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RPG [Kの創作部屋] 乙女神物語~リフィのカラッパ島奮闘記~ (RJ086550)

Re: virgin island

As far as i can recall, all that's left is the last dungeon. It's coming.

It's a bit more than that, totally forgot to do the night time port town scenes and some of the scripts. BUT that being said, you're right, it's soon.

Very soon infact. It'll probably be next sunday. Note I said probably, give or take a few days.
Re: virgin island

It's a bit more than that, totally forgot to do the night time port town scenes and some of the scripts. BUT that being said, you're right, it's soon.

Very soon infact. It'll probably be next sunday. Note I said probably, give or take a few days.

You are a god of translating! :D
Re: virgin island

I wish! Just a guy with a lot of time on his hands.

That can be said of everyone here, but it's really uncommon for someone to spend that time for something productive. :)
Re: virgin island

That can be said of everyone here, but it's really uncommon for someone to spend that time for something productive. :)

What! Shining our rod isn't being productive? What have I done with my life... :rolleyes:
Re: virgin island

That sounds reasonable.
On a related note: i don't think many here would have the knack to make sense of the gibberish the translation machines spit out half of the time. If i work with ATLAS for more than an hour or so I want to drink myself retarded just to forget said hour.
So thanks Monkeyman, I'm impressed as hell. :D
Re: virgin island

That sounds reasonable.
On a related note: i don't think many here would have the knack to make sense of the gibberish the translation machines spit out half of the time. If i work with ATLAS for more than an hour or so I want to drink myself retarded just to forget said hour.
So thanks Monkeyman, I'm impressed as hell. :D

To be fair, that's how I feel when translating this game :L

It's especially bad for colloquial terms, which confuses the fuck out of any machine translator, it's resulted in a few heavily edited lines, it still gets the point across though.

Also, I took the liberty of fixing the Fortune Teller to actually give some useful information instead of just "Go to this town" it now gives a very subtle hint such as at the start "Talk to the towns people, their might be something interesting at the hospital" stuff like that. Doesn't make it too easy but makes it a bit more useful at least.
Re: virgin island

To be fair, that's how I feel when translating this game :L

It's especially bad for colloquial terms, which confuses the fuck out of any machine translator, it's resulted in a few heavily edited lines, it still gets the point across though.

Also, I took the liberty of fixing the Fortune Teller to actually give some useful information instead of just "Go to this town" it now gives a very subtle hint such as at the start "Talk to the towns people, their might be something interesting at the hospital" stuff like that. Doesn't make it too easy but makes it a bit more useful at least.

What you don't like the classic rpg, super vague, "Go west" clues? lol. Thanks though, I never used her for advice anyway just to see the different dialogs. As vague as she is, she's still more precise than some rpgs I've played. (That go west part was actually a "hint" in a game I played."
Re: virgin island

What you don't like the classic rpg, super vague, "Go west" clues? lol. Thanks though, I never used her for advice anyway just to see the different dialogs. As vague as she is, she's still more precise than some rpgs I've played. (That go west part was actually a "hint" in a game I played."

I honestly think thats what put me off about this game, it was so fucking hard to figure out what to do.

I normally wouldn't change anythign an author's done but I asked around, most people said she was pretty useless so I came up with vague but (hopefully) useful hints.
Re: virgin island

Does anyone have any news about whether the creator is making a new game? :) This was definitely in my top 3 RPG games of all time.
Re: virgin island

Check KCreateRooms blog. .

Or in other words, he is working on a new game.
Re: virgin island

Y is that DQ character so popular?
Re: virgin island

Because DQ is popular in Japan, and everyone save the Hero of Dragon Quest III (where you see a lot of DQ porn of) was just a big blank slate that you gave a name to (that particular girl is the soldier). This meant personality wise they could be whatever you wanted.

That said, those pictures aren't previews of his next game, just some old art he did before Virgin Island was a thing.
Re: virgin island

This ^

Just put it like this, they're as big in the east as Tifa was in the west. Tifa is pretty much everywhere, multiple times.

That's a cleaver way to put it! :D
Re: virgin island

New update on the hxxp://kcreateroom.blog.fc2.com/ website about the new game. Map previews mostly but google translate seems tell me that one of the last paragraphs states that this time it'll be a male main character...
Re: virgin island

New update on the hxxp://kcreateroom.blog.fc2.com/ website about the new game. Map previews mostly but google translate seems tell me that one of the last paragraphs states that this time it'll be a male main character...
It's not a good news except if it's a gender bender game.
Re: virgin island

New update on the hxxp://kcreateroom.blog.fc2.com/ website about the new game. Map previews mostly but google translate seems tell me that one of the last paragraphs states that this time it'll be a male main character...

He did also say in the last post that it'll be party based, it's possible the male character is just there for the fights and anything else involves girls in your party.
Re: virgin island

Eh, as long as the artwork stays solid and the gameplay isn't atrocious i can swallow quite a few story issues. Lets not forget that in this kind of game the story is powered by moon logic either way.
and if that doesn't convince you: since Monkeyman likely won't touch another translation with a 10ft pole for quite some time to come, the mere mortals like us likely wont have much of a clue what is happening beyond "and then they had sex, or whatever you call that mess".
Re: virgin island

He did also say in the last post that it'll be party based, it's possible the male character is just there for the fights and anything else involves girls in your party.

oh i hope not. personally i prefer a rance like character instead of someone weak who get his girls ntred.

should we start a new thread for his new game instead of flooding this one?