EP = 91, Status = Fine
Isabell - HP = 102, PP = 46, EP = 46, Status = Fine
Anael - HP = 55, PP = 65, EP = 63/90, Status = Fine

With Anael poking and prodding the woman quite incessantly she earned the reserved and quiet fury that only a haughty soul could give another. The fact that Annette seemed so incensed by this could be considered curious given that she didn't seem all that spectacular when compared to her brethren, but then again an arrogant demon wasn't exactly all that uncommon. One could even argue that her ability to restrain herself was the actual surprise, the only real sign of her foul mood being the frown she wore and the light tapping of her fingers on the table.

"Cleaning crew?" But all that couldn't seem to faze the other demon, and as Nathaniel turned to give his sister an inquisitive look those fingers finished drumming. Annette met his eyes a moment later, and some of that haughtiness managed to dissolve while she appeared to be considering how to answer his question. "I believe she just called us janitors." That puzzled look continued for a few seconds, then realization struck him hard. "Oh! No no no, that's not what I meant. We were hired as care-takers. You know how some humans' minds just break after so much abuse? We were assigned to look after and care for them because they still had a use. For demons and others like yourself who need more than just bread and water to survive. Unfortunately we were attacked while trying to transport some of them elsewhere, and we would have been in trouble had the Lady not arrived when she did.

The man seemed to remember something, and he immediately rose and managed to pull his sister with him before getting the both of them to bow. "We never did properly thank you for saving us. And since you saved our lives and put yourself at risk doing so we are indebted to you. We will try out best to serve you even if our original purpose is no longer needed." "This we swear, Lady Bachsmien."

With the dinner show winding down to an end not much else rose to interrupt the meal. Gerald simply stood to the side looking inconspicuous while awaiting any requests, and a couple of the other servants rose to accept the dirtied dishes once someone had finished eating. The only exception happened to be Mina. With her fingers they way they were she kept herself from handling and scratching the rather fine looking dinnerware, but where the butler was trying to meld into the scenery the young spider was actually standing rather proudly. If one were to guess one could say that she was even making it a point to reveal what curves she had directly to Isabell. And with her eyes glancing over whenever she thought nobody would notice it was quite clear she was trying to garnish the demonic warrior's attention. It was only when everyone had finished that Gerald put any effort into making his presence known, and all it took was a minor yet respectful nod toward Lieze. "Does the Lady require anything else, or would she like to inspect the grounds?"
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Eventually, Lieze managed to finish her food. It was a passably decent deal when one looked at the entire bundle of things that had been gathered for this meal. Like before, she was not one to talk any further while the others had their exchanges. It was not necessary. The Lady had already made decisions where things would go for these people if push came to shove. "Mmm, that's nice of you. I will not forget your loyalty." she told the two now taskless demons, not entirely sure what to use them for as the current situation stood. There was some need to look around and see what tasks needed doing.

Soon, Gerald interjected himself into the conversation in a timely manner. "No, I have no further needs as of this moment. Let us see how this place is, I am curious towards what exactly Father has done for this little hideaway of his. All those things he has set up here. Lead the way."
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Standing, Isabell moved to pull out Liezelotte's chair from behind when she went to rise, and push it back in when she moved from the table. There was little doubt Liezelotte would want to know where the dungeons were, but Isabell kept silent about that. While the Lady would be shown the grounds, Isabell would pay close attention as well. 'Should danger strike again, I must be ready to defend My Lady' she thought to herself, though she herself was also interested in the dungeon. Thoughts and fantasies began to surface in her mind, a slight blush forming on her otherwise emotionless face. Mental images of Liezelotte trapping her in a pillory, and whipping her from behind. Tying her down on a table and pulling on her length so hard that her middle section rose. Taking a burning hot candle and dripping the hot candle wax all over her breasts and genitals...

