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Chloe's Ranch (Ranger Princess)

Re: Chloe's Ranch (Ranger Princess)

Chloe was happy that the bunnygirl seemed to take to her better now, but that old lady was annoying her. She was just a puny human after all. Maybe it was time to teach her a lesson.

Frowning, Chloe took a swig of her sake and straightened up, walking toward the old lady, holding her flask over her shoulder and fiddling with one of her horns with her finger. She looked down at the woman with her big purple eyes.

"Would ya like to say that again to my face ma'am?"
Re: Chloe's Ranch (Ranger Princess)

The woman, seeing Chloe approach, showed no fear as she held up a frying pan to the oni, "Come any closer and I'll hit ya with this pan! Don't think I won't hit you because you're some mamono!" the woman shouted.
Re: Chloe's Ranch (Ranger Princess)

Chloe stopped and smiled widely. "You're gonna hit me with that puny thing? You really are a funny lady..." The oni set her flask of sake down, approaching the woman still, pretty much daring her to attack.

She moved slower than before, ready to block and to try to disarm the woman with her hopefully superior strength!
Re: Chloe's Ranch (Ranger Princess)

As Chloe set off towards the lady, she would hear a sudden, scolding voice from behind. "Stop, Chloe! For the ancient spirit's sake!" shouted Ruji, who was standing next to a woman with white hair.

"I see you've picked out the most impressionable of your tribe to become a Rancher," the woman said to Ruji, who looked literally stabbed and embarrassed by the woman's words. "Hello Chloe," the white haired woman greeted the blue oni. "Do you mind explaining why you're invading that woman's property?"
Re: Chloe's Ranch (Ranger Princess)

Chloe froze when she heard Ruji's shout from behind her, decades of clan traditions conditioning her response. She felt embarrassed that Ruji was embarrassed about her behavior. For a few short moments, her blue face turned fuchsia. Chloe had other instincts too though about what was the right thing to do and a sharp Blue Oni mind to back it up, so her face turned back to a respectable blue/purple shade.

"I'm sorry Chiefta, and I'm sorry too to bother you miss. I didn't get your name. But this lady here threatened to kill that little wererabbit there." Chloe said, pointing to the bunnygirl. "Just because she had a little piece a land, doesn't mean she can just go around threatening to mutilate little bunnies! At least that's what I think. I was just defending her. It's what happens to bullies when they finally come across someone who's bigger than they are."

Chloe seemed confident with her response, but maybe she didn't know enough about human "society." She glanced back and forth between the woman with white hair and Ruji hesitantly.
Re: Chloe's Ranch (Ranger Princess)

The white haired woman seemed a little surprised. "Don't know me...?" she asked in confusion, as if she did not expect that.

"Chloe... And the rest of my clan are from parts of the land beyond the travel of news and information, far into the wilderness." Ruji calmly answered.

The white hair woman nodded. "I don't recall your last location being that far out. I apologize, Chloe, my name is Venice. I'm the head authority that all here who inhabit these lands respect. And under such authority, I do kindly request that you leave this woman, however cranky she may be, alone." Venice said calmly to Chloe, before suddenly turning to the rabbit, who was hiding in a bush after Chloe stepped forward towards the lady with the frying pan. "And you there, you're wanted for several charges of invading human property, and sexually harassing human women. I think you know what it is you have to do now, little rabbit." Venice announced.

From Venice's words, the rabbit girl slowly came out, and gingerly approached Chloe, clearly nervous. "U-um... If... If it'd be alright... I want to become your partner for ranching..." she quietly requested.

Venice nodded with a smile. "You should know as well, the responsibilities you are undertaking. If she continues these bad habits, you will be responsible, understand?"
Re: Chloe's Ranch (Ranger Princess)

Chloe nodded. "Yes of course Miss Head Authority Venice." But in her mind Chloe was thinking that this Venice woman needed a serious spanking! The blue oni didn't much like people that condoned death threats and bullying.

She smiled widely when the wererabbit requested to ranch with her. That's what Chloe had been trying to accomplish after all. The blue oni pulled the bunny girl against her side, draping her arm around her shoulders. "We're going to be great partners!"

Then Chloe turned to gaze at Venice with her purple eyes. "Yes, Miss Venice. I take my duties very seriously. I'm a blue oni after all. She'll learn to be just like a mamono should be with me!"
Re: Chloe's Ranch (Ranger Princess)

"Don't look at me as if I'm an executioner or a tyrant." Venice said with a slight bit of irritation on her voice. "It's my job to ensure my city remains a peaceful and happy place. If a bunch of angry members of the human population gathered before me and told tales of a vicious blue oni that attacked a woman in her cottage, they would expect me to punish you severely. This town nor myself needs that kind of chaos, alright?" she requested of Chloe casually, a hand on her hip, as if asking a favor of Chloe.

"Listen to Venice, Chloe," Ruji insisted. "Work with her, it will only be to your benefit. She takes care of the Ranchers here and ensures they have the chance to do well. If my word isn't enough, food and drink for Ranchers is provided for free. That includes saki, understand? You're getting free saki from Venice, isn't she a nice lady?"
Re: Chloe's Ranch (Ranger Princess)

Chloe wondered if she had a weird look on her face because as far as she knew she wasn't looking at Venice weird. She tried to smile wider, hoping that would help offset whatever accusatory expression she had. Yes...yes a very non tyrannical accusing expression... the blue oni thought to herself.