'I... I shouldn't get excited like this.' Isabell thought to herself, realizing she was getting both wet and hard. 'But still... The more horrible ways I think of in which my mistress will torture me, I just feel happier and happier knowing she will be focusing on me so intently.'
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Anael smiled politely as the two lesser demons attempted to up sell their positions. She had said cleaning crew and she had meant it. These two demons cleaned up the results of what happens when their fellows enjoyed their human servants too much. Still, it was cute to see the two try to pass themselves off as a higher class than they were. They even managed to bow like a proper servant would. Anael grinned as the two made their oaths to Lady Bachsmien, sure that Lieze would find something amusing for them to do.

It wasn't long before the dinner was finished and the lesser servants were clearing the table. While Anael had enjoyed the meal, she was quite ready to see what this mansion had to offer besides an impressive, if small, bath. As she stood, the angel had to take care to smooth out and arrange her skimpy dress lest she appear less than proper. Even breathing seemed to cause the fabric to pull away from her in the most inappropriate ways. She couldn't say anything, however, as complaining openly would be unbecoming of a servant of House Bachsmien. Instead, she simply stood stoically as she stifled a laugh at Isabell's clumsy attempts at helping Lady Liezelotte, and the demon warrior's futile attempts to hide her excitement.
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Liezelotte - HP = 56, PP = 47, EP = 91, Status = Fine
Isabell - HP = 102, PP = 46, EP = 46, Status = Fine
Anael - HP = 55, PP = 65, EP = 63/90, Status = Fine

"As you wish. If you'll please follow me..." At that the butler turned and headed for the door, and once Lieze and her followers were indeed following the spider girl pulled up at the rear in relative silence. "Before Lord Bachsmien arrived and annexed these lands this manse was actually a rather old but still quite sturdy fortress. The previous house that held it fell into some rough times, but even then the forces that remained were able to hold off your father's assault for a good few days. But he was a rather crafty creature, and he soon found the weakness in the stronghold's defenses and capitalized on it once he had the chance. Thankfully he saw fit to offer the steward a chance to surrender. I believe he realized that this fortress wouldn't properly function without the steward's presence."

By this point he led the group back to the front door, and there everyone could see the open windows as well as a few that had been shut and fortified. "I believe a demonstration would best convey my meaning." At that the man walked over toward one of the open windows, and as he did a faint pulse of spiritual exertion could be felt radiating from his hand. Said hand was then placed against the wall, and after a very brief moment a rather imposing slab of stone and mortar simply fell and replaced the pane of glass that was once there. A resounding thud echoed throughout the walls and floors once the shutter falls in place, and should anyone wish to try they would find that the window itself was now completely sealed. "The original architects were a bunch of artisans and alchemists, and there are a number of surprisingly intricate devices buried within every square inch of the house. It was a rather ingenious undertaking, but the cost of building the fort was nearly astronomical, and one needs an almost intimate knowledge of every system in order to work them. That's why this building is the only of its kind in the known world." A quick knock caused the shutter to rise back into the wall, and the glass once again appeared none the worse for wear.

With his little show out of the way the tour continued, Gerald supplying information wherever he could. And with the knowledge that this was once a fort it became rather obvious to see how the building had been repurposed. The soldier's barracks had been turned into the servants quarters, the mess hall obviously remade into the dining room, and what little space remained was transformed into whatever Lord Bachsmien had wanted at the time. Of note was the fact that there were no longer any open areas that would have been used as a training/practice ground, and Gerald confessed that Lieze's father had somehow managed to enclose the entire grounds under a single roof without compromising any of the defensive measures. Quite frankly it baffled the man at times.

But as the tour was winding down the butler took a turn down a rather unassuming hallway that held none of the pomp and circumstance of the rest of the house. A rather heavy wooden door lay closed at its end, and with the turn of a key and a slight push the door opened to reveal a stairwell that led down beneath the surface. "I believe there was some interest shown in our dungeon..." Another door was opened, this one even heavier than the last, and once it was opened a blast of cool and slightly stagnant air hit the group. And surprisingly this area didn't seem all that affected by all the changes that had been made. The cells still stood, a desk lay near the entrance for the gaoler no longer on duty, a small enclosed area to act as his office, and a few torches that were somehow lit as the only source of heat to fight back the rather pervasive cold that had quite the noticeable effect on Anael's barely covered body. But the sense of harshness one would expect in the average dungeon was somehow lost. The row of cells along one wall had been merged to make one grand storage room that held everything from toys and whips to outfits of varying tastes that would leave very little to even a blind man's imagination. The cells along the opposite wall still held their shackles, but they were now attached to a number of racks and holsters that would leave a body stretched in any number of enticing positions. And last but certainly not least was the pillory that sat at the very end of the hallway created by each row of cells. It sat out in the open in full glorious view of the dungeon master, and though it looked like any standard pillory a small lining had been added to ease at least some of the discomfort anyone placed within it would suffer. "This room hasn't seen much use as of late, or at least none that I know of, but we do keep every device in proper working order."
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

When all of the servants had gathered themselves from the table and were ready, Lieze would take lead of them all as the butler acted out his role as the guide. Since she had not been here before, it was a necessity to do so, and the Lady had no desire to walk around while she was unfamiliar with the place. It would be bad form for the owner of the house to not know her own castle, so taking the place in was a necessity in her mind. The demonstration about the defensive walls furthered this, since the need to operate these things would most likely come into play sooner or later. One would never know, with the ways of the aliens being so unpredictable. While the whole display was most likely necessary for her knowledge, it was still a bit boring even in all of it's impressiveness.

The other changes to the house after her father's takeover were mentioned too, some of them more visible in their current conditions than others along the tour. Eventually, it went into a the more interesting territory as they began to make way down the stairs, the dungeon making Lieze get a bit giddy with anticipation. There would be need for this place as early as later in the evening, so she wanted to see what could be found there. It would enable her to plan ahead. "Yes, there indeed was some of that. It will give me some idea towards what will be happening here later tonight." the Lady of the house restated her interest as they went down, the whole place showing itself as a good match to her expectations as the looked about the cells that had been converted to match the current climate a bit better. "Silly Father, I always knew you were a bit of a pervert..." she thought as the place revealed itself in all it's glory. It would be fun to have some pleasurable activities here.

After taking a closer look at some of the things, Lieze announced her desires towards the following time period. "I think I'll be taking a nap, a lady needs her beauty sleep."
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

After once more straightening out her revealing dress, Anael followed dutifully behind Lady Liezelotte and Gerald. As a faithful servant of the mistress, Anael would be expected to not only know her way around the mansion, but also know as much about it's features as any of those who served here. She was quite surprised by the revelation of the mansion's history and fortifications, and became quite intrigued by Gerald's explanations. "This is most impressive, Mister Gerald," the angel said, sincerely, while inspecting the wall and window that had been used for the display. "And you say the series of devices required for such a defense is rather complex?" she continued, "How many of those who serve here can operate these systems? Though you seem to know this mansion and it's devices quite well, I should hope we are not completely dependent on a single human for all of their operations." Staring rather pointedly at the man, she then asked, "And the steward was allowed to live, you say? Where is he now?"

As the tour continued, Anael took note of each and every room. It wouldn't do for a noble's servant to be lost in what may be their new residence. When they reached the dungeon, however, Anael's more serious study gave way to a wistful appreciation. The various devices, toys, and outfits had the angel smirking as she imagined how they had been used previously, as well as how they might come into use later. She shivered and wrapped her arms around herself, though whether it was due to the cold air or something less unwanted was not clear even to herself. Sidling smoothly over towards Isabell, the angel waited until Gerald had concluded his tour, then whispered with a glee, "See anything you like? Besides Lady Liezelotte, of course."
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

The workings of the surprisingly defensible little fortress were almost lost on Isabell. All she could make sense of is what each little feature did, and of course, who knew how to work them. The point Anael raised was one she had thought of as well. Such workings of the complex design were of great interest to Isabell, but as defensible as it was, it would be of little use to them if they could not work the intricate designs should the only man who knew them meet an unfortunate end. Just as Anael was, Isabell was carefully learning the layout of the structure. She offered no comment nor input that she would have, due to both her mistress and Anael saying what she was going to anyway. So, she silently followed along, staying just by Liezelotte's side, and a little behind as she always did. Out of view, but ready to protect on a moment's notice.