When Ruji said to "listen to Venice" Chloe whispered poutily, "I am...," but at the mention of free saki, her big purple eyes lit up with excitement. The blue oni looked back and forth between Ruji and Venice before crying out. "Wow! Really?!?" She rushed forward, scooping up Venice in a huge blue oni hug that lifted her right off the ground! "That's amazing!"
Re: Chloe's Ranch (Ranger Princess)

Venice let out a small gesture of surprise when the blue oni was suddenly lunging forth to scoop her off the ground and hug her. Despite Chloe's crushing strength, Venice didn't seem bothered. In fact, after a moment, she struggled a bit, before managing to flex her arms, and part Chloe's grip enough for her to drop back to the ground. For her to have done that so easily, Chloe would be able to clearly tell that Venice was hiding intense strength behind her small frame.

"Yes, really." Venice replied calmly, not seeming too bothered by Chloe's antics. "Ranchers and their mamono are allowed to enjoy themselves, and are encouraged to. But remember, irresponsibility could very well cost you your privileges of a Rancher." Venice reminded Chloe carefully. "Please drink responsibly."
Re: Chloe's Ranch (Ranger Princess)

Chloe didn't seem bothered by Venice's display of strength, but she did notice it. She must not be a human! She decided not to comment on it though and just smiled. Too risky.

"Well thank ya Miss Venice! It's been nice meeting you and nice seeing you again Chiefta. But... I have rancher duties to attend to. And like I said before, I'm the responsibilest!"

The blue oni winked, pulling the wererabbit close, and started pulling her along toward the town. "We should really get you some clothes! Oh and I never got your name... I'm Chloe. Guess it's obvious by now, haha."

Then suddenly, Chloe halted to a stop and called back to Venice and Ruji. "Hey... sorry umm... but where's my ranch?!"
Re: Chloe's Ranch (Ranger Princess)

"That's what I'm here for." Venice replied simply. "I'm here to show you to your Ranch and get you started on how to ranch properly. Of course, if you think you don't need my help, I can just show you to your Ranch and let that be that."

"I don't really like clothes..." the bunny replied to Chloe. "And... I don't really have a name..." she replied a bit shyly, squeaking and pushing against Chloe a bit when she was pulled to her.

"Chloe, that is a wild rabbit." Ruji announced. "It's not civilized."
Re: Chloe's Ranch (Ranger Princess)

"You don't have a name?" Chloe looked shocked. "Well we should get you one then!" As she walked back to Venice and Ruji, she gave the latter a look. "That doesn't mean she can't or shouldn't be Chiefta!"

"Okay... but is there clothes there? I don't want my bunny running around naked. She could catch a cold!"
Re: Chloe's Ranch (Ranger Princess)

"I-I'm fine!" the rabbit insisted, flailing at Chloe.

Venice let out a patient sigh in the meanwhile. "Please follow me, this way." she announced, turning, and walking, with Ruji remaining at her side.
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Re: Chloe's Ranch (Ranger Princess)

Chloe petted at the wererabbit's ears as she followed Venice (Valencia?). The blue oni smiled nurturingly. "Don't be silly.. you'll be even more fine once you're wrapped up in cozy clothes. In the meantime, you should really have a name... how about... Trixy?"

Silly rabbit, Trix are for kids
Re: Chloe's Ranch (Ranger Princess)


"Noooo!" the rabbit complained, "I'll be Trixy as long as I don't have to wear clothes!" she complained.

"It's not uncommon for some mamono to nude. Why not let her off the hook?" Venice suggested.
Re: Chloe's Ranch (Ranger Princess)

(haha, it's okay. I was just confuzzled).

Chloe frowned but relented, playing around with Trixy's ears, making them flop back and forth.

"Okay fine Trixy... for now... If you're a bad girl, you're getting clothes on you faster than you can say "fluffy!" though!"
Re: Chloe's Ranch (Ranger Princess)

Trixy's ears folded down in fear of such punishment. "Okay..." she agreed with a gloomy nod.

And then, one time skip later, Venice took Chloe to her ranch. It was rather beat up, and abandoned looking. The vegetation was overgrown, and Chloe could even see some naughty tentacles about. But thankfully, there was a clear path to the house, and the rather sophisticated looking barn to the side. Rather, it looked more like an apartment for mamono.

"Welcome to your Ranch. Everyone starts with one like this, but it's better than nothing, right? And it's free." Venice announced.
Re: Chloe's Ranch (Ranger Princess)

Chloe looked skeptically around, especially giving a weird look in the direction of the tentacles, but she managed a smile. It was an opportunity to get better!

"Ummm yeah. I'll have it in tip-top shape in no time! Is there anything else I need before getting started?" Chloe asked as she started making her way toward the ranch.

"Look Trixy, doesn't your apartments look awesome??"
Re: Chloe's Ranch (Ranger Princess)

Venice nodded. "You should begin with deciding what to feed your mamono. As their trainer, you should decide a good diet for them." Venice said, before handing Chloe a list.

Food List!
Name | Cost
Potato | 10
Some monsters like it, but it's not very popular.
Milk | 50
Intended for smaller monsters, it tastes very good, but is not very filling.
Fish | 100
Main source of food for most monsters.
Cup Jelly | 150
High in nutrition, and taste. Great for busy monsters to keep them happy, and comes in a variety of flavors for all tastes.
Meat | 300
High quality, delicious meat. Monsters higher up in the food chain prefer this on frequent intervals.
Golden Apple | 500
Food provided by the most powerful tree of magic, said to have grown near the earth spirit gnome herself. Ancient and powerful mamono races often dine on this rare treat.

"Once you've done that for the beginning of the week, you should decide whether to train your mamono or spend your week doing something else, completely of your own choice. You might want to help another IMA member with something and better your relationship with them for example." Venice suggested. "But for now, why don't you train Trixy? I'll be back next week to help you learn how to fight with Trixy."

(Available training and the schedule for use is present in the first post of this thread, along with a little other information you might find useful.)