But then, they reached the dungeon...

Isabell could no longer hide her ever present excitement. Every single tool, she imagined Liezelotte using on her. Whipped, chained, toyed with on the pillory, everything she looked at was accompanied by a fantasy. But best of all, she could picture Liezelotte's happy expression. That was what truly made Isabell's head melt. Smiling, excited, and thrilled to be acting out her sadistic desires on Isabell, the demon knight felt a quite romantic thump beating in her chest; however, it was shattered when the fallen angel came close, and whispered to her. Her fantasies shattered, Isabell felt outraged to be taken from such wonderful thoughts. "I fancy only Liezelotte. Alone, these toys mean nothing." Isabell replied back to the whispering angel, before looking to Liezelotte and he declaration for a need to seek slumber.

"Shall I stand guard by your bed as I always do, my lady?" Isabell inquired.
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

"Hmm... what are those two doing... whispering like little girls?" Lieze pondered as she saw her servants talking between each other. Maybe it was Anael poking fun at Isabell again, this time deciding to keep it out from the public and simply teasing her warrior counterpart in a chat between the two. While she was not too delighted about such behaviours, the Lady let it go and left the two to their privacy. Only when Isabell broke up from the discussion and asked to guard her during sleep did the half-demoness speak up. "Of course, like you always do. Though I think you might benefit from a brief rest, I won't stop you from doing your job. Silly Isabell." she told the warrior, wanting to rest for a few hours before evening came in fully. Then it would be time to have fun with the oder demoness, in this very place.
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Liezelotte - HP = 56, PP = 47, EP = 91, Status = Fine
Isabell - HP = 102, PP = 46, EP = 46, Status = Fine
Anael - HP = 55, PP = 65, EP = 63/90, Status = Fine

Anael's questions seemed to ruffle a feather or two in the butler's appearance. They were quickly brushed back in place, but the way he reacted to the tone used in 'human' obviously showed that he had some pride. "He stands before you, Miss Anael. And I'm afraid to say that I'm currently the only one who can operate the defenses. Before the annexation it was passed from father to son, and usually the men of our line learn to become quite accomplished alchemists. But my son preferred artistry, and last I heard he went wandering off into the Pfitherean Jungle for inspiration. Even if he had stayed he showed no aptitude for alchemy, so I'm being forced to try and find someone else willing to spend years of their life becoming accustomed to all the intricacies found in the walls."

With the Mistress stating her wish for some rest Gerald simply bowed his head and waited until everyone was finished inspecting the equipment. He wordlessly turned and starting leading everyone back upstairs, and once the dungeon was closed once more the group found Mina standing around nervously while her eyes flitted back to the pleasure room's entrance from time to time. The butler gave her a rather puzzled look, but after that he simply stood back at attention a moment later. "Miss Mina, would you kindly escort the Mistress and her companions back to her room?" He didn't give any specific reason for it, but the girl looked more than willing to do so. "Yessir." At that point the man excused himself to deal with other business, and once he was gone the spider maid straightened up a bit and started leading them back.

On the way she started developing a nervous little fidget that didn't quite interfere with her duty, but after a bit she took a look behind her and tried to sound as quiet as a mouse. "My Lady?" She tried to gain Lieze's attention without alerting the others, but with Isabell hovering so close there was no chance the demon wouldn't hear what came next. "Have you...um...given any thought to your knight's request? The, uh, the one concerning me?" With the rather embarrassed blush on her face it was obvious that Mina herself had given it quite the consideration herself.
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

"Hmm, this will require some looking into. It's no good if we only have one person on the controls for these things..." Lieze pondered aloud as the defenses were discussed a bit further by Anael and the butler. Still, it was not a thing for the exact moment they were in, the need of a nap being more of a pressing matter. Thus, it was time to move onwards, which the group did. Gerald seemed to have other matters as he poked Mina to take them, or was actually enough of a gentleman to not barge into a lady's bedroom. Whatever the deal was, the semi-demoness didn't mind alll that much.

Along the way, the spidermaid brought another issue that had been previously talked about back to the table. While there were pllans of fun already brewing around Lieze's head about what might be done with Isabell, she had not forgotten about the request that had been made. Somehow getting the idea to her head, the lady decided to try if she could ride on Mina's back, since the spidermaid was pretty big on the lower body and she herself was not all that big a person. If it seemed to bother her too much, then Lieze would walk by herself, even if it was a bit dissappointing. "If you can get something out from her after I'm done with my fun, feel free to have some of your own." she replied, not trying to hide her words in any way.
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

The butler's reaction brought a slight grin to Anael's face. 'Just like Isabell, a little poke in the right place and that facade of discipline starts to crack,' she thought arrogantly. Still, the fact that the man had once been brought low by Lord Bachsmien was an interesting bit of information.

With their time in the dungeon ended, Anael followed obediently along with Lady Liezelotte, her face returning to it's calm pristine demeanor after the enjoyment she had found at Isabell and Gerald's expense. Her expression only changed when she heard the spider-girl's question, though with the maid's timid nature, she almost had missed it. "My, my Isabell," she said gleefully, one hand covering her smirk as she looked at the demon knight out of the corner of her eye, "It seems you will have quite the night ahead of you. A pity you won't have a chance to rest up so you can enjoy it fully." A soft giggle escaped the angel, before she said, "Oh, but enjoy is the wrong word. Do try to remember that it is punishment, yes?"
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Isabell flushed red at her lady's announcement. Of course Liezelotte would have pride in her abilities, but Isabell wouldn't want to be underestimated either. She wanted to seem reliable at all times, even in a situation like this. "My Lady! I will be able to satisfy your desires twofold! Time and time again I will be able to serve you with whatever you desire, this I swear once more, as I did when you were young." she announced with pride, and with a confident smile in the face of Liezelotte's intended torture. She knew Liezelotte would enjoy it, and Isabell would find all the willpower a living being could possibly manifest to ensure she would be able to satisfy her.

Of course, when Anael decided to contribute, Isabell once more reacted angrily from her constant teasing. "I am going to repay your impish behavior tenfold the very moment I have the opportunity." Isabell snarled at the angel.
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

"Promises, promises," Anael chided Isabell, her smirk deepening slightly before she turned back to face Liezelotte. Once again, the angel's demeanor took on the soft and calm expression of a servant as she faced the Lady. "If you've no further need of me, Mistress, then I believe I will retire as well. The days events have left me rather drained."
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

"I would expect no less from you, Isabell. And yes, you are free to retire to your own things, Anael. I will send for you if I need your presence later, in the dungeon." the lady of the house said as she dealt with the servants and their words. "And look up some clothes if you're not comfortable with those."
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Isabell let out a 'hmph' at the idea of Anael needing new clothes. "That slutty cloth suits the wretched imp." Isabell grumbled.
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Liezelotte - HP = 56, PP = 47, EP = 91, Status = Fine
Isabell - HP = 102, PP = 46, EP = 46, Status = Fine
Anael - HP = 55, PP = 65, EP = 63/90, Status = Fine

The poor little-but-not-really-all-that-little maid's cheeks turned a rather furious shade of pink once Lieze started to climb onto her back, but surprisingly enough those spidery legs bent and folded enough to give the lady an easier go of it. And once the woman was firmly in place she continued on, her steps not really changing all that much but somehow conveying a sense of pride at being used as such. Of course that did nothing to prevent the blush that still graced her face, and with Lieze's acceptance of Isabell's request it only grew a shade brighter. "I shall try, my Lady."

The rest of the trip the girl only listened while she acted as Lady Bachsmien's steed, but just before they reached the Master Bedroom she stopped at another door. This was soon opened, and another bedroom was revealed. "The retainer's room." Considering that it sat right next the the Master's Room it seemed rather small and quaint, but cramped as it seemed by comparison there was still plenty of room for Anael and another of her former sisters to stretch their wings out in comfort. The decor itself wasn't all that impressive, but there was a certain subdued taste that complemented the extravagance next door. "There is another further down and across the hall. Please feel free to take whichever you choose." And since they were the exact same it was merely a matter of preference where the angel wished to stay.

When it came time to enter Lieze's room the maid simply let herself in as she bore her rider to the bed, and once there she bent down a bit to allow Liezelotte to simply climb from her back and onto the sheets. No need to step on the floor at all. With Lieze chose to do so or not was her own right. "Do... Do you require anything else, Mistress?"
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

The attempt to ride the spidermaid proved to be a success, and Lieze found herself a new activity to enjoy in case the life around here got boring, which just might be an occurence that happens in the future. Mina's eight-legged stride didn't seem to break any as the small-figured part-demoness took her place, and it was all good from there. After Anael got to the door of the room she was to be housed in, the group carried onwards, to find their way back to Lieze's bedroom where it would be time for her to catch a nap before the evening's events would take place. While she did roll away to the bed in a pretty carefree manner, the lady still took off her shoes before settling into the middle of the bed for her few hours of naptime, patting Mina on the head aong the way. She didn't need to cover up or anything, it was fine just like that since she was still in her dress. And if it looked to be uncomfortable to her, surely Isabell would correct that as she stood guard nearby. "Not really... you are free to do your other things." Lieze told the spidermaid, dismissing her for now before turning her focus into getting a few hours of rest.
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Upon being shown the room she would be staying in, Anael stopped at the door and bowed her head in thanks to the spider-maid. Turning to Liezelotte, the angel said politely, "Very well, Mistress. If you've need of me I await your call." Anael said nothing in response to Isabell's comments, though she did straighten out her posture slightly, while running her hands over the racy dress' fabric once again. "While this dress may be less than appropriate for a servant of my station, it is quite comfortable." Turning to give a meaningful glance at Mina, Anael added, "I am sure that more suitable attire will be made available for me tomorrow, as has been offered."

With the pleasantries ended, Anael gave one last bow to Lieze before entering the room. While it was by no means as extravagant and luxurious as the Master Bedroom, the Retainer's Room was still quite nice by the angel's standards. She spent some time looking over the decor, smiling as she imagined herself as the mistress of a manor, commanding her servants to do all sorts of humiliating and naughty things. Stifling a giggle at the thought of how she would tease Isabell (and perhaps, even Liezelotte) in such a situation, the angel moved over to one of the beds. Small and plain in comparison to a noble's accoutrements, it was nonetheless a blessing to the angel. After carefully removing the thin dress, Anael fell onto it, spreading her limbs wide and allowing her tail to swish back and forth on the soft fabric between her legs. With a sigh and a smile she allowed herself to relax, eager to get rest after what had been an eventful day.
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Isabell kept her head turned away from Anael, not wanting to give the angel anymore attention than Isabell thought she deserved. And so she followed her mistress into her room, and took a spot next to her bed, leaning against the wall. No matter how tired her body was, or how she longed for sleep, for the sake of her mistress, she would find the willpower to remain ever watchful so that no threat would near her mistress so long as she remained on guard. Folding her arms under her chest, Isabell leaned against the wall where she'd remain for hours, without sleep. Previously, she would manage to capture some desperately needed sleep while her mistress was under the protection of her father, or other guards whom Isabell trusted almost intimately so that there was no doubt in her mind that Liezelotte was safe. Now, without such protections, Isabell would suffer as much as she needed to for her beloved mistress.

If Mina ever regarded Isabell, the blond demon would offer the arachnid a friendly smile to assure the spidergirl that she was liked. Either way, her place was to remain by Liezelotte's side, and to unfailingly keep guard and to... Stay... Awake...